24,251 research outputs found

    Correlated Resource Models of Internet End Hosts

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    Understanding and modelling resources of Internet end hosts is essential for the design of desktop software and Internet-distributed applications. In this paper we develop a correlated resource model of Internet end hosts based on real trace data taken from the SETI@home project. This data covers a 5-year period with statistics for 2.7 million hosts. The resource model is based on statistical analysis of host computational power, memory, and storage as well as how these resources change over time and the correlations between them. We find that resources with few discrete values (core count, memory) are well modeled by exponential laws governing the change of relative resource quantities over time. Resources with a continuous range of values are well modeled with either correlated normal distributions (processor speed for integer operations and floating point operations) or log-normal distributions (available disk space). We validate and show the utility of the models by applying them to a resource allocation problem for Internet-distributed applications, and demonstrate their value over other models. We also make our trace data and tool for automatically generating realistic Internet end hosts publicly available

    A new approach to axial coupling constants in the QCD sum rule

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    We derive new QCD sum rules for the axial coupling constants by considering two-point correlation functions of the axial-vector currents in a one nucleon state. The QCD sum rules tell us that the axial coupling constants are expressed by nucleon matrix elements of quark and gluon operators which are related to the sigma terms and the moments of parton distribution functions. The results for the iso-vector axial coupling constants and the 8th component of the SU(3) octet are in good agreement with experiment.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure include

    Realization of Strong Coupling Fixed Point in Multilevel Kondo Models

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    Impurity four- and six-level Kondo model, in which an ion is tunneling among four- and six-stable points and interacting with surrounding conduction electrons, are investigated by using the perturbative and numerical renormalization group methods. It is shown that purely orbital Kondo effects occur at low temperatures in these systems which are direct generalizations of the Kondo effect in the so-called two-level system. This result offers a good explanation for the enhanced and magnetically robust Sommerfeld coefficient observed in SmOs_4Sb_12 and some other filled-skutterudites.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, for proceedings of ASR-WYP-2005. To be published in Journal of Physical Society Japan supplemen

    A formulation of the Yang-Mills theory as a deformation of a topological field theory based on background field method and quark confinement problem

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    By making use of the background field method, we derive a novel reformulation of the Yang-Mills theory which was proposed recently by the author to derive quark confinement in QCD. This reformulation identifies the Yang-Mills theory with a deformation of a topological quantum field theory. The relevant background is given by the topologically non-trivial field configuration, especially, the topological soliton which can be identified with the magnetic monopole current in four dimensions. We argue that the gauge fixing term becomes dynamical and that the gluon mass generation takes place by a spontaneous breakdown of the hidden supersymmetry caused by the dimensional reduction. We also propose a numerical simulation to confirm the validity of the scheme we have proposed. Finally we point out that the gauge fixing part may have a geometric meaning from the viewpoint of global topology where the magnetic monopole solution represents the critical point of a Morse function in the space of field configurations.Comment: 45 pages, 3 figures included in LaTe

    Renormalizing a BRST-invariant composite operator of mass dimension 2 in Yang-Mills theory

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    We discuss the renormalization of a BRST and anti-BRST invariant composite operator of mass dimension 2 in Yang-Mills theory with the general BRST and anti-BRST invariant gauge fixing term of the Lorentz type. The interest of this study stems from a recent claim that the non-vanishing vacuum condensate of the composite operator in question can be an origin of mass gap and quark confinement in any manifestly covariant gauge, as proposed by one of the authors. First, we obtain the renormalization group flow of the Yang-Mills theory. Next, we show the multiplicative renormalizability of the composite operator and that the BRST and anti-BRST invariance of the bare composite operator is preserved under the renormalization. Third, we perform the operator product expansion of the gluon and ghost propagators and obtain the Wilson coefficient corresponding to the vacuum condensate of mass dimension 2. Finally, we discuss the connection of this work with the previous works and argue the physical implications of the obtained results.Comment: 49 pages, 35 eps-files, A number of typographic errors are corrected. A paragraph is added in the beginning of section 5.3. Two equations (7.1) and (7.2) are added. A version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Future of Ultraviolet Astronomy Based on Six Years of IUE Research

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    Physical insights into the various astronomical objects which were studied using the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite. Topics covered included galaxies, cool stars, hot stars, close binaries, variable stars, the interstellar medium, the solar system, and IUE follow-on missions

    On ghost condensation, mass generation and Abelian dominance in the Maximal Abelian Gauge

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    Recent work claimed that the off-diagonal gluons (and ghosts) in pure Yang-Mills theories, with Maximal Abelian gauge fixing (MAG), attain a dynamical mass through an off-diagonal ghost condensate. This condensation takes place due to a quartic ghost interaction, unavoidably present in MAG for renormalizability purposes. The off-diagonal mass can be seen as evidence for Abelian dominance. We discuss why ghost condensation of the type discussed in those works cannot be the reason for the off-diagonal mass and Abelian dominance, since it results in a tachyonic mass. We also point out what the full mechanism behind the generation of a real mass might look like.Comment: 7 pages; uses revtex
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