705 research outputs found

    The endocannabinoid system: a key modulator of stress effects on memory

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    As mentioned above, a large amount of evidence indicates that the endocannabinoid system is crucially involved in the modulation of memory consolidation for stressful experiences (Akirav, 2011; Campolongo et al, 2009; Kano et al, 2009; Marsicano et al, 2009; Wotjak, 2005). Indeed previous findings from our laboratory have demonstrated that CB1 receptor activation within the BLA enhances memory consolidation. In particular, the cannabinoid agonist WIN55,212-2, bilaterally infused into the BLA immediately after inhibitory avoidance training, enhanced memory consolidation. Conversely, the CB1 receptor antagonist AM251 administered after training into the BLA dosedependently impaired 48-h inhibitory avoidance retention (Campolongo et al, 2009). Based on these previous findings we hypothesized that after an aversive experience endocannabinoids might be released within the BLA in order to modulate the better storage of emotionally salient events

    The endocannabinoid system: a key modulator of stress effects on memory

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    As mentioned above, a large amount of evidence indicates that the endocannabinoid system is crucially involved in the modulation of memory consolidation for stressful experiences (Akirav, 2011; Campolongo et al, 2009; Kano et al, 2009; Marsicano et al, 2009; Wotjak, 2005). Indeed previous findings from our laboratory have demonstrated that CB1 receptor activation within the BLA enhances memory consolidation. In particular, the cannabinoid agonist WIN55,212-2, bilaterally infused into the BLA immediately after inhibitory avoidance training, enhanced memory consolidation. Conversely, the CB1 receptor antagonist AM251 administered after training into the BLA dosedependently impaired 48-h inhibitory avoidance retention (Campolongo et al, 2009). Based on these previous findings we hypothesized that after an aversive experience endocannabinoids might be released within the BLA in order to modulate the better storage of emotionally salient events

    El bienestar psicológico en población adolescente

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    Este estudio pretende describir la relación existente entre el Bienestar Psicológico de estudiantes de la ESO y de Bachiller, y diversas variables de ámbito personal, familiar y social. Para ello se ha utilizado la adaptación española de las Escalas de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff en versión reducida de 29 ítems. Este instrumento está constituido por seis escalas: Autoaceptación, Relaciones Positivas, Autonomía, Dominio del Entorno, Crecimiento Personal y Propósito en la Vida. El estudio se ha realizado con una muestra de 448 estudiantes de varios Institutos de Enseñanza Secundaria de las provincias de Málaga y Cádiz.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Hippocampal 2-Arachidonoyl Glycerol signaling regulates Time-of-day- and stress-dependent effects on rat short-term memory

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    Background: Cannabinoids induce biphasic effects on memory depending on stress levels. We previously demonstrated that different stress intensities, experienced soon after encoding, impaired rat short-term recognition memory in a time-of-day-dependent manner, and that boosting endocannabinoid anandamide (AEA) levels restored memory performance. Here, we examined if two different stress intensities and time-of-day alter hippocampal endocannabinoid tone, and whether these changes modulate short-term memory. Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to an object recognition task and exposed, at two different times of the day (i.e., morning or afternoon), to low or high stress conditions, immediately after encoding. Memory retention was assessed 1 hr later. Hippocampal AEA and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG) content and the activity of their primary degrading enzymes, fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL), were measured soon after testing. Results: Consistent with our previous findings, low stress impaired 1-hr memory performance only in the morning, whereas exposure to high stress impaired memory independently of testing time. Stress exposure decreased AEA levels independently of memory alterations. Interestingly, exposure to high stress decreased 2-AG content and, accordingly, increased MAGL activity, selectively in the afternoon. Thus, to further evaluate 2-AG’s role in the modulation of short-term recognition memory, rats were given bilateral intra-hippocampal injections of the 2-AG hydrolysis inhibitor KML29 immediately after training, then subjected to low or high stress conditions and tested 1 hr later. Conclusions: KML29 abolished the time-of-day-dependent impairing effects of stress on short-term memory, ameliorating short-term recognition memory performance

    A retrospective analysis of the costs and management of genital warts in Italy

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    BACKGROUND: In Italy the prevalence of genital warts in women (15–64 years) is approximately 0.6% with an incidence of 0.4% per year. Treatments for GW are usually long, with moderate success and high costs. The aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic-therapeutic pathway, duration and setting of treatment, costs of episodes of condyloma in a population attending a regional STI clinic in Piedmont. METHODS: This was a retrospective observational study conducted using medical records of outpatients who first visited the STI Clinic of San Lazzaro Dermatological Hospital in 2008. The patients’ medical histories were analysed for episodes that occurred and were cleared in 18 months following the initial visit. Data on screening methods for STIs, type of diagnosis for condyloma, treatment type, treatment setting, and anatomic lesion site were obtained from medical records. The costs were calculated for each episode. RESULTS: A total of 450 episodes were analysed (297 men,153 women). The most frequently affected anatomic site was the genital area (74%) in both genders. With regard to treatment setting, 78.44% of patients received outpatient treatment at the STI clinic, 4% were treated at home, and 0.22% were hospitalised; 11.11% were treated in multiple settings. The mean number of treatments per episode was 2.03; although many patients received only 1 treatment (n = 207, 46%), exspecially cryotherapy or diathermy coagulation (64.73% versus 28.02% of episodes, respectively). The mean episode duration was 80.74 days. The mean cost (in 2011 euros) for an episode was €158.46 ± 257.77; the mean costswere €79.13 ± 57.40 for diagnosis and €79.33 ± 233.60 for treatment. The mean cost for treatment in a STI-Clinic setting was €111.39 ± 76.72, that for home treatment was €160.88 ± 95.69, and that for hospital care was €2825.94. CONCLUSIONS: The treatment of and associated costs for genital warts are significant. Several factors affect the cost, and internal STI clinic protocols, such as the 6 month window used to consider a recurrence or new diagnosis, create bias. Nonetheless, our findings how costs similar to those reported in the international literature and should be considered when deciding on which HPV vaccination programs should be provided by the public health system

    Genotype-phenotype correlation study in 364 osteogenesis imperfecta Italian patients

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a rare genetic disorder of the connective tissue and 90% of cases are due to dominant mutations in COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes. To increase OI disease knowledge and contribute to patient follow-up management, a homogeneous Italian cohort of 364 subjects affected by OI types I-IV was evaluated. The study population was composed of 262 OI type I, 24 type II, 39 type III, and 39 type IV patients. Three hundred and nine subjects had a type I collagen affecting function mutations (230 in α1(I) and 79 in α2(I)); no disease-causing changes were noticed in 55 patients. Compared with previous genotype-phenotype OI correlation studies, additional observations arose: a new effect for α1- and α2-serine substitutions has been pointed out and heart defects, never considered before, resulted associated to quantitative mutations (P = 0.043). Moreover, some different findings emerged if compared with previous literature; especially, focusing the attention on the lethal form, no association with specific collagen regions was found and most of variants localized in the previously reported "lethal clusters" were causative of OI types I-IV. Some discrepancies have been highlighted also considering the "50-55 nucleotides rule," as well as the relationship between specific collagen I mutated region and the presence of dentinogenesis imperfecta and/or blue sclera. Despite difficulties still present in defining clear rules to predict the clinical outcome in OI patients, this study provides new pieces for completing the puzzle, also thanks to the inclusion of clinical signs never considered before and to the large number of OI Italian patients

    The Development of a Decision Support System for Wellbeing in the Danube River Basin

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    The aims of the project are to develop a decision-making support tool – DeWOS; and to establish a permanent users network using a spin-off company, which will enable international cooperation and implementation of the software. DeWOS will encompass all existing relevant data on factors affecting wellbeing: environmental (water, air, soil, food quality and quantity), social-demographic (education, prosperity, migration, tourism and mobility, health services, safety) and economic factors (employment, industry, agriculture). The tool will provide a reliable valuation of the degree of wellbeing in the Danube River Basin enabling policy makers (from the municipality to the national level) and other stakeholders to assess the current wellbeing situation and simulate possible scenarios along with the feasibility and impacts of possible interventions

    Perfil e competências dos bibliotecários que atuam na Rede Federal de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica do Distrito Federal

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, 2015.O estudo pretendeu mapear as competências profissionais necessárias ao desempenho das atividades dos bibliotecários que atuam na rede federal de ensino profissional e tecnológico do Distrito Federal, a partir da percepção desses profissionais. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, adotou-se uma base teórica voltada à contextualização das abordagens contemporâneas sobre a noção de competência e mapeamento de competências e um estudo da literatura na área de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação sobre perfil e competências do bibliotecário. Metodologicamente, trata-se de um estudo de caso, de abordagem descritiva e caráter quanti-qualitativo. As informações foram coletadas por meio de um questionário semiestruturado, composto de perguntas abertas e fechadas e de um roteiro de entrevista, realizado após a aplicação do questionário. Para a elaboração dos instrumentos de coleta de dados foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas e documentais, no intuito de levantar as variáveis aplicáveis aos objetivos propostos. Por meio da aplicação do questionário e posterior entrevista com os bibliotecários, aliado à pesquisa documental, obteve-se o diagnóstico que permitiu mapear as competências e o perfil dos bibliotecários. Em relação ao perfil, foi possível reconhecer, dentre outros fatores, uma população jovem de profissionais atuando na Rede, sendo a maioria do sexo feminino e detentora de formação acadêmica complementar. O mapeamento das competências possibilitou detectar maiores aptidões relacionadas às competências em comunicação e expressão e competências gerenciais dos bibliotecários. Por fim, concluiu-se que as competências mapeadas estão de acordo com os objetivos institucionais da rede federal de ensino profissional e tecnológico do Distrito Federal.The study had the objective of characterize the professional skills required for the activities of librarians working in the federal network of technical and technological education of the Federal District (Brazil), in perception of these professionals. To achieve the objective, it was adopted a contemporary theory of competence and competency mapping and literature review in Library and Information Science on profile and skills of librarian. This is a case study, quanti-qualitative research with descriptive approach. The information was collected through a semi-structured questionnaire composed of open and closed questions and an interview script, performed after the questionnaire. To elaborate the data collection instrument were carried out bibliographic and documentary research in order to raise the variables applied to the proposed objectives. Through the questionnaire and subsequent treatment of the information collected, together with documentary research, it was obtained the diagnosis that identified the profile and characterized the skills of librarians. Regarding the profile, it was possible to recognize, among other factors, a young population of professionals working in the network, mostly female that had additional academic training. The mapping of competencies enabled to detect higher professional skills related to communication and expression skills and managerial skills of librarians. Finally, it was concluded that mapped competencies are in accordance with the institutional objectives in the federal network of technical and technological education of the Federal District

    Quality of Life in osteoporotic patients

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    Background: Osteoporosis is responsible for fragility fractures, which are associated with impaired quality of life (QoL) and disability. Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the QoL in patients affected by osteoporosis and possible determinants. Methods: One-hundred thirty-four subjects followed at the osteoprosis outpatient clinic at our institution completed the QUALEFFO-41 questionnaire for quality of life. All subjects had undergone bone densitometry measurement and the FRAX index, summarizing the risk of fragility fracture, was calculated for each of them. The QoL in these subjects and its possible determinants were investigated with univariate and multiple linear regression analysis. Results: Subjects with osteoporosis had lower scores in the domains of physical and social function of the QUALEFFO questionnaire in comparison with subjects with normal bome mineral density. Main factors associated with impairment in QoL were high FRAX score and body mass index (BMI). Conclusion: Physical and social function is reduced in osteoporotic subjects. High BMI and an increased risk of fragility fracture were main determinants of impairment in the QoL in this study