77 research outputs found

    The Portuguese exiles in Paris From Revolution to Vintismo. Political economy, linguistics, and the modernization of Portuguese politics

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    The paper studies the community of Portuguese intellectuals who emigrated to Paris in the first half of the 19th century mostly for political reasons. The intense journalistic and editorial activity of this group, in addition to being a primary source of livelihood for many, was inspired by a precise – and somewhat multifaceted – objective: to act as a mediator between European scientific and political culture and Portuguese culture in order to channel national politics and public opinion in a liberal and constitutional direction and to foster Portugal’s economic and social modernization through free trade and technical and scientific progress. The Portuguese language was also to be modernized, setting aside the old ideology of its primacy among the Romance languages and instead accepting contact and hybridization with the languages of the more advanced European countries, from which the main innovations and new ideas in the political and economic spheres emanated. Conversely, the Portuguese exiles aimed to make the French and European public discover the Portuguese language and great cultural and literary tradition from the age of the great discoveries to the Enlightenment, bringing them back to the heart of European culture. Focusing on this complex pattern helps explain why the two fields in which the group’s intellectual production was concentrated were politics and political economy, on the one hand, and grammarography, lexicography and literary popularization, on the other. The paper devotes ample space to reconstructing the publishing ventures of Portuguese intellectuals who animated the cultural life of the French capital

    Translation as Import Substitution: The Portuguese Version of Véron de Forbonnais's Elémens du commerce

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    This paper studies the context and textual structure of the Portuguese translation of Forbonnais's ElĂ©mens du commerce (1754). This analysis is instrumental to understanding the place of this translation in the Portuguese discourse on trade, colonies and political economy in the age of Pombal. The translation of Forbonnais was one of the few to be published in Portugal in the eighteenth century. So, why the ElĂ©mens? This paper answers this question by profiling the translator, a key figure in the nomenklatura created by Pombal to promote his commercial and colonial policies. This translation aimed at providing a theoretical background for Pombal's actions to defend Portuguese specialised agriculture against thexploitation of British traders, to substitute imported manufactures with local production, and to put colonial trade under national control. The paper also studies the contemporary debate on translation and its method in order to understand the reasons that led the translator to adopt a ‘paraphrastic style’, a choice that equated translation with a nationalistic politico-economic act, consisting in importing alien contents as ‘raw materials’ and ‘reselling’ them rephrased in what was considered the most ancient and perfect neo-Latin language. In this way, this paper also contributes to the history of translation in the Lusophone area


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    Este ensaio propĂ”e uma reflexĂŁo sobre a natureza do conceito de "mĂŁo invisĂ­vel" no pensamento econĂŽmico de Adam Smith. Este conceito nĂŁo ocorre apenas uma vez na Riqueza das NaçÔes e trĂȘs vezes em todo o trabalho de Smith, mas nĂŁo pode de forma alguma ser associado a uma justificação moral do mercado como instituição espontĂąnea que sempre garante uma alocação de recursos tĂŁo eficiente quanto justa, graças Ă  interação de agentes econĂŽmicos guiados por motivos egoĂ­stas. Smith julga a sociedade comercial atravĂ©s dos olhos do espectador imparcial, que dita as leis morais. O espectador imparcial julga a prodigalidade e a especulação de forma negativa e os gastos de luxo orientados para a compra de bens durĂĄveis de forma positiva. Ele identifica vĂ­cios morais, como a vaidade ou emulação dos ricos, como a base da acumulação de capital. Entretanto, ele estĂĄ pronto para justificar esses comportamentos em nome do que agora chamamos de eficiĂȘncia dinĂąmica, ou seja, a capacidade das escolhas econĂŽmicas de gerar desenvolvimento. A perspectiva da eficiĂȘncia dinĂąmica tambĂ©m estĂĄ presente quando Smith invoca a mĂŁo invisĂ­vel para criticar uma forma de egoĂ­smo que nĂŁo Ă© moralmente aceitĂĄvel, a do lobby comercial que subornou governos em nome de um suposto bem pĂșblico e obteve leis que protegem seu comĂ©rcio da concorrĂȘncia estrangeira. Smith acredita que o protecionismo prejudica, mais do que a eficiĂȘncia estĂĄtica do mercado, a capacidade do mercado de dar origem a um desenvolvimento equilibrado, seguindo o progresso natural da opulĂȘncia. NĂŁo pode haver desenvolvimento a menos que o capital de um paĂ­s seja priorizado internamente, mas para conseguir isso Ă© mais prudente confiar no interesse dos investidores do que na proteção do comĂ©rcio

    Tradução, patriotismo e a economia polĂ­tica de Portugal Imperial na Ă©poca Pombalina: as traduçÔes de Les Aventures de TĂ©lĂ©maque e dos ÉlĂ©mens du commerce

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    Este artigo oferece um estudo de duas traduçÔes publicadas em 1765-1766 pelo mesmo autor, JosĂ© Manuel Ribeiro Pereira, um pouco antes de ser nomeado secretĂĄrio da Junta de Administração da Companhia Geral do GrĂŁo ParĂĄ e MaranhĂŁo, uma das empresas privilegiadas de comĂ©rcio que tinha sido estabelecida pelo MarquĂȘs de Pombal em 1755. Os textos que Pereira traduziu foram Les Aventures de TĂ©lĂ©maque, de FĂ©nelon, um romance Ă©pico cheio de advertĂȘncias polĂ­ticas e econĂŽmicas, e ÉlĂ©mens du commerce, de VĂ©ron de Forbonnais. Em um paĂ­s e uma Ă©poca em que a maioria da discussĂŁo sobre economia polĂ­tica era um assunto privado ou da corte, essas traduçÔes contribuĂ­ram com o debate pĂșblico sobre as reformas econĂŽmicas introduzidas por Pombal no momento crucial em que, apĂłs a Guerra dos Sete Anos (1756- 1763), a aliança reforçada com a GrĂŁ-Bretanha e uma mudança signi cativa em seus interesses comerciais pareciam exigir uma reformulação das estratĂ©gias comerciais e industriais portuguesas. A segunda edição das traduçÔes de TĂ©lĂ©maque, publicada por Pereira em 1784-1785, fez parte de uma segunda onda de debate pĂșblico sobre a economia polĂ­tica, dessa vez conectada Ă  questĂŁo fundamental do futuro das instituiçÔes criadas por Pombal, apĂłs sua demissĂŁo em 1777. Curiosamente, o paratexto das traduçÔes de Pereira abre uma janela sobre o debate da Ă©poca sobre os objetivos e mĂ©todos de tradução, revelando a natureza polĂ­tica e patriĂłtica dessa atividade e seu isomor smo ideolĂłgico com as polĂ­ticas comerciais pombalinas.The paper offers a study of two translations published in 1765-1766 by the same author, JosĂ© Manuel Ribeiro Pereira, just before being appointed secretary of the Junta da Administração of the Companhia Geral do GrĂŁo ParĂĄ, e MaranhĂŁo, one of the chartered trade companies that had been established by the Marquis of Pombal in 1755. The texts that Pereira translated were FĂ©nelon’s Les Aventures de TĂ©lĂ©maque, an epic novel full of political and economic admonitions, and VĂ©ron de Forbonnais’s ÉlĂ©mens du commerce. In a country and at a time in which most of the discussion on political economy was private or an affair of the court, these translations contributed to a public debate on the economic reforms introduced by Pombal at the crucial moment in which, after the Seven Years War (1756-1763), the reinforced alliance with Great Britain and a signi cant change in her commercial interests seemed to call for a reformulation of Portuguese commercial and industrial strategies. The second edition of the translations of TĂ©lĂ©maque, published by Pereira in 1784-1785, was part and parcel of a second wave of public debate on political economy, this time connected to the fundamental question of the future of the institutions created by Pombal, after his dismissal in 1777. Interestingly, the paratext of Pereira’s translations open a window on the current debate on translation aims and methods, revealing the political and patriotic nature of this activity and its ideological isomorphism with the Pombaline commercial policies

    Convergenze, imitazioni, adattamenti. Oltre la soglia delle traduzioni portoghesi delle Aventures de Télémaque di Fénelon

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    Il presente lavoro compie invece una prima esplorazione delle opere derivate in lingua portoghese – imitazioni, adattamenti, compendi – o che, pur senza esserlo inizialmente, vennero accostate alle traduzioni portoghesi delle Aventures de TĂ©lĂ©maque, inserendosi nella scia del loro straordinario successo, qui come in tutta Europa tra Sette e Ottocento

    The Portuguese exiles in Paris From Revolution to Vintismo. Political economy, linguistics, and the modernization of Portuguese politics

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    The paper studies the community of Portuguese intellectuals who emigrated to Paris in the first half of the 19th century mostly for political reasons. The intense journalistic and editorial activity of this group, in addition to being a primary source of livelihood for many, was inspired by a precise – and somewhat multifaceted – objective: to act as a mediator between European scientific and political culture and Portuguese culture in order to channel national politics and public opinion in a liberal and constitutional direction and to foster Portugal’s economic and social modernization through free trade and technical and scientific progress. The Portuguese language was also to be modernized, setting aside the old ideology of its primacy among the Romance languages and instead accepting contact and hybridization with the languages of the more advanced European countries, from which the main innovations and new ideas in the political and economic spheres emanated. Conversely, the Portuguese exiles aimed to make the French and European public discover the Portuguese language and great cultural and literary tradition from the age of the great discoveries to the Enlightenment, bringing them back to the heart of European culture. Focusing on this complex pattern helps explain why the two fields in which the group’s intellectual production was concentrated were politics and political economy, on the one hand, and grammarography, lexicography and literary popularization, on the other. The paper devotes ample space to reconstructing the publishing ventures of Portuguese intellectuals who animated the cultural life of the French capital

    Can Clinical and Surgical Parameters Be Combined to Predict How Long It Will Take a Tibia Fracture to Heal? A Prospective Multicentre Observational Study: The FRACTING Study

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    Background. Healing of tibia fractures occurs over a wide time range of months, with a number of risk factors contributing to prolonged healing. In this prospective, multicentre, observational study, we investigated the capability of FRACTING (tibia FRACTure prediction healING days) score, calculated soon after tibia fracture treatment, to predict healing time. Methods. The study included 363 patients. Information on patient health, fracture morphology, and surgical treatment adopted were combined to calculate the FRACTING score. Fractures were considered healed when the patient was able to fully weight-bear without pain. Results. 319 fractures (88%) healed within 12 months from treatment. Forty-four fractures healed after 12 months or underwent a second surgery. FRACTING score positively correlated with days to healing: r = 0.63 (p < 0.0001). Average score value was 7.3 \ub1 2.5; ROC analysis showed strong reliability of the score in separating patients healing before versus after 6 months: AUC = 0.823. Conclusions. This study shows that the FRACTING score can be employed both to predict months needed for fracture healing and to identify immediately after treatment patients at risk of prolonged healing. In patients with high score values, new pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments to enhance osteogenesis could be tested selectively, which may finally result in reduced disability time and health cost savings

    The Greatest Happiness Principle and the Principle of Enlightened Interest Theoretically Reconstructed: Jean Baptiste Say and Jeremy Bentham

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    This paper is composed of two sections. Section 1 contains a purely theoretical comparison between GHP and EIP. It shows that these two principles are not equivalent and that subscribing to GHP may imply higher sacrifices of individual happiness than those prescribed by EIP. Section 2 examines Say’s arguments about the correspondence between general utility and individual EI and compares them with Bentham’s analysis of the connection between the principle of utility and individual motives
