29 research outputs found

    On the logarithmic comparison theorem for integrable logarithmic connections

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    Let X be a complex analytic manifold, D ⊂ X a free divisor with jacobian ideal of linear type (e.g. a locally quasi-homogeneous free divisor), j : U = X − D ֒→ X the corresponding open inclusion, E an integrable logarithmic connection with respect to D and L the local system of the horizontal sections of E on U. In this paper we prove that the canonical morphisms Ω • X(log D)(E(kD)) −→ Rj∗L, j!L −→ Ω • X(log D)(E(−kD)) are isomorphisms in the derived category of sheaves of complex vector spaces for k ≫ 0 (locally on X).Ministerio de Educación y CienciaFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regiona

    Locally quasi-homogeneous free divisors are Koszul free

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    Let X be a complex analytic manifold and D ⊂ X be a free divisor. If D is locally quasi-homogeneous, then the logarithmic de Rham complex associated to D is quasi-isomorphic to Rj∗(CX\D), which is a perverse sheaf. On the other hand, the logarithmic de Rham complex associated to a Koszul-free divisor is perverse. In this paper, we prove that every locally quasi-homogeneous free divisor is Koszul free.Ministerio de Educación y CienciaInternational Association for the Promotion of Cooperation with Scientists from the New Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Unio

    Logarithmic cohomology of the complement of a plane curve

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    Let D, x be a plane curve germ. We prove that the complex Ω•(log D)x computes the cohomology of the complement of D, x only if D is quasihomogeneous. This is a partial converse to a theorem of F.J. Castro-Jiménez, D. Mond and L. Narváez-Macarro. Cohomology of the complement of a free divisor. Transactions of the A.M.S., 348 (1996), 3037– 3049, which asserts that this complex does compute the cohomology of the complement, whenever D is a locally weighted homogeneous free divisor (and so in particular when D is a quasihomogeneous plane curve germ). We also give an example of a free divisor in D ⊂ C3 which is not locally weighted homogeneous, but for which this (second) assertion continues to hold.Ministerio de Educación y CienciaEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Counci

    Phytotherapy in pregnancy and lactation: benefit or risk? Review of the literature

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: Durante el embarazo el organismo de la mujer sufre cambios temporales con aparición de estructuras orgánicas nuevas como la placenta. Cualquier sustancia, natural o sintética, que pueda producir una alteración de los procesos fisiológicos propios de esta etapa están contraindicados. OBJETIVO: Dar a conocer los productos de origen vegetal utilizados habitualmente en el embarazo y la lactancia y evaluar su eficacia y seguridad. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Revisión integradora de la literatura en las bases de datos Cochrane Library, Cinahl, Medline, Cuiden, Cuidatge, Bireme, Enfispo y buscadores de la red. Tras la lectura de los artículos, se realizó una valoración crítica, síntesis e interpretación para llegar a conclusiones de todos los estudios seleccionados. RESULTADOS: El uso de plantas medicinales en el embarazo es habitual, encontrándose el jengibre y la equinácea entre las más utilizadas. En cuanto a la etapa del embarazo de mayor consumo, se identifica el primer trimestre. El mayor porcentaje de las gestantes utiliza las plantas sin indicación médica. En cuanto a la eficacia: la equinácea es eficaz para el resfriado común e infecciones vaginales, el arándano rojo para la infección urinaria, la raíz de jengibre y la ipecacuana tienen acción antiemética, la hierba de San Juan es eficaz en la depresión postparto, la valeriana para combatir el nerviosismo y el aceite de onagra para inducir el parto. El nivel de seguridad varía según la planta por lo que se recomienda un control por parte del profesional sanitario. DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIONES: De forma general las mujeres no están educadas en cuanto a la influencia que ejerce el estilo de vida en las primeras células embrionarias. El uso de productos fitoterápicos puede ser eficaz para ayudar a solucionar muchos de los problemas del embarazo pero es necesario ver la relación riesgo-efectividad. Por eso, antes, durante y después del embarazo o lactancia materna las mujeres que desean tomar preparados herbarios, deben consultar con su matrona u otro profesional sanitario bien informado al respecto, porque muchos de los efectos de las plantas sobre los fetos y la leche materna son desconocidos.INTRODUCTION: During pregnancy, women´s body suffers from temporary changes with new organic structures such as placenta. Any subtance, natural or sintetic which may alter physiological proceses on this own state are contraindicated. OBJECTIVE: Dara know the plant products commonly used in pregnancy and lactation and assess their effectiveness and safety. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Integrative review of literature in the databases Cochrane Library, CINAHL, Medline, Cuiden, Cuidatge, Medicine , ENFISPO and Web searches. After reading the articles, critical appraisal, synthesis and interpretation was performed to reach conclusions of all selected studies. RESULTS: The use of medicinal plants during pregnancy is frequent, being ginger and echinace some of the most used ones. Regarding the stage of pregnancy with higher consumption, it is the first term. The highest percentage of pregnant women use plants without any medical advices. As for effectiveness: Echinacea is effective for the common cold and vaginal infections, cranberry for urinary infection, ginger root and ipecac have antiemetic action, St. John's wort is effective in postpartum depression, valerian to combat nervousness and evening primrose oil to induce labor. The security level varies depending on the plant so a control by the health care professional is recommended. DISCUSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Generally, women are not aware of the influence of their life style on the first embryonic cells. The use of herbal products can be effective in helping to solve many of the problems of pregnancy but you need to see the risk-effectiveness. Because of that, previously, during an after pregnancy or breastfeeding, those women who want to take herbalist products, should first consult a midwife or another medical professional who is well-informed about it, because many of the effect of plants on fetus and breastmilk are still unknown

    La calidad de las pastas frente al arroz es determinante en el control del hambre y el apetito: Estudio comparativo de pasta y arroz

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    Introduction: The aim of the present study was to evaluate if the pasta quality is decisive in controlling hunger and satiety compared with rice.Material and methods: n=16 (8 men, 8 women). The effect on appetite and satiety of two different-quality pastas and also rice was determined by repeated measuring. Subjects came on fasting and were evaluated at different times after the intake of product under investigation for 240 min, eaten an ad libitum buffet and were evaluated again at minute 270. Aspects related to satiety (hunger, satiety, fullness, and desire to eat) were evaluated by visual analog scale (VAS), overall appetite score (OAS), area under curve (AUC) and satiety quotient (SQ).Results: The OAS reported by volunteers prior to the intake of products under investigation did not differ significantly, so baseline parameters did not bias later measurements. AUC after 60 minutes was higher after the intake of rice (2355 ±1556%/min) compared with both types of pasta. On the other hand, similar values were obtained between the two types of pasta (pasta A = 1808 ± 1329 % /min; pasta B = 1,774 ± 1,370%/min). Further, AUC reported by volunteers after 240 minutes was higher after the intake of rice (12,424 ± 6,187%/min) compared with both types of pastas (pasta A = 10,292 ± 5,410%/min; pasta B = 9,976 ± 5,589%/min). In addition, SQ was lower for rice (1.90 ± 4.29%/kcal) than for both pastas (pasta A = 4.73 ± 4.95%/kcal; pasta B = 4.40 ± 5.14%/kcal).Conclusions: Both varieties of pasta showed higher satiety results than rice, with no significant difference between them. In addition, the difference between rice and pasta was greater within 60 minutes after ingestion.Introducción: El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar si la calidad de la pasta es decisiva para controlar el hambre y la saciedad en comparación con el arroz.Material y métodos: n = 16 (8 hombres, 8 mujeres). El efecto sobre el apetito y la saciedad de dos pastas de diferente calidad y también del arroz se determinó mediante mediciones repetidas. Los sujetos entraron en ayunas y fueron evaluados en diferentes momentos después de la ingesta del producto investigado durante 240 minutos, comieron un bufet ad libitum y fueron evaluados nuevamente en el minuto 270. Aspectos relacionados con la saciedad (hambre, saciedad, saciedad y deseo de comer) fueron evaluados por escala visual analógica (VAS), puntaje global de apetito (OAS), área bajo curva (AUC) y cociente de saciedad (SQ).Resultados: La OEA informada por los voluntarios antes de la ingesta de productos bajo investigación no difirió significativamente, por lo que los parámetros de referencia no sesgaron las mediciones posteriores. El AUC después de 60 minutos fue mayor después de la ingesta de arroz (2.355 ± 1.556%/min) en comparación con ambos tipos de pasta. Por otro lado, se obtuvieron valores similares entre los dos tipos de pasta (pasta A = 1.808 ± 1.329%/min; pasta B = 1.774 ± 1.370%/min). Además, el AUC informado por los voluntarios después de 240 minutos fue mayor después de la ingesta de arroz (12.424 ± 6.187%/min) en comparación con ambos tipos de pastas (pasta A = 10.292 ± 5.410%/min; pasta B = 9.976 ± 5.589%/min). Además, la SQ fue menor para el arroz (1,90 ± 4,29%/kcal) que para ambas pastas (pasta A = 4,73 ± 4,95%/kcal; pasta B = 4,40 ± 5,14%/kcal).Conclusiones: Ambas variedades de pasta mostraron resultados de saciedad más altos que el arroz, sin diferencias significativas entre ellos. Además, la diferencia entre arroz y pasta fue mayor dentro de los 60 minutos posteriores a la ingestión

    Personalization of the workplace using the PANGEA multiagent platform.

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    The purpose of this system is to detect the proximity of a person to a computer using ZigBee technology and then, to personalize its workplace according to his user’s profile. The prototype has been developed using a new agent platform called PANGEA, which facilitates the design and implementation of open MAS. This prototype will be included in the future in an integral system primarily oriented to facilitate the labor integration of people with disabilities

    M-Learning for Elderlies: A Case Study

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    In this article a case study about m-learning for elderlies using mobile devices is presented. The study focuses on a practical study about language learning for elderly students that attend classes in the so-called Inter-university program for Elderly People. The recent surge of university programs for elderly people requires novel solutions related to learning methods, directed by the special needs of this sector of the society