234 research outputs found


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    This study aims bruit and promotion practices of slavery in the Vila do Catalão, Province of Goiás, in the first half of the XIX century. For this purpose, it mpresents an auto of sharing with the primary purpose of providing the knowledge of one of the many and various slave registries in manuscripts of southeastern of Goiás that has been scanned by the project: “Em busca da memória perdida: estudos sobre a escravidão em Goiás” More specifically, it is reported one of the results of this work which consists in fac simile editions and semidiplomatic of one auto of 1839, under the custody of the Fórum da Comarca de Catalão/GO, and which describes values, ages and ethnicities of 23 slaves to be partitioned among the heirs. After such characteristics were briefly discusse

    Effect Of Baru (dipteryx Alata Vog.) Addition On The Composition And Nutritional Quality Of Cookies

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    The use of the defatted baru almond (Dipteryx alata Vog.) prevents the production of waste residues after extraction of its oil (partially defatted baru flour), representing a process of interest from an environmental point of view. The aim of this study was to prepare oat cookies with functional properties, replacing 100% soy oil for baru oil and 30% wheat flour for partially defatted baru flour (baru cookie). Baru cookies presented a higher moisture (7.80%), probably due to the high content of dietary fiber (3.78%), resulting in a lower calorie content (457.46 kcal.100 g–1), compared to traditional oat cookies. Changing the formulation resulted in the enrichment of a number of microelements, including phosphorus (~ 197.90 mg.100 g–1) and iron (~ 21.56 mg.100 g–1). Baru oil increased the concentration of unsaturated fatty acids (~ 76.11%), consisting of approximately 50.37% monounsaturated (MUFA), and 25.74% polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). The total phenolic compound content was approximately doubled in the baru cookie. As such, the baru cookie presents an interesting composition from a nutritional point of view, having a high protein and dietary fiber content, in addition to presenting substantial concentrations of iron and oleic acid, and may be used as part of a healthy diet.37

    Um cabra de cor ou um cabra da mãe: dinâmicas de sentido para “cabra” entre os séculos XVI e XIX

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     No presente estudo analisamos as dinâmicas de sentido da lexia “cabra”, largamente utilizada no Brasil entre os séculos XVI e XIX para referenciar alguns índios e negros nascidos na condição de escravos ou livres no país, buscando definir o seu sentido em três tipos de documentos: uma escritura de doação de escravo (fólios 109 verso e 110 recto) presente no Livro de Notas do 2º Tabelliaõ Isaac Lange da Cunha; o Livro de Registros de Batizados da Paróquia Nossa Senhora Mãe de Deus (maio de 1837 a setembro de 1838); e documentos presentes na tese “Dar nome ao novo: uma história lexical da ibero-América, entre os séculos XVI e XVIII (as dinâmicas de mestiçagens e o mundo do trabalho)” de Paiva (2014). Para tanto, baseamo-nos nas lições da lexicologia apresentadas por Biderman (2001). Em sequência, consultamos os dicionários de Ferreira (2010), Bluteau (1728), Houaiss e Villar (2009), Moura (2004) e Moraes Silva ([1789]1813) para verificação e confronto de definições. Fundamentamo-nos, também, nos estudos de Paiva (2014) e Malheiro (1867; 2014) no que se refere a fontes teóricas acerca da história escravocrata, relacionando o acervo lexical dos manuscritos citados anteriormente com a história e a cultura por eles registradas. In this article we intent to analyze the meaning dynamics of the word “cabra”, largely used in Brazil between the 16th and 19th centuries to reference some indigenous and black people, under the condition of enslavement or not in that country, seeking to define the meaning of this word used in three kinds of documents: a slave donation deed (folios 109 verso and 110 recto) present at Livro de Notas do 2º Tabelliaõ Isaac Lange da Cunha; the Livro de Registros de Batizados da Paróquia Nossa Senhora Mãe de Deus (May 1837 to September 1838); and documents found in the thesis “Dar nome ao novo: uma história lexical da ibero-América, entre os séculos XVI e XVIII (as dinâmicas de mestiçagens e o mundo do trabalho)” by Paiva (2014). For this purpose, we based the research on Biderman’s (2001) lexicology lessons. Afterwards, we consulted Ferreira (2010), Bluteau (1728), Houaiss and Villar (2009), Moura (2004), and Moraes Silva ([1789]1813) dictionaries to verify and confront the meanings. This paper was also based on studies by Paiva (2014) and Malheiro (1867; 2014) regarding theoretical sources about slavery history, relating the lexical archive from the aforementioned manuscripts with the history and culture registered by them

    Exposition to smoking and attitudes: comparison between inquiries applied to adult population in São Paulo City, 1987 and 2002

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    BACKGROUND: Periodic monitoring of tobacco smoking in the population is of public health interest. OBJECTIVES: To compare the prevalence of smoking habits and attitudes toward tobacco smoking from a sample of residents of the City of São Paulo, in 1987 and 2002. METHODS: Two random sampling household surveys were carried out among residents of the City of São Paulo, in 1987 and 2002, respectively with 1,471 and 2,103 participants aged 15-59 years RESULTS: Age-adjusted prevalence of tobacco smoking dropped from 41.8% (in 1987) to 25.5% (in 2002) among males and, respectively, from 30.6% to 19.8% among females, and such reduction was observed in all education levels. There was a decrease in the mean number of cigarettes smoked a day among men (but an increase among women), There was a growth in the preference for low tar cigarettes, an increase in those who quit smoking in the last 10 years, a growth among those who seriously tried to quit smoking, and an increase in those who believe in that smoking is dangerous for your health. CONCLUSION: There was a favorable change in the situation of smoking habits in the City of São Paulo from 1987 to 2002.FUNDAMENTO: O monitoramento periódico do tabagismo na população é de interesse para a saúde pública. OBJETIVOS: Comparar a prevalência do tabagismo e atitudes em relação ao tabagismo em uma amostra de residentes do município de São Paulo, em 1987 e em 2002. MÉTODOS: Foram realizados dois inquéritos domiciliários por amostragem probabilística em residentes do município de São Paulo, em 1987 e em 2002, respectivamente com 1.471 e 2.103 entrevistados na faixa etária de 15 a 59 anos. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de tabagismo ajustada para idade caiu de 41,8% (em 1987) para 25,5% (em 2002) no sexo masculino e, respectivamente, de 30,6% para 19,8% no sexo feminino. Houve redução do tabagismo em todos os níveis de escolaridade, diminuição da média diária de cigarros no sexo masculino (mas elevação no feminino), crescimento pela procura de cigarros com baixo teor, aumento dos que deixaram de fumar havia mais de 10 anos, crescimento dos que tentaram seriamente parar de fumar, aumento dos que cogitavam em parar totalmente e aumento do reconhecimento de que fumar faz mal para a saúde. CONCLUSÃO: Houve mudança favorável na situação do tabagismo na cidade de São Paulo de 1987 para 2002.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Secretaria do Estado de SaúdeUNIFESPSciEL

    N-acetylcysteine downregulates phosphorylated p-38 expression but does not reverse the increased superoxide anion levels in the spinal cord of rats with neuropathic pain

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    We determined the effect of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on the expression of the phosphorylated p38 (p-p38) protein and superoxide anion generation (SAG), two important players in the processing of neuropathic pain, in the lumbosacral spinal cord of rats with chronic constriction injury (CCI)-induced neuropathic pain. The sciatic functional index (SFI) was also measured to assess the functional recovery post-nerve lesion. Thirty-six male Wistar rats were divided equally into the following groups: Naive (rats did not undergo surgical manipulation); Sham (rats in which all surgical procedures involved in CCI were used except the ligature), and CCI (rats in which four ligatures were tied loosely around the right common sciatic nerve), which received 2, 4, or 8 intraperitoneal injections of NAC (150 mg kg–1 day–1 ) or saline beginning 4 h after CCI. Rats were sacrificed 1, 3, and 7 days after CCI. The SFI was measured on these days and the lumbosacral spinal cord was used for analysis of p-p38 expression and SAG. CCI induced a decrease in SFI as well as an increase in p-p38 expression and SAG in the spinal cord. The SFI showed a partial recovery at day 7 in saline-treated CCI rats, but recovery was improved in NAC-treated CCI rats. NAC induced a downregulation in p-p38 expression at all time-points evaluated, but did not reverse the increased SAG induced by CCI. Since p-p38 is a mediator in neuropathic pain and/or nerve regeneration, modulation of this protein may play a role in NAC-induced effects in CCI rats

    Metabolic and hormonal assessment of adolescent and young adult women with prior premature adrenarche

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    OBJECTIVE: Follow-up studies of girls with premature adrenarche have reported the development of polycystic ovary syndrome, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia and a propensity to cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to analyze the presence of these conditions in patients previously treated at the Universidade Federal do Triaˆngulo Mineiro. METHODS: A total of 130 medical records reported premature adrenarche. One hundred and twenty-two patients were invited to participate, of whom 54 accepted; 34 patients were selected, as they had reached their final height. Anthropometric, blood glucose, insulin, and lipid and hormonal profile (LH, FSH, estradiol, 17a-OHprogesterone, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, testosterone) data were obtained, the HOMA-IR index was calculated, and pelvic ultrasonography was performed. To characterize polycystic ovary syndrome and metabolic syndrome, the Rotterdam and International Diabetes Federation criteria, respectively, were used. Data were analyzed according to measures of dispersion, frequency and correlations of interest. RESULTS: The age of the participants ranged from 15.2 to 28.2 years/months; 23.5% of the patients were overweight, 11.8% were obese, 29.4% had a large waist circumference, and 8.8% were hypertensive. None of the patients had altered glucose levels, and insulin levels and HOMA-IR were elevated in 29.4% and 38.2% of the participants, respectively; 14.7% of the patients exhibited acanthosis nigricans. The lipid profiles of the participants were variable, and one patient (2.9%) had metabolic syndrome. Polycystic ovary syndrome was found in 41.2% of patients. CONCLUSION: The percentage of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome who also had overweight, obesity and insulin resistance corroborates the literature data about the need for follow-up aiming at interventions, especially for conditions associated with cardiometabolic risk

    O controle da tuberculose na ótica de profissionais do Consultório na Rua

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    Objetivo: presentar la percepción de los profesionales sobre las personas en situación de calle que realizan el tratamiento de la tuberculosis e identificar acciones de control de la enfermedad ofertadas a esta población. Método: estudio exploratorio y descriptivo, realizado con 17 profesionales que actuaban en equipos de Consultorios en la Calle. Se utilizó un guion semiestructurado, compuesto de cuestiones cerradas a una pregunta orientadora. Los testimonios fueron analizados por la técnica del análisis del discurso, resultando en las categorías analíticas: Significados atribuidos a la persona con tuberculosis que vivencia la situación de calle y El control de la tuberculosis en la calle. Resultados: las percepciones abarcan situaciones que dificultaron la adhesión al tratamiento de la tuberculosis, como: el motivo por el cual buscaron la calle, las condiciones en que vivían y la característica del modo de ser (dependencia del alcohol y drogas, inmediatismo, migración y falta de perspectiva). Se verificó el conocimiento sobre la enfermedad, las dificultades para realizar acciones de control relacionadas a las características, las condiciones y estilo de vida, el estigma, la migración, el uso de drogas y la inexistencia de un proyecto de vida. Conclusión: el enfrentamiento de la complejidad de la situación que envuelve la población en situación de calle impone límites al trabajo de los profesionales, pues transcienden la posibilidad de actuación en el ámbito de la salud y requieren acciones de carácter intersectorial.Purpose: to present the opinion of professionals about street dwellers undergoing treatment of tuberculosis and identify strategies of control of tuberculosis in this population. Method: an exploratory and descriptive study involving 17 health professionals working in street clinics. A semi-structured study composed of closed questions and a guiding question. The statements were analyzed using the discourse analysis technique, resulting in the identification of two analytical categories: 1. Meanings attributed to street dwellers with tuberculosis, and 2. Control of tuberculosis in homeless people. Results: the analysis identified situations that limited adherence to tuberculosis treatment, including the reasons for staying in the streets, living conditions, and risk factors (dependence on alcohol and other drugs, short-sightedness, constant relocations, and lack of perspectives). Street dwellers were knowledgeable about the disease. Furthermore, there were difficulties in solving several problems of people living in the streets, including living conditions and lifestyle, social stigma, relocations, drug abuse, and lack of life project. Conclusion: coping with the complexity of situations related to living in the streets limits to the work of health professionals because these situations go beyond health care and require intersectoral actions.Objetivo: apresentar a percepção de profissionais sobre moradores de rua que realizam o tratamento da tuberculose e identificar ações de controle da doença ofertadas a esta população. Método: estudo exploratório e descritivo envolvendo 17 profissionais que atuaram em Consultórios na Rua. Utilizou-se um roteiro semiestruturado composto de questões fechadas e uma questão norteadora. Os depoimentos foram analisados pela técnica da análise de discurso, resultando na identificação de duas categorias analíticas: 1. Significados atribuídos à pessoas com tuberculose que moram na rua, e 2. O controle da tuberculose na rua. Resultados: a análise identificou situações que dificultaram a adesão ao tratamento da tuberculose, tais como os motivos para morar na rua, condições de vida, e características do modo de ser (dependência de álcool e outras drogas, imediatismo, deslocamentos, e falta de perspectivas). A análise indicou que esta população tem conhecimento sobre a doença. Além disso, houve dificuldade de resolver diversos problemas, incluindo as condições e estilo de vida, estigma social, deslocamentos, uso de drogas e inexistência de projeto de vida. Conclusão: o enfrentamento da complexidade das situações envolvendo moradores de rua impõe limites ao trabalho de profissionais de saúde pois tais situações transcendem o âmbito da saúde e requerem ações de cunho intersetorial

    Desenvolvimento e validação de instrumento para avaliar o impacto de um programa de intervenção em comércios de alimentos em área de deserto alimentar/Development and validity of an instrument to evaluate the impact of an intervention in food stores at an urban food desert

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    Resumo Objetivou-se desenvolver e validar um instrumento adequado para avaliar o impacto de um programa piloto de intervenção no ambiente alimentar local para promoção da alimentação saudável em comércios de varejo de alimentos da Zona Noroeste em Santos/SP, região caracterizada como deserto alimentar. Foi realizada pesquisa formativa para validação do instrumento, incluindo reuniões de pesquisadores, varredura no território estudado para identificação dos comércios de alimentos, visitas a atores do canal de distribuição de alimentos, oficinas comunitárias com a comunidade local e entrevistas em profundidade com proprietários dos estabelecimentos para validação de conteúdo e validade aparente. Foi testada confiabilidade do instrumento por coeficiente de alfa de Cronbach. O desenvolvimento do questionário incluiu questões para avaliação da Identificação e Caracterização do Comércio; Parâmetros de Comercialização, incluindo importância de fatores para a inclusão de um novo alimento, frequência de aquisição de produtos, rentabilidade; e Escala de Fatores Psicossociais, incluindo expectativa em relação às vendas de alimentos saudáveis, expectativa em relação ao impacto, e autoeficácia em relação à comercialização de alimentos saudáveis. A validação permitiu revisão de todas as questões e alternativas de resposta do questionário, com alfa de Cronbach variante de 0,440 a 0,967 nas questões do instrumento final. Este resultado indica que o instrumento proposto foi capaz de identificar características relevantes do sistema de distribuição de alimentos á nível local e pode ser utilizado em estudos epidemiológicos para avaliação de políticas públicas territoriais elaboradas para aumento do acesso a alimentos saudáveis. Palavras-chave: Estudos de Validação; Saúde da População Urbana; Ambiente Alimentar   Abstract The objective was to develop and validate a culturally appropriate instrument to evaluate the impact of a pilot intervention program in the food environment to promote healthy eating in small food stores in an urban food desert. A formative research was carried out for the validation of the instrument, including meetings of researchers, visits to all the streets in the study's region to identify food stores, visits to food distribution system agents', community workshops with the local community and in-depth interviews with food store owners for content and apparent validity. Instrument reliability was tested by Cronbach alpha coefficient. The development of the instrument included questions to evaluate the Identification and Characterization of Store; Marketing Parameters (i.e. influencers for including new food itens and frequency of product acquisition and profitability); and Psychosocial Factors Scale (i.e. expectations regarding healthy food sales, expectations regarding impact of intervention, and self-efficacy in relation to the marketing of healthy foods). Validation process allowed a review of all questions and questions' responses, with Cronbach alpha between 0.440 to 0.967 in the final instrument questions. It can be concluded that the instrument was developed to identify relevant characteristics of the food distribution system and can be used in epidemiological studies and public policies to evaluate increase access to healthy foods. Key words:Validation Studies; Urban Health; Food Environmen

    Desenvolvimento e validação de instrumento para avaliar o impacto de um programa de intervenção em comércios de alimentos em área de deserto alimentar/Development and validity of an instrument to evaluate the impact of an intervention in food stores at an urban food desert

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    The objective was to develop and validate a culturally appropriate instrument to evaluate the impact of a pilot intervention program in the food environment to promote healthy eating in small food stores in an urban food desert. A formative research was carried out for the validation of the instrument, including meetings of researchers, visits to all the streets in the study's region to identify food stores, visits to food distribution system agents', community workshops with the local community and in-depth interviews with food store owners for content and apparent validity. Instrument reliability was tested by Cronbach alpha coefficient. The development of the instrument included questions to evaluate the Identification and Characterization of Store; Marketing Parameters (i.e. influencers for including new food itens and frequency of product acquisition and profitability); and Psychosocial Factors Scale (i.e. expectations regarding healthy food sales, expectations regarding impact of intervention, and self-efficacy in relation to the marketing of healthy foods). Validation process allowed a review of all questions and questions' responses, with Cronbach alpha between 0.440 to 0.967 in the final instrument questions. It can be concluded that the instrument was developed to identify relevant characteristics of the food distribution system and can be used in epidemiological studies and public policies to evaluate increase access to healthy foods

    Desenvolvimento e validação de instrumento para avaliar o impacto de um programa de intervenção em comércios de alimentos em área de deserto alimentar/Development and validity of an instrument to evaluate the impact of an intervention in food stores at an urban food desert

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    Resumo Objetivou-se desenvolver e validar um instrumento adequado para avaliar o impacto de um programa piloto de intervenção no ambiente alimentar local para promoção da alimentação saudável em comércios de varejo de alimentos da Zona Noroeste em Santos/SP, região caracterizada como deserto alimentar. Foi realizada pesquisa formativa para validação do instrumento, incluindo reuniões de pesquisadores, varredura no território estudado para identificação dos comércios de alimentos, visitas a atores do canal de distribuição de alimentos, oficinas comunitárias com a comunidade local e entrevistas em profundidade com proprietários dos estabelecimentos para validação de conteúdo e validade aparente. Foi testada confiabilidade do instrumento por coeficiente de alfa de Cronbach. O desenvolvimento do questionário incluiu questões para avaliação da Identificação e Caracterização do Comércio; Parâmetros de Comercialização, incluindo importância de fatores para a inclusão de um novo alimento, frequência de aquisição de produtos, rentabilidade; e Escala de Fatores Psicossociais, incluindo expectativa em relação às vendas de alimentos saudáveis, expectativa em relação ao impacto, e autoeficácia em relação à comercialização de alimentos saudáveis. A validação permitiu revisão de todas as questões e alternativas de resposta do questionário, com alfa de Cronbach variante de 0,440 a 0,967 nas questões do instrumento final. Este resultado indica que o instrumento proposto foi capaz de identificar características relevantes do sistema de distribuição de alimentos á nível local e pode ser utilizado em estudos epidemiológicos para avaliação de políticas públicas territoriais elaboradas para aumento do acesso a alimentos saudáveis. Palavras-chave: Estudos de Validação; Saúde da População Urbana; Ambiente Alimentar   Abstract The objective was to develop and validate a culturally appropriate instrument to evaluate the impact of a pilot intervention program in the food environment to promote healthy eating in small food stores in an urban food desert. A formative research was carried out for the validation of the instrument, including meetings of researchers, visits to all the streets in the study's region to identify food stores, visits to food distribution system agents', community workshops with the local community and in-depth interviews with food store owners for content and apparent validity. Instrument reliability was tested by Cronbach alpha coefficient. The development of the instrument included questions to evaluate the Identification and Characterization of Store; Marketing Parameters (i.e. influencers for including new food itens and frequency of product acquisition and profitability); and Psychosocial Factors Scale (i.e. expectations regarding healthy food sales, expectations regarding impact of intervention, and self-efficacy in relation to the marketing of healthy foods). Validation process allowed a review of all questions and questions' responses, with Cronbach alpha between 0.440 to 0.967 in the final instrument questions. It can be concluded that the instrument was developed to identify relevant characteristics of the food distribution system and can be used in epidemiological studies and public policies to evaluate increase access to healthy foods. Key words:Validation Studies; Urban Health; Food Environmen