1,441 research outputs found

    Models and Practices in the Motor Vehicle Industry – contrasting cases from the Portuguese experience

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    This paper presents and discusses two case studies in the Portuguese motor vehicle industry – Salvador Caetano’s Ovar Industrial Division (SCOID), a ‘Brownfield site’ with minority Toyota ownership; and Autoeuropa, a ‘Greenfield site’ wholly owned by Volkswagen. Basically, it considers the scope for the meaningful application of ‘Japanese’ organisational methods in these contexts, focusing on the human factor – i.e. as close as possible to the actors on the shop floor. After providing some insights into the Portuguese automotive industry, it profiles both SCOID and Autoeuropa and assesses each of their methods of work, within this balance of commitment between global and local. The main findings reveal the lag that can exist between theoretical models (namely those following a geographical criteria) and the actual practice carried out by manufacturers when tested outside their point of geographical origin.Motor vehicle industry, Lean Production, hybridisation, work organisation, case studies, Toyota , Volkswagen , Portugal

    Assembling Toyota in Portugal

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    A lot has been written over the last decade with regard to Toyota and the productive model associated to it (toyota-ism). And more specifically concerning the "(…) best-seller that changed the... sociological world" (Castillo, 1998: 31). But the case of Salvador Caetano’s Ovar Industrial Division (OID), that assembles Toyota light commercial vehicles in Portugal, allows us to put forward a sub-hypothesis that fits into the analysis schema proposed in the First GERPISA International Program – "In short, GERPISA members considered that the plurality of models was much a plausible hypothesis deserving testing as that of the diffusion of a unique model (…)" (Boyer, Freyssenet, 2001: 42). So we add: and within Toyota itself, is it not true that different productive models co-exist – especially when delocalised – depending, amongst other factors, on the degree of Toyota participation – in terms of capital and technology transfer – in the local company (strong or weak) and on the markets to be reached (internal or external)? If so, what work system can we expect to find in a plant that presents such peculiar characteristics as this one?automotive industry; organization of work; Japan; Portugal

    O homen fim de século

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    Information Society, Work and the Generation of New Forms of Social Exclusion (SOWING): National Report (Portugal)

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    The choice over the Portuguese case studies was based on the sample constructed for the application of the firm questionnaires, during the second year of the SOWING project, 1999. This sample was fulfilled of firms among several activity sectors: textile, manufacturing, electronics, transports and software industry, based on NACE – codes (2 – digit level). Thus, we agreed to include in a new database the remaining questionnaires and construct a sample with 113 observations. Concerning the organisational change we make a distinction of three categories of change. First we analyse changes taking place at the inter-firm level (outsourcing, subcontracting, geographic relocation), followed by changes at the organisational level (deconcentration/decentralisation, reduction of hierarchical levels, introduction of cost and profit centres). The third kind of changes analysed will be those taking place at the workplace level (job enlargement/enrichment, changing character of work, work load). The Portuguese studied companies presents a relative uniform pattern considering the variables social competencies, practical knowledge, responsibility and specialized professional qualifications.industry; information technologies; qualification; organisation; work

    Aproveitamento hidroelétrico da bacia do Douro: um olhar crítico

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    No presente artigo, faz-se uma breve resenha histórica da evolução do aproveitamento dos recursos hídricos nacionais em termos hidroelétricos, bem como uma análise da situação atual. Dá-se particular destaque à vertente hidroelétrica, mas não se limita a ela. Mostra-se a insuficiência das obras hidráulicas até agora realizadas a nível das nossas principais bacias, em particular no caso da bacia portuguesa do Douro, e alerta-se para as nefastas consequências que poderiam advir caso a situação não se alterasse. O PNBEPH aprovado em 2007 veio contribuir para relançar esta importante temática, a qual pareceu inexplicavelmente esquecida durante quase duas décadas, por parte das entidades às quais competia zelar pelo interesse público e pela salvaguarda dos legítimos direitos e expectativas das populações nacionais

    Gpeari: the impact of tax incentives for investment on firm´s economic outcomes - a Psm evaluation of the portuguese case of Rfai and Dlrr

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    This paper draws its relevance from the crescent importance of tax incentives, in particular those which stimulate investment. Previous studies have suggested that their efficacy in improving firms’ productivity and economic outcomes can be significant. This project aims to further the literature by evaluating the impact of two incentives, RFAI and DLRR on Portuguese firms’ outcomes. In order to test these effects, a counterfactual analysis, using the Propensity Score Matching method, was carried out for the period 2017-2019, and the findings suggest an important positive effect of the policy in firms that benefitted from the incentives, except for exports and intangible fixed assets

    Dynamical Analysis and Visualization of Tornadoes Time Series

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    In this paper we analyze the behavior of tornado time-series in the U.S. from the perspective of dynamical systems. A tornado is a violently rotating column of air extending from a cumulonimbus cloud down to the ground. Such phenomena reveal features that are well described by power law functions and unveil characteristics found in systems with long range memory effects. Tornado time series are viewed as the output of a complex system and are interpreted as a manifestation of its dynamics. Tornadoes are modeled as sequences of Dirac impulses with amplitude proportional to the events size. First, a collection of time series involving 64 years is analyzed in the frequency domain by means of the Fourier transform. The amplitude spectra are approximated by power law functions and their parameters are read as an underlying signature of the system dynamics. Second, it is adopted the concept of circular time and the collective behavior of tornadoes analyzed. Clustering techniques are then adopted to identify and visualize the emerging patterns

    New models of production in automotive industry: some questions

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    Taking into account the global trends towards vertical de-integration and functional integration, the WorTiS project is expected to be able to determine to what extent the Portuguese automobile industry is experiencing far-reaching changes as far as innovative (post-fordist) work systems are concerned. One of the objectives is to reach wider conclusions regarding the sector under analysis within a new multi-disciplinary approach, in connection with other research networks (namely, GERPISA and IMVP-MIT). It will recover relevant information in automobile companies located in Portugal (like, Toyota, Citröen, FIAT, Renault, Ford, VW, UMM), in order to understand how concrete practices have being developed in time, and update the scientific knowledge with the development of new case studies (Mitsubishi, AutoEuropa, Opel-GM, and other sub-contracting firms). is intended to present a new fieldwork methodology in order to analyse the variety, and contradictory character, of changes in work practices. The analysis would focus on the cases of automotive firms that operated, and are still operating, in Portugal. The effectiveness of such a tool will last far beyond the project itself.automotive industry; working systems; sociology; production models

    Aplicação da metodologia lean na área de linhas de montagem na GE Power Controls Portugal

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Mecânica. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201