624 research outputs found

    Assessing impacts of alternative agricultural land use scenarios on nitrogen leaching with the INCA-N model

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    The Integrated Nutrients Model for Catchments - Nitrogen (INCA-N) model was applied in Savijoki, a small (15,4 km2) agricultural catchment, in order to analyse possibilities to achieve the targeted 50 % reduction in agricultural nitrogen loading. The model was applied for the years 1995-1999, representing the first period of the Finnish Agri-Environmental Programme, a widely adapted policy measure for controlling environmental impacts of agriculture in Finland

    Do children enhance phonetic contrasts in speech directed to a hearing-impaired peer?

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    This study examines whether normal-hearing (NH) children enhance phonetic contrasts when speaking to a hearing-impaired (HI) peer. A problem-solving ‘Grid’ task was developed to elicit frequent repetitions of /p/-/b/, /s/-/S/ and /i/-/I/ segmental contrasts and point vowels in communicative spontaneous speech. Eighteen NH children between 9 and 15 years old performed the task once with a NH friend and once with a HI friend. Both category means and within-speaker variability were analysed. Results suggest that although HI interlocutors are likely to find the phonetic contrasts difficult to produce and perceive, children’s HI-directed speech contains little evidence of phonetic category enhancement

    Looking through the Same Eyes? Do Teachers' Participation Ratings Match with Ratings of Students with Autism Spectrum Conditions in Mainstream Schools?

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    To create an inclusive classroom and act accordingly, teachers’ understanding of the experiences of participation of students with autism spectrum conditions (ASCs) is crucial. This understanding may depend on the teachers’ professional experiences, support and personal interests. The aim of the present questionnaire study was to investigate how well the teachers’ ratings of their students with ASCs’ perception of participation matched with the students’ own ratings. Furthermore, possible correlations between the accuracy of teachers’ ratings and the teachers’ self-reported professional experience, support (including support-staff), and personal interest were investigated. Teachers’ ratings were also used to examine how their understandings correlated with classroom actions. The agreements between teachers’ and students’ ratings were moderate to high, and the ability to attune to the students’ perception of participation was not affected by the presence of a support-staff. The teachers’ personal interest in teaching students with ASC correlated with their accuracy, suggesting that this is a factor to consider when planning for successful placements in mainstream schools. Teachers’ understandings of the students with ASCs’ perception of being bullied or unpopular correlated with implementation of activities to improve the attitudes of classmates, but not with actions to enhance social relations for the students with ASC

    Defining the essence of innovation how important terms in promoting of transformation processes in Ukraine

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    Feature hierarchies are essential to many visual object recognition systems and are well motivated by observations in biological systems. The present paper proposes an algorithm to incrementally compute feature hierarchies. The features are represented as estimated densities, using a variant of local soft histograms. The kernel functions used for this estimation in conjunction with their unitary extension establish a tight frame and results from framelet theory apply. Traversing the feature hierarchy requires resampling of the spatial and the feature bins. For the resampling, we derive a multi-resolution scheme for quadratic spline kernels and we derive an optimization algorithm for the upsampling. We complement the theoretic results by some illustrative experiments, consideration of convergence rate and computational efficiency.DIPLECSGARNICSELLII

    Collaborative problem solving in the context of early childhood intervention – the link between problems and goals

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    Swedish Child and Youth Habilitation Services (C-YHS) for children with disabilities and their families' build on regular planning meetings involving families and professionals, and appointments and interventions implemented between meetings. This study explores the content of issues discussed at planning meetings, and the relation between content and activities implemented in everyday interventions. Longitudinal data from five families and their C-YHS-teams were used. Data were analyzed using conventional content analysis. The results illustrate a process with a high degree of correspondence between families' concerns, experienced problems, the formal decisions and the activities they generated. 'Concerns' were focused on the future, and related actions focused on supporting adults in the environment, mostly the parents, thus indirectly relating to the child. 'Problems' were focused on the current situation, and to a larger extent concerned actions directly related to the child. Although a family-centred service, interventions focused on the proximal environment, may be underreported

    Theoretical analysis of perching and hovering maneuvers

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    Unsteady aerodynamic phenomena are encountered in a large number of modern aerospace and non-aerospace applications. Leading edge vortices (LEVs) are of particular interest because of their large impact on the forces and performance. In rotorcraft applications, they cause large vibrations and torsional loads (dynamic stall), affecting the performance adversely. In insect flight however, they contribute positively by enabling high-lift flight. Identifying the conditions that result in LEV formation and modeling their effects on the flow is an important ongoing challenge. Perching (airfoil decelerates to rest) and hovering (zero freestream velocity) maneuvers are of special interest. In earlier work by the authors, a Leading Edge Suction Parameter (LESP) was developed to predict LEV formation for airfoils undergoing arbitrary variation in pitch and plunge at a constant freestream velocity. In this research, the LESP criterion is extended to situations where the freestream velocity is varying or zero. A point-vortex model based on this criterion is developed and results from the model are compared against those from a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. Abstractions of perching and hovering maneuvers are used to validate the low-order model's performance in highly unsteady vortex-dominated flows, where the time-varying freestream/translational velocity is small in magnitude compared to the other contributions to the velocity experienced by the leading edge region of the airfoil. Time instants of LEV formation, flow topologies and force coefficient histories for the various motion kinematics from the low-order model and CFD are obtained and compared. The LESP criterion is seen to be successful in predicting the start of LEV formation and the point-vortex method is effective in modeling the flow development and forces on the airfoil. Typical run-times for the low-order method are between 30-40 seconds, making it a potentially convenient tool for control/design applications

    Management Accountant's Role and Functions in the Enterprise Resource Planning Environment - Author's Own Research into Enterprises in Poland

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    This article seeks to answer whether the implementation of an ERP system has an effect on the management accountant's tasks and functions, especially in the field of performance measurement and internal reporting. The ERP impacts on the controller's role in the organization will be evaluated using field studies on six enterprises owned by multinational corporations. The question that should be asked here is whether controller's functions and tasks will also be unaffected.Celem badania jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie czy zastosowanie zintegrowanego systemu informatycznego w przedsiębiorstwie zmienia zadania i funkcje specjalisty do spraw rachunkowości zarządczej. Na podstawie studium przypadku sześciu przedsiębiorstw będących częścią koncernów międzynarodowych zostaje dokonana ocena wpływu zastosowania ERP na rolę kontrolera w organizacji. Autor odpowiada również na pytanie czy w funkcjach i zadaniach kontrolera nie zaobserwowane zostaną zmiany w związku z implementacją ERP

    Nonlinear Diffusion on the 2D Euclidean Motion Group

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    Linear and nonlinear diffusion equations are usually considered on an image, which is in fact a function on the translation group. In this paper we study diffusion on orientation scores, i.e. on functions on the Euclidean motion group SE(2). An orientation score is obtained from an image by a linear invertible transformation. The goal is to enhance elongated structures by applying nonlinear left-invariant diffusion on the orientation score of the image. For this purpose we describe how we can use Gaussian derivatives to obtain regularized left-invariant derivatives that obey the non-commutative structure of the Lie algebra of SE(2). The Hessian constructed with these derivatives is used to estimate local curvature and orientation strength and the diffusion is made nonlinearly dependent on these measures. We propose an explicit finite difference scheme to apply the nonlinear diffusion on orientation scores. The experiments show that preservation of crossing structures is the main advantage compared to approaches such as coherence enhancing diffusion