565 research outputs found

    A simple three-dimensional macroscopic root water uptake model based on the hydraulic architecture approach

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    Many hydrological models including root water uptake (RWU) do not consider the dimension of root system hydraulic architecture (HA) because explicitly solving water flow in such a complex system is too time consuming. However, they might lack process understanding when basing RWU and plant water stress predictions on functions of variables such as the root length density distribution. On the basis of analytical solutions of water flow in a simple HA, we developed an "implicit" model of the root system HA for simulation of RWU distribution (sink term of Richards' equation) and plant water stress in three-dimensional soil water flow models. The new model has three macroscopic parameters defined at the soil element scale, or at the plant scale, rather than for each segment of the root system architecture: the standard sink fraction distribution <b><i>SSF</i></b>, the root system equivalent conductance <i>K</i><sub>rs</sub> and the compensatory RWU conductance <i>K</i><sub>comp</sub>. It clearly decouples the process of water stress from compensatory RWU, and its structure is appropriate for hydraulic lift simulation. As compared to a model explicitly solving water flow in a realistic maize root system HA, the implicit model showed to be accurate for predicting RWU distribution and plant collar water potential, with one single set of parameters, in dissimilar water dynamics scenarios. For these scenarios, the computing time of the implicit model was a factor 28 to 214 shorter than that of the explicit one. We also provide a new expression for the effective soil water potential sensed by plants in soils with a heterogeneous water potential distribution, which emerged from the implicit model equations. With the proposed implicit model of the root system HA, new concepts are brought which open avenues towards simple and mechanistic RWU models and water stress functions operational for field scale water dynamics simulation

    Heat and water transport in soils and across the soil-atmosphere interface: 2. Numerical analysis

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    In an accompanying paper, we presented an overview of a wide variety of modeling concepts, varying in complexity, used to describe evaporation from soil. Using theoretical analyses, we explained the simplifications and parameterizations in the different approaches. In this paper, we numerically evaluate the consequences of these simplifications and parameterizations. Two sets of simulations were performed. The first set investigates lateral variations in vertical fluxes, which emerge from both homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media, and their importance to capturing evaporation behavior. When evaporation decreases from parts of the heterogeneous soil surface, lateral flow and transport processes in the free flow and in the porous medium generate feedbacks that enhance evaporation from wet surface areas. In the second set of simulations, we assume that the vertical fluxes do not vary considerably in the simulation domain and represent the system using one-dimensional models which also consider dynamic forcing of the evaporation process, for example, due to diurnal variations in net radiation. Simulated evaporation fluxes subjected to dynamic forcing differed considerably between model concepts depending on how vapor transport in the air phase and the interaction at the interface between the free flow and porous medium were represented or parameterized. However, simulated cumulative evaporation losses from initially wet soil profiles were very similar between model concepts and mainly controlled by the desorptivity, Sevap, of the porous medium, which depends mainly on the liquid flow properties of the porous medium

    Invariant Set Distributed Explicit Reference Governors for Provably Safe On-Board Control of Nano-Quadrotor Swarms

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    This article provides a theory for provably safe and computationally efficient distributed constrained control, and describes an application to a swarm of nano-quadrotors with limited on-board hardware and subject to multiple state and input constraints. We provide a formal extension of the explicit reference governor framework to address the case of distributed systems. The efficacy, robustness, and scalability of the proposed theory is demonstrated by an extensive experimental validation campaign and a comparative simulation study on single and multiple nano-quadrotors. The control strategy is implemented in real-time on-board palm-sized unmanned erial vehicles, and achieves safe swarm coordination without relying on any offline trajectory computations

    Coupled root water and solute uptake - a functional structural model

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    Understanding the distribution and fate of solutes in the soil-plant continuum is of interest for regulatory authorities, customers and producers. For example pesticide legalization requires certain modelling and experimental studies before the substance can be released on the market. The modelling approach used in these procedures, however, does not hold detailed information about the fate of the solute in the plant root system, but treats the root system only as a linear sink term. Uptake is determined as fraction of transpiration of the concentration in the dissolved phase. With an increasing availability of more detailed modelling approaches within the last years, we focus on a more comprehensive description of pesticide uptake by plant roots. R-SWMS is a three dimensional model for water movement in soil and plant roots (1). It also includes solute transport within the roots, which is realized as a particle tracking algorithm (2). We coupled this model to Partrace, another particle tracking algorithm that solves the convection-dispersion-equation in the soil. Active or passive solute transport across the root membrane is possible. While active transport, namely Michaelis-Menten kinetics, requires energy input from the plant, passive transport can be either driven by advective water uptake and/or by the local concentration gradient between root and soil. Root membrane conductance is determined by the lipophilic properties of the solute. Within the root system solutes are transported via the advective water flux. We further implemented microbial decay and sorption to both soil and roots. Benchmarking the coupled 3D model with an analytical solution for a single root at steady state flow conditions showed a good agreement. Using this new approach we could derive global uptake parameters in silico and compare the simulation results to data from hydroponic experiments. The detailed modelling approach enables tracking solutes in time, space and phase within the soil and root system. This novel simulation tool can be used to investigate the influence of soil properties, root system architectures, solute properties, meteorological conditions as well as plant management strategies on plant solute uptake to gain a deeper understanding of solute uptake and transport parameters

    The sensor-based biomechanical risk assessment at the base of the need for revising of standards for human ergonomics

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    Due to the epochal changes introduced by “Industry 4.0”, it is getting harder to apply the varying approaches for biomechanical risk assessment of manual handling tasks used to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMDs) considered within the International Standards for ergonomics. In fact, the innovative human–robot collaboration (HRC) systems are widening the number of work motor tasks that cannot be assessed. On the other hand, new sensor-based tools for biomechanical risk assessment could be used for both quantitative “direct instrumental evaluations” and “rating of standard methods”, allowing certain improvements over traditional methods. In this light, this Letter aims at detecting the need for revising the standards for human ergonomics and biomechanical risk assessment by analyzing the WMDs prevalence and incidence; additionally, the strengths and weaknesses of traditional methods listed within the International Standards for manual handling activities and the next challenges needed for their revision are considered. As a representative example, the discussion is referred to the lifting of heavy loads where the revision should include the use of sensor-based tools for biomechanical risk assessment during lifting performed with the use of exoskeletons, by more than one person (team lifting) and when the traditional methods cannot be applied. The wearability of sensing and feedback sensors in addition to human augmentation technologies allows for increasing workers’ awareness about possible risks and enhance the effectiveness and safety during the execution of in many manual handling activities

    Potential merits for space robotics from novel concepts of actuation for soft robotics

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    Autonomous robots in dynamic and unstructured environments require high performance, energy efficient and reliable actuators. In this paper we give an overview of the first results of two lines of research regarding the novel actuation principle we introduced: Series-Parallel Elastic Actuation (SPEA). Firstly, we introduce the SPEA concept and present first prototypes and results. Secondly, we discuss the potential of self-healing materials in robotics, and discuss the results on the first self-healing pneumatic cell and selfhealing mechanical fuse. Both concepts have the potential to improve performance, energy efficiency and reliability

    Markerless Vision-Based Skeleton Tracking in Therapy of Gross Motor Skill Disorders in Children

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    This chapter presents a research towards implementation of a computer vision system for markerless skeleton tracking in therapy of gross motor skill disorders in children suffering from mild cognitive impairment. The proposed system is based on a low-cost 3D sensor and a skeleton tracking software. The envisioned architecture is scalable in the sense that the system may be used as a stand-alone assistive tool for tracking the effects of therapy or it may be integrated with an advanced autonomous conversational agent to maintain the spatial attention of the child and to increase her motivation to undergo a long-term therapy

    Estimation of the hydraulic parameters of unsaturated samples by electrical resistivity tomography

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    In situ and laboratory experiments have shown that electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is an effective tool to image transient phenomena in soils. However, its application in quantifying soil hydraulic parameters has been limited. In this study, experiments of water inflow in unsaturated soil samples were conducted in an oedometer equipped to perform three-dimensional electrical measurements. Reconstructions of the electrical conductivity at different times confirmed the usefulness of ERT for monitoring the evolution of water content. The tomographic reconstructions were subsequently used in conjunction with a finite-element simulation to infer the water retention curve and the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. The parameters estimated with ERT agree satisfactorily with those determined using established techniques, hence the proposed approach shows good potential for relatively fast characterisations. Similar experiments could be carried out on site to study the hydraulic behaviour of the entire soil deposi

    No difference in striatal dopamine transporter availability between active smokers, ex-smokers and non-smokers using [123I]FP-CIT (DaTSCAN) and SPECT

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    Background: Mesolimbic and nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathways play important roles in both the rewarding and conditioning effects of drugs. The dopamine transporter (DAT) is of central importance in regulating dopaminergic neurotransmission and in particular in activating the striatal D2-like receptors. Molecular imaging studies of the relationship between DAT availability/dopamine synthesis capacity and active cigarette smoking have shown conflicting results. Through the collaboration between 13 SPECT centres located in 10 different European countries, a database of FP-CIT-binding in healthy controls was established. We used the database to test the hypothesis that striatal DAT availability is changed in active smokers compared to non-smokers and ex-smokers. Methods: A total of 129 healthy volunteers were included. Subjects were divided into three categories according to past and present tobacco smoking: (1) non-smokers (n = 64), (2) ex-smokers (n = 39) and (3) active smokers (n = 26). For imaging of the DAT availability, we used [123I]FP-CIT (DaTSCAN) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Data were collected in collaboration between 13 SPECT centres located in 10 different European countries. The striatal measure of DAT availability was analyzed in a multiple regression model with age, SPECT centre and smoking as predictor. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in DAT availability between the groups of active smokers, ex-smokers and non-smokers (p = 0.34). Further, we could not demonstrate a significant association between striatal DAT and the number of cigarettes per day or total lifetime cigarette packages in smokers and ex-smokers. Conclusion: Our results do not support the hypothesis that large differences in striatal DAT availability are present in smokers compared to ex-smokers and healthy volunteers with no history of smoking