399 research outputs found

    Giant Aneurysm of the Extracranial Carotid Artery: Case Report

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    AbstractWe report a case of giant extracranial carotid aneurysm treated by carotid aneurysmectomy. A 70-year-old female was referred with a palpable swelling on left lateral region of the neck, associated with dizziness and dysarthria. Spiral-CT scan showed a 5-cm aneurysm of the internal carotid artery (ICA), kinking of ICA and increased flow in the right vertebral artery. Angiography showed, a fusiform ICA aneurysm, with lengthening and tortuosity of intracranial vessels. An aneurysmectomy was performed with end-to-end repair of ICA. The patient was discharged on the 12 post-operative day. Twelve months after the operation, the patient showed a complete recovery from the neurological deficit and patency of ICA. We recommend surgical treatment in order to avoid rupture, thromboembolism and cerebrovascular insufficiency

    Values-based Internships: Combining TEFI Values, Career Internships, and Community Engagement

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    This paper presents a conceptual framework for exploring the potential of values-based internships that are strategically designed to balance learning across all five TEFI values (professionalism, knowledge, mutual respect, ethics, and stewardship). The paper examines service learning concepts to identify ways in which internships may be improved to engage students more fully in learning goals related to stewardship and ethics by allowing students to take part in activities related to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Pilot qualitative data collected from local internship partners are examined to explore both benefits and limitations of the values-based internship concept. The author provides subsequent recommendations and identification of areas for future research

    Website quality for SME wineries: Measurement insights

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    PurposeThe study aims to offer a general review of website evaluation, with particular application to the winery tourism field. Automated website evaluation is explored as a complementary tool in the evaluation of small and medium enterprise (SME) winery websites.Design/methodology/approachThe study adopted a mixed-method investigation including a critical review of winery website evaluation literature and analysis of winery website scores generated through a free service of a commercial automated evaluation scoring system.FindingsNo standards currently exist for winery website evaluation metrics and current evaluation processes suffer from human rater bias. An automated evaluation scoring system used in the study was able to discriminate between a sample of known best practice websites and other independently formed samples representing average wineries in the USA and in North Carolina.Research limitations/implicationsWineries and other small business tourism firms can benefit by incorporating automated website evaluation and benchmarking into their internet strategies. Reported human rater limitations noted in manual evaluation may be minimized using automated rating technology. Automated evaluation system metrics tend to be updated more frequently and offer better alignment with trending consumer expectations for website design.Originality/valueThe current study used an automated website quality evaluation tool that serves to move winery website design efforts forward and supports the goals of reputation management for tourism businesses relying on internet marketing

    Guided Student Reflection: A Critical Imperative for Experiential Learning

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    This paper presents the results of a pilot exploratory study examining the role of reflection exercises in capturing student learning outcomes from a controlled experiential learning activity in a capstone student consulting course. Qualitative reflection data were collected during a student consultant project conducted by ten hospitality students for bed and breakfast owners in Taiwan. Data were examined using manual content analysis techniques. Results show that the act of guided reflection supports higher order cognitive student learning in the discipline. Additional evidence was found of increased self-efficacy development and positive affective (emotional) impressions of students towards the industry and towards community engagement. The paper further demonstrates the utility of reflective practice for the purpose of capstone conclusion of an entire program of study in hospitality management

    Nuevos enfoques para calcular la evaporación y la transpiración

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    En este trabajo se presenta un modelo matemático desarrollado por F. I. Morton, en Canadá, para calcular la evaporación en grandes áreas, obviando las conocidas dificultades que se encuentran en este tipo de cálculos. El modelo se basa en algunas suposiciones simplificativas con respecto a la disponibilidad de agua en el suelo, así cano soslaya para ciertas condiciones del entorno, las complejas interrelaciones entre el suelo, la vegetación y la atmósfera. La técnica utilizada permite la aplicación de un modelo simple para calcular la evapotranspiración real cano función de la temperatura del aire y la humedad, tal coro se miden en un abrigo meteorológico. Se presenta, también, un ensayo de aplicación de este modelo a diferentes regiones climáticas de la Argentina.This paper present a mathematical model developed by F. I. Marton, in Canada, to calculate the evaporation on large areas obviating the known difficulties found in this type of conputations. The model is based on sane simplifying assumptions regarding the soil water availability as well as on the bypassing, under certain environmental conditions, of the complex interrel at ions between the ground, the vegetation cover and the atmosphere. The technique used enables the application of a simple model to compute the real evapotranspiration as a function of the air temperature and humidity as measured in a normal meteorological shelter. An essay of the application of this model to various different climatic regions of Argentina is also presented.Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodesta

    Aplicación de un modelo de red neuronal para la clasificación de sistemas lacunares pampeanos

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    The pampean shallow lakes present different distributions in their trophic chains, the latter being cause and consequence of the state of the lacunar systems. In order to determine how each of the measured variables —climatic, edaphic, morphometric, physicochemical and biological— in contributes to the general state of the lake, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model is built. The ANN is capable of processing a large number of variables and returning a classification that will allow determining it’s the trophic state. The information from satellite images is one of the input variables. Hence, on a first stage, the construction of a ANN model is intended to obtain a weight for each one of the visible specter bands and near infrared bands from LANDSAT and to pick the most representative value that the image returns. This value will be used as input to the ANN that will be then trained to return a classification of the shallow lakes according to the three observed patterns in the relation between phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish and their link with to nutrient abundance and watershed management.The pampean shallow lakes present different distributions in their trophic chains, the latter being cause and consequence of the state of the lacunar systems. In order to determine how each of the measured variables —climatic, edaphic, morphometric, physicochemical and biological— in contributes to the general state of the lake, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model is built. The ANN is capable of processing a large number of variables and returning a classification that will allow determining it’s the trophic state. The information from satellite images is one of the input variables. Hence, on a first stage, the construction of a ANN model is intended to obtain a weight for each one of the visible specter bands and near infrared bands from LANDSAT and to pick the most representative value that the image returns. This value will be used as input to the ANN that will be then trained to return a classification of the shallow lakes according to the three observed patterns in the relation between phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish and their link with to nutrient abundance and watershed management

    Aplicación de un modelo de red neuronal para la clasificación de sistemas lacunares pampeanos

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    The pampean shallow lakes present different distributions in their trophic chains, the latter being cause and consequence of the state of the lacunar systems. In order to determine how each of the measured variables —climatic, edaphic, morphometric, physicochemical and biological— in contributes to the general state of the lake, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model is built. The ANN is capable of processing a large number of variables and returning a classification that will allow determining it’s the trophic state. The information from satellite images is one of the input variables. Hence, on a first stage, the construction of a ANN model is intended to obtain a weight for each one of the visible specter bands and near infrared bands from LANDSAT and to pick the most representative value that the image returns. This value will be used as input to the ANN that will be then trained to return a classification of the shallow lakes according to the three observed patterns in the relation between phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish and their link with to nutrient abundance and watershed management.Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) - Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raul A. Ringuelet" (ILPLA

    What pedagogical methods impact students’ entrepreneurial propensity?

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    There is a dearth of research that investigates the effectiveness of different pedagogical methods for teaching entrepreneurship. This paper focuses on three learning design choices: experiential learning, use of teamwork, and focus on quantitative methods. The paper examines pedagogical variables that could contribute to raising student scores on constructs of change, risk taking, goal setting, feedback, and achievement as measured by our customized entrepreneurial propensity survey. Results offer moderate evidence to confirm effects of experiential learning designs for goal-setting and weak evidence for feedback. Additional findings suggest the need for rethinking the role of teamwork in entrepreneurship courses

    A Learning Theory Framework for Sustainability Education in Tourism.

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    As efforts abound across tourism educator networks to craft plans for guiding educational responses to the threats of tourism to people and the planet, it is worth exploring areas in which such labors might be made more efficient, and thus more timely and productive. In this article, we examine how the concept of learning systems can serve as a useful tool for identifying opportunities to improve sustainability education planning in tourism. We provide a conceptual framework for sustainability education that moves beyond current models by incorporating additional concepts from learning theory and from a 2-year curricular revision process