12,788 research outputs found

    Alternative statistical-mechanical descriptions of decaying two-dimensional turbulence in terms of "patches" and "points"

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    Numerical and analytical studies of decaying, two-dimensional (2D) Navier-Stokes (NS) turbulence at high Reynolds numbers are reported. The effort is to determine computable distinctions between two different formulations of maximum entropy predictions for the decayed, late-time state. Both formulations define an entropy through a somewhat ad hoc discretization of vorticity to the "particles" of which statistical mechanical methods are employed to define an entropy, before passing to a mean-field limit. In one case, the particles are delta-function parallel "line" vortices ("points" in two dimensions), and in the other, they are finite-area, mutually-exclusive convected "patches" of vorticity which in the limit of zero area become "points." We use time-dependent, spectral-method direct numerical simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations to see if initial conditions which should relax to different late-time states under the two formulations actually do so.Comment: 21 pages, 24 figures: submitted to "Physics of Fluids

    Apparent suppression of turbulent magnetic dynamo action by a dc magnetic field

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    Numerical studies of the effect of a dc magnetic field on dynamo action (development of magnetic fields with large spatial scales), due to helically-driven magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, are reported. The apparent effect of the dc magnetic field is to suppress the dynamo action, above a relatively low threshold. However, the possibility that the suppression results from an improper combination of rectangular triply spatially-periodic boundary conditions and a uniform dc magnetic field is addressed: heretofore a common and convenient computational convention in turbulence investigations. Physical reasons for the observed suppression are suggested. Other geometries and boundary conditions are offered for which the dynamo action is expected not to be suppressed by the presence of a dc magnetic field component.Comment: To appear in Physics of Plasma

    The turbulent generation of outward traveling Alfvenic fluctuations in the solar wind

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    From an analysis of the incompressible MHD equations, it is concluded that the frequent observation of outward propagating Alfvenic fluctuations in the solar wind can arise from early stages of in situ turbulent evolution, and need not reflect coronal processes

    Velocity field distributions due to ideal line vortices

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    We evaluate numerically the velocity field distributions produced by a bounded, two-dimensional fluid model consisting of a collection of parallel ideal line vortices. We sample at many spatial points inside a rigid circular boundary. We focus on ``nearest neighbor'' contributions that result from vortices that fall (randomly) very close to the spatial points where the velocity is being sampled. We confirm that these events lead to a non-Gaussian high-velocity ``tail'' on an otherwise Gaussian distribution function for the Eulerian velocity field. We also investigate the behavior of distributions that do not have equilibrium mean-field probability distributions that are uniform inside the circle, but instead correspond to both higher and lower mean-field energies than those associated with the uniform vorticity distribution. We find substantial differences between these and the uniform case.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. To be published in Physical Review E (http://pre.aps.org/) in May 200

    Selection pressure at altitude for genes related to alcohol metabolism: A role for endogenous enteric ethanol synthesis?

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    Reduced tissue availability of oxygen results from ascent to high altitude, where atmospheric pressure, and thus the partial pressure of inspired oxygen, fall (hypobaric hypoxia). In humans, adaptation to such hypoxia is necessary for survival. These functional changes remain incompletely characterized, although metabolic adaptation (rather than simple increases in convective oxygen delivery) appears to play a fundamental role. Those populations that have remained native to high altitude have undergone natural selection for genetic variants associated with advantageous phenotypic traits. Interestingly, a consistent genetic signal has implicated alcohol metabolism in the human adaptive response to hypobaric hypoxia. The reasons for this remain unclear. One possibility is that increased alcohol synthesis occurs through fermentation by gut bacteria in response to enteric hypoxia. There is growing evidence that anaerobes capable of producing ethanol become increasingly prevalent with high-altitude exposure. We hypothesize that: (1) ascent to high altitude renders the gut luminal environment increasingly hypoxic, favouring (2) an increase in the population of enteric fermenting anaerobes, hence (3) the synthesis of alcohol which, through systemic absorption, leads to (4) selection pressure on genes relating to alcohol metabolism. In theory, alcohol could be viewed as a toxic product, leading to selection of gene variants favouring its metabolism. On the contrary, alcohol is a metabolic substrate that might be beneficial. This mechanism could also account for some of the interindividual differences of lowlanders in acclimatization to altitude. Future research should be aimed at determining any shifts to favour ethanol-producing anaerobes after ascent to altitude

    A Self-Consistent Marginally Stable State for Parallel Ion Cyclotron Waves

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    We derive an equation whose solutions describe self-consistent states of marginal stability for a proton-electron plasma interacting with parallel-propagating ion cyclotron waves. Ion cyclotron waves propagating through this marginally stable plasma will neither grow nor damp. The dispersion relation of these waves, {\omega} (k), smoothly rises from the usual MHD behavior at small |k| to reach {\omega} = {\Omega}p as k \rightarrow \pm\infty. The proton distribution function has constant phase-space density along the characteristic resonant surfaces defined by this dispersion relation. Our equation contains a free function describing the variation of the proton phase-space density across these surfaces. Taking this free function to be a simple "box function", we obtain specific solutions of the marginally stable state for a range of proton parallel betas. The phase speeds of these waves are larger than those given by the cold plasma dispersion relation, and the characteristic surfaces are more sharply peaked in the v\bot direction. The threshold anisotropy for generation of ion cyclotron waves is also larger than that given by estimates which assume bi-Maxwellian proton distributions.Comment: in press in Physics of Plasma

    Low magnetic Prandtl number dynamos with helical forcing

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    We present direct numerical simulations of dynamo action in a forced Roberts flow. The behavior of the dynamo is followed as the mechanical Reynolds number is increased, starting from the laminar case until a turbulent regime is reached. The critical magnetic Reynolds for dynamo action is found, and in the turbulent flow it is observed to be nearly independent on the magnetic Prandtl number in the range from 0.3 to 0.1. Also the dependence of this threshold with the amount of mechanical helicity in the flow is studied. For the different regimes found, the configuration of the magnetic and velocity fields in the saturated steady state are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figure

    Reply to "Comment on 'Precision measurement of the Casimir-Lifshitz force in a fluid'"

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    We have reviewed the Comment of Geyer et al. [arXiv:0708.1548] concerning our recent work [Phys. Rev. A 75, 060102 (R) (2007)], and while we disagree with their criticisms, we acknowledge them for giving us the opportunity to add interesting addition material and a more detailed description of our experiment. We describe further our calculation and explain why a more sophisticated model is not warranted. We also present detailed experiments on the effects of electrostatic forces in our measurements and show that the contribution due to work function differences is small and that the residual electrostatic force is dominated by trapped charges and external fields. Finally, we estimate the effect of double layer interactions. These additional calculations and measurements support our original conclusion that the experimental results are consistent with the Lifshitz theory