58 research outputs found

    Franchir les frontières scolaires, franchir les frontières identitaires ? De l’école anglaise vers l’université francophone au Québec

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    Les anglophones du Québec ont toujours constitué une minorité démographique. Or, ce n’est que dans les années 1970 que ce groupe commence à se percevoir comme une minorité linguistique. Alors que la « communauté » anglophone continue aujourd’hui de faire partie des « référents imaginés » du Québec, qu’en est-il exactement des acteurs sociaux qui la composent et qui contribuent eux aussi à la construction du social et des identités québécoises? L’école de langue anglaise, constituant l’un des principaux vecteurs permettant la préservation (ou la création) d’un sentiment d’appartenance au groupe anglophone, remplit-elle ce rôle de socialisation à une appartenance collective? Par une approche constructiviste et interactionniste de la formation des identités, cet article traite du rôle de l’école de langue anglaise dans le processus de construction identitaire des jeunes adultes. Il porte spécifiquement sur la formation de l’identité chez les jeunes adultes qui ont effectué une « traversée des frontières scolaires » – chez les jeunes qui sont passés de l’école secondaire anglaise vers l’université francophone. Par une analyse de 10 entretiens qualitatifs, nous abordons l’expérience sociale et identitaire que retiennent les jeunes issus de l’école anglaise après avoir effectué une mobilité linguistique scolaire, c’est-à-dire après leur passage de l’école anglaise vers l’université francophone (et donc vers de nouveaux rapports d’altérité). Le principal résultat de recherche est le suivant : l’expérience de l’école de langue anglaise dans un Québec majoritairement francophone constituera toujours, chez les jeunes que nous avons interrogés, un repère de leur construction identitaire – un repère duquel ils se rapprocheront ou se distancieront au cours de leur trajectoire biographique.Quebec anglophones have always been a demographic minority, but it was only during the 1970s that they began to perceive themselves as a linguistic minority. While the English “community” continues to be one of the basic components of the “Quebec image”, who exactly are the social actors who make it up and who contribute to the construction of Quebec society and identity? Do Quebec English schools, one of the principal vehicles that allow the perpetuation (or the creation) of a sense of belonging, fulfil a role as socializers in the construction of a collective consciousness? Using a constructivist and interactional approach to the formation of identity, this article looks at the role of English schools in young adults’ identity construction. More specifically, it concentrates on the formation of an identity of young adults who have “crossed academic boundaries”, that is, who have gone from English secondary education to university in French. We analyze, through ten in-depth, the social and identity experiences of young people who have gone through the English school system and have opted for linguistic academic mobility, that is, from English secondary schooling to a French university (and thus toward a new experience of differences). The preliminary conclusions indicate that the experience of English schooling within the context of a French speaking majority in Quebec acts as a frame of reference for the young people we interviewed, which is invoked more or less often according to their life choices

    Identité et rétention chez les anglophones de Québec : un changement générationnel

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    Depuis 1970, le déclin démographique du Québec anglais s’explique principalement par l’émigration hors Québec. Comment expliquer les migrations des Anglo-Québécois ? Les recherches antérieures se sont principalement penchées sur l’« exode » et sur les Anglo-Montréalais. Cet article vise plutôt à mieux comprendre ce qui retient les anglophones de la ville de Québec dans la province. L’analyse typologique de 18 entrevues qualitatives mène à la conclusion suivante : même si d’autres facteurs expliquent ce qui retient les anglophones de Québec, l’identité est au coeur de l’explication de leur rétention. Une étude générationnelle a permis d’observer les changements migratoires et identitaires s’opérant au sein de la communauté anglophone de Québec.Since 1970, the demographic decline of Québec Anglophones has mainly been due to emigration outside of Québec. How are the migrations of Anglo-Québecers to be explained ? Past research has mainly focused on the “exodus” and on Anglo-Montrealers. This paper instead aims to build a better understanding what keeps Québec City’s Anglophones in the Province. The typological analysis of 18 qualitative interviews leads to the following conclusion : although there are other factors explaining what retains the Anglophones of Québec City, identity is at the core of what accounts for their retention. A generational study has enabled us to study the changes linked to identity and migration within the Anglophone community of Québec City

    L’expérience sociale des institutions scolaires : construire son identité linguistique au fil de la transition à l’enseignement supérieur

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    Rather than using the classical view generally embraced by the field of sociology of education – that is equity in educational chances and mechanisms of social reproduction, this article analyses the construction of linguistic identity among young adults during their school and mobility pathways. The results obtained from this qualitative research (N=33) demonstrate that the transition to higher education influences the construction of linguistic identity of young adults who previously attended a minority linguistic school in Canada – and this is mainly due to the new relationships to otherness that the transition to higher education involves. Using a micro sociological and constructivist approach, the article draws a parallel between the objective pathways (school and mobility transitions) and the subjective pathways (construction of linguistic identity) of young adults by analysing their life story with a diachronic approach. Although some researchers have evoked the decline of the school institution (Dubet, 2002), this article reveals that the social experience of school leaves a mark on life pathways.    PlutĂ´t que d’emprunter la lecture classique que propose gĂ©nĂ©ralement la sociologie de l’éducation – celle de l’égalitĂ© des chances et des mĂ©canismes de reproduction sociale –, cet article analyse la construction identitaire linguistique des jeunes adultes au fil de leurs parcours scolaires et de mobilitĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats d’une recherche qualitative (N=33) permettent de constater que la transition Ă  l’enseignement supĂ©rieur, de par les diffĂ©rents rapports d’altĂ©ritĂ© qu’elle engendre, module la construction identitaire des jeunes issus d’un milieu scolaire linguistique minoritaire au Canada. C’est par une approche microsociologique et constructiviste que nous croisons les parcours objectifs (transitions scolaires, de mobilitĂ©) et subjectifs (construction identitaire linguistique) des jeunes en analysant leur rĂ©cit de vie de manière diachronique. Bien que certains chercheurs aient Ă©voquĂ© la thèse du dĂ©clin de l’institution scolaire (Dubet, 2002), l’analyse montre que l’expĂ©rience sociale de l’école laisse une empreinte sur les parcours de vie. &nbsp

    Post-Secondary Pathways among Second-Generation Immigrant Youth of Haitian Origin in Quebec

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    The aim of this article is to develop a better understanding of the educational pathways experienced by Haitian youth in Montreal when it comes to their post-secondary studies. The qualitative analysis of their life stories within the educational and learning pathways framework (Doray, 2011) reveals an assortment of pathways. Many are characterized by various sources of constraint (financial, institutional, social) and negative experiences with guidance counsellors during the transition to post-secondary studies. Perceiveddiscrimination and racism also emerge as significant themes in the students’ discourses. In conclusion, future research and intervention strategies are suggested

    “I didn’t know what to do, where to go”: The voices of students whose parents were born in Latin America on the need for care in Quebec universities

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    This qualitative study reports the university experiences of Quebec students whose parents were born in Latin America. The analysis, which looks at students who have either persisted in school or discontinued their studies, underscores the importance of cultural capital and, especially, an understanding of the student craft for school retention. The students report a low sense of affiliation with the university, and a perceived lack of support and care from the university and its social actors. Our interpretation of the data highlights self-blame for the challenges faced in university concurrently with the implementation of strategies to meet the challenges of the institution. We conclude by emphasizing how important it is for universities to support students better, adequately inform them about their options and the institution’s inner workings, and form a community with students in a spirit of care.Cette étude qualitative relate des expériences universitaires d’étudiants québécois dont les parents sont nés en Amérique latine. L’analyse, qui porte sur les étudiantes qui ont persévéré ou interrompu leurs études, souligne l’importance du capital culturel et, surtout, de la compréhension du métier d’étudiant pour la persévérance scolaire. Les étudiantes rapportent un faible sentiment d’affiliation à l’université et un manque perçu de soutien et de soin de la part de l’université et de ses acteurs sociaux. Notre interprétation des données met en vidence une autoculpabilisation pour les défis rencontrés à l’université en même temps que la mise en oeuvre de stratégies pour relever les défis de l’institution. Nous concluons en soulignant à quel point il est important pour les universités de mieux soutenir les étudiantes, de les informer adéquatement sur leurs options et le fonctionnement interne de l’institution et de former une communauté avec les étudiantes dans un esprit de soin

    The construction of the racialized Other in the educational sphere: The stories of students with immigrant backgrounds in Montréal

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    This paper presents the results of an empirical study of social relations from a critical race theory perspective crossed with the sociology of the life course. The objective of our study was to understand how social relations in Quebec’s educational sphere, specifically in high school, construct fixed categories of racialized students in university. With the aim of discovering the underlying process of racialization of the students of racial backgrounds in educative sphere, the study analyzes the self-reported relational experiences of 10 university students with immigrant backgrounds in MontrĂ©al. Based on a narrative inquiry, the analysis of the retrospective life story interviews allowed to explain the complexity of the process of racialization in two categories of “complete racialization” and “incomplete racialization.” In the “completed racialization” category, negotiating domination relationships results in the construction of a racialized Other. In the “incomplete racialization” category, the construction process is in progress. Our study has shown that social relations in high school contribute to the construction of fixed Black and Latinx racialized groups. Interpersonal relationships at school play a role in the racialization of students with immigrant backgrounds, and, although limited in scope, persistence in school may be a reversal strategy for their experiences of racism

    Educational issues and identity positioning among students enrolled in an English school board in Québec : a case study of three regions

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    Ce rapport a été présenté au Ministère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur du Québec le 31 août 2018.Également disponible en version originale française : http://hdl.handle.net/1866/21219INTRODUCTION ; THE ROLE OF THE ENGLISH-LANGUAGE SCHOOL ON YOUTH IDENTITY PATHWAYS ;ACADEMIC SUCCESS AND IDENTITY PROCESS IN THE QUÉBEC MINORITY MILIEU ; PRESENTATION OF THE STUDY REPORT SECTIONS ; CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ; KEY CONCEPTS ; METHODOLOGY ; SECTION I: PRESENTATION OF THE STUDY’S SELECTED SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTS ; JAMIE-DAVID SCHOOL IN THE GASPÉSIE-ÎLES-DE-LA-MADELEINE-CÔTE-NORD ; Jamie-David School ; Jamie-David School participant profile ; Major challenges at Jamie-David School ; Academic success and future plans ; The rapport between languages and linguistic communities in Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine-Côte-Nord ; Youth identity at Jamie-David School ; Conclusion ; LLOYD-BRASSEUR SCHOOL IN L’OUTAOUAIS ; Lloyd-Brasseur School ; Lloyd-Brasseur School participant profile ; Major challenges at Lloyd-Brasseur School Academic success and future plans ; The rapport between languages and linguistic communities in l’Outaouais ; Youth identity at Lloyd-Brasseur School ; Conclusion ; PAUL-UNDERHILL IN L’ESTRIE ; Paul-Underhill School ; Paul-Underhill School participant profile ; Major challenges at Paul-U ; Youth identity at Paul-Underhill School ; Conclusion ; SECTION II: TRANSVERSAL FINDINGS OF THE THREE STUDY REGIONS ; LANGUAGE RAPPORT ; Rapport with French ; Rapport with English ; Rapport with French-English bilingualism ; Conclusion ; RAPPORT WITH QUÉBEC FRANCOPHONE AND ANGLOPHONE COMMUNITIES ; Rapport with the francophone community ; Rapport with the anglophone community ; Conclusion ; YOUTH FEELINGS OF BELONGING, POSITIONING AND IDENTIFICATION ; Linguistic identities ; National or territorial allegiances ; Other significant allegiances ; Conclusion ; SUCCESS IN ENGLISH-LANGUAGE HIGH SCHOOL IN QUÉBEC ; High school graduation ; Success in French ; Pursuing post-secondary studies ; Future plans ; Academic success and self-identification of youth attending an English-language school ; Conclusion ; RECOMMENDATIONS ; Avenues for intergroup rapprochement ; Approaches to enable the deconstruction of the idealized “native French-speaker” ; Rethinking streams that produce imbalanced success in French ; BIBLIOGRAPHY ; APPENDIX 1: ETHICS CERTIFICATE – UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL ; APPENDIX 2: INTERVIEW GUIDE – STUDENTS (ENGLISH AND FRENCH) ; APPENDIX 3: INTERVIEW GUIDE – PARENTS (ENGLISH AND FRENCH) ; APPENDIX 4: INTERVIEW GUIDE - SCHOOL STAFF (ENGLISH AND FRENCH) ; APPENDIX 5: SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE – STUDENTS (ENGLISH AND FRENCH) ; APPENDIX 6: SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE – PARENTS (ENGLISH AND FRENCH) ; APPENDIX 7: SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE - SCHOOL STAFF (ENGLISH AND FRENCH) ; APPENDIX 8: CONSENT FORM – STUDENTS (ENGLISH AND FRENCH) ; APPENDIX 9: CONSENT FORM – PARENTS (ENGLISH AND FRENCH) ; APPENDIX 10: CONSENT FORM – SCHOOL STAFF (ENGLISH AND FRENCH

    Análise comparativa e crítica dos padrões de competência para diretores de escolas: Em uma perspectiva inclusiva e de equidade no Quebec

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    This article presents the results of a comparative and critical study of the competency standards of Québec school administrators compared with seven other education systems within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). An inductive-type analysis has made it possible to identify the social categories targeted in the standards, the vision of school leaders as well as the competencies that are likely to help advance educational and societal goals of equity, inclusion, and social justice. Three contrasting perspectives emerge from this analysis. In Australia, California, and the United States, principals are explicitly encouraged to take action against structures and practices that undermine the educational success and social recognition of minority groups. In British Columbia and New Zealand, statements about social diversity focus more on the transformation of individual practices. Finally, in the standards of England, Texas and Québec, only a few generic statements referring to the differentiated needs of students and their success have been identified. They are instead characterized by a managerial approach oriented toward results that are measurable and cost controlled. In conclusion, a more in-depth analysis of the Québec standards opens the door to a new competency model and recommendations.Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio comparativo y crítico de los estándares de competencia de los administradores escolares de Québec en comparación con otros siete sistemas educativos dentro de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE). Un análisis de tipo inductivo ha permitido identificar las categorías sociales a las que se dirigen los estándares, la visión de los líderes escolares y las competencias que pueden ayudar a avanzar en los objetivos educativos y sociales de equidad, inclusión y justicia social. Tres perspectivas contrastantes emergen de este análisis. En Australia, California y los Estados Unidos, se anima explícitamente a los directores a tomar medidas contra las estructuras y prácticas que socavan el éxito educativo y el reconocimiento social de los grupos minoritarios. En Columbia Británica y Nueva Zelanda, las declaraciones sobre diversidad social se centran más en la transformación de las prácticas individuales. Finalmente, en los estándares de Inglaterra, Texas y Quebec, solo se han identificado unas pocas declaraciones genéricas que se refieren a las necesidades diferenciadas de los estudiantes y su éxito. En cambio, se caracterizan por un enfoque gerencial orientado hacia resultados que son medibles y controlados por los costos. En conclusión, un análisis más profundo de los estándares de Québec abre la puerta a un nuevo modelo de competencia y recomendaciones.Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo comparativo e crítico dos padrões de competência dos administradores das escolas de Quebec, em comparação com outros sete sistemas de ensino da Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE). Uma análise do tipo indutivo tornou possível identificar as categorias sociais direcionadas nos padrões, a visão dos líderes das escolas, bem como as competências que provavelmente ajudarão a avançar as metas educacionais e sociais de equidade, inclusão e justiça social. Três perspectivas contrastantes emergem dessa análise. Na Austrália, Califórnia e Estados Unidos, os diretores são explicitamente incentivados a agir contra estruturas e práticas que comprometem o sucesso educacional e o reconhecimento social de grupos minoritários. Na Colúmbia Britânica e na Nova Zelândia, as declarações sobre diversidade social se concentram mais na transformação de práticas individuais. Finalmente, nos padrões da Inglaterra, Texas e Quebec, apenas algumas declarações genéricas referentes às necessidades diferenciadas dos estudantes e seu sucesso foram identificadas. Em vez disso, são caracterizados por uma abordagem gerencial orientada para resultados mensuráveis e controlados por custos. Em conclusão, uma análise mais aprofundada dos padrões de Quebec abre as portas para um novo modelo de competência e recomendações
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