11 research outputs found

    Nilai Gelombang Kejut pada Pita Getar dengan Menggunakan Metode Greenshileds

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    The rumble strips phenomena in Indonesia aims to decrease speed and vibration effect for vehicles. Actually, the use of rumble strips in the Bengkalis island is not optimal, as does not reduce the speed of vehicles and always ignore the effect of the trill inflicted in the rumble strips for reasons of getting high speed and the less effect shakes posed. The purpose of this research is to find the shockwave on the road by using Greenshields method. Base on the result of this research, shockwave value as big as -30,299 km/h indicated the increase of vehicles in the rumble strips


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis penyajian laporan keuangan (neraca dan LRA) pemerintah kota Bengkulu pada tahun 2010. dengan Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah (SAP) yang diatur dalam PP. 24 tahun 2005. Dalam sebuah penelitian di penulis menyimpulkan: 1. laporan keuangan yang disiapkan oleh pemerintah kota Bengkulu pada dasarnya sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku berdasarkan jumlah PP 24 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah. 2. Menilai kinerja keuangan rasio keuangan menunjukkan rasio Pemerintah Kota Bengkulu sebagai berikut: a). Rasio likuiditas yang cukup untuk tahun 2006 sampai 2009, tetapi menurun pada tahun 2010 dimana rasio likuiditas dibawah 100%. b). rasio solvabilitas menunjukkan rasio keuangan yang cukup baik dimana Pemerintah Kota Bengkulu dapat memenuhi semua kewajibannya terhadap jumlah aset. c). Pendapatan tingkat pertumbuhan menunjukkan angka pertumbuhan positif, yang berarti pemerintah kota Bengkulu mampu meningkatkan pendapatan mereka. d). Swasembada rasio menunjukkan kemampuan pemerintah kota Bengkulu untuk membiayai pengeluaran dengan sumber pendapatan yang ada. e). DSCR pemerintah menunjukkan kota Bengkulu yang kondisi keuangannya cukup baik untuk dapat mengembalikan pinjaman

    The Effect of Customer Experience on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of Generation Z at Coffee Shops in Bengkulu City

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    In recent years, the global coffee industry has witnessed a remarkable surge in the preferences and behaviours of Generation Z consumers, born roughly between the mid-1990s and early 2010s. With their distinctive characteristics and preferences, Generation Z has become a significant demographic segment shaping consumer trends, particularly coffee shops. This study examines the effect of customer experience on the satisfaction and loyalty of Generation Z at coffee shops in Bengkulu City, Indonesia. This study is designed using a quantitative approach through a survey questionnaire. A total of 360 Generation Z in Bengkulu City participated and collected purposively. The data were analyzed using the SEM-PLS. The results of this study show that customer experience has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Customer Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on loyalty. This study concludes that the relationship between customer experience, satisfaction, and loyalty is pivotal in understanding consumer behaviour and fostering enduring customer relationships. It indicates that customer experience is crucial in influencing customer satisfaction and loyalty. When customers have positive experiences with a brand or business, they are more likely to be satisfied with their interactions and develop a sense of loyalty towards the brand. Also, customer satisfaction itself has been shown to have a direct and positive impact on customer loyalty. Satisfied customers are more inclined to continue patronizing and recommending a business to others, thus contributing to long-term loyalty and profitability. Recognizing the significance of enhancing customer experience and satisfaction can lead to stronger customer loyalty and sustainable business growth