1,983 research outputs found

    Bayesian Adaptive Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with an Application to High-Dimensional BEKK GARCH Models

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    Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) is a recent statistical procedure to sample from complex distributions. Distant proposal draws are taken in a equence of steps following the Hamiltonian dynamics of the underlying parameter space, often yielding superior mixing properties of the resulting Markov chain. However, its performance can deteriorate sharply with the degree of irregularity of the underlying likelihood due to its lack of local adaptability in the parameter space. Riemann Manifold HMC (RMHMC), a locally adaptive version of HMC, alleviates this problem, but at a substantially increased computational cost that can become prohibitive in high-dimensional scenarios. In this paper we propose the Adaptive HMC (AHMC), an alternative inferential method based on HMC that is both fast and locally adaptive, combining the advantages of both HMC and RMHMC. The benefits become more pronounced with higher dimensionality of the parameter space and with the degree of irregularity of the underlying likelihood surface. We show that AHMC satisfies detailed balance for a valid MCMC scheme and provide a comparison with RMHMC in terms of effective sample size, highlighting substantial efficiency gains of AHMC. Simulation examples and an application of the BEKK GARCH model show the usefulness of the new posterior sampler.High-dimensional joint sampling; Markov chain Monte Carlo; Multivariate GARCH

    Bayesian Adaptive Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with an Application to High-Dimensional BEKK GARCH Models

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    Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) is a recent statistical procedure to sample from complex distributions. Distant proposal draws are taken in a equence of steps following the Hamiltonian dynamics of the underlying parameter space, often yielding superior mixing properties of the resulting Markov chain. However, its performance can deteriorate sharply with the degree of irregularity of the underlying likelihood due to its lack of local adaptability in the parameter space. Riemann Manifold HMC (RMHMC), a locally adaptive version of HMC, alleviates this problem, but at a substantially increased computational cost that can become prohibitive in high-dimensional scenarios. In this paper we propose the Adaptive HMC (AHMC), an alternative inferential method based on HMC that is both fast and locally adaptive, combining the advantages of both HMC and RMHMC. The benefits become more pronounced with higher dimensionality of the parameter space and with the degree of irregularity of the underlying likelihood surface. We show that AHMC satisfies detailed balance for a valid MCMC scheme and provide a comparison with RMHMC in terms of effective sample size, highlighting substantial efficiency gains of AHMC. Simulation examples and an application of the BEKK GARCH model show the usefulness of the new posterior sampler.High-dimensional joint sampling; Markov chain Monte Carlo; Multivariate GARCH

    Do Malaria Vector control Measures Impact Disease-Related Behaviour and Knowledge? Evidence from a Large-scale Larviciding Intervention in Tanzania.

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    Recent efforts of accelerated malaria control towards the long-term goal of elimination had significant impacts in reducing malaria transmission. While these efforts need to be sustained over time, a scenario of low transmission could bring about changes in individual disease risk perception, hindering adherence to protective measures, and affecting disease-related knowledge. The goal of this study was to investigate the potential impact of a successful malaria vector control intervention on bed net usage and malaria-related knowledge. Dar es Salaam's Urban Malaria Control Program was launched in 2004 with the aim of developing a sustainable larviciding intervention. Larviciding was scaled-up using a stepped-wedge design. Cross-sectional and longitudinal data were collected using a randomized cluster sampling design (2004--2008). Prevalence ratios (PR) for the effect of the larviciding intervention on bed net usage (N = 64,537) and household heads' knowledge of malaria symptoms and transmission (N = 11,254) were obtained from random effects regression models.\ud The probability that individuals targeted by larviciding had used a bed net was reduced by 5% as compared to those in non-intervention areas (PR = 0.95; 95% credible intervals (CrI): 0.94-0.97) and the magnitude of this effect increased with time. Larviciding also led to a decline in household heads' knowledge of malaria symptoms (PR = 0.88; 95% CrI: 0.83-0.92) but no evidence of effect on knowledge of malaria transmission was found. Successful control interventions could bring about further challenges to sustaining gains in reducing malaria transmission if not accompanied by strategies to avoid changes in individual knowledge and behaviour. This study points to two major research gaps. First, there is an urgent need to gather more evidence on the extent to which countries that have achieved significant decline in malaria transmission are also observing changes in individual behaviour and knowledge. Second, multidisciplinary assessments that combine quantitative and qualitative data, utilizing theories of health behaviour and theories of knowledge, are needed to optimize efforts of national malaria control programmes, and ultimately contribute to sustained reduction in malaria transmission

    How useful are historical data for forecasting the long-run equity return distribution?

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    We provide an approach to forecasting the long-run (unconditional) distribution of equity returns making optimal use of historical data in the presence of structural breaks. Our focus is on learning about breaks in real time and assessing their impact on out-of-sample density forecasts. Forecasts use a probability-weighted average of submodels, each of which is estimated over a different historyof data. The paper illustrates the importance of uncertainty about structural breaks and the value of modeling higher-order moments of excess returns when forecasting the return distribution and its moments. The shape of the long-run distribution and the dynamics of the higher-order moments are quite different from those generated by forecasts which cannot capture structural breaks. The empirical results strongly reject ignoring structural change in favor of our forecasts which weight historical data to accommodate uncertainty about structural breaks. We also strongly reject the common practice of using a fixed-length moving window. These differences in long-run forecasts have implications for many financial decisions, particularly for risk management and long-run investment decisions.density forecasts, structural change, model risk, parameter uncertainty, Bayesian learning, market returns

    Learning, Forecasting and Structural Breaks

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    The literature on structural breaks focuses on ex post identification of break points that may have occurred in the past. While this question is important, a more challenging problem facing econometricians is to provide forecasts when the data generating process is unstable. The purpose of this paper is to provide a general methodology for forecasting in the presence of model instability. We make no assumptions on the number of break points or the law of motion governing parameter changes. Our approach makes use of Bayesian methods of model comparison and learning in order to provide an optimal predictive density from which forecasts can be derived. Estimates for the posterior probability that a break occurred at a particular point in the sample are generated as a byproduct of our procedure. We discuss the importance of using priors that accurately reflect the econometrician's opinions as to what constitutes a plausible forecast. Several applications to macroeconomic time-series data demonstrate the usefulness of our procedure.Bayesian Model Averaging, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Real GDP Growth, Phillip's Curve

    Real Time Detection of Structural Breaks in GARCH Models

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    A sequential Monte Carlo method for estimating GARCH models subject to an unknown number of structural breaks is proposed. Particle filtering techniques allow for fast and efficient updates of posterior quantities and forecasts in real time. The method conveniently deals with the path dependence problem that arises in these type of models. The performance of the method is shown to work well using simulated data. Applied to daily NASDAQ returns, the evidence favors a partial structural break specification in which only the intercept of the conditional variance equation has breaks compared to the full structural break specification in which all parameters are subject to change. The empirical application underscores the importance of model assumptions when investigating breaks. A model with normal return innovations results in strong evidence of breaks; while more flexible return distributions such as t-innovations or a GARCH-jump mixture model still favors breaks but indicates much more uncertainty regarding the time and impact of them.Econometric and statistical methods; Financial markets

    Intraday Dynamics of Volatility and Duration: Evidence from the Chinese Stock Market

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    We propose a new joint model of intraday returns and durations to study the dynamics of several Chinese stocks. We include IBM from the U.S. market for comparison purposes. Flexible innovation distributions are used for durations and returns, and the total variance of returns is decomposed into different volatility components associated with different transaction horizons. Our new model strongly dominates existing specifications in the literature. The conditional hazard functions are non-monotonic and there is strong evidence for different volatility components. Although diurnal patterns, volatility components, and market microstructure implications are similar across the markets, there are interesting differences. Durations for lightly traded Chinese stocks tend to carry more information than heavily traded stocks. Chinese investors usually have longer investment horizons, which may be explained by the specific trading rules in China.market microstructure, transaction horizon, high-frequency data, ACD, GARCH

    Are there Structural Breaks in Realized Volatility?

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    Constructed from high-frequency data, realized volatility (RV) provides an efficient estimate of the unobserved volatility of financial markets. This paper uses a Bayesian approach to investigate the evidence for structural breaks in reduced form time-series models of RV. We focus on the popular heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) models of the logarithm of realized volatility. Using Monte Carlo simulations we demonstrate that our estimation approach is effective in identifying and dating structural breaks. Applied to daily S&P 500 data from 1993-2004, we find strong evidence of a structural break in early 1997. The main effect of the break is a reduction in the variance of log-volatility. The evidence of a break is robust to different models including a GARCH specification for the conditional variance of log(RV).realized volatility, change point, marginal likelihood, Gibbs sampling, GARCH

    Modelling Realized Covariances and Returns

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    This paper proposes new dynamic component models of returns and realized covariance (RCOV) matrices based on time-varying Wishart distributions. Bayesian estimation and model comparison is conducted with a range of multivariate GARCH models and existing RCOV models from the literature. The main method of model comparison consists of a term-structure of density forecasts of returns for multiple forecast horizons. The new joint return-RCOV models provide superior density forecasts for returns from forecast horizons of 1 day to 3 months ahead as well as improved point forecasts for realized covariances. Global minimum variance portfolio selection is improved for forecast horizons up to 3 weeks out.Wishart distribution, predictive likelihoods, density forecasts, MCMC

    Modelling Realized Covariances and Returns

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    This paper proposes new dynamic component models of realized covariance (RCOV) matrices based on recent work in time-varying Wishart distributions. The specifications are linked to returns for a joint multivariate model of returns and covariance dynamics that is both easy to estimate and forecast. Realized covariance matrices are constructed for 5 stocks using high-frequency intraday prices based on positive semi-definite realized kernel estimates. The models are compared based on a term-structure of density forecasts of returns for multiple forecast horizons. Relative to multivariate GARCH models that use only daily returns, the joint RCOV and return models provide significant improvements in density forecasts from forecast horizons of 1 day to 3 months ahead. Global minimum variance portfolio selection is improved for forecast horizons up to 3 weeks out.eigenvalues, dynamic conditional correlation, predictive likelihoods, MCMC