663 research outputs found

    Conservation of underwater archaeological organic materials

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    The main proposal of the thesis "Conservation of Underwater Archaeological Organic Materials" is to present to archaeologists and archeology technicians, in an understandable way, the principles and procedures of the conservation of underwater archaeological organic materials, thus maximizing the efforts and results of the preservation of underwater cultural heritage. The aim to this study is, also, to define new interventional procedures concerning the conservation and restoration of underwater archaeological heritage and combine these with information and training. In this sense, after the characterization of the type of organic materials, commonly found in underwater archaeological sites, the identification of conservation status is followed. From this, the causes and theirlevels of degradation are recognized and understood. This step provides information and is also essential to ensure the future integrity of organic archaeological remains. From critical research-based methods and laboratory tests, specific methodologies are presented for the preservation oforganic materials from underwater contexts, which can be implemented by the various technicians and experts in the field of underwater archeology and thus contribute to thesafeguarding of heritage

    Male victims of partner violence: methodological analysis of prevalence studies

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    A violência contra os homens na intimidade é um tema controverso e negligenciado. No entanto, são já vários os estudos que avançam que os homens podem ser vítimas na intimidade. Este artigo contempla uma análise metodológica dos estudos de prevalência acerca da violência contra os homens em relações heterossexuais. A violência contra o sexo masculino perpetrada pelo sexo feminino varia de 0.6% a 100%, dependendo do tipo de violência que abrange, do período temporal de referência, bem como do método e da amostra. Os estudos revelam que os homens são, em sua grande maioria, vítimas de violência moderada, sobretudo psicológica. Porém, as insuficiências metodológicas e o conhecimento diminuto em domínios específicos da vitimação íntima contra os homens restringem as conclusões que podem ser extraídas. Importa que as investigações futuras adotem uma abordagem mais inclusiva de ambos os sexos.La violencia contra los hombres en la intimidad es un tema polémico y omiso. Sin embargo, ya hay varios estudios que avanzan que los hombres pueden ser víctimas en la intimidad. Este artículo incluye un análisis metodológico de los estudios de prevalencia sobre la violencia contra los hombres en relaciones heterosexuales. La violencia perpetrada contra los hombres por las mujeres varía de 0.6% a 100%, dependiendo del tipo de violencia abarcada y del período de tiempo, así como del método y de la muestra. Los estudios revelan que los hombres son en su mayoría víctimas de violencia moderada, sobre todo psicológica. No obstante, las deficiencias metodológicas y el poco conocimiento en áreas específicas de la victimización íntima contra los hombres limitan las conclusiones que pueden extraerse. Es importante que la investigación futura adopte un enfoque más inclusivo para ambos los sexos.Intimate partner violence against men is controversial and somewhat neglected. However, there are now several studies that show that men are victims in intimacy. This article includes a methodological analysis of studies on the prevalence of violence against men in heterosexual intimate relationships. The prevalence of violence against men perpetrated by women ranges from 0.6% to 100%, depending on the type of violence, the time period of reference, as well as the method and sample used. Studies show that men are mostly victims of moderate violence, mainly psychological. However, methodological shortcomings and insufficient knowledge in specific areas of victimization against men restrict the conclusions that can be drawn. Is critical that the investigations in this area adopt a more inclusive approach and, specifically, methodologies that address both sexes.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Steps to enhance bone regeneration the role of dendritic cells on mesenchymal stem cells recruitment

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    Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Bioengenharia. Área de Especialização de Biotecnologia Molecular. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Group intervention with victims of domestic violence: a review of their effectiveness

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    Após o reconhecimento social, a violência doméstica tem adquirido progressivamente uma expressão significativa nas estatísticas criminais no nosso país. Paralelamente, atendendo aos elevados custos que habitualmente estão associados a esta experiência (e.g., saúde física e psicológica), a actuação de profissionais especializados nesta área foi assumindo cada vez mais relevância, constituindo-se a mulher vítima como um dos principais alvos da intervenção. Nesse contexto, assistiu-se nos últimos anos ao desenvolvimento de diferentes modalidades psicoterapêuticas dirigidas a essa população, entre as quais a intervenção em grupo. O objectivo deste trabalho consiste, pois, em sistematizar o conhecimento actual sobre a eficácia da intervenção em grupo com mulheres vítimas desse tipo de violência, reflectindo criticamente sobre as suas potencialidades. Após uma revisão da literatura internacional (e.g., Cox & Stolberg, 1991; McBride, 2001; Rinfret-Raynor & Cantin, 1997; Tutty, Bidgood, & Rothery, 1993), constata-se que essa é uma das mais comuns modalidades de intervenção facultadas às vítimas, revelando-se útil e com grande impacto junto dessas mulheres (e.g., Trimpey, 1989, citado por McBride, 2001; Tutty et al., 1993). Finalmente, a partir dos estudos disponíveis, apontamos os principais desafios no desenvolvimento de estudos empíricos neste contexto, bem como algumas implicações práticas para a implementação de intervenções em grupo com esta população.After being socially recognized, domestic violence has been having a significant expression in Portuguese surveys. Moreover, due to the high costs associated with this problem (e.g., physical and mental health), the intervention by specialized professionals in this area is now more relevant, being the woman victim the main target. Within the last years, several psychotherapeutic modalities addressing women victims were developed, being group intervention one of those. The aim of the present work is to give a clear picture of the state of the art concerning research on efficacy of group intervention with women victim of domestic violence, as well as critically reflect on its’ potential. After reviewing international literature (e.g., Cox & Stolberg, 1991; McBride, 2001; Rinfret-Raynor & Cantin, 1997; Tutty, Bidgood, & Rothery, 1993), it is possible to recognize group intervention as one of the most common intervention with victims, often assessed as being useful and with a positive impact (e.g., Trimpey, 1989, as cited in McBride, 2001; Tutty et al., 1993). Finally, major challenges on the development of empirical studies on this intervention are pointed out, as well as implications for practitioners in order to develop group intervention with women victim of domestic violence.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Historical Stained Glass Painting Techniques Technology and preservation

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    The aim of this project is the study of the painting techniques applied on stained glass, namely blue enamels, sanguine red and grisaille. The research and interpretation of several historical treatises dated to between the 12th and the 18th centuries was performed, with a study of the production technology of the selected painting techniques, from the preparation of the pigment to the preparation of the paint. With this in mind, selected raw materials used in the productions of blue enamels were characterized, followed by the reproduction of selected historical recipes of blue enamels, sanguine red and grisaille. Parameters such as firing temperature, grinding and binding agents used to apply the paint on glass were considered. The methodology selected was based on the chemical and morphological characterization of both reproduced powder and paint samples by means of a multi-analytical approach. In addition to the reproduction of the selected painting techniques, corrosion studies of blue enamel powder and paint samples were performed in order to provide new insights on the corrosions mechanisms involved. The results obtained were compared with selected painted stained-glass fragments from Portuguese collections, mainly the ones located in Batalha Monastery, Charola from Convento de Cristo in Tomar and Pena National Palace in Sintra. The present study concluded that the choice of the raw materials to the production of the paint, the binder used to apply the paint, and parameters such as firing temperature and heating rate, had an impact on the outcome, resulting on a better adhesion of the paint layer to the base glass. The use of zaffer as a colouring agent does not allow determination of the outcome of the paint, while adding powdered glass such as smalt gives to the glass painter the opportunity to know the final result before firing. As for sanguine red paint, it is concluded that the final outcome of the paint is strongly influenced by the heating rate. In addition, the use of gum arabic as a binder, or in the pigment itself, provides a better adhesion of the paint layer to the base glass. Regarding the grisaille painting, the main differences between the recipes lay on the composition of the lead-based glass and on the ratios between this and the colouring agents. Furthermore, it was also possible to conclude that there is an evolution of the morphology of the grisailles towards a higher homogeneity of the surface. The corrosion studies performed on blue enamels allowed to conclude that with the lixiviation of the alkaline components of the enamel, cobalt will be influenced by other neighbouring ions, leading to a change of colour. In some cases, Pb2+ ions may also be the responsible for this colour change, with the formation of lead white. The results obtained were in a good agreement with the characterization of the selected case studies, evidencing the importance of the intersection between the written sources and the laboratory work

    Efficiency towards urban systems

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    Processes and expansion related to urban development put pressure on their natural environment. This pressure is translated into negative consequences for ecosystems, such as climate change, the reduction of the ozone layer and consequent loss of ability to absorb anthropic impacts from support system. The volume of emissions and impacts on support systems depends directly from the lifestyles of citizens and the management model of each city, the urban organization. This essay explores two attitudes towards the urban system, an interventional approach that seeks to optimize exploited resources, and a proactive approach, to reduce the consumption of natural resources, reaching the energy efficiency of cities and, simultaneously, reducing the inherent ecological footprint. The aim is to understand how the destructors phenomena can be reversed in order to correct and stabilize the deterioration caused upon the support system and how to plan and rehabilitate urban systems in order to reduce environmental impacts


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    The experiment examined how pigeons differentiate response patterns along the dimension of number. Seven pigeons received food after pecking the left key at least N times and then switching to the right key (Mechner’s Fixed Consecutive Number schedule). Parameter N was set according to a percentile schedule, which is a form of automatic shaping. Our aim was twofold: on the empirical side to determine how run length on the left key would evolve under this shaping procedure and how it would change during a subsequent extinction phase; and on the theoretical side to compare the data with the predictions of a theoretical model of response differentiation. Results showed that during shaping, run length on the left key increased and then, for some pigeons, it stabilized, whereas for others pigeons it remained variable. Some pigeons ceased to respond when average run length reached a highvalue. There were substantial within-session trends in run length. In extinction, before the pigeons ceased to respond altogether, they emitted the same distribution of run lengths as during the last sessions of shaping with the exception, in some birds, of a large number of runs of length zero. These results are interpreted at the light of the theoretical model of numerosity differentiation.Keywords: Mathematical Model, Response Numerosity, Percentile Schedule, Shaping, PigeonO presente estudo analisa a diferenciação numérica de padrões de resposta. Em uma caixa de Skinner com duas teclas, sete pombos receberam comida após bicarem pelo menos N vezes na tecla esquerda e depois uma vez na tecla direita (programa “Fixed Consecutive Number” de Mechner). Em cada ensaio, o parâmetro N era ajustado por um programa de reforço percentil (uma forma de shaping automático). O estudo teve dois objetivos. Primeiro, determinar como é que varia o tamanho das corridas na tecla da esquerda durante o procedimento de modelagem (shaping) e durante uma fase de extinção que se seguiu. Segundo, comparar os dados obtidos com as previsões de um modelo teórico de diferenciação da resposta. Os resultados mostraram que, durante a modelagem, o tamanho das corridas na tecla esquerda aumentou e depois, para alguns pombos, estabilizou, enquanto para outros pombos permaneceu variável. Alguns pombos pararam de responder quando o tamanho médio da corrida atingiu valores elevados. Observaram-se ainda variações sistemáticas nos tamanhos das corridas no interior de cada sessão como, por exemplo, o aumento do tamanho da corrida ao longo da sessão. Durante a fase de extinção os pombos produziram distribuições de tamanhos de corrida semelhantes às distribuições produzidas durante as últimas sessões de modelagem com exceção, em alguns sujeitos, do elevado número de corridas de tamanho zero. Estes resultados são interpretados à luz do modelo teórico de diferenciação numérica das respostas. Palavras-chave: Modelo matemático, numerosidade, esquema percentil, modelagem, pomb

    Brief report on a systematic review of the experiences of male victims of intimate partner violence as help-seekers

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    Little is known about help seeking behaviors of male victims of intimate partner violence. This systematic review intends to summarize the help seeking experiences of male victims in terms of the usefulness of the existing services following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews recommendations. Twelve studies from five countries and with 3245 participants were selected. The results indicated that male victims mostly seek informal help (e.g., family and friends), and are satisfied with this source of support. Regarding formal services (e.g., police), male victims evaluate these services as not useful. As a result, men seem to become further (re)victimized by the system and penalized for trying to seek formal help. In order to provide better services to male victims, it urges a focus on the training of frontline professionals, in primary and secondary prevention, and in awareness campaigns. The suggestions for future research are put forward.- (undefined

    (Un)acknowledgment of men as victims of intimate partner violence

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    Some victims of interpersonal violence do not acknowledge or label their experience as criminal. This study aims to explore men’s experiences as victims of intimate partner violence and identify the key elements that contribute to their (un)acknowledgment and needs. We interviewed 10 Portuguese male victims in heterosexual relationships who requested formal help. A thematic analysis was performed using NVivo 11. Social gender discourses and expectations prevented men from acknowledging their intimate victimization and created barriers to seeking help. Participants struggled to achieve the social status of the victim and to gain access to intervention measures. These findings reflect the invisibility and insufficient social awareness of intimate partner violence against men and enhance our understanding of the need of those men.This research was supported by Grant SFRH/BD/76309/2011 from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia awarded to Andreia Machado. Additionally, this study was (partially) conducted at Psychology Research Centre, University of Minho, and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science through national funds and when applicable co-financed by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (UID/PSI/01662/2013)

    Police officers' discourses about male victims of intimate partner violence in Portugal

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    Intimate partner violence is a well-known social, criminal and health problem. The victim's characteristics have been changing in the last years, however, intimate partner violence against male victims has not yet been the subject of sufficient social or scientific attention. The police, for many victims, is the first contact when calling for help. The present study analyses the discourses of police officers on male victims of intimate partner violence and explore their experiences and difficulties when men are the victims. In depth interviews with police officers (n = 11) were conducted and data was analyzed according to content analysis which allowed the identification of three major themes: IPV in general, IPV against males and the role of the police officers. The findings showed that police officers have an adjusted knowledge on the phenomenon (e.g., prevalence; types of violence; characterization of IPV; reasons for female aggression; role of police). Yet there seems to be some grey areas when it comes to more specific questions (e.g., characteristics of the perpetrators; impact on the victim; coping strategies to deal with violence), which can contribute to difficulties for male victims to report intimate partner violence and receive a helpful service. The practical implications of these qualitative findings for police, male victims and the scientific community are discussed.- (undefined