
Humble Adorations Behind Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung: a Critical Discourse Analysis


This research which deals with critical discourse analysis aims (1) to find out meanings of terms and vocabularies in Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung, (2) to analyze meanings of Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung in religious context, and (3) to reveal ideology behind the Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung. The subject of this study was Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung in ancient Javanese language, while the techniques of data collections were documentation. The data was then analyzed descriptively based on theory of Critical Discourse Analysis, theory of Natural Semantic Metalanguage and theory of meaning. The results of data analysis show that (1) most meanings of terms and vocabularies in the Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung were reduced and broadened due to the influence of local culture and historical events. Some words are still common in today\u27s society, especially the Balinese in which ancient Javanese literatures are kept preserved today. (2) Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung has a religious and ethical meaning, that people\u27s life in the ancient Java was religiously patterned. Besides, the kakawin showed that people of the ancient Java maintained their respects and submissiveness to the royal authorities. (3) The ideology of Kakawin Banawa Sekar Tanakung is submissive adoration, seen from the way the poet selected words and presented the kakawin through humble language choices. Considering that kakawins have valuable religious, moral, and educational values, further research on ancient Javanese literature are needed. Critical analysis according to the context of the kakawin should be conducted for the raise of Indonesian research on local assets. 2 PUJIAN DENGAN KERENDAHAN HATI DALAM KAKAWIN BANAWA SEKAR TANAKUNG: SEBUAH ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS oleh Ida Bagus Arya Lawa Manuaba NIM. 1029011062 Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Juli 201

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