200 research outputs found

    Methane and Nitrogen Abundances On Pluto and Eris

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    We present spectra of Eris from the MMT 6.5 meter telescope and Red Channel Spectrograph (5700-9800 angstroms; 5 angstroms per pix) on Mt. Hopkins, AZ, and of Pluto from the Steward Observatory 2.3 meter telescope and Boller and Chivens spectrograph (7100-9400 angstroms; 2 angstroms per pix) on Kitt Peak, AZ. In addition, we present laboratory transmission spectra of methane-nitrogen and methane-argon ice mixtures. By anchoring our analysis in methane and nitrogen solubilities in one another as expressed in the phase diagram of Prokhvatilov and Yantsevich (1983), and comparing methane bands in our Eris and Pluto spectra and methane bands in our laboratory spectra of methane and nitrogen ice mixtures, we find Eris' bulk methane and nitrogen abundances are about 10% and about 90%, and Pluto's bulk methane and nitrogen abundances are about 3% and about 97%. Such abundances for Pluto are consistent with values reported in the literature. It appears that the bulk volatile composition of Eris is similar to the bulk volatile composition of Pluto. Both objects appear to be dominated by nitrogen ice. Our analysis also suggests, unlike previous work reported in the literature, that the methane and nitrogen stoichiometry is constant with depth into the surface of Eris. Finally, we point out that our Eris spectrum is also consistent with a laboratory ice mixture consisting of 40% methane and 60% argon. Although we cannot rule out an argon rich surface, it seems more likely that nitrogen is the dominant species on Eris because the nitrogen ice 2.15 micron band is seen in spectra of Pluto and Triton.Comment: The manuscript has 44 pages, 15 figures, and four tables. It will appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    NEOWISE Studies of Spectrophotometrically Classified Asteroids: Preliminary Results

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    The NEOWISE dataset offers the opportunity to study the variations in albedo for asteroid classification schemes based on visible and near-infrared observations for a large sample of minor planets. We have determined the albedos for nearly 1900 asteroids classified by the Tholen, Bus and Bus-DeMeo taxonomic classification schemes. We find that the S-complex spans a broad range of bright albedos, partially overlapping the low albedo C-complex at small sizes. As expected, the X-complex covers a wide range of albedos. The multi-wavelength infrared coverage provided by NEOWISE allows determination of the reflectivity at 3.4 and 4.6 μ\mum relative to the visible albedo. The direct computation of the reflectivity at 3.4 and 4.6 μ\mum enables a new means of comparing the various taxonomic classes. Although C, B, D and T asteroids all have similarly low visible albedos, the D and T types can be distinguished from the C and B types by examining their relative reflectance at 3.4 and 4.6 μ\mum. All of the albedo distributions are strongly affected by selection biases against small, low albedo objects, as all objects selected for taxonomic classification were chosen according to their visible light brightness. Due to these strong selection biases, we are unable to determine whether or not there are correlations between size, albedo and space weathering. We argue that the current set of classified asteroids makes any such correlations difficult to verify. A sample of taxonomically classified asteroids drawn without significant albedo bias is needed in order to perform such an analysis.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    Multimodal Imaging of Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery in a 75-Year-Old Woman

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    Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery is rare and typically results in mitral regurgitation, ventricular arrhythmias, heart failure, and sudden death. The condition most often manifests itself in early childhood, but some individuals are diagnosed much later. We describe the case of a 75-year-old woman with heart failure in whom stepwise multimodal imaging revealed anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery

    NEOWISE Observations of Near-Earth Objects: Preliminary Results

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    With the NEOWISE portion of the \emph{Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer} (WISE) project, we have carried out a highly uniform survey of the near-Earth object (NEO) population at thermal infrared wavelengths ranging from 3 to 22 μ\mum, allowing us to refine estimates of their numbers, sizes, and albedos. The NEOWISE survey detected NEOs the same way whether they were previously known or not, subject to the availability of ground-based follow-up observations, resulting in the discovery of more than 130 new NEOs. The survey's uniformity in sensitivity, observing cadence, and image quality have permitted extrapolation of the 428 near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) detected by NEOWISE during the fully cryogenic portion of the WISE mission to the larger population. We find that there are 981±\pm19 NEAs larger than 1 km and 20,500±\pm3000 NEAs larger than 100 m. We show that the Spaceguard goal of detecting 90% of all 1 km NEAs has been met, and that the cumulative size distribution is best represented by a broken power law with a slope of 1.32±\pm0.14 below 1.5 km. This power law slope produces 13,200±\sim13,200\pm1,900 NEAs with D>D>140 m. Although previous studies predict another break in the cumulative size distribution below DD\sim50-100 m, resulting in an increase in the number of NEOs in this size range and smaller, we did not detect enough objects to comment on this increase. The overall number for the NEA population between 100-1000 m are lower than previous estimates. The numbers of near-Earth comets will be the subject of future work.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    The operational environment and rotational acceleration of asteroid (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx observations

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    During its approach to asteroid (101955) Bennu, NASA's Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft surveyed Bennu's immediate environment, photometric properties, and rotation state. Discovery of a dusty environment, a natural satellite, or unexpected asteroid characteristics would have had consequences for the mission's safety and observation strategy. Here we show that spacecraft observations during this period were highly sensitive to satellites (sub-meter scale) but reveal none, although later navigational images indicate that further investigation is needed. We constrain average dust production in September 2018 from Bennu's surface to an upper limit of 150 g s(-1) averaged over 34 min. Bennu's disk-integrated photometric phase function validates measurements from the pre-encounter astronomical campaign. We demonstrate that Bennu's rotation rate is accelerating continuously at 3.63 +/- 0.52 x 10(-6) degrees day(-2), likely due to the Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effect, with evolutionary implications.This material is based upon work supported by NASA under Contract NNM10AA11C issued through the New Frontiers Program. This work made use of sbpy (http://sbpy. org), a community-driven Python package for small-body planetary astronomy supported by NASA PDART Grant No. 80NSSC18K0987. A portion of this research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. M.A.B. and S.F. acknowledge financial support from CNES

    Case Report: A Rare Case of Right-Sided Papillary Fibroelastoma in a 1-Year-Old With Congenital Heart Disease

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    Introduction: Cardiac papillary fibroelastomas (PFEs) are the most common primary benign cardiac tumors, although they are somewhat unusual in children and typically seen on the left-sided cardiac valves. Case summary: A 10-week-old patient was found to have a partial atrioventricular canal defect, with associated tricuspid and mitral regurgitation. He was medically managed until 1 year of age, when surgical correction was done. During the procedure, a PFE was found incidentally on the TV. Conclusion: This is one of the youngest patients to be reported with PFE, thus adding to the literature of these unusual cases in children

    NEOWISE Studies of Asteroids with Sloan Photometry: Preliminary Results

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    We have combined the NEOWISE and Sloan Digital Sky Survey data to study the albedos of 24,353 asteroids with candidate taxonomic classifications derived using Sloan photometry. We find a wide range of moderate to high albedos for candidate S-type asteroids that are analogous to the S-complex defined by previous spectrophotometrically-based taxonomic systems. The candidate C-type asteroids, while generally very dark, have a tail of higher albedos that overlaps the S types. The albedo distribution for asteroids with a photometrically derived Q classification is extremely similar to those of the S types. Asteroids with similar colors to (4) Vesta have higher albedos than the S types, and most have orbital elements similar to known Vesta family members. Finally, we show that the relative reflectance at 3.4 and 4.6 μ\mum is higher for D-type asteroids and suggest that their red visible and near-infrared spectral slope extends out to these wavelengths. Understanding the relationship between size, albedo, and taxonomic classification is complicated by the fact that the objects with classifications were selected from the visible/near-infrared Sloan Moving Object Catalog, which is biased against fainter asteroids, including those with lower albedos.Comment: ApJ accepte

    Synchrotron analysis of human organ tissue exposed to implant material

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    Background Orthopaedic implants made of cobalt-chromium alloy undergo wear and corrosion that can lead to deposition of cobalt and chromium in vital organs. Elevated cardiac tissue cobalt levels are associated with myocardial injury while chromium is a well-established genotoxin. Though metal composition of tissues surrounding hip implants has been established, few investigators attempted to characterize the metal deposits in systemic tissues of total joint arthroplasty patients. Methods We report the first use of micro-X-ray fluorescence coupled with micro-X-ray absorption spectroscopy to probe distribution and chemical form of cobalt, chromium and titanium in postmortem samples of splenic, hepatic and cardiac tissue of patients with metal-on-polyethylene hip implants (n = 5). Results Majority of the cobalt was in the 2+ oxidation state, while titanium was present exclusively as titanium dioxide, in either rutile or anatase crystal structure. Chromium was found in a range of forms including a highly oxidised, carcinogenic species (CrV/VI), which has never been identified in human tissue before. Conclusions Carcinogenic forms of chromium might arise in vital organs of total joint arthroplasty patients. Further studies are warranted with patients with metal-on-metal implants, which tend to have an increased release of cobalt and chromium compared to metal-on-polyethylene hips

    Photometry of Particles Ejected From Active Asteroid (101955) Bennu

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    AbstractNear‐Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu is an active asteroid experiencing mass loss in the form of ejection events emitting up to hundreds of millimeter‐ to centimeter‐scale particles. The close proximity of the Origins, Spectral Interpretations, Resource Identification, and Security–Regolith Explorer spacecraft enabled monitoring of particles for a 10‐month period encompassing Bennu's perihelion and aphelion. We found 18 multiparticle ejection events, with masses ranging from near zero to hundreds of grams (or thousands with uncertainties) and translational kinetic energies ranging from near zero to tens of millijoules (or hundreds with uncertainties). We estimate that Bennu ejects ~104 g per orbit. The largest event took place on 6 January 2019 and consisted of ~200 particles. The observed mass and translational kinetic energy of the event were between 459 and 528 g and 62 and 77 mJ, respectively. Hundreds of particles not associated with the multiparticle ejections were also observed. Photometry of the best‐observed particles, measured at phase angles between ~70° and 120°, was used to derive a linear phase coefficient of 0.013 ± 0.005 magnitudes per degree of phase angle. Ground‐based data back to 1999 show no evidence of past activity for Bennu; however, the currently observed activity is orders of magnitude lower than observed at other active asteroids and too low be observed remotely. There appears to be a gentle decrease in activity with distance from the Sun, suggestive of ejection processes such as meteoroid impacts and thermal fracturing, although observational bias may be a factor