36 research outputs found

    Universal classification of twisted, strained and sheared graphene moir\'e superlattices

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    Moir\'e superlattices in graphene supported on various substrates have opened a new avenue to engineer graphene's electronic properties. Yet, the exact crystallographic structure on which their band structure depends remains highly debated. In this scanning tunneling microscopy and density functional theory study, we have analysed graphene samples grown on multilayer graphene prepared onto SiC and on the close-packed surfaces of Re and Ir with ultra-high precision. We resolve small-angle twists and shears in graphene, and identify large unit cells comprising more than 1,000 carbon atoms and exhibiting non-trivial nanopatterns for moir\'e superlattices, which are commensurate to the graphene lattice. Finally, a general formalism applicable to any hexagonal moir\'e is presented to classify all reported structures.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    A new 3MW ECRH system at 105 GHz for WEST

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    The aim of the WEST experiments is to master long plasma pulses (1000s) and expose ITER-like tungsten wall to deposited heat fluxes up to 10 MW/m2^2. To increase the margin to reach the H-Mode and to control W-impurities in the plasma, the installation of an upgraded ECRH heating system, with a gyrotron performance of 1MW/1000s per unit, is planned in 2023. With the modifications of Tore Supra to WEST, simulations at a magnetic field B0_0∌3.7T and a central density ne0_{e0}∌6 × 1019^{19} m−3^{−3} show that the optimal frequency for central absorption is 105 GHz. For this purpose, a 105 GHz/1MW gyrotron (TH1511) has been designed at KIT in 2021, based on the technological design of the 140 GHz/1.5 MW (TH1507U) gyrotron for W7-X. Currently, three units are under fabrication at THALES. In the first phase of the project, some of the previous Tore Supra Electron Cyclotron (EC) system components will be re-installed and re-used whenever possible. This paper describes the studies performed to adapt the new ECRH system to 105 GHz and the status of the modifications necessary to re-start the system with a challenging schedule

    Comparative study of neoadjuvant chemotherapy with and without Zometa for management of locally advanced breast cancer with serum VEGF as primary endpoint: The NEOZOL study

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    Introduction Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has become the treatment of choice for locally advanced breast cancer. Zoledronic acid (ZA) is a bisphosphonate initially used in the treatment of bone metastases because of its antibone resorption effect. Antitumor effects of ZA, including the inhibition of cell adhesion to mineralized bone or the antiangiogenic effect, have been demonstrated. However, the clinical significance of these effects remains to be determined. Materials and Methods We undertook a multicenter open-label randomized trial to analyze the value of adding ZA to neoadjuvant chemotherapy for TNM clinical stage T2/T3 breast cancer. The primary endpoint was the evolution of serum VEGF. Results The data from 24 patients were included in the ZA group and 26 in the control group. The evolution of serum VEGF was slightly in favor of ZA at 5.5 months (−0.7% vs. +7.5%), without reaching statistical significance (P = .52). The secondary endpoints were the breast conservation rate (higher with ZA; 83.3% vs. 65.4%; P = NS), pathologic complete response (no effect), and circulating tumor cells (odds ratio, 0.68 in favor of ZA; 95% confidence interval, 0.02-24.36). No cases of jaw necrosis or severe renal failure were observed in either group. Conclusion ZA is an antitumor drug of interest because of its multiple effects on tumor biology. Larger trials with longer follow-up that include additional endpoints such as relapse and survival rates would be of interest

    Point sur la fusion

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    Point sur la fusion

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    Croissance des synergies entre les réacteurs de fission et de fusion

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    Le projet ITER (International Tokamak Experimental Reactor) et plus particuliĂšrement les projets de modules expĂ©rimentaux de couverture et les composants faisant face au plasma, posent des dĂ©fis technologiques comparables Ă  ceux des rĂ©acteurs Ă  fission Ă  neutrons rapides et Ă  haute tempĂ©rature. En effet, dans les deux cas, la haute tempĂ©rature et les neutrons rapides de 14 MeV rĂ©sultant de la fusion Deuterieum-Technetium (D-T) exigent de dĂ©velopper des matĂ©riaux de structure robustes et d’étendre les rĂšgles de conception mĂ©canique. La rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration du tritium et sa gestion comme combustible pour la fusion conduisent Ă  optimiser la conception des couvertures d’une façon comparable Ă  celle des rĂ©acteurs Ă  fission, en recherchant les meilleurs compromis entre les considĂ©rations de neutronique, de refroidissement, de conception mĂ©canique pour un objectif de durĂ©e de fonctionnement, et de maintien en conditions opĂ©rationnelles. De plus, les grands rĂ©acteurs expĂ©rimentaux Ă  fusion D-T comme ITER et ses successeurs, qui produiront de la chaleur et des flux de neutrons intenses, devront ĂȘtre certifiĂ©s comme les rĂ©acteurs Ă  fission, selon une procĂ©dure rĂ©glementaire adaptĂ©e. Ce tronc commun d’objectifs, de technologies et de mĂ©thodes de conception, combinĂ© Ă  des similitudes dans l’approche de sĂ»retĂ©, sont Ă  l’origine de nombreuses synergies entre rĂ©acteurs Ă  fission et Ă  fusion. De nouvelles opportunitĂ©s de coopĂ©ration et de renforcement de l’enseignement en sciences et en ingĂ©nierie nuclĂ©aire s’ouvrent. Ces synergies se dĂ©velopperont encore pour la conception de DEMO, rĂ©acteur de dĂ©monstration qui devrait succĂ©der Ă  ITER et qui devra dĂ©montrer Ă  la fois la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration effective du tritium et la production de puissance Ă©lectrique Ă  partir de la chaleur de fusion. Le rapprochement et la fertilisation croisĂ©e des programmes europĂ©ens de R&D sur la fission et la fusion peuvent inciter Ă  une meilleure coordination des plannings stratĂ©giques de dĂ©veloppement des deux types d’énergie nuclĂ©aire, et, partant, Ă  une organisation plus intĂ©grĂ©e des recherches sur la fission, comme celle qui existe sur la fusion en Europe. La crĂ©ation en 2008 d’une plateforme technologique europĂ©enne pour un nuclĂ©aire durable qui a structurĂ© les programmes du 7Ăšme PCRD a Ă©tĂ© un premier pas dans cette direction

    Effects of data manipulation and statistical methods on species sensitivity distributions

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    International audienceSpecies sensitivity distribution (SSD) methodology currently is used in environmental risk assessment to determine the predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) of a substance in cases where a sufficient number of chronic ecotoxicological tests have been carried out on the substance, covering, for the aquatic environment with which we are concerned, three taxonomic groups: algae, invertebrates, and vertebrates. In particular, SSD methodology enables calculation of a hazardous concentration that is assumed to protect 95% of species (HC5). This approach is based on the hypothesis that the species for which results of ecotoxicological tests are known are representative, in terms of sensitivity, of the totality of the species in the environment, which raises a number of questions, both theoretical and practical. In this study, we compared various methods of constructing a species sensitivity-weighted distribution (SSWD). Each method is characterized by a different way of taking into account intraspecies variation and proportions of taxonomic groups (vertebrates, invertebrates, and algae), as well as by the statistical method of calculation of the HC5 and its confidence interval. Those methods are tested on 15 substances by using chronic no-observed-effect concentration data available in the literature. The choice of data (intraspecies variation and proportions between taxonomic groups) was found to have more effect on the value of the HC5 than the statistical method used to construct the distribution. The weight of each taxonomic group is the most important parameter for the result of the SSWD and letting literature references decide which proportions of data are used to construct it is not satisfactory