138 research outputs found

    Optimization of the Pasture Resource in Boundary Environments as a Basis for Regional Nature Management

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    In spite of the globalization processes encompassing all spheres of human life and activity, land remains the main resource and provides the feeding source for population and the fodder base for livestock rearing. On the other hand, the activity of local communities can have important global consequences. The study area that includes Lake Baikal’s western shore (East Siberia) and the lake’s largest island exemplifies the traditional type of nature management, namely, grazing management which was originated by an indigenous population within the context of suitable natural climatic conditions. This investigation furnished an opportunity to make an assessment of the status of this sector and of the district’s ecological situation, as well as to propose an optimal nature management scheme

    General features of the energetics of complex formation between ligand and nucleic acids

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    The analysis of the energy contributions of various physical factors to the complex formation between biologically active compounds and nucleic acids in aqueous solution was performed. A comparison of the energy parameters was made for ligand-ligand, intercalator-DNA, MGB-DNA and ligand-RNA groups. It was shown that the energetics of these reactions is of compensatory nature. Physical factors exerting the most pronounced influence on the energy parameters were identified. Correlation of the energy contributions to MGB-DNA complex formation and its biological effect was foun


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    The article is devoted to the analysis of transformation of economic relations due to the emergence of such phenomenon as cryptocurrency. It is substantiated that its appearance is connected with the development of the information society, the formation of the virtual economy and the spread of digitization processes in all spheres of economic activity. It is proved that despite the innovative nature of the revolutionary character and the considerable potential for stimulating radical changes in the sphere of economic relations and economic model of modern society, the cryptocurrency is a confirmation of the evolution of money. From the point of view of the theory of money, the ability of cryptocurrency to perform the functions of money (measures of value, means of payment and medium of exchange, accumulation, world money), as well as new specific functions — social, regulatory, indicative and others, — have been proved. Analysis of the practice of cryptocurrencies spread gave the opportunity to reveal their characteristic features on grounds of the format of money, unit of account, legal status, money creation, stability of payment, mechanism of exchange, regulation and supervision, risks, etc. In addition, the positive properties of cryptocurrencies and their possible negative effects are identified. It is emphasized that the adoption and active spread of cryptocurrencies leads to the transformation of economic relations, and more precisely, the objective formation of a new system of economic relations as a compensator of the negative manifestations of a modern economic society, which, at the same time, has exacerbated to some extent the threats to the traditional monetary system. This is confirmed by the tendencies of the development of the cryptocurrency market, changes in the position of the central banks of the countries of the world from rigid rejection to the development of national cryptocurrencies, including in Ukraine. The problematic aspects of determining the legal status of cryptocurrencies in the regulation of cryptocurrency in Ukraine from the point of view of civil-law relations and relatively criminal-law context have been identified. It is concluded that it is necessary to determine the legal status of cryptocurrency in Ukraine, taking into account the position of the leading countries of the world.Присвячено аналізовi трансформації економічних відносин внаслідок появи такого феномену, як криптовалюта. Обґрунтовано, що її виникнення пов’язано з розвитком інформаційного суспільства, формуванням віртуальної економіки та поширенням процесів цифровізації в усі сфери економічної діяльності. Доведено, що незважаючи на інноваційність революційного характеру та значний потенціал щодо стимулювання радикальних змін у сфері економічних відносин і економічної моделі сучасного суспільства, криптовалюта є підтвердженням еволюції грошей.  З позиції теорії грошей доведено можливість криптовалюти виконувати функції грошей (міри вартості, засобу обігу та засобу платежу, нагромадження, світові гроші), а також нові специфічні функції — соціальну, регуляторну, індикативну та інші. Аналіз практики поширення криптовалют дозволив виявити їхні характерні особливості за ознаками формату грошей, одиниці обліку, правового статусу, емісії, стабільність розрахунків, механізм обміну, регулювання i нагляду, ризиків тощо. Крім того, визначено позитивні властивості криптовалют i можливі їхні негативні ефекти. Наголошено, що прийняття і активне поширення криптовалют зумовимо трансформацію економічних відносин, а точніше — об’єктивне формування нової системи економічних відносин як компенсатора негативних проявів сучасного економічного суспільства, яка водночас певною мірою посилила загрози для традиційної монетарної системи. Це підтверджують тенденції розвитку криптовалютного ринку, зміни позиції центральних банків країн світу від неприйняття до розробки національних криптовалют, у тому числі в Україні. Виявлено проблемні аспекти визначення правового статусу криптовалют регулювання криптовалюти в Україні з позиції цивільно-правових відносин і щодо кримінально-правового контексту. Зроблено висновок, що необхідно визначити правовий статус криптовалюти в Україні, враховуючи позицію провідних країн світу

    Binding polynomial in molecular self-assembly

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    In the present work the concept of a binding polynomial is revisited for the most widely used case of self-assembly of identical molecular units and results in the re-construction of a link to the grand partition function of such a system. It is found that if the self-assembly process is not pronounced (i.e., the product of the equilibrium constant and the monomer concentration is close to zero), the binding polynomial has the meaning of a molecular partition function that is given by the summation over energy levels of any molecule in the system. In other cases the concept of a binding polynomial may be misleadin

    Vegetation database of Tatarstan

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    © 2017 Gebrüder Borntraeger, 70176 Stuttgart, Germany. The Republic of Tatarstan is situated between forest and steppe natural zones in the boreal mega-ecotone and has a high species and plant community diversity. The Vegetation Database of Tatarstan (GIVD Database ID: EU-RU-011) is based on phytosociological relevés, herbaria and floristic records. It includes over 8,000 plot records, almost half of them being georeferenced. The database is part of the European Vegetation Archive (EVA) and sPlot projects. In EVA it has a semi-restricted access mode

    Land Resources of Alagirskii District As a Factor of Sustainable Development of the Agro-industrial Complex

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    The most important condition for the rational organization of the territory is the formation of a morphological appearance, which is distinguished by high productivity, ecological diversity, aesthetic appeal, and will satisfy sanitary and hygienic requirements. The use of land resources in the Alagirskii District of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and the development of measures for rational organization of the territory, with the creation of an effective system of land use, evaluation criteria of environmental reliability, social acceptability, economic efficiency and compliance with the legal regime of land use, are a necessary condition for the rational use of land. In this work, materials of land inventory for 2016–2018, data of the committee of land and property relations of the district, statistical data on the effectiveness of agricultural land were used. The developed data allows to establish the optimal ratio of natural ecosystems and agro-ecosystems for this natural-agricultural zone, to establish optimal areas of arable and forage lands that need improvement based on the landscape features of the territory for stability and development of agricultural production

    Mathematical approaches to the analysis of the spatial-age structures of tussock herb species

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    Some up-to-date methods of analysis of the spatial and age structures of populations, including local population density maps and Ripley's functions, are described using 20 cenopopulations (CPs) of Adonis vernalis L. as an example. Pregenerative plants have been found to be the most contagious, irrespective of climatic and phytocenotic conditions and land use type. The spatial distribution pattern and structure of A. vernalis are mainly determined by generative plants forming a tussock, irrespective of the climate and vegetation type. This is explained by higher competitiveness of generative plants, which results in a reduced vegetation density at small distances from them (25-50 cm). Within wider areas, plant distribution may be random due to uniformity of local conditions in microhabitats. The formation of distinct plant aggregations is accounted for by insufficient water supply and the intensity and type of anthropogenic impact. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2009