564 research outputs found

    A Novel Approach of Virotherapy Based Hsf-1 Shrna in Cancer Eradication

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    Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide with continues rise mortality rate. Current cancer treatment modalities are still ineffective and associated with many side effects leading to robust research to find new specific target therapy. Heat shock factor (HSF)-1 is heat shock response mediator protein and act as transcription factor for HSP encoding gene. Many cancers have up-regulated HSP as a result of increase HSF-1 expression. Interestingly, inhibition of HSF-1 has no effect to normal cell, indicating HSF-1 as promises target therapy. RNAi is potential mechanism to block and down regulate HSF-1 which will affect many cellular processes in cancer cell. Combining RNAi base treatment with oncolityc viruses will boost the therapeutic effect of this novel treatment. Despite its potency, this modality still need further research in order to evaluate its efficacy and optimal doses to gain optimal result


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana (1) karaktersitik visualkarya – karya seniman Sanggar Dewata Indonesia (2) konsep dan gagasan, dan (3) factordan proses seniman Sanggar Dewata Indonesia berkarya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologi yang menggunakan teknik deskriptif. Inimerupakan kajian dari beberapa sumber literasi, seperti buku, jurnal, dan katalog pameranseni. Dan kajian mengenai ini sudah penulis temukan, lalu objek dari penelitian ini adalahseniman Sanggar Dewata Indonesia. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui metodeobservasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, serta dianalisis melali teknik analisis kualitatifdengan tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data serta kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan(1) karakteristik visual pada karya seniman Sanggar Dewata Indonesia saat ini sangatberagam, beberapa seniman telah meinggalkan ikon – ikon bali dalam visual dalamkaryanya. (2) Konsep Bali tidak dihilangkan karena itu adalah ruh dalam karya seniman Sanggar Dewata Indonesia, meskipun pada karya tidak Nampak ikon – ikon visual Bali. Konsep tersebut adalah Tri Hita Karana, Desa Kala Patra, Rwa Bhineda, TatTwam Asi, Karmapala, Taksu, dan Menyame Braya. (3) Semangat nasionalisme bernegara lewat berkesenian, membuat seniman Sanggar Dewata Indonesia mengembantugas serta fungsi yang sangat penting yaitu menyuarakan kehidupan berbangsa yang plural,menyuarakan kekayaan tradisi serta nilai lokalitas dan harmoni dalam perbedaan. Dalamprosesnya seniman Sanggar Dewata Indonesia selalu melihat hal – hal disekitar sebagaibentuk keresahan yang dituangkan ke dalam karya

    Ergonomic Intervention Decreases the Load of Learning and Increases the Students Performances

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    Most students\u27 activities in respect to the implementation of the academic curriculumare done at home. In fact, conventional activity done by the students in boardinghouse ofMinahasa tradition showed unfavorable risks to students based on the load of learning withindicators of musculoskeletal complaints, boredom, and fatigue. Consequently, thestudents were not yet able to attain the intended performance. To overcome the problems,it has made the efforts of ergonomics intervention. In order to test the capability of theergonomics interventions, it had been done a research with the hypothesis, the ergonomicsinterventions on the activity in boardinghouse of Minahasa tradition: normalizes the bodytemperature; decreases the musculoskeletal complaints; decreases the level of boredom;decreases the level of fatigue; increases the accuracy of working; increases the speed ofworking; increases the constancy of working; and increases the results of working of thestudents. This research was done in two periods by utilizing the treatment by subjectdesign. The first and second period was done during four weeks, without and withergonomic intervention. The subjects utilized in the research were as many as 15 persons.The measurements of dependent variables were done before and after doing the activity.The results of the research showed that the ergonomics interventions on the learningactivities in boardinghouse could decrease load of learning significantly (p<0.05): the bodytemperature became normal, the musculoskeletal complaints decreased 44.79%; the levelof boredom decreased 9.79%; the level of fatigue decreased 15.20%; the accuracy ofworking decreased 55.06%; the speed of working decreased 17.32%; the constancy ofworking decreased 30.72%; and the results of working of the students increased 131.44%.It can be concluded that the ergonomics interventions can: decrease the load of learning ofthe students and increase the performance of the students


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    ABSTRACT In this study, triphenyltin benzoate was synthesized first, and followed by antitumor prescreening test of the compound towards a human cervical carcinoma cell line, HeLa. Three reaction steps were employed to obtain the compound needed, i.e. 1) synthesizing of tetraphenyltin compound via insitu phenilmagnesiumbromide Grignard reaction to tin(lV)chloride, 2) synthesizing triphenyltin chloride via redistribution reaction of tetraphenyltin to tin(lV) chloride without any solvent, the reaction completed depends on the temperature, in this case a good results was achieved at temperature 220°C for 6 h, 3) finally, triphenyltin benzoate was produced through a methathetical reaction of triphenyltin chloride to an excess of sodium benzoate in ethanol. In vitro prescreening antitumour activity of the compound towards a human cervical tumour cell line, HeLa was ca"ied out following an enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). By this method, the test ended with good promising results. This indicates by the ICsoof 170 nM which is compared wel/ to cisplatinum with 1Cso 950 nM. Keywords: redistribution reaction, methathetical reaction, eel/line, in vitro, antitumour


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    Abstract ”Lascarya” yang berarti tulus iklas mengabdi demi janji dan kesetiaan serta hormat terhadap cita-cita dalam mengambil keputusan hidup dengan disertai tanggung jawab secara moral. Lugu, kepolosan, dan kejujuran adalah gambaran jiwa dari manusia yang tercermin sebagai suatu keiklasan dalam menjalani aktivitas hidup yang multi dimensi dan multi kultural. Harapan dan cita-cita memang selalu ada pada setiap insan, namun janganlah pernah berharap terlalu berlebihan dari apa yang kita perbuat sebagai wujud bakti dan yadnya yang utama kepada Sang Pencipta. Hal inilah yang tergambar dari sosok seniman alam yang secara tulus iklas mengabdikan dirinya demi mencapai kebahagiaan hidup. Berpijak dari percerminan ini, penata mencoba menuangkan ide dan konsep ini kedalam bentuk garapan karawitan yang teruntai dalam untaian rangkaian nada-nada Semar Pegulingan yang ritmis dan dinamis menjadi sebuah komposisi karawitan yang utuh

    Redesign of Work Place and System with Ergonomic Intervention Improves the Performance of the Skt (Hand Rolled Cigarette) Rollers at Cigarette Industry “X” in Kediri East Java

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    In this research ergonomic intervention of the 4 main factors influencingperformance was conducted. The four main factors are : (a) intervention of humancovering the change in position of the SKT rollers from the position of facing oneanother into that of facing the same direction, from the hunchbacked sitting positioninto the upright one; (b) intervention of work equipment covering the changes inform, dimension, table and chair size, and layouts of space and work facilities ; (c)intervention of work system covering the changes in work process arrangement, rightand left hand movement, time allocated for active break and in the removal oftobacco which used to be done by the knockers but now is done by the rollers; (d)intervention of work environment, that is, exhaust installation to regulate thecirculation and wind humidity in the SKT rollers\u27 room. Redesign of place and worksystem with ergonomic intervention contribute to : (a) the decrease in work loadfrom medium category into light category; (b) the decrease in work tiredness frombeing very tired category into being not tired; (c) the decrease in musculoskeletalcomplaint from high category (being disturbed) into light category (beingundisturbed); (d) the decrease in medical treatment cost by 56,97%; (e) the increasein work productivity by 41,47%; (f) the increase in the SKT rollers\u27 salaries by15,10%; and (g) the increase in the company\u27s profit by 12,76%. Generally, redesignof place and work system can increase the performance of the SKT rollers at cigaretteindustry “X” at Kediri, East Java. Therefore, it has been suggested that the companycontinue to redesign the place and work system with ergonomic intervention in theother units

    Humble Adorations Behind Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung: a Critical Discourse Analysis

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    This research which deals with critical discourse analysis aims (1) to find out meanings of terms and vocabularies in Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung, (2) to analyze meanings of Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung in religious context, and (3) to reveal ideology behind the Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung. The subject of this study was Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung in ancient Javanese language, while the techniques of data collections were documentation. The data was then analyzed descriptively based on theory of Critical Discourse Analysis, theory of Natural Semantic Metalanguage and theory of meaning. The results of data analysis show that (1) most meanings of terms and vocabularies in the Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung were reduced and broadened due to the influence of local culture and historical events. Some words are still common in today\u27s society, especially the Balinese in which ancient Javanese literatures are kept preserved today. (2) Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung has a religious and ethical meaning, that people\u27s life in the ancient Java was religiously patterned. Besides, the kakawin showed that people of the ancient Java maintained their respects and submissiveness to the royal authorities. (3) The ideology of Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung is submissive adoration, seen from the way the poet selected words and presented the kakawin through humble language choices. Considering that kakawins have valuable religious, moral, and educational values, further research on ancient Javanese literature are needed. Critical analysis according to the context of the kakawin should be conducted for the raise of Indonesian research on local assets. 2 PUJIAN DENGAN KERENDAHAN HATI DALAM KAKAWIN BANAWA SEKAR TANAKUNG: SEBUAH ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS oleh Ida Bagus Arya Lawa Manuaba NIM. 1029011062 Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Juli 201