72 research outputs found

    Suitability of arable and orchard soils for organic agriculture

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    Agrokemijska svojstva korištena u ovom istraživanju za procjenu pogodnosti tala za ekološku poljoprivrednu proizvodnju su pH reakcija tla, humuznost, raspoloživost fosfora i kalija te raspoloživost mikroelemenata i ukupni sadržaj teških metala. Utvrđena su većinom vrlo povoljna agrokemijska svojstva tla, (sadržaj humusa, sadržaj raspoloživog fosfora, ukupne koncentracije esencijalnih teških metala i štetnih elemenata, te raspoloživost Fe i Cu). Srednje pogodnosti su pH reakcija tla i raspoloživist Zn, a niske pogodnosti su raspoloživost kalija i mangana. Analizirana su tla osrednjeg (oranica) i visokog (voćnjak) potencijala mineralizacije, a za neutralizaciju kiselosti tla do neutralne pH reakcije potrebno je aplicirati u tlo oranice 7,9 t/ha, a u voćnjak 10,1 t/ha na dubinu do 30 cm ili 18,2 t/ha vapnenca na dubinu do 60 cm. Najniže su razine u analiziranim tlima raspoloživost kalija i mangana, te je svakako neophodno zaoravanje žetvenih ostataka i unositi u tlo organska gnojiva bogata kalijem (tekuća stajska gnojiva, te sva organska gnojiva koja u sebi sadrže povećane udjele slame, kukuruzovine i ostalih žetvenih ostataka). Značajna je kvaliteta analiziranih tala vrlo niska koncentracija gotovo svih esencijalnih i toksičnih teških metala, posebice najtoksičnijih Hg, Cd i Pb te su analizirana tla vrlo pogodna za ekološku poljoprivrednu proizvodnju.The agrochemical properties used in this environmental moisture assessment benefit study are pH soil reaction, dampness, availability of phosphorus and potassium, and availability of microelements and total heavy metal content. Mostly favorable agrochemical properties of soil (humus content, content of available phosphorus, total concentration of essential heavy metals and harmful elements, and availability of Fe and Cu) were determined. Medium benefits are pH soil reactions and available Zn, and low benefits are the availability of potassium and manganese. The soil of medium (field) and high (orchard) mineralization potential was analyzed, and to neutralize acidity of the soil to the neutral pH of the reaction, it is necessary to apply to the soil 7,9 t / ha and in orchards 10,1 t / ha at depths up to 30 cm or 18,2 t / ha limestone up to 60 cm. The lowest levels in the analyzed soils are the availability of potassium and manganese, and it is certainly necessary to boost the remainder of the soil and enter potassium-rich organic fertilizers (liquid manure fertilizers and all organic fertilizers that contain increased straw, maize and other harvest residues). Significant quality of analyzed soils is a very low concentration of almost all essential and toxic heavy metals, especially the most toxic Hg, Cd and Pb, and soil analyzes are very suitable for organic agricultural production

    Stress adaption ability of jumping horses after varying intensity trainings

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    Ciljevi istraživanja bili su odrediti stupanj stresa u mlađih i starijih preponskih konja u uvjetima treninga različitih intenziteta te utvrditi sposobnost prilagodbe na stres različitih kategorija konja nakon različitih načina treniranja. Istraživanja su provedena na pastusima holstein pasmine i uzgojnog tipa hrvatski sportski konj, koji se uzgajaju i treniraju u istim uvjetima. Obuhvaćene su dvije skupine preponskih konja u treningu: sedam mlađih u dobi od četiri do pet godina i sedam starijih u dobi od osam do devet godina. Analiza treninga provedena je u natjecateljskom razdoblju tijekom tri ista ponavljanja u mjesecu svibnju, srpnju i rujnu. U navedenim razdobljima pratio se trening konja na lonži, traci za trčanje konja i skakanja prepona u parkuru. Uzorkovanje te mjerenja provedena su u 60., 30. i 15. minuti neposredno prije treninga, zatim tijekom (rad srca) i neposredno nakon treninga, te u 5., 15., 30., 60., 90., 120. i 180. minuti po završetku svakoga treninga. Prema izračunima prosječnih vrijednosti istraživanih parametara kroz mjerenja u svim treninzima (lonža, traka i skakanje prepona u parkuru) i mjesecima (svibanj, srpanj i rujan) kod mlađih (neiskusnih) i starijih (iskusnih) konja nije došlo do porasta praćenih vrijednosti iznad razine pozitivnoga stresa, bez tendencije pada praćenih vrijednosti. Kod obje se skupine konja u 30. minuti broj otkucaja srca u minuti smanjio ispod 55, a koncentracija kortizola u slini na početne vrijednosti mjerenja. Mlađi konji većom oscilacijom u broju otkucaja srca reagiraju na napor tijekom treninga, dok u fazi oporavka od treninga brže smanjuju broj otkucaja. Navedeno je izraženije kod fizički napornijih treninga. Praćeni parametri u slini mlađih konja pokazuju izraženije trendove porasta te pada vrijednosti potaknutih fizičkim naporom tijekom treninga u odnosu na starije konje. Fizički napor uslijed treninga smanjuje i vrijednosti koncentracije kortizola u slini u obje skupine i to konja kod mlađih za 45%, dok kod starijih za 20%. Nadalje, utvrđene su pozitivne korelacije u praćenim parametrima prije, tijekom i po završetku treninga u rasponu od 0,19 do 0,67 te negativne u rasponu od -0,28 do -0,34. Mlađi preponski konji, u granicama pozitivnoga stresa, reagirali su na trening sa više zamora, dok je vrijeme vraćanja u stanje mirovanja bilo kraće. Stariji preponski konji rutinski su odrađivali treninge s manjom fiziološkom reakcijom na pozitivan stres i zamor, dok je vrijeme vraćanja u stanje mirovanja bilo duže. Daljnjim bi se istraživanjima mogla utvrditi varijabilnost analiziranih parametara kod preponskih konja pri kraju njihove sportske karijere.The aims of this study were to determine the degree of stress in younger and older jumping horses in terms of different intensity trainings as well as to determine the stress adaption ability of different horses’ categories after different trainings. The research was conducted on the Holstein stallions, breeding type Croatian sport horses that were bred and trained in the same conditions. Two groups of jumping horses have been included in the training: seven young ones at the age of four to five years old and seven older ones aged eight to nine years old. The training analysis has been conducted over the competition period of time over the same three repetitions in May, July and September. In those periods of time, the monitored training was the lunge, running track for horses and hurdle jumping in the parkour. The samples were taken and the measurements were conducted in the 60th, 30th and 15th minute before the training, then during (heart beat) and after the training; and in the 5th, 15th, 30th, 60th, 90th and 180th minute after the training. According to the determined average values of analysed parameters in all training sessions (lunging, running track and hurdle jumping in the parkour) and months (May, July and September) in young (inexperienced) and older (experienced) horses, there were no increase in the analysed parameters above the positive stress levels, without decreasing trends. In both groups of horses in the 30th minute, the number of heart beats per minute was down below 55 while the cortisol concentration in saliva was as in the beginning of the monitoring. Younger horses respond to the effort during the training with greater variation in the number of heart beat. Also, in the recovery phase of training they reduce the number of beats quicker. Observed was more pronounced in physically harder trainings. The analysed parameters in the saliva of young horses showed more pronounced decreasing and increasing trends induced by physical exertion during the training than the older horses. Also, the physical effort during the training reduces the cortisol values in the saliva in both groups of horses in the amount of 45% in younger, and 20% in the elder horses. The determined correlation coefficients between the analysed parameters before, during and after the training ranged from 0.19 to 0.67 as well as from -0.28 to -0.34. The younger jumping horses, within the limits of positive stress, had more fatigue responses to the training while the time of returning to the resting period was shorter. Older jumping horses have routinely had trainings with a reduced physiological reaction to the positive stress and fatigue, while the time of returning to the resting period was longer. Further research should determine the variability of the analysed parameters in jumping horses at the end of their sporting careers

    Genomic Selection in Horse Breeding

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    The aim of this paper was to present the general aspects of genomic selection in horse breeding and also to provide an overview of existing applications in horses breeding, with particular emphasis on the challenges of implementation and long-term use. Based on conducted review, it could be concluded that breeding organizations must convince horse breeders that genomic selection can be a valuable tool to increase selection success either in sports or in other horse breeding. Genomic selection (GS) allows breeders to evaluate the important traits of offspring even before its birth. GS uses genetic markers to test all relevant traits, including those that are currently very difficult to measure, such as disease resistance, meat quality, horse’s crest height, etc. Finally, to establish the relevant genomic selection in individual breeds or breeding types of horses, it is necessary to create a network of collaboration between breeding associations in order to gather all necessary data

    Horses\u27 Adaption to the Training Over the Racing Season

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    The aim of the paper was to show the adaptations possibilities of the younger horses in relation to older horses in training during the competition season. The training analysis has been conducted during the competition period in two repetitions. During these periods, horse training. The study involved two groups: younger horses (inexperienced) that enter the Jumping and older horses (experienced) who supposed to achieve the full development of the motor movements on the parkour. Following parameters were examined: heart rate before, during and after jumping, the temperature of the seat, and concentrations of cortisol, glucose and lactate in saliva before and after. The study showed that the analysed physiological parameters of both horses groups decreased at the end of the competitive season. The heart rate equally decreased in both groups of horses. The analysed physiological parameters in saliva were always higher in the younger group of horses compared to the older ones. Also, their concentration at the end of the competition season compared to season beginning decreased more. Monitoring of the physiological parameters in horses saliva could be recommended for evaluation of the horses’ sports condition

    The Fluctuation in Wild Boar Population in the Hunting Area in Eastern Croatia

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    Considering the great importance of the wild boar population in Croatia, the objective of this study was to determine the fluctuations of all categories (offspring, young, middle-aged, and mature) of wild boar population in the hunting area in Eastern Croatia during the analyzed period from 2008 to 2018. Based on the conducted analysis, the following can be emphasized: the last recorded maximum of offspring (male, and female) was in 2013, the highest number of young (male, and female) was determined in 2018, the last recorded maximum of middle-aged (male, and female) was in 2014, and the last recorded maximum of mature (male, and female) was in 2013. Considering the situation in the hunting area in 1955, the number of wild boars redoubled in the last 10 years. Compared to 1995 and given the fact that the hunting area today has much more resources available and there is significant human activity that can recreate the wildlife population by releasing heads, there is a possibility that the number of wild boars could increase slowly in the coming years

    Različitosti u muznim, mliječnim i zdravstvenim svojstvima kod krava u proizvodnji mlijeka ovisno o rednom broju laktacije

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    The aim of this study was to determine the differences in milkability, milk and health traits in Holstein and Simmental dairy cattle due to parity. Following traits were analysed: milkability (duration of milking, MT; milk yield per milking, MYM; maximal, MMF and average milk flow, AMF), milk traits (daily milk yield, DMY; daily fat content, DFC; daily protein content, DPC; daily lactose content, DLC; urea, UREA) and health traits (logarithmic somatic cell count, SCClog and teatend hyperkeratosis, TEH). Significant (p<0.05; p<0.01; p<0.0001) differences between parity in MYM, DMY, MMF, DPC and DLC was determined. Also, significant (p<0.0001) difference in the teat-end hyperkeratosis score were found between cows in 1st and 2nd as well as between cows in 1st and ≥3rd parity. The cows in 1st and 2nd parity had similar SCClog, while significant (p<0.05) difference was found between SCClog in cows in 1st and cows in ≥3rd parity. The obtained results indicate that the parity significantly affect the milkability, milk and health traits. Since the hyperkeratosis level is highly correlated to the mastitis incidence risk, the regular teat-end scoring should be used in order to ensure quality machine milking and to minimize mastitis incidence risk.Cilj rada bio je utvrditi različitosti u muznim, mliječnim i zdravstvenim svojstvima krava simentalske i holstein pasmine ovisno o rednom broju laktacije. Analizirana su sljedeća svojstva: muzna (trajanje mužnje, MT; količina mlijeka po mužnji, MYM; maksimalni, MMF i prosječni protok mlijeka, AMF), svojstva mlijeka (dnevna količina mlijeka, DMY; dnevna količina masti, DFC; dnevna količina proteina, DPC; dnevna količina laktoze, DLC; urea, UREA) i zdravstvena svojstva (logaritmirani broj somatskih stanica, SCClog; hiperkeratoza vrhova sisa, TEH). Utvrđen je visoko signifikantan (p<0,05; p<0,01; p<0,0001) razlika u: MYM, DMY, MMF, DPC i DLC između svih laktacija. Također je utvrđena visoko značajna (p<0,0001) razlika u hiperkeratozi vrhova sisa između krava u 1. i 2., te između krava u 1. i ≥3. laktaciji. Krave u prvoj i drugoj laktaciji imale su približno isti broj SCClog, međutim značajnost (p<0,05) je utvrđena između SCClog kod krava u prvoj i krava u trećoj i ostalim laktacijama. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da redni broj laktacije značajno utječe na muzna, svojstva mlijeka i zdravstvena svojstva. Budući da je razina hiperkeratoze jako povezana s rizikom od nastanka mastitisa, potrebno je redovito ocjenjivati vrhove sisa kako bi se osigurala kvalitetna mužnja a ujedno i smanjio rizik od nastanka mastitisa

    Effects of the tax burden on the production of fattening pigs

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    Received: 2018-05-07 | Accepted: 2018-05-14 | Available online: 2018-11-26https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2018.21.04.142-144The paper analyses how much tax burden affects production volume and budget revenues. The projections show what happens when a government increases the tax rate (added value tax), i.e. how it reflects on the volume of fattening pig production on the one hand and how it reflects on the level of tax revenue. Fiscal policy represents a complex area through which the state sets out the operating conditions through various instruments. In this paper, the simulation of the tax rates and the effects on the produced quantities is made on pig meat production. By imposing large taxes, taxpayers feel less incentive to make money, because whatever they earn, they go to the state. A more detailed analysis was made on a sample of fattening production of 100,000 animals. Some implications of established empirical links between variables are presented in the paper. The change in tax rate of 10% multiplies an increase in tax reported in cash in amount of 44.4%.Keywords: added value tax, production of fattening pigs, tax rate, tax revenueReferencesAlfaro, L. (2001) Foreign Direct Investment and Growth: Does the Sector Matter. Harvard: Harvard Business School.Barro, R. J. (1987) Macroeconomics. New York: John Wiley & Sons.Baumol, W. J., Blinder, S. A. (1991). Economics – Principles and Policy. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.Dorbusch, R., Fisher, S (1987). Macroeconomics. London: McGraw-Hill.Messere, K. (2009) Tax Policy in OECD Countries. Amsterdam: OECD.Samuelson, P. A., Nordhaus, W. D. (1992) Economics: McGraw Hill, New York.Hal, V. R. (2015) Intermediate Microeconomics A Modern Approach. Harvard: Harvard Business School

    The Challenges of Accession to the European Union

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    On the 21st of February 2003 Croatia submitted a request for membership in the European Union, thus starting a long process of preparation and negotiations on accession to the EU. A number of decisions that define the structure for negotiations were adopted in the period to follow. The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development was defined as responsible for Chapter 11, 12 and 13. Croatia’s key negotiating requests concerned the determination of amount of financial envelope for direct payments, the terms of application and financing of the direct payments and the determination of production quotas. The overall process of accession negotiations was completed at the meeting of the Intergovernmental Conference on Croatian accession to the European Union on 30 June 2011. The financial envelope for direct payments determined on the basis of statistical data about the agricultural production realized and resource utilized in the defined reference period was set to 373 million Euros per year. Also, since 2014, Croatia could use the EU budget for Rural Development in the amount of 333 million Euros per year (additionally including national budget funds). Finally, the EU provides the legal framework and financial ability, but whether and how the funds will be used depends on the Member State

    Sustainability of a plant-based diet

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    Considering that recently there are more and more different options and dietary trends, vegetarianism is presented as a possible solution for quality nutrition with less impact on the environment, it is necessary to analyze how true such a premise really stands. A plant-based diet implies the consumption of foods that come from plants with some or no components of animal origin. This diet could have some positive effects on the human health of adults (lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and obesity) but only well balanced and supplemented while in infants, children, and adolescents could cause severe deficiencies in vitamin 9 and vitamin 12 affecting the growth, cognition, social development, and expression of depression. From the point of environmental sustainability, further research is necessary to distinguish the accurate footprint of a plant-based diet as well as of animal production. Finally, it is up to each person to decide, hopefully, based on knowledge and responsibility, what kind of diet will follow. From the point of those engaged in animal production, it is up to us to ensure efficient and sustainable production of high quality animal products, because the market is only growing