5,125 research outputs found

    Literacia científica: enquadramento conceptual que prevalece na primeira década do século XXI.

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    The term scientific literacy arises due to the need of the scientific community to see that the population validated its scientific and technological production. The construct Scientific literacy has been subject to diverse conceptual considerations over the years, arising from the scientific, technological, social and political changes that marked contemporary society characteristics. In this study, we sought to assess the evolution of the scientific literacy construct over the first decade of the twenty-first century, through qualitative research, using a bibliographic study. Forthe operationalization of this analysis, different dimensions for scientific literacy were defined. The results suggest that scientific literacy embodies a construct that is deictic in nature, shaped by the social, political, cultural and scientific contexts prevailing in the society it belongs to. The conclusion is that all of this conceptual matrix suggests a change in the relatively passive form in which science is appreciated of and the way this operates in society towards a commitment to personal involvement with science and towards the valuation of the importance of scientific knowledge throughout life.El término alfabetización científica surge como consecuencia de la necesidad de la comunidad científica de ver validada, por parte de la población, la producción científica y tecnológica. El constructo Alfabetización científica fue objeto de varias actualizaciones conceptuales a lo largo de los años como resultado de los cambios científicos, tecnológicos y sociales de la sociedad contemporánea. En esta investigación se realiza una revisión sistemática en la cual se analiza la evoluciónde la alfabetización científica en la primera década de este siglo. Buscamos evaluar la evolución del constructo Alfabetización científica durante la primera década del siglo XXI, a través de una investigación cualitativa, realizando un estudio bibliográfico. Para la operacionalización de este análisis, se definieron diferentes dimensiones de la alfabetización científica. Los resultados indican que es un constructo de naturaleza deíctica, que conforma su contenido a los entornos social, político, cultural y científico en que se inserta. La conclusión es que toda esta matriz conceptual sugiere un cambio en la forma relativamente pasiva como se aprecia la ciencia y como esta funciona en la sociedad hacia un compromiso de implicación personal con la ciencia y hacia la valoración de la utilidad del conocimiento científico a lo largo de la vida.O termo literacia científica surgir na década 50 do século passado, nos EUA, fruto da necessidade da comundiade cientifica ver válida, por parte da população, a producão científica e tecnologiaca da época. Literacia científica representa um construto sujeito a diversas representações conceituais ao longo dos anos decorrentes das modificações científicas, tecnológicas, sociais e políticas características da segunda metade do século XX. Neste estudo, realizamos a revisão sistemática do construto da literacia científica na primeira década do século XXI. Os resultados obtidos mostram como a literacia científica incorpora um constructo de caráter dêitico que molda o conteúdo ao contexto social, político, cultural e científico que prevalece na respectiva sociedade. Conclui-se que toda essa matriz conceitual sugere uma mudança na forma relativamente passiva de valorização da ciência e no modo como esta opera na sociedade em direção ao compromisso com o envolvimento pessoal com a ciência e à valorização da utilidade do conhecimento científico ao longo da vida

    Integer-valued APARCH processes in the analysis of time series of counts

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    The Asymmetric Power Arch representation for the volatility was introduced by Ding et al.(1993) in order to account for asymmetric responses in the volatility in the analysis of continuous-valued financial time series like, for instance, the log-return series of foreign exchange rates, stock indices or share prices. As reported by Brannas and Quoreshi (2010), asymmetric responses in volatility are also observed in time series of counts such as the number of intra-day transactions in stocks. In this work, an asymmetric power autoregressive conditional Poisson model is introduced for the analysis of time series of counts exhibiting asymmetric overdispersion. Basic probabilistic and statistical properties are summarized and parameter estimation is discussed. A simulation study is presented to illustrate the proposed model. Finally, an empirical application to a set of data concerning the daily number of stock transactions is also presented to attest for its practical applicability in data analysis

    Sete novos romances da Ilha da Madeira

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    Este artigo apresenta 7 das 54 versões de romances recolhidas por Maria-João Câmara Fontes em três aldeias madeirenses em Julho de 1990. Estas versões representam um total de 11 romances: 1. O Parto em Terras Alheias (trata-se da segunda versão deste romance descoberta na Madeira); 2. Frei João; 3. Bernal Francês + Claralinda + A Aparição; 4. Conde da Alemanha; 5. A Infanta Seduzida + Conde Alarcos + Flérida; 6. A Confissão de Nossa Senhora; 7. Vida de Freira. Cada texto é acompanhado por uma bibliografia das versões portuguesas publicadas, a qual inclui uma secção dedicada às versões recolhidas entre os emigrantes radicados na Nova Inglaterra, Califórnia e Canadá, a fim de destacar a sua importância. Quando apropriado, a bibliografia inclui também listas de versões brasileiras, galegas, castelhanas, catalãs, sefarditas, hispano-americanas e da tradição antiga (especialmente do século XVI). A última lista, que devemos ao trabalho de Samuel G. Armistead, proporciona uma correlação com as baladas pan-europeias

    The impact of the wine routes in the international promotion and exports of the Portuguese wine : the case of Península de Setúbal wine route

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    The aim of this study is to examine the role of the wine routes as an international promoter and an export developer of wines. The focus will be in the Portuguese case, more specifically on Península de Setúbal Wine Route, also named Blue Coast Wine Route. Examining the wineries that are part of this route, the goal is to assess the impact of the route on the international image of the wines and exports and evaluate its importance and limitations.O objetivo desta tese é avaliar o papel das Rotas dos Vinhos na promoção internacional e exportações do vinho. Vou centrar-me num caso português, mais concretamente na Rota dos Vinhos da Península de Setúbal, também designada como Rota dos Vinhos da Costa Azul. Examinando as adegas pertencentes à Rota, a finalidade é compreender o impacto da rota na promoção internacional da imagem dos vinhos, assim como nas exportações, avaliando a sua importância e limitações

    Goat System Productions: Advantages and Disadvantages to the Animal, Environment and Farmer

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    Goats have always been considered very useful animals. Goats success is related to its excellent adaptability to the difficult mountain conditions, extreme weather and low value feed acceptance, versatile habits and high production considering their size. These are some reasons because goats are among the first animals to be domesticated. In terms of evolution, goats could be separated by their dispersion area in three large groups: the European, the Asian, and the African. Global goat populations, mainly in Africa and in Asia, have increased for centuries but very strongly in the past decades, well above the world population growth. They are also used for forest grazing, an integrated and alternative production system, very useful to control weed growth reducing fire risk. Despite some exceptions, no large‐scale effort to professionalize this industry has been made so far. There are consumers for goat dairy products and there is enough global production, but misses a professional network between both. Regarding goat meat, the world leadership also stays in Africa and Asia, namely in China, and there is a new phenomenon, the spreading of goat meat tradition through Europe due to migrants from Africa and other places with strong goat meat consumption

    Screening the Digital Landscape: Generation Z Insights into Employee Perceptions of Social Media Use in the Workplace

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    Мета роботи: В епоху цифрової трансформації компанії все частіше використовують соціальні медіа для покращення динаміки бізнесу. Це дослідження вивчає сприйняття працівників покоління Z щодо інтеграції соціальних медіа-платформ на робочому місці. та поведінкових намірів на поведінку використання, а також сприйнятого ризику на фінансовий ризик, ризик продуктивності та ризик для приватності. Дизайн / Метод / Підхід дослідження: Кількісний підхід, реалізований шляхом проведення комплексного онлайн-опитування за участю 152 фахівців. Результати дослідження: Результати показують, що працівники покоління Z вважають контакт з громадськістю найбільш значущою перевагою соціальних мереж, за якою слідує потенціал швидкої та ефективної комунікації зі споживачами, в той час як широкий доступ до інформації має відносно невелике значення. Серед негативних аспектів називають посилення конкуренції в певних галузях, більшу залежність від інтернету та надлишок реклами. Респонденти також визначили основні цілі компаній, пов'язані з впровадженням соціальних медіа, підкресливши важливість популяризації компанії та бренду, розширення клієнтської бази, сприяння зростанню бізнесу та покращення робочих відносин. Теоретична цінність дослідження: До негативних аспектів можна віднести посилення конкуренції в певних секторах, зростання залежності від інтернету та надмірної реклами. Практична цінність дослідження: Респонденти також визначили основні цілі компаній, пов'язані з впровадженням соціальних медіа, підкресливши важливість популяризації компанії та бренду, розширення клієнтської бази, сприяння зростанню бізнесу та покращення трудових відносин. Оригінальність / Цінність дослідження: Новий підхід до покоління Z щодо сприйняття працівниками використання соціальних мереж на робочому місці. Обмеження дослідження / Майбутні дослідження: Більша вибірка була б репрезентативною для Португалії, що дійсно важливо. Тип статті: Емпіричний JEL Classification: F61, F66, M14Purpose: In the era of digital transformation, companies are increasingly utilizing social networks to enhance business dynamics. This study investigates Generation Z employee perceptions regarding the integration of social media platforms in the workplace. Design/Method/Approach: A quantitative approach done by the administration of a comprehensive online questionnaire, involving 152 professionals. Findings: Findings reveal that Generation Z employees consider engaging with the public as the most significant advantage of social networks, followed by the potential for swift and effective consumer communication, while broad access to information holds relatively less importance. Negative aspects cited include heightened competition in certain sectors, increased dependence on the Internet, and an excess of advertising. Respondents also identify key company objectives tied to social media adoption, emphasizing the importance of publicizing the company and brand, expanding customer bases, fostering business growth, and enhancing labour relations. Theoretical Implications: Negative aspects cited include heightened competition in certain sectors, increased dependence on the Internet, and an excess of advertising. Practical Implications: Respondents also identify key company objectives tied to social media adoption, emphasizing the importance of publicizing the company and brand, expanding customer bases, fostering business growth, and enhancing labour relations. Originality/Value: New approach to Generation Z Insights into Employee Perceptions of Social Media Use in the Workplace. Research Limitations/Future Research: A bigger sample would be Portugal's representative what is indeed important. Paper Type: Empirical JEL Classification: F61, F66, M1

    Cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of sediments from the Portuguese Mira-River Estuary

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    The Mira-River Estuary (SW Portugal) although being a protected natural area has been affected by urban pollution from the village of Vila Nova de Milfontes (VNMF) and by contaminants from farming and aquaculture activities. The present study is part of a broader project comprising the evaluation of environmental and human health risks from potentially contaminated estuaries and aims to assess the cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of sediments from the Mira-River Estuary. Sediments were collected from two sites: Mf located near VNMF, and M near an aquaculture discharge channel. Organic and inorganic contaminants were extracted as four fractions using: methanol:dichloromethane (F1), dichloromethane (F2), hexane (F3) and methanol (F4) and recovered in DMSO. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity were evaluated through the neutral red assay and the comet (coupled with DNA repair endonucleases) and micronucleus assays, respectively, in the human hepatoma-derived (HepG2) cell line. Contaminants analysis was carried out by GC-MS and ICP-MS for organic and metallic contaminants, respectively. A dose-related decrease in cell viability indicating cytotoxicity was observed for sample M, extracts F1, F2 and F4. A significant increase in the level of DNA and chromosome damage was observed for sub-cytotoxic doses of extracts F1, F2 and F3, by the comet and micronucleus assays, respectively. Additionally, oxidative DNA damage was also detected in the same samples. All Mf fractions failed to induce significant cytotoxic or genotoxic effects. These data agree with contaminants characterisation, given that a higher level of known genotoxic metals and PAHs were found in sample M but not in Mf. Overall, our results suggest that urban pollution of Mira-River Estuary sediments might be less hazardous than contamination from the aquaculture and agriculture activities, raising the question of the safe consumption of aquatic species grown in aquacultures, and of aquacultures as potential sources of aquatic pollution

    DNI Measurements in the South of Portugal: Long Term Results through Direct Comparison with Global and Diffuse Radiation Measurements and Existing Time Series

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    The present work describes the measurement effort for direct normal irradiance (DNI) evaluation in the sunny south of Portugal, with a network of eight radiation measurement stations in several locations (including Évora) providing a good coverage of the region. This new initiative for DNI measurement will still need many years (typically 10 or more) to produce a time series which can claim having long term statistical value. This problem can, however, be temporarily mitigated by measuring DNI at the same time as GHI and DHI, in a place where long term series dating back, already exist for those two. It so happens that a long term series (20 years) of global and diffuse solar irradiation exists for the location Évora. So the expectation is to establish correlations with the goal of attributing at least some long term statistical significance to the short and recent DNI series. The paper describes the setup of the measuring stations and presents the preliminary measurements obtained. It further presents the first correlations of monthly averages between normal beam (DNI), global and diffuse radiation. It then uses these correlations, admittedly without acceptable statistical significance (short series of less than one year of measured data), to exemplify how to get a prediction of long term DNI for Évora. This preliminary obtained value is compared to that predicted by the commercial data from Meteonorm