102 research outputs found

    Large prebiotic molecules in space: photo-physics of acetic acid and its isomers

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    An increasing number of large molecules have been positively identified in space. Many of these molecules are of biological interest and thus provide insight into prebiotic organic chemistry in the protoplanetary nebula. Among these molecules, acetic acid is of particular importance due to its structural proximity to glycine, the simplest amino acid. We compute electronic and vibrational properties of acetic acid and its isomers, methyl formate and glycolaldehyde, using density functional theory. From computed photo-absorption cross-sections, we obtain the corresponding photo-absorption rates for solar radiation at 1 AU and find them in good agreement with previous estimates. We also discuss glycolaldehyde diffuse emission in Sgr B2(N), as opposite to emissions from methyl formate and acetic acid that appear to be concentrate in the compact region Sgr B2(N-LMH).Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Perturbed structural dynamics underlie inhibition and altered efflux of the multidrug resistance pump AcrB

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    Resistance–nodulation–division efflux pumps play a key role in inherent and evolved multidrug resistance in bacteria. AcrB, a prototypical member of this protein family, extrudes a wide range of antimicrobial agents out of bacteria. Although high-resolution structures exist for AcrB, its conformational fluctuations and their putative role in function are largely unknown. Here, we determine these structural dynamics in the presence of substrates using hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, complemented by molecular dynamics simulations, and bacterial susceptibility studies. We show that an efflux pump inhibitor potentiates antibiotic activity by restraining drug-binding pocket dynamics, rather than preventing antibiotic binding. We also reveal that a drug-binding pocket substitution discovered within a multidrug resistant clinical isolate modifies the plasticity of the transport pathway, which could explain its altered substrate efflux. Our results provide insight into the molecular mechanism of drug export and inhibition of a major multidrug efflux pump and the directive role of its dynamics

    Molecular Rationale behind the Differential Substrate Specificity of Bacterial RND Multi-Drug Transporters

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    Resistance-Nodulation-cell Division (RND) transporters AcrB and AcrD of Escherichia coli expel a wide range of substrates out of the cell in conjunction with AcrA and TolC, contributing to the onset of bacterial multidrug resistance. Despite sharing an overall sequence identity of ~66% (similarity ~80%), these RND transporters feature distinct substrate specificity patterns whose underlying basis remains elusive. We performed exhaustive comparative analyses of the putative substrate binding pockets considering crystal structures, homology models and conformations extracted from multi-copy ĂŽÂĽs-long molecular dynamics simulations of both AcrB and AcrD. The impact of physicochemical and topographical properties (volume, shape, lipophilicity, electrostatic potential, hydration and distribution of multi-functional sites) within the pockets on their substrate specificities was quantitatively assessed. Differences in the lipophilic and electrostatic potentials among the pockets were identified. In particular, the deep pocket of AcrB showed the largest lipophilicity convincingly pointing out its possible role as a lipophilicity-based selectivity filter. Furthermore, we identified dynamic features (not inferable from sequence analysis or static structures) such as different flexibilities of specific protein loops that could potentially influence the substrate recognition and transport profile. Our findings can be valuable for drawing structure (dynamics)-activity relationship to be employed in drug design

    Interaction of Radiopharmaceuticals with Somatostatin Receptor 2 Revealed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    The development of drugs targeting somatostatin receptor 2 (SSTR2), generally overexpressed in neuroendocrine tumors, is focus of intense research. A few molecules in conjugation with radionuclides are in clinical use for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. These radiopharmaceuticals are composed of a somatostatin analogue biovector conjugated to a chelator moiety bearing the radionuclide. To date, despite valuable efforts, a detailed molecular-level description of the interaction of radiopharmaceuticals in complex with SSTR2 has not yet been accomplished. Therefore, in this work, we carefully analyzed the key dynamical features and detailed molecular interactions of SSTR2 in complex with six radiopharmaceutical compounds selected among the few already in use (64Cu/68Ga-DOTATATE, 68Ga-DOTATOC, 64Cu-SARTATE) and some in clinical development (68Ga-DOTANOC, 64Cu-TETATATE). Through molecular dynamics simulations and exploiting recently available structures of SSTR2, we explored the influence of the different portions of the compounds (peptide, radionuclide, and chelator) in the interaction with the receptor. We identified the most stable binding modes and found distinct interaction patterns characterizing the six compounds. We thus unveiled detailed molecular interactions crucial for the recognition of this class of radiopharmaceuticals. The microscopically well-founded analysis presented in this study provides guidelines for the design of new potent ligands targeting SSTR2

    Common recognition topology of mex transporters of Pseudomonas aeruginosa revealed by molecular modelling

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    The secondary transporters of the resistance-nodulation-cell division (RND) superfamily mediate multidrug resistance in Gram-negative bacteria like Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Among these RND transporters, MexB, MexF, and MexY, with partly overlapping specificities, have been implicated in pathogenicity. Only the structure of the former has been resolved experimentally, which together with the lack of data about the functional dynamics of the full set of transporters, limited a systematic investigation of the molecular determinants defining their peculiar and shared features. In a previous work (Ramaswamy et al., Front. Microbiol., 2018, 9, 1144), we compared at an atomistic level the two main putative recognition sites (named access and deep binding pockets) of MexB and MexY. In this work, we expand the comparison by performing extended molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of these transporters and the pathologically relevant transporter MexF. We employed a more realistic model of the inner phospholipid membrane of P. aeruginosa and more accurate force-fields. To elucidate structure/dynamics-activity relationships we performed physico-chemical analyses and mapped the binding propensities of several organic probes on all transporters. Our data revealed the presence, also in MexF, of a few multifunctional sites at locations equivalent to the access and deep binding pockets detected in MexB. Furthermore, we report for the first time about the multidrug binding abilities of two out of five gates of the channels deputed to peripheral (early) recognition of substrates. Overall, our findings help to define a common “recognition topology” characterizing Mex transporters, which can be exploited to optimize transport and inhibition propensities of antimicrobial compounds

    Water-mediated interactions enable smooth substrate transport in a bacterial efflux pump

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    Background Efflux pumps of the Resistance-Nodulation-cell Division superfamily confer multi-drug resistance to Gram-negative bacteria. The most-studied polyspecific transporter belonging to this class is the inner-membrane trimeric antiporter AcrB of Escherichia coli. In previous studies, a functional rotation mechanism was proposed for its functioning, according to which the three monomers undergo concerted conformational changes facilitating the extrusion of substrates. However, the molecular determinants and the energetics of this mechanism still remain unknown, so its feasibility must be proven mechanistically. Methods A computational protocol able to mimic the functional rotation mechanism in AcrB was developed. By using multi-bias molecular dynamics simulations we characterized the translocation of the substrate doxorubicin driven by conformational changes of the protein. In addition, we estimated for the first time the free energy profile associated to this process. Results We provided a molecular view of the process in agreement with experimental data. Moreover, we showed that the conformational changes occurring in AcrB enable the formation of a layer of structured waters on the internal surface of the transport channel. This water layer, in turn, allows for a fairly constant hydration of the substrate, facilitating its diffusion over a smooth free energy profile. Conclusions Our findings reveal a new molecular mechanism of polyspecific transport whereby water contributes by screening potentially strong substrate-protein interactions. General significance We provided a mechanistic understanding of a fundamental process related to multi-drug transport. Our results can help rationalizing the behavior of other polyspecific transporters and designing compounds avoiding extrusion or inhibitors of efflux pumps

    Holo-like and Druggable Protein Conformations from Enhanced Sampling of Binding Pocket Volume and Shape

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    Understanding molecular recognition of small molecules by proteins in atomistic detail is key for drug design. Molecular docking is a widely used computational method to mimic ligand–protein association in silico. However, predicting conformational changes occurring in proteins upon ligand binding is still a major challenge. Ensemble docking approaches address this issue by considering a set of different conformations of the protein obtained either experimentally or from computer simulations, e.g., molecular dynamics. However, holo structures prone to host (the correct) ligands are generally poorly sampled by standard molecular dynamics simulations of the apo protein. In order to address this limitation, we introduce a computational approach based on metadynamics simulations called ensemble docking with enhanced sampling of pocket shape (EDES) that allows holo-like conformations of proteins to be generated by exploiting only their apo structures. This is achieved by defining a set of collective variables ..

    Computer simulations of the activity of RND efflux pumps

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    Abstract The putative mechanism by which bacterial RND-type multidrug efflux pumps recognize and transport their substrates is a complex and fascinating enigma of structural biology. How a single protein can recognize a huge number of unrelated compounds and transport them through one or just a few mechanisms is an amazing feature not yet completely unveiled. The appearance of cooperativity further complicates the understanding of structure-dynamics-activity relationships in these complex machineries. Experimental techniques may have limited access to the molecular determinants and to the energetics of key processes regulating the activity of these pumps. Computer simulations are a complementary approach that can help unveil these features and inspire new experiments. Here we review recent computational studies that addressed the various molecular processes regulating the activity of RND efflux pumps
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