441 research outputs found

    Solidarity with disabled people in times of crisis: A comparative analysis of Italy and the UK

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    Against the background of crisis and cuts, citizens can express solidarity with groups in various ways. Using novel survey data this article explores the attitudes and behaviours of citizens in their expressions of solidarity with disabled people and in doing so illuminates the differences and similarities across two European contexts: Italy and the UK. The findings reveal pools of solidarity with disabled people across both countries that have on the one hand similar foundations such as the social embeddedness and social trust of citizens, while on the other hand contain some differences, such as the more direct and active nature of solidarity in Italy compared to the UK and the role of religiosity as an important determinant, particularly in Italy. Across both countries the role of ‘deservingness’ was key to understanding solidarity, and the study’s conclusions raise questions about a solidarity embedded by a degree of paternalism and even religious piety

    Design Proteins Using Large Language Models: Enhancements and Comparative Analyses

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    Pre-trained LLMs have demonstrated substantial capabilities across a range of conventional natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as summarization and entity recognition. In this paper, we explore the application of LLMs in the generation of high-quality protein sequences. Specifically, we adopt a suite of pre-trained LLMs, including Mistral-7B1, Llama-2-7B2, Llama-3-8B3, and gemma-7B4, to produce valid protein sequences. All of these models are publicly available.5 Unlike previous work in this field, our approach utilizes a relatively small dataset comprising 42, 000 distinct human protein sequences. We retrain these models to process protein-related data, ensuring the generation of biologically feasible protein structures. Our findings demonstrate that even with limited data, the adapted models exhibit efficiency comparable to established protein-focused models such as ProGen varieties, ProtGPT2, and ProLLaMA, which were trained on millions of protein sequences. To validate and quantify the performance of our models, we conduct comparative analyses employing standard metrics such as pLDDT, RMSD, TM-score, and REU. Furthermore, we commit to making the trained versions of all four models publicly available, fostering greater transparency and collaboration in the field of computational biology

    Copper and Zinc Accumulation in Young Leaves of Eruca sativa (L.) Grown in Soilless Culture

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    Heavy metals are environmental pollutants that cause toxicity in plants and represent a risk for human health, linked to bioaccumulation through the food chain. However, excess accumulation may not occur in young plants in the early stages of exposure to the toxic element. In the present work, rocket (Eruca sativa L.) plants grown in hydroponics were exposed for three weeks to excess concentrations (25, 50, or 100 ÎŒM) of Cu or Zn in the nutrient solution and were more sensitive to Cu than Zn toxicity. However, a significant decrease in the leaf biomass production as compared with the control was observed only after two or three weeks, and only minor signals of metal-induced adverse effects were evidenced concerning photosynthesis, oxidative stress indicators, antioxidant metabolites, and macronutrients. After two or three weeks, the leaf level of Cu occasionally approached the upper value associated with the recommended limits of dietary intake for human adults. However, as rocket leaves are commercialized when they achieve a 10–15 cm length, after one week of cultivation in perlite, the plants had an adequate size without metal contamination and could be considered suitable for the food market, even after exposure to Cu or Zn concentrations up to 100 ÎŒM

    "Solid state charge trapping": Examples of polymer systems showing memory effect

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    The paper reports on a characteristic property of electroactive materials bearing an electron-rich and an electron-poor moiety, known as charge trapping. As examples of materials that exhibit this phenomenon, films of poly(4,4"-dipentoxy-4\u27-(2,2\u27-dicyano)ethenyl-2,2\u27:5\u27,2"-terthiophene), poly(2,3-dihexylthieno[3,4-b]pyrazine) and a blend between a fulleropyrrolidine derivative and poly(3-hexylthiophene) were investigated by cyclic voltammetry, spectroelectrochemistry and electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance. In the cyclic voltammetry, the reduction processes show the reverse oxidation potential about 1 V higher than the expected value, indicating a strong stabilization of the corresponding anion species. The mechanism leading to the stabilisation of the anions is discussed and the results indicate that the investigated materials exhibit a remarkable and quite stable memory effect

    New lanthanide metalloligands and their use for the assembly of Ln-Ag bimetallic coordination frameworks : stepwise modular synthesis, structural characterization, and optical properties

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    Stepwise self-assembly processes using new lanthanide metalloligands (Ln-MLs) and silver salts have been successfully applied to isolate 4f-4d heterometallic coordination networks of four different structural types. In particular, the new lanthanide tetrakis-chelate complexes NEt4[Ln(L1)4] [HL1 = 1,3-bis(4\u2032-cyanophenyl)-1,3-propanedione; Ln = Eu (1a), La (1b), Nd (1c), Tb (1d)] and NEt4[Ln(L2)4] (HL2 = 1,3-bis(4\u2032-pyridyl)-1,3-propanedione; Ln = Eu (1e), Nd (1f)] have been synthetized, characterized and reacted with different silver salts. The use of NEt4[Ln(L1)4] allowed then to isolate and characterize i) neutral one-dimensional ladder-like species of formula [Ln(L1)4Ag] [Ln = Eu (2a), La(2b), Nd(2c), Tb(2d)] and ii) their supramolecular isomers [Ln(L1)4Ag] [Ln = Eu (3a), La (3b), Nd (3c), Tb (3d)] showing a very unstable 2D network structure, iii) the cationic 2D species [Ln(L1)4Ag2]X [Ln = Eu, X = PF6\u203e, CF3SO3\u203e, ClO4\u203e (4a\u20134c); Ln = Tb, Nd, La X = PF6\u203e (4d\u20134f)] and, only for lanthanum, iv) a fourth 2D species of formula [La(L1)4(H2O)Ag] (5) and sql topology. Of the eight nitrile groups on the MLs potentially coordinating, only a partial number is used for networking with Ag(I), that is, only two in families 2 and 3, and four in family 4 and in network 5. Finally, the four structural types are rationalized in terms of a new \u201cpincer-like\u201d Secondary Building Unit (SBU) consisting of a silver cation coordinating two central carbon atoms (\uf067 carbon) of two different diketonate ligands on the same ML. Therefore, it is shown that compounds 5, 4 and 2\u20133 contain, respectively, none, one or two of such pincer-like SBUs. The luminescence properties of the Ln-MLs and some of their polymeric species have been also investigated in solution and in the solid state

    Impact of issues on party performance

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    European Parliament (EP) elections are traditionally analysed and interpreted according to the second order model (Reif and Schmitt 1980; van der Eijk and Franklin 1996): EP elections are second order contests characterized by low turnout (Franklin 2001) and driven by domestic factors (de Vreese et al. 2006). Such contexts, furthermore, offer a platform for new parties to emerge, they tend to favour small rather than big parties and, finally, they are likely to result in electoral losses for governing parties. Since the first direct elections to the European Parliament in 1979, the second-order theory has been tested in the aftermath of each single election (van der Eijk, Franklin and Marsh 1996; Marsh 1998; Schmitt 2005; Schmitt and Teperoglou 2015), and has repeatedly confirmed its conceptual and empirical validity. As regards the main characteristics of a second-order election, lower turnout is the one that is most strictly linked to the lower saliency of EP elections. This feature has been explained by relying on a small number of structural factors (Franklin 2001), which are not related to the EU dimension. For instance, scholars have shown that saliency of EP elections depends also on the time of national electoral cycles in which they occur: EP elections are more important when they take place shortly before a national parliamentary election, at which time they gain an importance as 'barometers' of national party standings (van der Eijk and Franklin 1996). Compared to other second-order elections (e.g. local elections), nevertheless, EP elections share with first-order elections an important feature: they are both held at the national level. Party competition at national level has been interpreted by some scholars in terms of issue competition (Carmines and Stimson 1980; Green-Pedersen 2007). According to the second-order perspective, the impact of issues on EP elections should be mostly related to domestic factors (de Vreese et al., 2006). Consequently it has traditionally been maintained that these elections had no European issue content (van der Eijk and Franklin 1996). However, more recently scholars started to question some of the second order features, especially trying to show the increasing importance of supranational elements in EP elections (Bellucci, Garzia and Rubal 2010; Trechsel 2010; Hix and Marsh 2011; Shuck et al. 2011; Hobolt and Spoon 2012). In this contribution, we support the argument of a “growing Europeanness of European elections” (Trechsel, De Sio and Garzia 2017) through empirical analyses which take into account the role played by shared issues among EU member states in explaining party performances. By taking as a reference point the previous parliamentary elections, we first demonstrate the lower relevance and predictive power of the second-order model for analysing party performance when issues are not taken into account; then, we show that party gains and losses – compared to previous national elections – can be significantly explained by party stances on the same issues across the 28 EU countries, showing signs of a perhaps new emergence of a common European debate, structured around a few key issues; nevertheless, relevant differences emerge when the main geographical areas of the EU are taken into account

    The impact of previous pregnancy loss on lactating behaviors and use of herbal medicines during breastfeeding: A Post Hoc analysis of the herbal supplements in breastfeeding InvesTigation (HaBIT)

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    Introduction. Complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) are commonly used among lactating women, despite the poor knowledge of these products and of their safety. Perception of pregnancy- and breastfeeding-related difficulties and consequent use of CAMs may differ in bereaved women, by force of the distress related to previous loss, although no literature evidence is available. This Herbal supplements in Breastfeeding InvesTigation (HaBIT) post hoc analysis explored the impact of previous pregnancy loss on lactating behaviors and on use of CAMs during breastfeeding. Methods. A web-based survey was conducted among lactating women with no previous alive child, resident in Tuscany (Italy). Data on lactating behavior and on CAMs use were collected and evaluated among women with previous pregnancy loss as compared to control women. Results. Out of 476 women answering the questionnaire, 233 lactating women with one child were considered. Of them, 80 had history of pregnancy loss. Cesarean birth was significantly more frequent among women with history of pregnancy loss as compared to controls (41% versus 22%; p=0.004). Proportion, length of exclusive breastfeeding, and occurrence of breastfeeding-related complications were comparable among the two cohorts. More than half of women used CAMs during breastfeeding. Use of CAMs was more frequent among women with previous pregnancy loss (54% versus 68%; p=0.050), specifically considering herbal preparations (16% versus 30%; p=0.018). Major advisors for CAMs use were midwives. 18% and 23% of women without and with history of pregnancy loss declared no clear perception on CAMs efficacy and safety. Conclusion. Overcoming the social taboo of pregnancy loss and training healthcare professionals for an adequate management of the perinatal period are essential for an effective and safe care. Despite the common use and advice on CAMs use during breastfeeding, it is important to acknowledge that limited evidence supports their safety and efficacy during such critical period

    A systematic review of the risk factors for clinical response to opioids for all-age patients with cancer-related pain and presentation of the paediatric STOP pain study

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    Inter-patient variability in response to opioids is well known but a comprehensive definition of its pathophysiological mechanism is still lacking and, more importantly, no studies have focused on children. The STOP Pain project aimed to evaluate the risk factors that contribute to clinical response and adverse drug reactions to opioids by means of a systematic review and a clinical investigation on paediatric oncological patients

    Le Elezioni Politiche 2013

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    Le elezioni politiche del 24 e 25 febbraio 2013 hanno sancito un forte cambiamento della struttura del sistema partitico italiano. In un contesto di altissima volatilitĂ  elettorale e di accelerato declino della partecipazione al voto, il sistema Ăš divenuto sostanzialmente tripolare, dopo vent’anni di strutturazione e tenuta del bipolarismo. A questo esito hanno concorso da un lato l’erosione dei principali schieramenti politici che a partire dal novembre 2011 avevano sostenuto l’esperienza del governo Monti (nonchĂ© la deludente prova elettorale dello stesso Presidente del Consiglio uscente), e dall’altro lo straordinario successo del Movimento 5 stelle. Quest’ultimo, al primo test elettorale di livello nazionale, ha raccolto un risultato sorprendente, giungendo ad oltre un quarto dei voti validi. Siamo di fronte ad una parentesi momentanea dovuta all’effetto combinato di crisi economica e crisi politica, oppure le contraddizioni interne alla Seconda Repubblica l’hanno condotta effettivamente al suo crepuscolo? Come uscirĂ  il sistema partitico italiano da questa nuova fase di destabilizzazione? Questo quarto Dossier CISE, che raccoglie contributi apparsi sul sito web del Cise prima e dopo le elezioni, fornisce una prima analisi del voto, presentando elaborazioni su dati aggregati, stime dei flussi elettorali, alcune prime analisi su dati di sondaggio, nonchĂ© una panoramica dei nuovi eletti e un’appendice ricca di tabelle e mappe riassuntive del risultato elettorale. Come i precedenti Dossier, si tratta di uno strumento prodotto rapidamente all’indomani del voto, con l’intento di suggerire primi spunti di interpretazione da approfondire in seguito, cercando di contribuire alla lettura di un risultato elettorale cruciale, in una delicata fase di cambiamento del sistema partitico italiano
