444 research outputs found

    Assessing the influence of land-use change on the variability of soil chemical properties in semi-arid zone of Ghana

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    The study aimed at providing basis to consider spatial variability in soil fertility to inform effective decision making in mineral fertilizer recommendations. The study area was classified into six land-use categories using a rural rapid appraisal technique with the aid of the farmers in the community, and by remote sensing satellite imagery (Quick bird). Land-use categories varied significantly in their nutrient, organic carbon content, and stock with coefficient of determination ranging from 0.14 to 0.46. This is reflected in decline in soil nutrient, organic carbon content, and stock with increasing number of years the land was put under cultivation except for permanently cultivated fields. Permanantly cultivated fields were located in the homestead and benefited from nutrient imports from the bush fields. The two farm types also differed significantly with respect to soil nutrients, organic carbon and stock. Soil organic carbon content was 8.2 and 4.5 g kg-1 for the homestead and bushfields, respectively. Soil organic carbon stock estimated for the two farm types were 125 and 74 t ha-1 for the homestead and bush fields, respectively. The study shows a distinct zone of nutrient enhancement within the homestead and bushfields that should be sampled separately when sampling the zone for fertilizer recommendations

    Evaluation of soil properties of the Sudan Savannah ecological zone of Ghana for crop production

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    Low soil fertility and limited ability of farmers to purchase fertilizers in the Sudan savannah zone of Ghana has resulted in the decline in the yield of cereals over the years. There is, therefore, the need to identify soil parameters that are critical to crop production, to manage them effectively and improve fertilizer use efficiency to increase crop yield. To achieve this, an area of about 1.5 km2 was divided into grid cells (100m2) and characterised for their soil properties (organic carbon, pH, and soil texture). Data collected was used in a pedo-transfer function to estimate additional soil parameters that were not measured (i.e. wilting point, field capacity, available water and saturation). These were used as input to the crop simulation model (APSIM- Agriculture Productions Systems sIMulator) to simulate sorghum grain yield for each grid cell. Linear regression and factor analysis were also employed in explaining the data. Grain yield ranged from 402 to 1092 kg ha-1 with a mean of 673 kg ha-1 using 2005 weather data and 228 to 907 kg ha-1 with a mean of 427 kg ha-1 using 2000 weather data without fertilizer application. The model was sensitive to all input parameters. Soil texture and organic carbon were identified to have significant effect on crop yield. Soil organic carbon is, therefore, to be managed for the development of a good tilth and hence sustainable yields of sorghum at the study site

    Mode of Biochar Application to Vertisols Influences Water Balance Components and Water Use Efficiency of Maize (Zea mays L.)

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    Vertisols belong to a group of soils with high fertility but poor physical properties of swelling when wet and shrinking and cracking when dry. The swelling inhibits infiltration, resulting in flooding, limiting the production of upland crops. Biochar (<BC) application has been shown to reduce the shrink-swell behaviour of Vertisols. However, the mode of biochar application to these soils may affect the effectiveness of the amendment. This study investigated the water relations and maize (Zea mays L.) growth under two BC application modes: (i) biochar applied into cracks that develop with drying, C, and (ii) biochar that was surface broadcast and incorporated into the topsoil, FM. A control treatment did not receive any BC amendment. Maize was grown on the BC-amended Vertisols using the two modes of application in a greenhouse under two seasonal water regimes of 610 and 450 mm. The results showed that the proportion of total water application lost to runoff was 37%, 49% and 53% for C, FM and control treatments, respectively. Both maize yield and Water Use Efficiency (WUE), for the C treatments were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those for FM treatments. The maize yield under the C treatments was 19% over the control. Similarly, the WUE for the C treatments was 28% above the control treatment. It is concluded that the application of biochar into cracks is a more effective way of improving the water relations and upland crop productivity and WUE in Vertisols than the traditional surface incorporation

    Formal Derivation of Concurrent Garbage Collectors

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    Concurrent garbage collectors are notoriously difficult to implement correctly. Previous approaches to the issue of producing correct collectors have mainly been based on posit-and-prove verification or on the application of domain-specific templates and transformations. We show how to derive the upper reaches of a family of concurrent garbage collectors by refinement from a formal specification, emphasizing the application of domain-independent design theories and transformations. A key contribution is an extension to the classical lattice-theoretic fixpoint theorems to account for the dynamics of concurrent mutation and collection.Comment: 38 pages, 21 figures. The short version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of MPC 201

    Location and Land use effects on Soil Carbon Accretion and Productivity in the Coastal Savanna Agro-ecological Zone of Ghana

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    Land use type, climate and soil properties are major determinants of soil carbon storage and productivity, especially in low-input agriculture. In this study, we investigated the interactions among these factors at four (4) locations, namely Accra Metropolis, Ga West, Ga East and Shai Osudoku, within the Coastal-Savannah agro-ecological zone of Ghana. The land use types were maize-based cropping, cassava-based cropping, woodlot/plantations and natural forests. The impact of these on soil productivity at a given location was assessed in terms of soil carbon stocks and a Soil Productivity Index (SPI). The SPI is a composite value derived from routine soil properties such as: soil texture, available water capacity, pH, cation exchange capacity, soil organic carbon, available P, exchangeable K, potentially mineralizable nitrogen, and basic cations, among others. Principal component analysis was used to select soil properties that were used to estimate SPI. The results showed that the locations differed with respect to rainfall regimes and soil types. Locations with slightly heavier soil texture and relatively higher rainfall regimes (Ga East and Shai Osudoku) had significantly higher soil carbon storage and SPI values than the lighter soil textured locations (Accra Metropolis and Ga West). With regards to land use, forest had significantly higher soil carbon storage and SPI than all the other land use types, irrespective of location. The order of soil carbon storage and SPI were: forest > woodlot/plantation > cassava > maize. It was observed that though the Accra Metropolis location hosted the oldest forest, soil carbon was still low, apparently due to the lighter soil texture. We concluded that the soil productivity restorative ability is an interactive effect of carbon management (land use), soil texture and other properties. This interaction hitherto has not been adequately investigated, especially in low-input agriculture

    Productivity of Soybean under Projected Climate Change in a Semi-Arid Region of West Africa: Sensitivity of Current Production System

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    The production of soybean is gaining more attention in West Africa. In light of projected changes in climate, there is a need to assess the potential impacts on yield productivity and variability among farmers. An evaluated GROPGRO module of the Decision Support System for Agro-technological Transfer (DSSAT) was used to simulate soybean productivity under both historical (1980–2009) and projected climate scenarios from multiple general circulation models (GCMs) under two representative concentration pathways (RCPs): 4.5 and 8.5. Agronomic data from 90 farms, as well as multiple soil profile data, were also used for the impact assessment. Climate change leads to a reduction (3% to 13.5% across GCMs and RCPs) in the productivity of soybean in Northern Ghana. However, elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide has the potential to offset the negative impact, resulting in increased (14.8% to 31.3% across GCMs and RCPs) productivity. The impact of climate change on yield varied widely amongst farms (with relative standard deviation (RSD) ranging between 17% and 35%) and across years (RSD of between 10% and 15%). Diversity in management practices, as well as differences in soils, explained the heterogeneity in impact among farms. Variability among farms was higher than that among years. The strategic management of cultural practices provides an option to enhance the resilience of soybean productivity among smallholder

    Modeling nutrient and water productivity of sorghum in smallholder farming systems in a semi-arid region of Ghana

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    The CERES-sorghum module of the Decision Support System for Agro-Technological Transfer (DSSAT) model was calibrated for sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) using data from sorghum grown with adequate waterand nitrogen and evaluated with data from several N rates trials in Navrongo, Ghana with an overall modified internal efficiency of 0.63. The use of mineral N fertilizer was found to be profitable with economically optimal rates of 40 and 80 kg N ha−1 for more intensively managed homestead fields and less intensively managed bush fields respectively. Agronomic N use efficiency varied from 21 to 37 kg grain kg−1 N for the homestead fields and from 15 to 49 kg grain kg−1 N in the bush fields. Simulated grain yield for homestead fields at 40 kg N ha−1 application was equal to yield for bush fields at 80 kg N ha−1. Water use efficiency generally increased with increased mineral N rate and was greater for the homestead fields compared with the bush fields. Grain yield per unit of cumulative evapo-transpiration (simulated) was consistently higher compared with yield per unit of cumulative precipitation for the season, probably because of runoff and deep percolation. In the simulation experiment, grain yield variability was less with mineral N application and under higher soil fertility (organic matter) condition. Application of mineral N reduced variability in yield from a CV of 37 to 11% in the bush farm and from 17 to 7% in the homestead fields. The use of mineral fertilizer and encouraging practices that retain organic matter to the soil provide a more sustainable system for ensuring crop production and hence food securit

    Evaluation of Non-destructive Molecular Diagnostics for the Detection of Neoparamoeba perurans

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    Peer reviewed paper. Citation: Downes, J. K., Rigby, M. L., Taylor, R. S., Maynard, B. T., MacCarthy, E., O’Connor, I., Marcos-Lopez M., Rodger H. D., Collins E., Ruane N. M. & Cook, M. T. (2017). Evaluation of Non-destructive Molecular Diagnostics for the Detection of Neoparamoeba perurans. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2017.00061 Link: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2017.00061/full DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2017.00061 Cited as per the open access policy of Frontiers Media SA.Amoebic gill disease (AGD) caused by Neoparamoeba perurans, has emerged in Europe as a significant problem for the Atlantic salmon farming industry. Gross gill score is the most widely used and practical method for determining AGD severity on farms and informing management decisions on disease mitigation strategies. As molecular diagnosis of AGD remains a high priority for much of the international salmon farming industry, there is a need to evaluate the suitability of currently available molecular assays in conjunction with the most appropriate non-destructive sampling methodology. The aims of this study were to assess a non-destructive sampling methodology (gill swabs) and to compare a range of currently available real-time polymerase chain-reaction (PCR) assays for the detection of N. perurans. Furthermore a comparison of the non-destructive molecular diagnostics with traditional screening methods of gill scoring and histopathology was also undertaken. The study found that all molecular protocols assessed performed well in cases of clinical AGD with high gill scores. A TaqMan based assay (protocol 1) was the optimal assay based on a range of parameters including % positive samples from a field trial performed on fish with gill scores ranging from 0 to 5. A higher proportion of gill swab samples tested positive by all protocols than gill filament biopsies and there was a strong correlation between gill swabs tested by protocol 1 and gross gill score and histology scores. Screening for N. perurans using protocol 1 in conjunction with non-destructive gill swab samples was shown to give the best results

    Climate Change Impact and Variability on Cereal Productivity among Smallholder Farmers under Future Production Systems in West Africa

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    Agriculture inWest Africa is constrained by several yield-limiting factors, such as poor soil fertility, erratic rainfall distributions and low input systems. Projected changes in climate, thus, pose a threat since crop production is mainly rain-fed. The impact of climate change and its variation on the productivity of cereals in smallholder settings under future production systems in Navrongo, Ghana and Nioro du Rip, Senegal was assessed in this study. Data on management practices obtained from household surveys and projected agricultural development pathways (through stakeholder engagements), soil data, weather data (historical: 1980–2009 and five General Circulation Models; mid-century time slice 2040–2069 for two Representative Concentration Pathways; 4.5 and 8.5) were used for the impact assessment, employing a crop simulation model. Ensemble maize yield changes under the sustainable agricultural development pathway (SDP) wer

    UK Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990 to 2021: annual report for submission under the Framework Convention on Climate Change

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    This is the United Kingdom’s National Inventory Report (NIR) submitted in 2023 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It contains national greenhouse gas emission estimates for the period 1990-2021, and descriptions of the methods used to produce the estimates. The greenhouse gas inventory (GHGI) is based on the same datasets used by the UK in the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) for reporting atmospheric emissions under other international agreements. The GHGI is therefore consistent with these other air emissions inventories where they overlap. The greenhouse gas inventory is compiled on behalf of the UK Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) for the Science and Innovation for Climate and Energy (SICE) Directorate, by Ricardo Energy & Environment. We acknowledge the positive support and advice from DESNZ throughout the work, and we are grateful for the help of all those who have contributed to this NIR. A list of the contributors can be found in Chapter 18. The GHGI is compiled according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2006 Guidelines (IPCC, 2006). Each year the inventory is updated to include the latest data available. Improvements to the methodology are backdated as necessary to ensure a consistent time series. Methodological changes are made to take account of new data sources, or new guidance from IPCC, and new research, sponsored by DESNZ or otherwise
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