21 research outputs found

    Cytotoxicity Study Of Mezzetiaparviflorabecc. Woodbark

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    The cytotoxic activity of acetone insoluble extract of MezzetiaparvifloraBecc. Wood bark was evaluated on HeLa cell line and it was compared with normal vero cell line to confirming the use of the plant as a traditional medicine for tumor. The experiment with normal vero cell line using MTT assay showed a percentage of cell viability of 96.8% at1000 µg of concentration which was not increase with the increase of concentration of the extract. Whereas, the experiment on HeLa cell line showed a low cytotoxic activity with the viability percentage was found to be 87.4% at1000μg/ml. Therefore the extract was categorized as non-toxic and the next studies is necessary to explore the mechanism liable of the using of the plant extract as anticancer traditional


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    The  cytotoxic activity  of acetone insoluble extract of MezzetiaparvifloraBecc. Wood bark was evaluated on HeLa cell line and it was compared with normal vero cell line to confirming the use of the plant as a traditional medicine for tumor. The experiment with normal vero cell line using MTT assay showed a percentage of cell  viability of  96.8%  at1000 µg of concentration which was not increase with the increase of  concentration of the extract. Whereas, the experiment on HeLa cell line showed a low cytotoxic activity with the viability percentage was found to be 87.4% at1000μg/ml. Therefore the extract was categorized as non-toxic and the next studies is necessary to explore the mechanism liable of the using  of the plant extract as anticancer traditional.Aktivitas sitotoksik ekstrak larut aseton batang kayu MezzetiaparvifloraBecc. dievaluasi pada sel HeLa dan dibandingkan dengan sel normal vero untuk memastikan penggunaan sebagai tanaman obat tradisional untuk pengobatan tumor. Percobaan dengan sel normal vero menggunakan uji MTT menunjukkan persentase viabilitas sel sebanyak 96,8% pada konsentrasi 1000 ug dan tidak meningkat dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi ekstrak. Sedangkan pada percobaan dengan sel HeLa menunjukkan aktivitas sitotoksik yang rendah dengan persentase viabilitas sebesar 87,4% pada konsentrasi 1000μg/ml. Oleh karena itu ekstrak ini dikategorikan sebagai tidak beracun dan diperlukan studi selanjutnya untuk mengeksplorasi mekanisme yang bertanggung jawabterhadap efek antikanker dari tanaman tersebut.


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    Sebagian besar pasien penyakit ginjal stadium akhir (ESRD) yang menyebabkan hemodialisis, dapat mengalami hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas dan efek samping penggunaan antihipertensi  amlodipin tunggal dan kombinasi amlodipin dengan telmisartan,  dan kombinasi  amlodipin dengan Valsartan  pada pasien gagal ginjal kronik selama rawat inap di RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di ruangan rekam medik RSUP Wahidin Sudirohusodo  selama periode September sampai oktober 2018. penelitian ini merupakan  penelitian observasional noneksperimental. pengambilan data dilakukan secara retrospektif. pengambilan data berdasarkan rekam medik pasien gagal ginjal kronik  (ESRD) yang mendapat  terapi obat antihipertensi amlodipin tunggal, amlodipin kombinasi telmisartan, amlodipin kombinasi valsartan periode Januari sampai Agustus 2018. Dari hasil penelitian dengan melihat persen penurunan dan waktu penurunan tekanan darah pasien dan efek samping  maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kombinasi amlodipin dan telmisartan paling efektif di antara amlodipin tunggal dan amlodipin  kombinasi valsartan dalam menurunkan hipertensi pada pasien gagal ginjal kronik . Efek samping yang ditimbulkan dari kelompok amlodipin  dalah adalah  udem  sebanyak  7,14%, efek samping yang ditimbulkan dari kelompok amlodipin kombinasi Telmisartan adalah hiperkalemia sebanyak 14,28 %, dan efek samping yang ditimbulkan oleh kelompok amlodipin kombinasi valsartan adalah pusing  sebanyak 14, 28

    Adaptation and Validation of The HIV-Kq-18 HIV Knowledge Questionnaire for Healthy Indonesian Population

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    Background: Indonesia does not have a validated instrument to assess HIV/AIDS knowledge. The HIV-KQ-18 is one of the most extensively used instruments for assessing HIV/AIDS knowledge, and it has been translated into various languages throughout the world. This paper describes the process of adapting and validating the HIV-KQ-18, an instrument to assess the level of HIV/AIDS knowledge.Methods: In the adaptation phase, feedback for the initial Bahasa Indonesia version was gathered from two HIV activists, an obstetrician, two general practitioners, and 60 pilot participants from the physician. Additional descriptions (namely synonyms or examples) were added to the particular terms in the 6 items to make it more understandable.Results: In the validation phase 1,249 participants were recruited. The online link of HIV-KQ-18 Bahasa Indonesia was distributed to participants from six major regions in Indonesia. Internal consistency was measured using Cronbach’s alpha, while construct validity was determined using factor analysis. Based on visual observation of the scree tree in the factor analysis, one factor was preferable. The Cronbach's alpha was 0.82.Conclusion: Therefore, HIV-KQ-18 Bahasa Indonesia is a valid and reliable instrument to assess the level of HIV/AIDS knowledge in Indonesia

    Adaptation and validation of the HIV Knowledge Questionnaire-18 for the general population of Indonesia

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    Background Despite a global decline in new HIV/AIDS cases in low-middle countries, cases are increasing in Indonesia. Low knowledge about the disease among the general population is one of the major factors responsible for this trend. Indonesia does not have a validated instrument to assess HIV/AIDS knowledge. The HIV Knowledge Questionnaire-18 (HIV-KQ-18) has been translated into several languages and is one of the most extensively used instruments for assessing HIV/AIDS knowledge. This paper describes the process of adapting and validating the HIV-KQ-18, an instrument to assess the level of HIV/AIDS knowledge in the general population of Indonesia. Methods In the adaptation phase, feedback for the initial Bahasa Indonesia version was gathered from two HIV activists, an obstetrician, two general practitioners, and 60 pilot participants. At the validation stage, we distributed the instrument link via Google Form to 6 major regions in Indonesia. Validity was measured using known-group validity and construct validity. The construct validity was assessed using an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with a polychoric correlation matrix. Cronbach's alpha was used to analyze the internal consistency. Results Based on the findings in the adaptation phase, additional descriptions (namely synonyms or examples) were added to 6 items to make them more understandable. In the validation phase, 1,249 participants were recruited. The a priori hypothesis in known-group validity was supported. We also found three items that did not meet the construct validity. Based on the acceleration factor approach to interpret the scree tree in the factor analysis, using only two factors was preferable. Cronbach's alpha values were 0.75 and 0.71 representing good internal reliability. Conclusion The HIV-KQ-18 Bahasa Indonesia is considered a valid and reliable instrument to assess the level of HIV/AIDS knowledge in Indonesia

    Adaptation and Validation of The HIV-Kq-18 HIV Knowledge Questionnaire for Healthy Indonesian Population

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    Background: Indonesia does not have a validated instrument to assess HIV/AIDS knowledge. The HIV-KQ-18 is one of the most extensively used instruments for assessing HIV/AIDS knowledge, and it has been translated into various languages throughout the world. This paper describes the process of adapting and validating the HIV-KQ-18, an instrument to assess the level of HIV/AIDS knowledge.Methods: In the adaptation phase, feedback for the initial Bahasa Indonesia version was gathered from two HIV activists, an obstetrician, two general practitioners, and 60 pilot participants from the physician. Additional descriptions (namely synonyms or examples) were added to the particular terms in the 6 items to make it more understandable.Results: In the validation phase 1,249 participants were recruited. The online link of HIV-KQ-18 Bahasa Indonesia was distributed to participants from six major regions in Indonesia. Internal consistency was measured using Cronbach’s alpha, while construct validity was determined using factor analysis. Based on visual observation of the scree tree in the factor analysis, one factor was preferable. The Cronbach's alpha was 0.82.Conclusion: Therefore, HIV-KQ-18 Bahasa Indonesia is a valid and reliable instrument to assess the level of HIV/AIDS knowledge in Indonesia

    Adaptation and Validation of The HIV-Kq-18 HIV Knowledge Questionnaire for Healthy Indonesian Population

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    Background: Indonesia does not have a validated instrument to assess HIV/AIDS knowledge. The HIV-KQ-18 is one of the most extensively used instruments for assessing HIV/AIDS knowledge, and it has been translated into various languages throughout the world. This paper describes the process of adapting and validating the HIV-KQ-18, an instrument to assess the level of HIV/AIDS knowledge.Methods: In the adaptation phase, feedback for the initial Bahasa Indonesia version was gathered from two HIV activists, an obstetrician, two general practitioners, and 60 pilot participants from the physician. Additional descriptions (namely synonyms or examples) were added to the particular terms in the 6 items to make it more understandable.Results: In the validation phase 1,249 participants were recruited. The online link of HIV-KQ-18 Bahasa Indonesia was distributed to participants from six major regions in Indonesia. Internal consistency was measured using Cronbach’s alpha, while construct validity was determined using factor analysis. Based on visual observation of the scree tree in the factor analysis, one factor was preferable. The Cronbach's alpha was 0.82.Conclusion: Therefore, HIV-KQ-18 Bahasa Indonesia is a valid and reliable instrument to assess the level of HIV/AIDS knowledge in Indonesia

    Potential Development of Milkfish Gelatin (Chanos chanos) Bound Cellulose and Starch as Food and Pharmaceutical Additives

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    This study aims to improve the quality of gelatin produced from milkfish scales to be used as food and pharmaceutical additives through the binding of milkfish gelatin with cellulose and starch. Gelatin obtained from milkfish scales mixed at temperatures between 70-90°C with cellulose (GS) and starch (GA), namely hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), methylcellulose (CMC), corn starch, potato starch and cassava starch with comparison of gelatin: cellulose/starch for groups I, II, III, IV, V, VI respectively (4.5:0.5); (4:1); (3.5:1.5); (3:2); (2.5:2.5) and (2:3). The modified gelatin was observed for interacting between molecules by FTIR and analyzed the viscosity profile, as well as the potential utilization for food and pharmaceutical additive products. The results showed that the modified gelatin resulted in interacting carboxylic, hydroxyl, and amine groups from gelatin and cellulose/starch was characterized by a shift in wavenumber. The GS modification results in better gel quality than GA. The viscosity profile of GS increases with increasing cellulose levels. GSI& GS2 has the potential to be used as a thickener for liquid food and pharmaceutical preparations (syrup, suspension, and emulsion) and semi-solids (gel, cream, paste) while GS3, GS4, GS5, and GS6 can be used as a controlled release drug matrix and drug delivery system