87 research outputs found

    An Efficient Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Multi-Level Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem

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    In this paper a new evolutionary approach for solving the multi-level uncapacitated facility location problem (MLUFLP) is presented. Binary encoding scheme is used with appropriate objective function containing dynamic programming approach for finding sequence of located facilities on each level to satisfy clients' demands. The experiments were carried out on the modified standard single level facility location problem instances. Genetic algorithm (GA) reaches all known optimal solutions for smaller dimension instances, obtained by total enumeration and CPLEX solver. Moreover, all optimal/best known solutions were reached by genetic algorithm for a single-level variant of the problem

    Late Neolithic Tisza sites in the Serbian part of Banat

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    The paper reviews the current state of research and our knowledge of the Late Neolithic Tisza tradition sites in the Serbian Banat. The first sites were discovered almost one and a half centuries ago, while the first archaeological excavations were undertaken in the late 19th century. The overview of the known sites in the first part of the study is followed by data on fresh research that was resumed in the first decade of the 21st century. | A tanulmány a szerbiai Bánát területén fekvő késő neolitikus Tisza-kultúra lelőhelyeit tekinti át. Az első lelőhelyeket közel 100 éve fedezték fel, az első régészeti feltárásokat a 19. század végén végezték. Az ismert lelőhelyek áttekintését az újabb, 21. század első évtizedében folytatott kutatások adatai követik

    New Model of Maximal Covering Location Problem with Fuzzy Conditions

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    The objective of Maximal Covering Location Problem is locating facilities such that they cover the maximal number of locations in a given radius or travel time. MCLP is applied in many different real-world problems with several modifications. In this paper a new model of MCLP with fuzzy conditions is presented. It uses two types of fuzzy numbers for describing two main parameters of MCLP - coverage radius and distances between locations. First, the model is defined, then Particle Swarm Optimization method for solving the problem is described and tested

    Географски информациони системи у истраживању насеља винчанске културе: моделовање предвидљивости

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    Моделовање предвидљивости постојања археолошких локалитета заснива се наматематичком, тачније статистичком предвиђању локације непознатогархеолошког налазишта на основу одабраних параметара познатих локалитета упроучаваној области. Предмет теоријско-методолошког истраживања у најширемсмислу јесу обрасци насељавања у различитим географским регијама натериторији распростирања винчанске културе у периоду касног неолита Служећисе моделовањем предвидљивости, које је заправо изражавање вероватноћедешавања/постојања локалитета покушаће се показати колико је могуће одредитипостојање свесног обрасца при одабиру локације за становање у односу наразличите полазне чињенице, од околишних преко друштвених, па чак можда ииндивидуалних. Селекција анализираних локација зависи од физичко-географскихкарактеристика чиме се показује да ли постоје разлике у факторима животнесредине и да ли је једно праисторијског друштво какво је било друштво винчанскекултуре подједнако свесно тих фактора приликом одабира неког региона занасељавање.Са друге стране предмет емпиријског истраживања биће односи насеља касногнеолита са својом животном средином, али и са могућим друштвеним факторимакоји су могли утицати на одабир локација при насељавања. Израдом моделапредвидљивости ми покушавамо да моделујемо специфичну, проверљивуимпликацију археолошке теорије, тј. утицај људског понашања (активности ипраксе) на акумулацију материјалних података на регионалној размери.Културно-историјски домен археолошког истраживања овог рада јесте винчанскакултура, а просторни домен ове културе је територија централне Србије, Косова,Војводине, те румунски део Баната, Олтеније и Трансилваније, источна Босна,северна Црна Гора и Македонија. У дисертацији су анализиране области источногБаната око Вршца и Беле Цркве и подручје Лесковачке котлине са градомЛесковцем у средишту. Хронолошки посматрано дисертација се бави целокупнимраспоном винчанске културе од око 5300-те до 4600-те године премакалибрисаним 14C датумима.Predictive modeling of the existence of archaeological sites is based on mathematical or moreprecisely statistical prediction of the location of an unknown archaeological site based on thepreviously selected parameters of the already known and established sites in the area of interest.The subject of the theoretical and methodological research in the widest sense are the settlementpatterns of different geographic regions inhabited by the members of the Vinča culture duringthe late Neolithic period. Using predictive modeling, which in itself is the expression ofprobability of occurrence/existence of sites I will try to establish conscientious patterns inchoosing site locations for settlement locations in regard to the various factors, fromenvironmental to social, and perhaps even individual. The selection of the locations to beanalyzed depends on their physical and geographical characteristics in an attempt to show thedifference in environmental factors amongst regions in order to establish whether a prehistoricsociety such as Vinča culture was equally aware of various impacts possible in choosing certainregions for settling.The subject of the empirical research is the relationship of the late Neolithic settlements with thesurrounding environment, but also the possible social factor influencing the process of choosingthe settlement location. The creation of a predictive model attempts to model a specific,verifiable implication of an archaeological theory, i.e. the impact of human behavior (activityand practice) on the accumulation of material data over a regional scale.The culture – historical domain of the archaeological research in this dissertation is Vinčaculture, whilst the spatial domain lies within the boundaries of central Serbia, Kosovo,Vojvodina, the Romanian regions of Banat, Oltenia and Transilvania, eastern Bosnia, northernMontenegro and Macedonia. However, within the dissertation, only two regions, the area of eastBanat centered between the towns of Vršac and Bela Crkva and the area of Leskovac valleywith the city of Leskovac in the center are being analyzed. Chronologically, this dissertationanalyzes the period of Vinča culture, dated between 5300 and 4600 cal. BC

    Географски информациони системи у истраживању насеља винчанске културе: моделовање предвидљивости

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    Моделовање предвидљивости постојања археолошких локалитета заснива се на математичком, тачније статистичком предвиђању локације непознатог археолошког налазишта на основу одабраних параметара познатих локалитета у проучаваној области. Предмет теоријско-методолошког истраживања у најширем смислу јесу обрасци насељавања у различитим географским регијама на територији распростирања винчанске културе у периоду касног неолита Служећи се моделовањем предвидљивости, које је заправо изражавање вероватноће дешавања/постојања локалитета покушаће се показати колико је могуће одредити постојање свесног обрасца при одабиру локације за становање у односу на различите полазне чињенице, од околишних преко друштвених, па чак можда и индивидуалних. Селекција анализираних локација зависи од физичко-географских карактеристика чиме се показује да ли постоје разлике у факторима животне средине и да ли је једно праисторијског друштво какво је било друштво винчанске културе подједнако свесно тих фактора приликом одабира неког региона за насељавање. Са друге стране предмет емпиријског истраживања биће односи насеља касног неолита са својом животном средином, али и са могућим друштвеним факторима који су могли утицати на одабир локација при насељавања. Израдом модела предвидљивости ми покушавамо да моделујемо специфичну, проверљиву импликацију археолошке теорије, тј. утицај људског понашања (активности и праксе) на акумулацију материјалних података на регионалној размери. Културно-историјски домен археолошког истраживања овог рада јесте винчанска култура, а просторни домен ове културе је територија централне Србије, Косова, Војводине, те румунски део Баната, Олтеније и Трансилваније, источна Босна, северна Црна Гора и Македонија. У дисертацији су анализиране области источног Баната око Вршца и Беле Цркве и подручје Лесковачке котлине са градом Лесковцем у средишту. Хронолошки посматрано дисертација се бави целокупним распоном винчанске културе од око 5300-те до 4600-те године према калибрисаним 14C датумима.Predictive modeling of the existence of archaeological sites is based on mathematical or more precisely statistical prediction of the location of an unknown archaeological site based on the previously selected parameters of the already known and established sites in the area of interest. The subject of the theoretical and methodological research in the widest sense are the settlement patterns of different geographic regions inhabited by the members of the Vinča culture during the late Neolithic period. Using predictive modeling, which in itself is the expression of probability of occurrence/existence of sites I will try to establish conscientious patterns in choosing site locations for settlement locations in regard to the various factors, from environmental to social, and perhaps even individual. The selection of the locations to be analyzed depends on their physical and geographical characteristics in an attempt to show the difference in environmental factors amongst regions in order to establish whether a prehistoric society such as Vinča culture was equally aware of various impacts possible in choosing certain regions for settling. The subject of the empirical research is the relationship of the late Neolithic settlements with the surrounding environment, but also the possible social factor influencing the process of choosing the settlement location. The creation of a predictive model attempts to model a specific, verifiable implication of an archaeological theory, i.e. the impact of human behavior (activity and practice) on the accumulation of material data over a regional scale. The culture – historical domain of the archaeological research in this dissertation is Vinča culture, whilst the spatial domain lies within the boundaries of central Serbia, Kosovo, Vojvodina, the Romanian regions of Banat, Oltenia and Transilvania, eastern Bosnia, northern Montenegro and Macedonia. However, within the dissertation, only two regions, the area of east Banat centered between the towns of Vršac and Bela Crkva and the area of Leskovac valley with the city of Leskovac in the center are being analyzed. Chronologically, this dissertation analyzes the period of Vinča culture, dated between 5300 and 4600 cal. BC

    Genetic Algorithm Approach for Solving the Task Assignment Problem

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    This research was partially supported by the Serbian Ministry of Science and Ecology under project 144007. The authors are grateful to Ivana Ljubić for help in testing and to Vladimir Filipović for useful suggestions and comments.In this paper a genetic algorithm (GA) for the task assignment problem (TAP) is considered.An integer representation with standard genetic operators is used. Computational results are presented for instances from the literature, and compared to optimal solutions obtained by the CPLEX solver. It can be seen that the proposed GA approach reaches 17 of 20 optimal solutions. The GA solutions are obtained in a quite a short amount of computational time

    Application of SVM Models for Classification of Welded Joints

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    Classification algorithm based on the support vector method (SVM) was used in this paper to classify welded joints in two categories, one being good (+1) and the other bad (−1) welded joints. The main aim was to classify welded joints by using recorded sound signals obtained within the MAG welding process, to apply appropriate preprocessing methods (filtering, processing) and then to analyze them by the SVM. This paper proves that machine learning, in this specific case of the support vector methods (SVM) with appropriate input conditions, can be efficiently applied in assessment, i.e. in classification of welded joints, as in this case, in two categories. The basic mathematical structure of the machine learning algorithm is presented by means of the support vector method

    Mathematical Optimization for the Train Timetabling Problem

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    AMS Subj. Classification: 90C57; 90C10;Rail transportation is very rich in terms of problems that can be modelled and solved using mathematical optimization techniques. The train scheduling problem as the most important part of a rail operating policy has a very significant impact on a rail company profit considering the fact that from the quality of a train timetable depends a flow of three most important resources on rail network: cars, locomotives and crews. The train timetabling problem aims at determining a periodic timetable for a set of trains that does not violate track capacities and satisfies some operational constraints. In this paper, we developed an integer programming approach for determining an optimal train schedule for a single, one-way track linking two major stations, with a number of intermediate stations between. The application has been tested on a realistic example suggested by the PE “Serbian Railways”. Obtained results show a potential for a practical application of proposed approach

    Effect of agroecological factors on variations in yield, protein and oil contents in soybean grain

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    This paper presents the grain yields and protein and oil contents of NS soybean cultivars of 0 maturity group grown for three successive years. The average yield for all cultivars was 3,335 kg ha(-1). The 2010 yields were significantly higher than the three-year average yield. The cultivar Becejka had a significantly higher grain yield per unit area (3,628 kg ha(-1)) and higher yields of proteins and oil (1,355 kg ha(-1) and 769.50 kg ha(-1), respectively) than the other cultivars. The highest protein content (40.56%) was recorded in 2008. The average protein content for all cultivars was 37.60%. The cultivar Proteinka had significantly higher three-year average protein content (38.21%) than the other cultivars, except Tara. The average oil content for all tested cultivars was 21.31%. The cultivar Afrodita had the highest average oil content 21.55%. Statistically significant differences were recorded in grain yield and protein and oil contents and yield, which were due to cultivar and test year. Soybean yield varied according to temperature and quantities and distribution of precipitation. Yield was positively highly significantly correlated with precipitation (r=0.94**), and negatively highly significantly correlated with temperature (r=-0.61**)

    Quality of analgesia with multi-versus two few-hole catheters in patients after colorectal surgery

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    Background and Purpose: Continuous wound infusionwith local anaesthetics is an effective method in multimodal postoperative pain therapy after colorectal surgery. The choice of optimal type of wound catheter, fewor multi-hole is still controversial. The aim is to evaluate the analgesic potential of these two catheter types. Materials and Methods: Forty patients undergoing colorectal surgery were randomized to intraoperative placement of two epidural catheters (Group EC) or multi-hole catheter (Group WC) in the wound above the fascia. Patients received 0.25% levobupivacaine (Group WC) with 10 mL bolus through the wound catheter followed by an infusion of 6 mL/h during 48 h, or the same protocol with equally divided levobupivacaine doses through two epidural catheters (Group EC). Simultaneously, patient-controlled analgesia provided intravenous morphine. Pain was evaluated postoperatively with 4-point verbal scale (VRS) for the first 2 h, with Visual Analogue Scale at rest (VAS r), and during coughing (VAS c) every 6 h for the first 48 h. Results and Conclusions: No significant difference in morphine consumption was observed between groups. There were no significant differences in VRS scores between the groups (p=0,756). VAS scores were significantly lower in Group WC in rest (rWC, p=0,007) and coughing (cWC, p=0,018) for the 6 h, 12 h, and 24 h postoperatively. In the period 30–48 h there was no difference between groups. We conclude that levobupivacaine infusion through multi-hole catheter provides better quality of postoperative analgesia compared with two epidural catheters for the first 24 h