5 research outputs found

    The position of women managers

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    Položaj žena u poslovnom svijetu nije se puno istraživao. Nedostatak literature najbolje govori kako je problem položaja žena u poslovnom svijetu slabo istraženo područje na ovom području Europe. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazuju kako društvo u kojem živimo najviše utječe na položaj žena u poslovnom svijetu. Na ovom našem području društvo je još uvijek patrijarhalno te je uvriježeno mišljenje da žena nije sposobna za najviša mjesta te da je menadžerski posao još uvijek zauzet samo za muškarce. Samostalno provedeni intervju na uzorku od desetak osoba, donio je slične rezultate kao i dosadašnja istraživanja. Nova istraživanja govore kako bi menadžeri trebali biti psiholozi, sociolozi i etičari, to jest posjedovati vještine koje se pripisuju muškarcima. Postavlja se pitanje da li je menadžer 21. stoljeća- žena?The position of women in the business world is not much explored . The lack of literature is best explained as a problem of women in the business world poorly explored area in this region of Europe . Previous studies show that the society we live in the greatest impact on the status of women in the business world . In this area of our society is still patriarchal and the view that a woman is not capable of the highest places , and that the managerial job is still busy just for men . Independently conducted interviews with a sample of ten people , has brought similar results to previous studies . New studies suggest that the managers should be psychologists , sociologists and ethicists , that is equipped with the skills attributed to men . The question is the question is whether the manager of the 21st century- woman

    The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics.

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    ABSTRACT: A global genome database of all of Earth’s species diversity could be a treasure trove of scientific discoveries. However, regardless of the major advances in genome sequencing technologies, only a tiny fraction of species have genomic information available. To contribute to a more complete planetary genomic database, scientists and institutions across the world have united under the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP), which plans to sequence and assemble high-quality reference genomes for all ∼1.5 million recognized eukaryotic species through a stepwise phased approach. As the initiative transitions into Phase II, where 150,000 species are to be sequenced in just four years, worldwide participation in the project will be fundamental to success. As the European node of the EBP, the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) seeks to implement a new decentralised, accessible, equitable and inclusive model for producing high-quality reference genomes, which will inform EBP as it scales. To embark on this mission, ERGA launched a Pilot Project to establish a network across Europe to develop and test the first infrastructure of its kind for the coordinated and distributed reference genome production on 98 European eukaryotic species from sample providers across 33 European countries. Here we outline the process and challenges faced during the development of a pilot infrastructure for the production of reference genome resources, and explore the effectiveness of this approach in terms of high-quality reference genome production, considering also equity and inclusion. The outcomes and lessons learned during this pilot provide a solid foundation for ERGA while offering key learnings to other transnational and national genomic resource projects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Brazilian cave heritage under siege

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    International payments and payment instruments

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    Obavljanje međunarodnog platnog prometa jedna je od profitabilnijih usluga banaka. Pod pojmom međunarodni platni promet podrazumijevaju se naplate, plaćanja i prijenosi na osnovi tekućih i kapitalnih poslova u stranim sredstvima plaćanja i u kunama između rezidenata i nerezidenata posredstvom instrumenata međunarodnog platnog prometa. Međunarodni platni promet reguliran je europskom inicijativom-Single Euro Payments Area(SEPA). SEPA je jedinstveno područje plaćanja u eurima te se sve države Europske unije(EU) pridržavaju pravila SEPA. Hrvatski devizni promet uređen je i hrvatskim Zakonima i podzakonskim propisimaZakon o deviznom poslovanju (NN 96/2003, 140/2005, 132/2006, 150/2008, 92/2009, 133/2009, 153/2009, 145/2010, 76/2013), Zakon o platnom prometu (NN 133/2009, 136/2012) i Zakon o sprječavanju pranja novca i financiranja terorizma. Instrumenti plaćanja koja se koriste u obavljanju međunarodnog platnog prometa su: bankovna doznaka, međunarodni dokumentarni akreditiv, dokumentarna naplata (inkaso poslovi), trgovačko kreditno pismo, čekovi, mjenice i bankarske garancije. Raiffeisen banka posluje u Republici Hrvatskoj već duži niz godina. RBA je dio svjetski poznate financijske grupacije koja djeluje diljem svijeta. Obavljanje poslova međunarodnog platnog prometa za svoje klijente, vrlo je važan dio bankarskih usluga u RBA. Stoga, RBA nastoji ponuditi svojim klijentima široku paletu proizvoda i usluga te obavljanje transakcija u najkraće mogućem roku.Performing international payment transactions is one of the most profitable banking services. Under international payment terms, payments and transfers are made on the basis of current and capital transactions in foreign currencies and in kuna between residents and non-residents through international payment transactions instruments. International payments are regulated by the European Initiative SEPA. SEPA is a single european payment area and all EU countries adhere to SEPA rules. Croatian Foreign Exchange Transactions are also regulated by Croatian Laws and By-Laws - Foreign Exchange Act (OG 96/2003, 140/2005, 132/2006, 150/2008, 92/2009, 133/2009, 153/2009, 145/2010, 76/2013), the Law on Payment Transactions (OG 133/2009, 136/2012) and the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism. The payment instruments used in international payment transactions are: bank transfer, international documentary letter of credit, documentary collection (inkaso jobs), trade credit card, checks, bills of exchange and bank guarantees. Raiffeisen Bank has been operating in the Republic of Croatia for several years. The RBA is part of a world-renowned financial group that operates across the globe. Performing international payment transactions for its customers is a very important part of banking services in RBA. Therefore, RBA strives to offer its customers a wide range of products and services and to carry out transactions in the shortest possible time

    The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics

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    A global genome database of all of Earth’s species diversity could be a treasure trove of scientific discoveries. However, regardless of the major advances in genome sequencing technologies, only a tiny fraction of species have genomic information available. To contribute to a more complete planetary genomic database, scientists and institutions across the world have united under the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP), which plans to sequence and assemble high-quality reference genomes for all ∼1.5 million recognized eukaryotic species through a stepwise phased approach. As the initiative transitions into Phase II, where 150,000 species are to be sequenced in just four years, worldwide participation in the project will be fundamental to success. As the European node of the EBP, the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) seeks to implement a new decentralised, accessible, equitable and inclusive model for producing high-quality reference genomes, which will inform EBP as it scales. To embark on this mission, ERGA launched a Pilot Project to establish a network across Europe to develop and test the first infrastructure of its kind for the coordinated and distributed reference genome production on 98 European eukaryotic species from sample providers across 33 European countries. Here we outline the process and challenges faced during the development of a pilot infrastructure for the production of reference genome resources, and explore the effectiveness of this approach in terms of high-quality reference genome production, considering also equity and inclusion. The outcomes and lessons learned during this pilot provide a solid foundation for ERGA while offering key learnings to other transnational and national genomic resource projects