289 research outputs found

    Making a Toy Educative Using Electronics

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    Tracking Brownian motion in three dimensions and characterization of individual nanoparticles using a fiber-based high-finesse microcavity

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    The dynamics of nanosystems in solution contain a wealth of information with relevance for diverse fields ranging from materials science to biology and biomedical applications. When nanosystems are marked with fluorophores or strong scatterers, it is possible to track their position and reveal internal motion with high spatial and temporal resolution. However, markers can be toxic, expensive, or change the object's intrinsic properties. Here, we simultaneously measure dispersive frequency shifts of three transverse modes of a high-finesse microcavity to obtain the three-dimensional path of unlabeled SiO2_2 nanospheres with 300300μ\mathrm{\mu}s temporal and down to 88nm spatial resolution. This allows us to quantitatively determine properties such as the polarizability, hydrodynamic radius, and effective refractive index. The fiber-based cavity is integrated in a direct-laser-written microfluidic device that enables the precise control of the fluid with ultra-small sample volumes. Our approach enables quantitative nanomaterial characterization and the analysis of biomolecular motion at high bandwidth.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    UnRectDepthNet: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation using a Generic Framework for Handling Common Camera Distortion Models

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    In classical computer vision, rectification is an integral part of multi-view depth estimation. It typically includes epipolar rectification and lens distortion correction. This process simplifies the depth estimation significantly, and thus it has been adopted in CNN approaches. However, rectification has several side effects, including a reduced field of view (FOV), resampling distortion, and sensitivity to calibration errors. The effects are particularly pronounced in case of significant distortion (e.g., wide-angle fisheye cameras). In this paper, we propose a generic scale-aware self-supervised pipeline for estimating depth, euclidean distance, and visual odometry from unrectified monocular videos. We demonstrate a similar level of precision on the unrectified KITTI dataset with barrel distortion comparable to the rectified KITTI dataset. The intuition being that the rectification step can be implicitly absorbed within the CNN model, which learns the distortion model without increasing complexity. Our approach does not suffer from a reduced field of view and avoids computational costs for rectification at inference time. To further illustrate the general applicability of the proposed framework, we apply it to wide-angle fisheye cameras with 190∘^\circ horizontal field of view. The training framework UnRectDepthNet takes in the camera distortion model as an argument and adapts projection and unprojection functions accordingly. The proposed algorithm is evaluated further on the KITTI rectified dataset, and we achieve state-of-the-art results that improve upon our previous work FisheyeDistanceNet. Qualitative results on a distorted test scene video sequence indicate excellent performance https://youtu.be/K6pbx3bU4Ss.Comment: Minor fixes added after IROS 2020 Camera ready submission. IROS 2020 presentation video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Br2KSWZRr

    The impact of agriculture on tropical mountain soils in the western Peruvian Andes: a pedo-geoarchaeological study of terrace agricultural systems in the Laramate region (14.5° S)

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    This integrated pedo-geoarchaeological study focuses on three abandoned pre-Hispanic terrace agricultural systems near Laramate in the southern Andes of Peru (14.5° S), aiming to unravel the pedological and land-use history of the region, which served as a significant agricultural hub during pre-Hispanic times. The key objectives of the investigation involved contextualizing the former agricultural management system within its geomorphological and palaeoecological framework and assessing the impact of agricultural practices on soil development and quality by comparing non-irrigated agricultural terrace soils with their undisturbed palaeo-pedological counterparts. The Laramate terrace complex, with its diverse terrace systems and varied geomorphological and geological settings, provided an ideal setting for the investigation. This comprehensive examination integrated a range of methodologies, including field surveys, digital mapping, and geomorphological analysis based on GIS and remote sensing applications, soil analysis (e.g. grain size, bulk chemistry, nutrient budget), plant microfossils (phytoliths and starch), and radiocarbon dating. In the Laramate region, the geomorphological setting of terrace agricultural systems promotes their optimal functioning. The terraces are often located in sun-sheltered areas with western exposure on middle and lower slopes or valley bottoms, which mitigate intense solar radiation, reduce evapotranspiration, increase soil moisture, and minimize erosion. The study identifies three soil groups in the Laramate region: Phaeozems, Andosols, and Anthrosols. Unique characteristics of Phaeozems challenge typical descriptions, influenced by factors such as climatic seasonality, vegetation, fauna, lithology, and aeolian inputs. The terrace soils in the Laramate region are classified as Terric Anthrosols, showing no significant degradation even after long-term use. Their balanced acidity and nutrient levels support Andean crop cultivation. Traditional non-mechanized tools, such as the chaquitaclla and rucana, likely minimized soil disruption. The terrace tillage horizons have high organic matter, indicating intentional organic manuring. Phytolith concentrations suggest intensive agricultural activity, particularly maize cultivation, with varying patterns suggesting changes in cultivation, fertilization, or mulching practices over time. Starch grain identification aligns with phytolith analyses, reinforcing maize's significance in the region. Although the use of animal-origin fertilizers requires further investigation, there is no evidence of nutrient maintenance through seasonal burning. Irrigation was minimal, and the abandonment of the pre-Hispanic cultivation system was unlikely due to soil exhaustion or terrace instability. Overall, the pre-Hispanic history of terrace agriculture in the Laramate region extends over four development phases, reflecting dynamic interactions between environmental, cultural, and agricultural factors. The initial phase, from the Formative Paracas period to the Early Nasca period (800 BCE–200 CE), witnessed the establishment of agricultural terraces with simple terrace architecture, while the Middle Horizon (600–1000 CE) saw systematic areal expansion influenced by the Wari culture. Adaptations to drier conditions included terrace agriculture on volcanic soils. The Late Intermediate period (1000–1450 CE) witnessed hydrological variability and further terrace expansion to lower altitudes and less agriculturally suitable locations. The final phase, marked by the onset of the Hispanic colonial period in 1535 CE, saw the gradual abandonment of terrace agricultural systems due to demographic shifts and reorganization of production systems. Despite this, the historical trajectory underscores the adaptability and resilience of pre-Hispanic communities in the Laramate region, showcasing innovative terrace agriculture as a means of coping with changing environmental conditions across diverse landscape units

    Replicative manufacturing of metal moulds for low surface roughness polymer replication

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    Tool based manufacturing processes like injection moulding allow fast and high-quality mass-market production, but for optical polymer components the production of the necessary tools is time-consuming and expensive. In this paper a process to fabricate metal-inserts for tool based manufacturing with smooth surfaces via a casting and replication process from fused silica templates is presented. Bronze, brass and cobalt-chromium could be successfully replicated from shaped fused silica replications achieving a surface roughnesses of Rq 8 nm and microstructures in the range of 5 µm. Injection moulding was successfully performed, using a commercially available injection moulding system, with thousands of replicas generated from the same tool. In addition, three-dimensional bodies in metal could be realised with 3D-Printing of fused silica casting moulds. This work thus represents an approach to high-quality moulding tools via a scalable facile and cost-effective route surpassing the currently employed cost-, labour- and equipment-intensive machining techniques

    Exposition von Bio-Milchvieh gegenüber dem Labmagenwurm Ostertagia ostertagi durch Messung von Antikörpertitern in Tankmilch: vorläufige Ergebnisse in Österreich

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    Wir untersuchten die Exposition von Bio-Milchvieh gegenüber O. ostertagi in Österreich durch Messung von parasitenspezifischer Antikörper in Tankmilch. Es wurde eine hohe Parasiten-Exposition bestätigt, was ein Monitoring und die Einführung nachhaltiger, lokal relevanten Kontrolle rechtfertigt

    Head and neck paragangliomas: clinical and molecular genetic classification

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    Head and neck paragangliomas are tumors arising from specialized neural crest cells. Prominent locations are the carotid body along with the vagal, jugular, and tympanic glomus. Head and neck paragangliomas are slowly growing tumors, with some carotid body tumors being reported to exist for many years as a painless lateral mass on the neck. Symptoms depend on the specific locations. In contrast to paraganglial tumors of the adrenals, abdomen and thorax, head and neck paragangliomas seldom release catecholamines and are hence rarely vasoactive. Petrous bone, jugular, and tympanic head and neck paragangliomas may cause hearing loss. The internationally accepted clinical classifications for carotid body tumors are based on the Shamblin Class I–III stages, which correspond to postoperative permanent side effects. For petrous-bone paragangliomas in the head and neck, the Fisch classification is used. Regarding the molecular genetics, head and neck paragangliomas have been associated with nine susceptibility genes: NF1, RET, VHL, SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD, SDHAF2 (SDH5), and TMEM127. Hereditary HNPs are mostly caused by mutations of the SDHD gene, but SDHB and SDHC mutations are not uncommon in such patients. Head and neck paragangliomas are rarely associated with mutations of VHL, RET, or NF1. The research on SDHA, SDHAF2 and TMEM127 is ongoing. Multiple head and neck paragangliomas are common in patients with SDHD mutations, while malignant head and neck paraganglioma is mostly seen in patients with SDHB mutations. The treatment of choice is surgical resection. Good postoperative results can be expected in carotid body tumors of Shamblin Class I and II, whereas operations on other carotid body tumors and other head and neck paragangliomas frequently result in deficits of the cranial nerves adjacent to the tumors. Slow growth and the tendency of hereditary head and neck paragangliomas to be multifocal may justify less aggressive treatment strategies
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