418 research outputs found

    Estudi i aplicaciĂł de filtres i efectes passius en guitarres electrificades

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    Aquest projecte consisteix en l’estudi i aplicaciĂł del diferents filtres i efectes electrĂČnics aplicables a una guitarra elĂšctrica. Les guitarres elĂšctriques estan dotades de circuits passius, per aixĂČ tot el disseny Ă©s realitzat a base d’electrĂČnica passiva. Finalment, es realitza un prototip sobre el cos d’una guitarra elĂšctrica

    Measurement of the ratios of branching fractions R(D∗)\mathcal{R}(D^{*}) and R(D0)\mathcal{R}(D^{0})

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    The ratios of branching fractions R(D∗)≡B(Bˉ→D∗τ−Μˉτ)/B(Bˉ→D∗Ό−ΜˉΌ)\mathcal{R}(D^{*})\equiv\mathcal{B}(\bar{B}\to D^{*}\tau^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\tau})/\mathcal{B}(\bar{B}\to D^{*}\mu^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\mu}) and R(D0)≡B(B−→D0τ−Μˉτ)/B(B−→D0Ό−ΜˉΌ)\mathcal{R}(D^{0})\equiv\mathcal{B}(B^{-}\to D^{0}\tau^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\tau})/\mathcal{B}(B^{-}\to D^{0}\mu^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\mu}) are measured, assuming isospin symmetry, using a sample of proton-proton collision data corresponding to 3.0 fb−1{ }^{-1} of integrated luminosity recorded by the LHCb experiment during 2011 and 2012. The tau lepton is identified in the decay mode τ−→Ό−ΜτΜˉΌ\tau^{-}\to\mu^{-}\nu_{\tau}\bar{\nu}_{\mu}. The measured values are R(D∗)=0.281±0.018±0.024\mathcal{R}(D^{*})=0.281\pm0.018\pm0.024 and R(D0)=0.441±0.060±0.066\mathcal{R}(D^{0})=0.441\pm0.060\pm0.066, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. The correlation between these measurements is ρ=−0.43\rho=-0.43. Results are consistent with the current average of these quantities and are at a combined 1.9 standard deviations from the predictions based on lepton flavor universality in the Standard Model.Comment: All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/p/LHCb-PAPER-2022-039.html (LHCb public pages

    Estudi i Disseny d'OTAs Rail-to-Rail en tecnologia de 65 nm

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    FastIC is an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) being designed in collaboration between the Institute of Cosmos Science of the University of Barcelona (ICC-UB) and the Centre EuropĂ©en pour la Recherche NuclĂ©aire organization (CERN). One of the main challenges of this new ASIC is to migrate the previously designs of the FlexToT in 350 nm and 180 nm into a 65 nm processThe Technological Unit of the Institute of Cosmos Science of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB-TECH) is focused on developing ultrafast read-out electronics for high-energy physics, medical imaging, astrophysics and space. The group has developed Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) for many different applications. In the framework of bridging developments and improvements in radiation detectors, ICCUB-TECH and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) collaborate in the design of a new front-end Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) (FastIC) in 65 nm CMOS technology, devoted for fast-timing applications in high energy physics, medical imaging, and other fields such as Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging, LIDAR and direct 3D-Imaging. This Master Thesis presents the design of three different Rail-to-Rail (RTR) Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (OTA) that will be included in the FastIC ASIC. The first version of the RTR OTA is a slow version with a GBW of 1,5 MHz and a power consumption of 70 ”W, capable of driving a capacitive load of 1 pF. The second version of the RTR OTA is a fast version with a GBW of 115 MHz and a power consumption of around 700 ”W, driving a capacitive load of 1 pF. The third version of the RTR OTA is a modification of the second version with a Slew Rate (SR) enhancement up to 330 V/”s and a GBW of 143 MHz.La Unidad TecnolĂłgica del Instituto de Ciencias del Cosmos de la Universidad de Barcelona (ICCUB-TECH) se dedica a desarrollar electrĂłnica de lectura para fĂ­sica de altas energĂ­as, imagen mĂ©dica, astrofĂ­sica y aplicaciones espaciales. El grupo ha desarrollado Circuitos Integrados para Aplicaciones EspecĂ­ficas (ASIC) para diferentes aplicaciones. Con el objetivo de desarrollar mejoras en detectores de radiaciĂłn, el ICCUB-TECH i la OrganizaciĂłn Europea de InvestigaciĂłn Nuclear (CERN) colaboran en el diseño de un ASIC de lectura en tecnologĂ­a CMOS de 65 nm, dedicado a aplicaciones rĂĄpidas en fĂ­sica de altas energĂ­as, imagen mĂ©dica y otros campos como Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging, LIDAR y imagen directa en 3D. Este Trabajo de Final de MĂĄster presenta el diseño de tres Amplificadores Operacional de Transconductancia (OTA) Rail-to-Rail (RTR) que serĂĄn incluidos en el ASIC FastIC. La primera versiĂłn del OTA RTR es una versiĂłn lenta con un GBW de 1,5 MHz y un consumo de potencia de 70 ”W, con una carga capacitiva de 1 pF. La segunda versiĂłn del OTA RTR es una versiĂłn rĂĄpida con un GBW de 115 MHz y un consumo de potencia de 700 ”W, con una carga capacitiva de 1 pF. La tercera versiĂłn es una modificaciĂłn de la segunda versiĂłn con una mejora de Slew Rate (SR) hasta 330 V/”s y un GBW de 143 MHz.La Unitat TecnolĂČgica de l'Institut de CiĂšncies del Cosmos de la Universitat de Barcelona (ICCUB-TECH) es dedica a desenvolupar electrĂČnica de lectura per a fĂ­sica d'altes energies, imatge mĂšdica, astrofĂ­sica i aplicacions espacials. El grup ha desenvolupat Circuits Integrats per a Aplicacions EspecĂ­fiques (ASIC) per a diferents aplicacions. Amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar millores en detectors de radiaciĂł, l'ICCUB-TECH i l'OrganitzaciĂł Europea de Recerca Nuclear (CERN) col·laboren en el disseny d'un nou ASIC de lectura en tecnologia CMOS de 65 nm, dedicat a aplicacions rĂ pides en fĂ­sica d?altes energies, imatge mĂšdica i altres camps com Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging, LIDAR i imatge directa en 3D. Aquest Treball de Fi de MĂ ster presenta el disseny de tres Amplificadors Operacionals de TransconductĂ ncia (OTA) Rail-to-Rail (RTR) que seran inclosos a l'ASIC FastIC. La primera versiĂł de l'OTA RTR Ă©s una versiĂł lenta amb un GBW de 1,5 MHz i un consum de potĂšncia de 70 ”W, amb una cĂ rrega capacitiva d'1 pF. La segona a versiĂł de l'OTA RTR Ă©s una versiĂł rĂ pida amb un GBW de 115 MHz i un consum de potĂšncia de 700 ”W, amb una cĂ rrega capacitiva d'1 pF. La tercera versiĂł de l'OTA RTR Ă©s una modificaciĂł de la segona versiĂł amb una millora de Slew Rate (SR) fins a 330 V/”s i un GBW de 143 MH

    Estudi i Disseny d'OTAs Rail-to-Rail en tecnologia de 65 nm

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    FastIC is an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) being designed in collaboration between the Institute of Cosmos Science of the University of Barcelona (ICC-UB) and the Centre EuropĂ©en pour la Recherche NuclĂ©aire organization (CERN). One of the main challenges of this new ASIC is to migrate the previously designs of the FlexToT in 350 nm and 180 nm into a 65 nm processThe Technological Unit of the Institute of Cosmos Science of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB-TECH) is focused on developing ultrafast read-out electronics for high-energy physics, medical imaging, astrophysics and space. The group has developed Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) for many different applications. In the framework of bridging developments and improvements in radiation detectors, ICCUB-TECH and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) collaborate in the design of a new front-end Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) (FastIC) in 65 nm CMOS technology, devoted for fast-timing applications in high energy physics, medical imaging, and other fields such as Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging, LIDAR and direct 3D-Imaging. This Master Thesis presents the design of three different Rail-to-Rail (RTR) Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (OTA) that will be included in the FastIC ASIC. The first version of the RTR OTA is a slow version with a GBW of 1,5 MHz and a power consumption of 70 ”W, capable of driving a capacitive load of 1 pF. The second version of the RTR OTA is a fast version with a GBW of 115 MHz and a power consumption of around 700 ”W, driving a capacitive load of 1 pF. The third version of the RTR OTA is a modification of the second version with a Slew Rate (SR) enhancement up to 330 V/”s and a GBW of 143 MHz.La Unidad TecnolĂłgica del Instituto de Ciencias del Cosmos de la Universidad de Barcelona (ICCUB-TECH) se dedica a desarrollar electrĂłnica de lectura para fĂ­sica de altas energĂ­as, imagen mĂ©dica, astrofĂ­sica y aplicaciones espaciales. El grupo ha desarrollado Circuitos Integrados para Aplicaciones EspecĂ­ficas (ASIC) para diferentes aplicaciones. Con el objetivo de desarrollar mejoras en detectores de radiaciĂłn, el ICCUB-TECH i la OrganizaciĂłn Europea de InvestigaciĂłn Nuclear (CERN) colaboran en el diseño de un ASIC de lectura en tecnologĂ­a CMOS de 65 nm, dedicado a aplicaciones rĂĄpidas en fĂ­sica de altas energĂ­as, imagen mĂ©dica y otros campos como Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging, LIDAR y imagen directa en 3D. Este Trabajo de Final de MĂĄster presenta el diseño de tres Amplificadores Operacional de Transconductancia (OTA) Rail-to-Rail (RTR) que serĂĄn incluidos en el ASIC FastIC. La primera versiĂłn del OTA RTR es una versiĂłn lenta con un GBW de 1,5 MHz y un consumo de potencia de 70 ”W, con una carga capacitiva de 1 pF. La segunda versiĂłn del OTA RTR es una versiĂłn rĂĄpida con un GBW de 115 MHz y un consumo de potencia de 700 ”W, con una carga capacitiva de 1 pF. La tercera versiĂłn es una modificaciĂłn de la segunda versiĂłn con una mejora de Slew Rate (SR) hasta 330 V/”s y un GBW de 143 MHz.La Unitat TecnolĂČgica de l'Institut de CiĂšncies del Cosmos de la Universitat de Barcelona (ICCUB-TECH) es dedica a desenvolupar electrĂČnica de lectura per a fĂ­sica d'altes energies, imatge mĂšdica, astrofĂ­sica i aplicacions espacials. El grup ha desenvolupat Circuits Integrats per a Aplicacions EspecĂ­fiques (ASIC) per a diferents aplicacions. Amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar millores en detectors de radiaciĂł, l'ICCUB-TECH i l'OrganitzaciĂł Europea de Recerca Nuclear (CERN) col·laboren en el disseny d'un nou ASIC de lectura en tecnologia CMOS de 65 nm, dedicat a aplicacions rĂ pides en fĂ­sica d?altes energies, imatge mĂšdica i altres camps com Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging, LIDAR i imatge directa en 3D. Aquest Treball de Fi de MĂ ster presenta el disseny de tres Amplificadors Operacionals de TransconductĂ ncia (OTA) Rail-to-Rail (RTR) que seran inclosos a l'ASIC FastIC. La primera versiĂł de l'OTA RTR Ă©s una versiĂł lenta amb un GBW de 1,5 MHz i un consum de potĂšncia de 70 ”W, amb una cĂ rrega capacitiva d'1 pF. La segona a versiĂł de l'OTA RTR Ă©s una versiĂł rĂ pida amb un GBW de 115 MHz i un consum de potĂšncia de 700 ”W, amb una cĂ rrega capacitiva d'1 pF. La tercera versiĂł de l'OTA RTR Ă©s una modificaciĂł de la segona versiĂł amb una millora de Slew Rate (SR) fins a 330 V/”s i un GBW de 143 MH

    Estudi i aplicaciĂł de filtres i efectes passius en guitarres electrificades

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    Aquest projecte consisteix en l’estudi i aplicaciĂł del diferents filtres i efectes electrĂČnics aplicables a una guitarra elĂšctrica. Les guitarres elĂšctriques estan dotades de circuits passius, per aixĂČ tot el disseny Ă©s realitzat a base d’electrĂČnica passiva. Finalment, es realitza un prototip sobre el cos d’una guitarra elĂšctrica

    Estudi i aplicaciĂł de filtres i efectes passius en guitarres electrificades

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    Aquest projecte consisteix en l’estudi i aplicaciĂł del diferents filtres i efectes electrĂČnics aplicables a una guitarra elĂšctrica. Les guitarres elĂšctriques estan dotades de circuits passius, per aixĂČ tot el disseny Ă©s realitzat a base d’electrĂČnica passiva. Finalment, es realitza un prototip sobre el cos d’una guitarra elĂšctrica

    Observation of a new baryon state in the Λb0π+π− {\Lambda}_{\mathrm{b}}^0{\pi}^{+}{\pi}^{-} mass spectrum

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    International audienceA new baryon state is observed in the Λb0π+π− {\Lambda}_{\mathrm{b}}^0{\pi}^{+}{\pi}^{-} mass spectrum with high significance using a data sample of pp collisions, collected with the LHCb detector at centre-of-mass energies s \sqrt{s} = 7, 8 and 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9 fb−1^{−1}. The mass and natural width of the new state are measured to bem=6072.3±2.9±0.6±0.2 MeV,Γ=72±11±2 MeV, {\displaystyle \begin{array}{l}m=6072.3\pm 2.9\pm 0.6\pm 0.2\ \mathrm{MeV},\\ {}\Gamma =72\pm 11\pm 2\ \mathrm{MeV},\end{array}} where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic. The third uncertainty for the mass is due to imprecise knowledge of the Λb0 {\Lambda}_{\mathrm{b}}^0 baryon mass. The new state is consistent with the first radial excitation of the Λb0 {\Lambda}_{\mathrm{b}}^0 baryon, the Λb_{b}(2S)0^{0} resonance. Updated measurements of the masses and the upper limits on the natural widths of the previously observed Λb_{b}(5912)0^{0} and Λb_{b}(5920)0^{0} states are also reported.[graphic not available: see fulltext

    Search for the doubly charmed baryon Ξ+cc

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    Measurement of fs/fuf_s / f_u Variation with Proton-Proton Collision Energy and BB-Meson Kinematics

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    International audienceThe ratio of the Bs0 and B+ fragmentation fractions fs and fu is studied with Bs0→J/ψϕ and B+→J/ψK+ decays using data collected by the LHCb experiment in proton-proton collisions at 7, 8, and 13 TeV center-of-mass energies. The analysis is performed in bins of B-meson momentum, longitudinal momentum, transverse momentum, pseudorapidity, and rapidity. The fragmentation-fraction ratio fs/fu is observed to depend on the B-meson transverse momentum with a significance of 6.0σ. This dependency is driven by the 13 TeV sample (8.7σ), while the results for the other collision energies are not significant when considered separately. Furthermore, the results show a 4.8σ evidence for an increase of fs/fu as a function of collision energy

    Measurement of the branching fraction of the decay Bs0→KS0KS0B_s^0\to K_S^0 K_S^0

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    International audienceA measurement of the branching fraction of the decay Bs0→KS0KS0 is performed using proton–proton collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5  fb-1 collected by the LHCb experiment between 2011 and 2016. The branching fraction is determined to be B(Bs0→KS0KS0)=[8.3±1.6(stat)±0.9(syst)±0.8(norm)±0.3(fs/fd)]×10-6, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is systematic, and the third and fourth are due to uncertainties on the branching fraction of the normalization mode B0→ϕKS0 and the ratio of hadronization fractions fs/fd. This is the most precise measurement of this branching fraction to date. Furthermore, a measurement of the branching fraction of the decay B0→KS0KS0 is performed relative to that of the Bs0→KS0KS0 channel, and is found to be B(B0→KS0KS0)B(Bs0→KS0KS0)=[7.5±3.1(stat)±0.5(syst)±0.3(fs/fd)]×10-2
