249 research outputs found

    Manual para a elaboração de dissertações

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    O desejo de ter um filho…: as vivências do casal infértil

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Comunicação em Saúde apresentada à Universidade AbertaUm casal é considerado infértil quando não ocorre uma gravidez, após um ano de relações sexuais regulares não protegidas. A infertilidade tem vindo a ser descrita como uma crise importante que comporta uma dimensão física, psíquica, emocional e socio-cultural. O presente estudo, exploratório, de tipo descritivo, tem como objectivo central, conhecer as vivências do casal infértil, que deseja ter filhos. Para a compreensão da infertilidade valorizou-se como esta é sentida, vivida e compreendida pelos próprios indivíduos. Para tal, foi realizada uma entrevista semi-estruturada a dez casais inscritos numa consulta de Medicina da Reprodução. Para a análise dos dados foi utilizada a metodologia qualitativa, através da análise de conteúdo dos discursos produzidos pelos participantes. Os resultados colocaram em evidência que as implicações da infertilidade se manifestam a um nível multidimensional: físico, psicológico, conjugal e social, cujas repercussões são maioritariamente negativas, conduzindo à utilização de estratégias de coping por parte dos indivíduos inférteis. Foi também reconhecido o carácter perturbador do percurso diagnóstico e terapêutico, sendo este identificado como fonte iatrogénica de dificuldades, inerentes ao funcionamento dos serviços de saúde, aos procedimentos e à relação estabelecida com os profissionais de saúde. Os elementos dos casais reconhecem os profissionais como uma fonte de informação e suporte, sendo realçada a valorização da sua competência técnica como um meio de obtenção da desejada gravidez. Paralelamente é referida a necessidade de lhes ser proporcionado um maior apoio psicológico profissional de forma a facilitar a resolução da crise gerada pela infertilidade. Apesar das dificuldades apontadas, emerge dos discursos produzidos o desejo de um filho biológico, estando determinados a utilizar todos os recursos disponíveis na esperança de satisfazer o seu desejo de procriarA couple is considered infertile when no pregnancy occurs one year after nonprotected regular sexual intercourse. Infertility is being discribed as an important crisis which holds a physical, psychocological, emotional and socio-cultural dimension. The main pourpose of the present study, of a descriptive type, is to get acquainted with the experience of infertile couple who wish to bear children. In order to be understood, infertility was evaluated on how it is experienced and felt by the infertile individuals. Bearing that in mind, a half-structured interview was carried out on ten infertile couples. The qualitative methodology was used on data analysis, using contents analysis of the speeches produced by the participants. The results put into evidence that infertility implications present a multidimensional level: physical, psychological, marital and social, whose repercussions are largely negative, leading to the use of coping strategies by the infertile persons. It was also acknowledged the disturbing character of diagnostic and therapeutic course, that was identified as a difficulties source, related to the functioning of the health services, the procedures and the relationship established with the health professionals. The participants recognize the professionals as a source of information and support and refer their technical competence as a way to achieve the desiredpregnancy. The need to have a stronger psychological support is mentioned as a way to ease the infertility crises. In spite of all the difficulties, the wish of a biological child is shown in the speeches presented, as weel as the determination to use all means available to the fulfilment of their wish to procreat

    Sexual gender roles and stereotypes and the sexual double standard in sexual satisfaction among Portuguese college students: an exploratory study

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    This work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), under Grant number Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia PTDC/PSI-GER/28530/2017Research on sexual satisfaction in Portugal is still limited; what exists, however, highlights barriers preventing optimal realisation of this dimension of sexuality and sexual health. Physical and relational barriers have been consistently evidenced, whereas social and cultural barriers have been less studied. Using focus groups, we aimed to explore perceptions of Portuguese college students (N = 47) about sexual satisfaction – more specifically, about gender differences and about how sexual gender roles and stereotypes and the Sexual Double Standard may influence sexual satisfaction. We found that sexual satisfaction is perceived to be suboptimal, especially for women in casual sexual relationships, and that the differences are attributed by both male and female to the constraints imposed by sexual gender roles, sexual gender stereotypes, and the sexual double standard. Deconstructing these socio-sexual beliefs is needed in order to achieve a higher, egalitarian level of sexual satisfaction and to promote sexual health.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Portuguese College Students’ Perceptions About the Social Sexual Double Standard: Developing a Comprehensive Model for the Social SDS

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    Research on the sexual double standard (SDS) indicates its maintenance among college students, despite some attenuation and the emergence of alternative standards. Results show some inconsistencies, however, which highlight conceptual and methodological weaknesses that limit conclusions about the existence and expression of the SDS. One response entails distinguishing personal acceptance of the SDS from its social existence; maintenance of the SDS may reside in the latter, as there is some evidence for a decline in personal but not in social SDS. We aimed to analyse Portuguese college students’ perceptions about the social SDS and to develop a comprehensive model for it. Four male (n=30) and four female (n=17) focus groups were conducted with data analysis framed by Grounded Theory. The social SDS emerged especially with regard to casual sex and multiple partners, legitimized by the accepted/recognized existence of sexual gender roles and stereotypes. It is maintained through conformity with SDS and gender prescriptions in order to prove/ protect femininity, masculinity and sexual reputation. The process reduces sexual autonomy and has drawbacks for sexual health and wellbeing. Our comprehensive model can inform deconstructive strategies to promote egalitarian, liberal, and positive sexual experiences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Still Striving After All These Years: Between Normality of Conduct and Normativity of Evaluation in Casual Relationships among College Students

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    This work was supported by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT), under Grant (number PTDC/PSI-GER/28530/2017). This work received national funding from FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P, through the Research Center for Psychological Science of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon (UIDB/04527/2020; UIDP/04527/2020).Gender similarities have been detected in various sexual behaviors and attitudes in young adults, but persistent diferences remain regarding casual sexual relationships (CSRs), with women feeling diferent external pressures than men. We set out to study the spontaneous references made to gender similarities and diferences towards CSRs in eight focus group interviews (N=35 college-students, aged 18–28) about the characteristics of CSRs within a social-role framework. The thematic analysis led us to the interpretation that there is an ongoing change in the acceptability of these relationships, leading to the emergence of a single sexual standard – mostly liberal, but at times also conservative. However, diferent expectations remain, derived from a deep-rooted traditional sexual double standard still perceived in society. Challenges to the unequal standards and social constraints in CSRs is desired by many women, defended by men, and admired in those women whose striving contributes to the normalization of this conduct and of how it is evaluated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Safety assessment of the 6-minute walking test-heart transplant recipients

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    Heart transplantation is considered the gold standard treatment for selected patients with end-stage heart disease when medical therapy has been unable to halt progression of the underlying pathology. Scientific evidence suggests that cardiac rehabilitation (CR), with a focus on exercise, can be effective in reversing the consequences of previous physical deconditioning, pathophysiological changes associated with cardiac denervation and prevented adverse reactions induced by immunosuppression. Prescribing and evaluating interventions in the context of CR is a complex process, and the instruments to be used for measuring and prescribing exercise are not always consensual. The 6-minute gait test (6MWT) has been used as a way of assessing functional capacity, clinical staging, cardiovascular prognosis and monitoring of the rehabilitation program. Safety and metabolic impact are poorly described in the literature with regard to heart transplant recipients. Objective: To Evaluate the safety of the 6-minute Gait Test in cardiac transplant recipients, in phase III of Cardiac Rehabilitation. Methods: 31 heart transplanted patients, 25 men and 6 women, with a mean age of 58.19 (9.57) years and an average transplant time of 5.47 (4.40) years. They were submitted to evaluation using the 6MWT, with electrocardiographic monitoring by telemetry and with initial and final recording of heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The Modified Borg Scale was also applied before and after the 6MWT. Anthropometric parameters were also recorded: height, weight and the body mass index was inferred. The 6MWT was performed according to the guidelines of the American Thoracic Society. To calculate the expected 6MWT distance (D6MWT) the equations define by Enright & Sherrill to the health population was used: ♂: D6MWT = (7,57 x staturecm) – (5,02 x ageyears) – (1,76 x weightkg) – 309; r2 = 0,42 ♀: D6MWT = (2,11 x staturecm) – (2,29 x weightkg) – (5,78 x ageyears) + 667; r2 = 0,38 Inclusion criteria: freely and voluntarily participate in the study, transplanted for more than 3 months and without any clinical contraindication for participation in the evaluations. Results: There are statistically significant changes when comparing the assessments before and after performing 6MWT, regarding Modificed Borg scale (p=0,000) and Heart Rate (p=0,007). It should also be noted that the results of the evaluated 6MWT are statistically inferior (p=0,000) than the expected ones. Of the 31 evaluated patients, only one gave up halfway through, having completed 3.5 minutes of the test. There were no adverse events. None of the evaluated had a 6MWT result higher than the expected. Conclusion: Heart transplant patients have more intolerance to activity than healthy people. Clinical and electrocardiographic behavior suggests that this method of assessment is safe, but it can be considered of high intensity for some transplant recipients. Variables related to 6MWT performance can facilitate exercise prescription and outcome monitoring in Rehabilitation Nursing intervention programs, as well as measure post-transplant functional capacity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Scientific update on the iodine content of Portuguese foods

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    WHO Collaborating Centre for Nutrition and Childhood Obesity.Iodine is an essential trace element in human and animal diets. However, mild to moderate iodine deficiency has been reported in several countries. Food is the natural source of iodine. Detectable analytical values, expressed in SI units (µg/kg), are required to guarantee reliable measurement results used to estimate iodine intake over time at national and international level. The aim of this work, conducted as an activity of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Nutrition and Childhood Obesity, was to develop a database of the iodine content of foods in order to predict nutritional adequacy of dietary intake. This database may be used as a tool to promote iodine intake through consumption of foods rich in iodine. The specific objective of this report is to provide updated data on the iodine content of Portuguese foods as consumed within, and as representative of, the Portuguese diet. The methodology selected for quantification of this nutrient was inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) assisted by microwave after alkaline digestion.Eight groups of food were analysed: (1) meat; (2) fish and seafood; (3) milk and milk products, eggs; (4) fruit; (5) vegetables and pulses; (6) sweets and beverages; (7) cereals and tubers; and (8) meals. These foods were collected on the basis of consumption patterns drawn from national food consumption surveys (Fabrice Elegbede et al., 2017). The proportion of samples beyond the limit of detection (LoD) ranged between 0% in fish, seafood and dairy products to 81.3% in fruit. The food samples with detectable iodine content showed a wide variation: 2.4–7.8 µ g/100 g for meat; 2.8–289.3 µ g/100 g for fish and seafood; 15.8–39.4 µ g/100 g for milk, milk products and eggs; 3.3–26.6 µ g/100 g for fruit; 0.3–6.5 µ g/100 g for vegetables and pulses; 0.3–22.7 µ g/100 g for sweets and beverages; 0.9–4.7 µ g/100 g for cereals and tubers; and 0.7–56.8 µ g/100 g for meals. The results showed that in Portugal a diet rich in fish, seafood and dairy products supplies the recommended daily intake of iodine for a healthy adult.Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o apoio da FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Museus de arte em Portugal

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    Tese para a obtenção do grau de Doutor em Design, apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa

    A biblioteca escolar e a educação literária no 1º ciclo do ensino básico

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    A Educação Literária é um novo domínio que desde 2012 passou a integrar as Metas Curriculares de Português, fazendo parte do atual programa de Português e Metas Curriculares de Português do Ensino Básico. Neste trabalho procurou-se compreender o seu significado e o contributo das bibliotecas escolares, no âmbito da Educação Literária ao nível do 1º CEB. De acordo com o atual programa (à semelhança do que ocorreu com as Metas Curriculares de Português), as bibliotecas escolares são concebidas unicamente como espaço que disponibiliza livros para leitura autónoma, não sendo implicada na leitura literária considerada obrigatória. Temos por isso na escola dois espaços e duas leituras: uma na sala de aula, a leitura obrigatória, e outra na biblioteca escolar, a leitura autónoma. Ao delimitar espaços e leituras, incorre-se o risco da leitura literária ser excessivamente escolarizada no 1º CEB, uma vez que a metodologia aplicada é comum a outras tipologias textuais. Por outro lado, ao reduzir a biblioteca à leitura autónoma, não se reconhece a competência dos seus profissionais e os meios de que esta dispõe, para promover a leitura independentemente do seu carácter, natureza e suporte. Este é igualmente um aspeto relevante: reconhecendo o investimento realizado, os interesses e as necessidades dos seus utilizadores, a biblioteca escolar poderia ser perspetivada, como um espaço de encontro entre diferentes gerações, livros e leitores. Do nativo ao imigrante digital, do impresso ao digital, o importante é saber ler e ler por prazer... e isso na biblioteca acontece. Partindo deste contexto, realizou-se um estudo de caso que cruzou diversos elementos de recolha de dados: observação participante, inquéritos e análise documental. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam como um trabalho articulado entre professores e professores bibliotecários é possível e desejável.Literary Education is a new skill that integrated the Learning Goals of Portuguese (Metas Curriculares de Português) in 2012, as a part of the current program of Portuguese and the Basic Education Learning Goals of Portuguese. In this essay we tried to understand its meaning and the contribution of school libraries concerning the Literary Education in the 1st CEB (Primary Education). According to the current program (similarly to what occurred with the Curricular Targets of Portuguese), school libraries are designed solely as a place that provides books for autonomous reading, thus lacking a genuine involvement in mandatory literary reading. Consequently, we have two different spaces and two types of reading at school: the classroom reading (the mandatory reading), and the library reading (the autonomous reading). When you circumscribe spaces and reading types, there is a risk of the literary reading in the 1st CEB being overly ‘educated’, since the methodology applied is common to other textual typologies. On the other hand, when the role of the library is limited to autonomous reading it carries a lack of recognition of the competence of its professionals and the means that it offers to promote reading regardless of its character, nature and support. This is also a relevant aspect: recognizing the investment made, the interests and the needs of its users, the school library might be considered as a space of gathering between different generations, books and readers. From the native to the digital immigrant, from printed to digital resources, it is essential to be able to read and read for pleasure ... and that happens in the library. Based on this context, a case study that crossed several data collection elements has been conducted: participant observation, surveys and document analysis. The results obtained show how articulated work between teachers and librarians is possible and desirable

    Application of edible alginate films with pineapple peel active compounds on beef meat preservation

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    Alginate-based edible films containing natural antioxidants from pineapple peel were applied in the microbial spoilage control, color preservation, and barrier to lipid oxidation of beef steaks under storage at 4 C for five days. Di erent stabilization methods of pineapple peel compounds were used before incorporation into alginate films, including extracted compounds with an hydroalcoholic solvent encapsulated in microparticles, microparticles produced by spray-drying pineapple peel juice, and particles obtained by milling freeze dried pineapple peel. Bioactive films exhibited higher antioxidant activity (between 0.15 mol to 0.35 mol FeSO4.7H2O/g dried film) than the alginate film without these compounds (0.02 mol FeSO4.7H2O/g dried film). Results showed that control films without active compounds had no significant e ect on decreasing the microbial load of aerobic mesophilic and Pseudomonas spp., while the films containing encapsulated hydroalcoholic extract showed a significant inhibitory e ect on microbial growth of meat at two days of storage. Alginate films containing peel encapsulated extract were e ective for maintaining the color hue and intensity of red beef meat samples. Pineapple peel antioxidants have the potential to retard lipid oxidation in meat samples, and the possibility of incorporation of a higher amount of pineapple peel bioactive compounds in the films should be investigatedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio