1,212 research outputs found

    Spacecraft charging and ion wake formation in the near-Sun environment

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    A three-dimensional (3-D), self-consistent code is employed to solve for the static potential structure surrounding a spacecraft in a high photoelectron environment. The numerical solutions show that, under certain conditions, a spacecraft can take on a negative potential in spite of strong photoelectron currents. The negative potential is due to an electrostatic barrier near the surface of the spacecraft that can reflect a large fraction of the photoelectron flux back to the spacecraft. This electrostatic barrier forms if (1) the photoelectron density at the surface of the spacecraft greatly exceeds the ambient plasma density, (2) the spacecraft size is significantly larger than local Debye length of the photoelectrons, and (3) the thermal electron energy is much larger than the characteristic energy of the escaping photoelectrons. All of these conditions are present near the Sun. The numerical solutions also show that the spacecraft's negative potential can be amplified by an ion wake. The negative potential of the ion wake prevents secondary electrons from escaping the part of spacecraft in contact with the wake. These findings may be important for future spacecraft missions that go nearer to the Sun, such as Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Physics of Plasma

    High pressure melting of eclogite and metasomatism of garnet peridotites from Monte Duria Area (Central Alps, N Italy): A proxy for melt-rock reaction during subduction

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    In the Monte Duria area (Adula-Cima Lunga unit, Central Alps, N Italy) garnet peridotites occur in direct contact with migmatised orthogneiss (Mt. Duria) and eclogites (Borgo). Both eclogites and ultramafic rocks share a common high pressure (HP) peak at 2.8\u202fGPa and 750\u202f\ub0C and post-peak static equilibration at 0.8\u20131.0\u202fGPa and 850\u202f\ub0C. Garnet peridotites show abundant amphibole, dolomite, phlogopite and orthopyroxene after olivine, suggesting that they experienced metasomatism by crust-derived agents enriched in SiO2, K2O, CO2 and H2O. Peridotites also display LREE fractionation (La/Nd\u202f=\u202f2.4) related to LREE-rich amphibole and clinopyroxene grown in equilibrium with garnet, indicating that metasomatism occurred at HP conditions. At Borgo, retrogressed garnet peridotites show low strain domains characterised by garnet compositional layering, cut by a subsequent low-pressure (LP) chlorite foliation, in direct contact with migmatised eclogites. Kfs\u202f+\u202fPl\u202f+\u202fQz\u202f+\u202fCpx interstitial pocket aggregates and Cpx\u202f+\u202fKfs thin films around symplectites after omphacite parallel to the Zo\u202f+\u202fOmp\u202f+\u202fGrt foliation in the eclogites suggest that they underwent partial melting at HP. The contact between garnet peridotites and eclogites is marked by a tremolitite layer. The same rock also occurs as layers within the peridotite lens, showing a boudinage parallel to the garnet layering of peridotites, flowing in the boudin necks. This clearly indicates that the tremolitite boudins formed when peridotites were in the garnet stability field. Tremolitites also show Phl\u202f+\u202fTc\u202f+\u202fChl\u202f+\u202fTr pseudomorphs after garnet, both crystallised in a static regime postdating the boudins formation, suggesting that they derive from a garnet-bearing precursor. Tremolitites have Mg#\u202f>\u202f0.90 and Al2O3\u202f=\u202f2.75\u202fwt% pointing to ultramafic compositions but also show enrichments in SiO2, CaO, and LREE suggesting that they formed after the reaction between the eclogite-derived melt and the garnet peridotite at HP. To test this hypothesis, we performed a thermodynamic modelling at fixed P\u202f=\u202f3\u202fGPa and T\u202f=\u202f750\u202f\ub0C to model the chemical interaction between the garnet peridotite and the eclogite-derived melt. Our results show that this interaction produces an Opx\u202f+\u202fCpx\u202f+\u202fGrt assemblage plus Amp\u202f+\u202fPhl, depending on the water activity in the melt, suggesting that tremolitites likely derive from a previous garnet websterite with amphibole and phlogopite. Both peridotites and tremolitites also show a selective enrichment in LILE recorded by amphiboles in the spinel stability field, indicating that a fluid-assisted metasomatic event occurred at LP conditions, leading to the formation of a chlorite foliation post-dating the garnet layering in peridotites, and the retrogression of Grt-websterites in tremolitites. The Monte Duria area is a unique terrane where we can observe syn-deformation eclogite-derived melt interacting with garnet peridotite at HP, proxy of subduction environments

    Redox processes and the role of carbon-bearing volatiles from the slab-mantle interface to the mantle wedge

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    The valence of carbon is governed by the oxidation state of the host system. The subducted oceanic lithosphere contains considerable amounts of iron so that Fe3+/Fe2+ equilibria in mineral assemblages are able to buffer the (intensive) fO2 and the valence of carbon. Alternatively, carbon itself can be a carrier of (extensive) \u2018excess oxygen\u2019 when transferred from the slab to the mantle, prompting the oxidation of the sub-arc mantle. Therefore, the correct use of intensive and extensive variables to define the slab-to-mantle oxidation by C-bearing fluids is of primary importance when considering different fluid/rock ratios. Fluid-mediated processes at the slab\u2013mantle interface can also be investigated experimentally. The presence of CO2 (or CH4 at highly reduced conditions) in aqueous COH fluids in peridotitic systems affects the positions of carbonation or decarbonation reactions and of the solidus. Some methods to produce and analyse COH fluid-saturated experiments in model systems are introduced, together with the measurement of experimental COH fluids composition in terms of volatiles and dissolved solutes. The role of COH fluids in the stability of hydrous and carbonate minerals is discussed comparing experimental results with thermodynamic models and the message of nature

    Biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal in a full scale sequencing batch reactor treating piggery wastewater

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    Research activities carried out at ENEA during the last few years allowed the development of a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) that is able to remove biologically organic waste, nitrogen and phosphorus and that was shown to be particularly suited to obtaining low effluent nutrient concentrations even starting from concentrated wastes. Research on optimisation of time cycles and on process modelling, allowed an advanced comprehension of reactor behaviour and the development of a process able to obtain more than 98% removal of nitrogen, phosphorus and COD, and therefore almost capable of matching effluent standards with a sole biological process. On the basis of laboratory results and process modelling, a full scale SBR plant has been designed and realised. This plant, in ten months of operation, is achieving even better results compared to the laboratory ones

    The focal attention window size explains letter substitution errors in reading

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    Acquired Neglect Dyslexia is often associated with right-hemisphere brain damage and is mainly characterized by omissions and substitutions in reading single words. Martelli et al. proposed in 2011 that these two types of error are due to different mechanisms. Omissions should depend on neglect plus an oculomotor deficit, whilst substitutions on the difficulty with which the letters are perceptually segregated from each other (i.e., crowding phenomenon). In this study, we hypothesized that a deficit of focal attention could determine a pathological crowding effect, leading to imprecise letter identification and consequently substitution errors. In Experiment 1, three brain-damaged patients, suffering from peripheral dyslexia, mainly characterized by substitutions, underwent an assessment of error distribution in reading pseudowords and a T detection task as a function of cue size and timing, in order to measure focal attention. Each patient, when compared to a control group, showed a deficit in adjusting the attentional focus. In Experiment 2, a group of 17 right-brain-damaged patients were asked to perform the focal attention task and to read single words and pseudowords as a function of inter-letter spacing. The results allowed us to confirm a more general association between substitution-type reading errors and the performance in the focal attention task

    Primary spinel + chlorite inclusions in mantle garnet formed at ultrahigh-pressure

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    Multiphase inclusions represent microenvironments where the interaction between fluid and host mineral is preserved during the rock geological path. Under its peculiar chemical-physical constraints, the entrapped solute-rich fluid might follow a crystallisation mechanism which is not predictable through simple equilibrium arguments. In this letter, by the modelling of solid-solution equilibrium and the application of principles of mass conservation, we demonstrate that cavities in mantle garnet filled with slab-derived fluids can re-equilibrate to a pyrope + spinel + chlorite assemblage at the same high P-T of their formation. The basis of this occurrence is a dissolution-reprecipitation mechanism, triggered by a dilute, non-equilibrated slab fluid


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    The antibiotic resistance (AR) of Gram negative bacteria from Haliotis tuberculata (Ht) and Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mg) was assessed. Essential differences between R profiles of Pseudomonas spp and of other strains was not observed. Strains AR from Ht and Mg was similar

    Large-amplitude electric fields in the inner magnetosphere: Van Allen Probes observations of subauroral polarization streams

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    The subauroral polarization stream (SAPS) is an important magnetosphere-ionosphere (MI) coupling phenomenon that impacts a range of particle populations in the inner magnetosphere. SAPS studies often emphasize ionospheric signatures of fast westward flows, but the equatorial magnetosphere is also affected through strong radial electric fields in the dusk sector. This study focuses on a period of steady southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) during the 29 June 2013 geomagnetic storm where the Van Allen Probes observe a region of intense electric fields near the plasmapause over multiple consecutive outbound duskside passes. We show that the large-amplitude electric fields near the equatorial plane are consistent with SAPS by investigating the relationship between plasma sheet ion and electron boundaries, associated field-aligned currents, and the spatial location of the electric fields. By incorporating high-inclination DMSP data we demonstrate the spatial and temporal variability of the SAPS region, and we suggest that discrete, earthward propagating injections are driving the observed strong electric fields at low L shells in the equatorial magnetosphere. We also show the relationship between SAPS and plasmasphere erosion, as well as a possible correlation with flux enhancements for 100s keV electrons

    Contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in blunt abdominal trauma.

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    In the assessment of polytrauma patient, an accurate diagnostic study protocol with high sensitivity and specificity is necessary. Computed Tomography (CT) is the standard reference in the emergency for evaluating the patients with abdominal trauma. Ultrasonography (US) has a high sensitivity in detecting free fluid in the peritoneum, but it does not show as much sensitivity for traumatic parenchymal lesions. The use of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) improves the accuracy of the method in the diagnosis and assessment of the extent of parenchymal lesions. Although the CEUS is not feasible as a method of first level in the diagnosis and management of the polytrauma patient, it can be used in the follow-up of traumatic injuries of abdominal parenchymal organs (liver, spleen and kidneys), especially in young people or children
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