1,009 research outputs found

    Mercado de trabalho, hiato tecnologico e crescimento

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    Orientador: Jose Gabriel Porcile MeirelesMonografia(Graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Ciências EconômicasResumo: O presente trabalho se propõe a explicar o modelo de convergência econômica internacional. Este modelo apresenta a tecnologia como a variável chave na divisão internacional entre os países desenvolvidos e subdesenvolvidos. Apresentando o hiato tecnológico, entre duas nações: o Norte desenvolvido e o Sul subdesenvolvido e as distintas condições do mercado de trabalho. O modelo procura demonstrar que a tecnologia é capaz de alterar a produtividade relativa do trabalho e mudar o padrão de especialização da economia alterando o padrão de comércio internacional da nação menos desenvolvida, reduzindo após alguns períodos o hiato tecnológico e aumentando o número de bens relativos produzidos na economia, gerando desenvolvimento econômico

    Maturity status effects on torque and muscle architecture of young soccer players

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    This study investigated the effects of maturity status on knee extensor torque and vastus lateralis architecture of young soccer players. Thirty-four males aged 13–18 years were divided into two groups: pubescent (PUB, n = 15) and postpubescent (POSP, n = 19). Torque by angle interaction was established for absolute [F(2.649, 84.771) = 9.066, p < 0.05] and relative to body mass [F(2.704, 86.533) = 4.050, p < 0.05] isometric torque with the POSP group showing greater values. Muscle volume torque-angle relationship was similar between groups. Absolute, relative to body mass, and relative to muscle volume concentric and eccentric torque-velocity relationship showed a nonsignificant interaction but a significant group effect in favour the POSP group for absolute and concentric torque relative to body mass. Torque-angle and torque-velocity relationship normalized by body mass allometric exponents showed a non-significant interactions and group effects. Muscle thickness (3.6 ± 0.6 vs. 3.8 ± 0.6 cm), fascicle length (8.3 ± 1.4 vs. 8.9 ± 1.6 cm) and pennation angle (15.0 ± 2.3 vs. 14.3 ± 3.2 degrees) was similar between PUB and POSP groups, respectively. Maturity status did not show a significant effect on muscle architecture and on isometric and dynamic torques when allometrically normalized

    The Armenian genocide in international law

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    Aborda-se o evento do genocídio armênio, ocorrido no contexto histórico da Primeira Guerra Mundial e a posterior contribuição para construção do conceito no Direito Internacional. O termo “genocídio” é atribuído ao jurista polonês Raphael Lemkin, que também garantiu que o conceito formulado se tornasse amplamente divulgado e reconhecido como um crime cuja repressão e punição estariam amplamente asseguradas no Direito Internacional. Existem inúmeras narrativas sobre o fenômeno genocídio e embora não seja prática atual, foi no contexto histórico das grandes guerras do Século XX e dos consequentes extermínios em massa, que a questão se tornou central para a sociedade internacional. Diante desses fenômenos, questionou-se o que vem a caracterizar o genocídio e quais são os mecanismos de proteção internacional que possam coibir, atualmente, a prática deste crime. Esta pesquisa terá por objetivo geral analisar a sistematização histórica a justificar a conceituação do genocídio nas normas internacionais. Problematiza-se, porém, o papel histórico de tais fenômenos para a configuração dos crimes internacionais.This paper is about the Armenian genocide, which occurred in the historical context of the World War I and the subsequent contribution of this event for the construction of the concept in International Law. The term “genocide” is attributed to the Polish jurist Raphael Lemkin, who also ensured that the concept formulated became widely publicized and recognized as a crime whose repression and punishment would be widely ensured in International Law. There are numerous narratives on the genocide phenomenon and although it is not current practice, it was in the historical context of the twentieth Century wars and mass exterminations that the issue became central to international society. Faced with these phenomena, what has come to characterize genocide and which are the mechanisms of international protection that can curb the practice of this crime currently. This research will have as general aim to analyze the historical systematization to justify the conceptualization of genocide in International Law, despite of the problematic historical role of such phenomena in the configuration of international crimes

    Interdisciplinary research networks and science-policy-society interactions in the Uruguay River Basin

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    The Uruguay River Basin (URB) that extends along Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay has been the hub of increasing pressures caused by the expansion of industrial agriculture, forestry and infrastructure projects in hydroenergy and transportation. There are growing concerns that the fragmented institutional framework is inadequate to address the growing challenges. Interdisciplinary research networks can contribute to creating perspectives of the basin that are policy and governance relevant. In this paper, we set out to interrogate the potential scope of interdisciplinary research networks (IRNs) for the advancement of basin governance framework for the URB. We envision IRNs as knowledge actors that can open up opportunities to mediate and connect basin actors across different spaces - academic, policy, technical-administrative and social. We highlight a series of pathways to advance networks actions in creating opportunities to fill the gaps of transboundary basin governance, and acknowledge the challenges associated with doing this work in the URB and other basins around the world.Fil: Saguier, Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Escuela de Política y Gobierno; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Gerlak, Andrea K.. University of Arizona; Estados UnidosFil: Villar, Pilar Carolina. Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Baigún, Claudio Rafael M.. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental; ArgentinaFil: Venturini, Virginia. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lara, Albina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; ArgentinaFil: Dos Santos, Marco Aurelio. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasi

    Differences in HPV infection and HPV-related lesions between the cervix and anus in hiv-positive women

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    Introduction: the prevalence of cervical and anal human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in women infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is high. However, little is known about the differences in the susceptibility of these infections and related lesions. The aim of this study was to describe the association between the prevalence of cervical and anal HPV infection and HPV-related lesions in HIV-positive women. Methods: this study included 88 HIV-positive women attending an outpatient clinic in a university hospital. Ectocervical, endocervical, and anal samples were collected for colpocytology and anal cytology. A polymerase chain reaction-based technique was used to detect HPV deoxyribonucleic acid in endocervical and anal swab samples. Results: the cervical and anal HPV positivity rates were 35.21% and 78.8%, respectively. The presence of HPV-related lesions on colpocytology was associated with anal HPV positivity (P = 0.027). The ratio between cervical HPV infection and cervical HPV-related lesions was 2.5. The ratio between anal HPV infection and anal HPV-related lesions was 4.3. Overall, 30% had concomitant HPV DNA in the cervix and anus. Conclusion: there are differences in the susceptibility of infections and related lesions between the cervix and anus. Despite a higher incidence of anal HPV, the progression to HPV-related lesion does not occur via the same manner in the cervix and anus. Moreover, cervical HPV-related lesions in HIV-positive women may serve as a cue for anal preventive strategies, and further investigations in these women may be useful.

    Triceps surae muscle-tendon properties as determinants of the metabolic cost in trained long-distance runners

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    Purpose: This study aimed to determine whether triceps surae’s muscle architecture and Achilles tendon parameters are related to running metabolic cost (C) in trained long-distance runners. Methods: Seventeen trained male recreational long-distance runners (mean age = 34 years) participated in this study. C was measured during submaximal steady-state running (5 min) at 12 and 16 km h–1 on a treadmill. Ultrasound was used to determine the gastrocnemius medialis (GM), gastrocnemius lateralis (GL), and soleus (SO) muscle architecture, including fascicle length (FL) and pennation angle (PA), and the Achilles tendon cross-sectional area (CSA), resting length and elongation as a function of plantar flexion torque during maximal voluntary plantar flexion. Achilles tendon mechanical (force, elongation, and stiffness) and material (stress, strain, and Young’s modulus) properties were determined. Stepwise multiple linear regressions were used to determine the relationship between independent variables (tendon resting length, CSA, force, elongation, stiffness, stress, strain, Young’s modulus, and FL and PA of triceps surae muscles) and C (J kg–1m–1) at 12 and 16 km h–1. Results: SO PA and Achilles tendon CSA were negatively associated with C (r2 = 0.69; p < 0.001) at 12 km h–1, whereas SO PA was negatively and Achilles tendon stress was positively associated with C (r2 = 0.63; p = 0.001) at 16 km h–1, respectively. Our results presented a small power, and the multiple linear regression’s cause-effect relation was limited due to the low sample size. Conclusion: For a given muscle length, greater SO PA, probably related to short muscle fibers and to a large physiological cross-sectional area, may be beneficial to C. Larger Achilles tendon CSA may determine a better force distribution per tendon area, thereby reducing tendon stress and C at submaximal speeds (12 and 16 km h–1). Furthermore, Achilles tendon morphological and mechanical properties (CSA, stress, and Young’s modulus) and triceps surae muscle architecture (GM PA, GM FL, SO PA, and SO FL) presented large correlations with C

    Silicon as a permanent-carbon sedimentation tracer

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    A procedure to quantify permanent carbon (C) sedimentation rates was required to compare these rates to methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) water&ndash;air emission rates measured during reservoir C flux studies. Therefore, a new method to estimate C burial rates using silicon (Si) as a tracer was devised and applied. Burial rates in 8 tropical reservoirs were measured. Ages of these 8 reservoirs varied between 3.7 and 49 years. Each reservoir was surveyed 3 times during 1 year. Median burial rate was 78 (min 12, max 516; n = 66) mg C m-2 d-1. Trapped C (Ct) rates were also measured; the resulting median was 845 mg C m-2 d-1 (min 179, max 19 064; n = 40). Burial efficiency (comparison between C burial rate and Ct rate) was ~10%. Carbon burial efficiency of the 8 reservoirs showed strong dependence on bottom water temperature, efficiency being halved for each 3.4 &deg;C increase in annual average temperature of reservoir bottom water. This finding strongly supported the adequacy of the Si-tracer method for rate measurements of carbon burial in sediments. Simultaneous with our new Si-tracer method we conducted traditional lead 210 isotope (210Pb) dating. The resulting median was 133 (min 11, max 441; n = 15) mg C m-2 d-1. Compared to the Si-tracer median, the 210Pb-dating technique resulted in a higher C median burial rate because the sampling sites that lacked sediment (and therefore contributed a null burial rate) were, in retrospect, erroneously disregarded