9,333 research outputs found

    Computer programs for thermodynamic and transport properties of hydrogen

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    Computer program subroutines provide the thermodynamic and transport properties of hydrogen in tabular form. The programs provide 18 combinations of input and output variables. This program is written in FORTRAN 4 for use on the IBM 7044 or CDC 3600 computers

    The making of nickel and nickel-alloy shapes by casting, powder metallurgy, electroforming, chemical vapor deposition, and metal spraying

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    Casting, powder metallurgy, electroforming, metal spraying, and chemical vapor deposition techniques for producing nickel and nickel-alloy shape

    Observational study of the association of first insulin type in uncontrolled type 2 diabetes with macrovascular and microvascular disease

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    <p>Aims: To compare the risk of vascular disease, HbA1c and weight change, between first prescribed insulins in people with type 2 diabetes.</p> <p>Methods: People included in THIN United Kingdom primary care record database who began insulin (2000–2007) after poor control on oral glucose-lowering agents (OGLD) were grouped by the number of OGLDs in their treatment regimen immediately before starting insulin (n = 3,485). Within OGLD group, Cox regression compared macrovascular (all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome and stroke) and microvascular disease (peripheral neuropathy, nephropathy, and retinopathy) between insulin type (basal, pre-mix or Neutral Protamine Hagedorn, NPH) while ANCOVAs compared haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and weight change.</p> <p>Results: Mean follow-up was 3.6 years. Rates of incident macrovascular events were similar when basal insulin was compared to pre-mix or NPH, adjusted hazard ratio versus basal: pre-mix 1.08 (95% CI 0.73, 1.59); NPH 1.00 (0.63, 1.58) after two OGLDs, and pre-mix 0.97 (0.46, 2.02); NPH 0.77 (0.32, 1.86) after three OGLDs. An increased risk of microvascular disease in NPH versus basal after 3 OGLDs, adjusted hazard ratio1.87 (1.04, 3.36), was not seen after two agents or in comparisons of basal and pre-mix. At one year, after two OGLDs, weight increase was less with basal compared with pre-mix. After three OGLDs, mean HbA1c had reduced less in basal versus pre-mix or NPH at 6–8 and at 9–11 months, and versus pre-mix at 12–14 months.</p> <p>Conclusion: We found no difference in the risk of macrovascular events between first insulins in the medium term when started during poor glycaemia control. The increased risk of microvascular events with NPH warrants further study. In certain groups, first use of basal insulin was associated with less gain in weight and decrease in HbA1c compared to other insulins.</p&gt

    Pyroclastic density currents (PDC) of the 16-17 August 2006 eruptions of Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador: Geophysical registry and characteristics

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    Tungurahua, located in the Eastern Cordillera of the Ecuadorian Andes, is a 5023 m-high active volcano, notable for its extreme relief (3200 m), steep sides, and frequent eruptive cycles. From 1999 until 2006 Tungurahua experienced short periods of low to moderate strombolian activity, characterized by fire fountaining, explosions, frequent ash falls and debris flows, and no PDC events. Without warning, Tungurahua initiated PDC activity on 15–16 July 2006, which became more intense on the night of 16–17 August 2006, which is the focus of this study. Continuous monitoring of Tungurahua has employed seismic (both short period and broadband (BB) instruments), SO2 gas emission (COSPEC and DOAS), and geodetic methods (EDM, tilt meters, and GPS), in addition to thermal imagery (airborne and ground-based). Acoustic flow monitors (AFM) installed to monitor lahar activity were important for detecting PDC events. Acoustic signals were monitored at Riobamba, 40 km to the SW, as well as by infrasound sensors at Tungurahua's BB seismic stations. Based on geophysical parameters, visual observations, and PDC deposit characteristics, four phases of distinct eruptive activity are recognized during the 16–17 August episode. Phase I (08H37 to 21H13 of 16 Aug.) (local time) experienced low to moderate strombolian activity with occasional high energy impulsive bursts and small PDC. Phase II (21H13-16 Aug. to 00H12-17 Aug.) was characterized by a number of discrete events with high amplitude seismo-acoustic signals, followed by the generation of larger PDC that overran monitoring stations and had velocities of 30–33 m/s. After midnight, Phase III (00H12 to 01H14) saw an intense period of unrelenting eruptive activity corresponding to the episode's greatest energy release. It was characterized by subplinian activity accompanied by a series of high energy outbursts and constant low frequency jetting that together formed a continuous plume. It was during this phase that the largest PDC were produced, reaching the surrounding river valleys. Phase IV (after 01H14) followed the cessation of the paroxysmal eruption, but witnessed many granular PDC generated by degassed lava spill outs from the crater that developed lobe and channel morphology on the cone's lower flanks. Hours later a blocky lava flow issued from the crater. During these episodes, more than 30 PDC events were detected, the majority being small flows that remained high on the cone. The two largest PDC occurred after midnight, probably generated by fountain collapse. Their descent down the cone's upper steep flanks (~ 28°) and 2.4 km in length favored air entrainment, resulting in PDC with greater fluidity. These flows had volumes of 9 to 17 × 106 m3 and produced widespread, but relatively thin (1–2 m thick) normally-graded deposits at their distal ends. The character and evolution of the PDC activity apparently reflect decreasing volatile contents of the magma and a diminishing magma supply

    First hospital outbreak of the globally emerging Candida auris in a European hospital

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    Background: Candida auris is a globally emerging multidrug resistant fungal pathogen causing nosocomial transmission. We report an ongoing outbreak of C. auris in a London cardio-thoracic center between April 2015 and July 2016. This is the first report of C. auris in Europe and the largest outbreak so far. We describe the identification, investigation and implementation of control measures. Methods: Data on C. auris case demographics, environmental screening, implementation of infection prevention/control measures, and antifungal susceptibility of patient isolates were prospectively recorded then analysed retrospectively. Speciation of C. auris was performed by MALDI-TOF and typing of outbreak isolates performed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Results: This report describes an ongoing outbreak of 50 C. auris cases over the first 16 month (April 2015 to July 2016) within a single Hospital Trust in London. A total of 44 % (n = 22/50) patients developed possible or proven C. auris infection with a candidaemia rate of 18 % (n = 9/50). Environmental sampling showed persistent presence of the yeast around bed space areas. Implementation of strict infection and prevention control measures included: isolation of cases and their contacts, wearing of personal protective clothing by health care workers, screening of patients on affected wards, skin decontamination with chlorhexidine, environmental cleaning with chorine based reagents and hydrogen peroxide vapour. Genotyping with AFLP demonstrated that C. auris isolates from the same geographic region clustered. Conclusion: This ongoing outbreak with genotypically closely related C. auris highlights the importance of appropriate species identification and rapid detection of cases in order to contain hospital acquired transmission

    Refining Anger: Summarising the self-report measurement of anger

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    The current paper presents a five-factor measurement model of anger summarising scores on public-domain self-report measures of anger. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of self-report measures of anger (UK, n=500; USA, n=625) suggest five replicable latent anger factors: anger-arousal, anger-rumination, frustration-discomfort, anger-regulation, and socially constituted anger. Findings suggested a 5-factor interpretation provided the best fit of the data. We also report evidence of measurement invariance for this 5-factor model of anger across gender, age, and ethnicity. The findings suggest a useful and parsimonious account of anger, summarising over 50 years of research around the self-report measurement of anger

    Expectations of rehabilitation following lower limb amputation: a qualitative study.

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    To explore the expectations of patients about to undergo prosthetic rehabilitation following a lower limb amputation


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    Constrained analytical interrelations in neutrino mixing

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    Hermitian squared mass matrices of charged leptons and light neutrinos in the flavor basis are studied under general additive lowest order perturbations away from the tribimaximal (TBM) limit in which a weak basis with mass diagonal charged leptons is chosen. Simple analytical expressions are found for the three measurable TBM-deviants in terms of perturbation parameters appearing in the neutrino and charged lepton eigenstates in the flavor basis. Taking unnatural cancellations to be absent and charged lepton perturbation parameters to be small, interrelations are derived among masses, mixing angles and the amount of CP-violation.Comment: To be published in the Springer Proceedings in the Physics Series under the heading of the XXI DAE-BRNS Symposium (Guwahati, India
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