1,089 research outputs found

    The impact of strictly protected areas in a deforestation hotspot

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    Protected areas are often thought of as a key conservation strategy for avoiding deforestation and retaining biodiversity; therefore, it is crucial to know how effective they are at achieving this purpose. Using a case study from Queensland, Australia, we identified and controlled for bias in allocating strictly protected areas (IUCN Class I and II) and evaluated their impact (in terms of avoiding deforestation) using statistical matching methods. Over the 30 years between 1988 and 2018, approximately 70,481 km2 of native forest was cleared in the study region. Using statistical matching, we estimated that 10.5% (1,447 km2) of Category I and II (strict) protected areas would have been cleared in the absence of protection. Put differently, 89.5% of strictly protected areas are unlikely to have been cleared, even if they were never protected. While previous studies have used statistical matching at a country or state level, we conducted an analysis that allows regional comparison across a single State. Our research indicates that strictly protected areas are marginally effective at preventing deforestation, and this likely due to biases in establishing protected areas on unproductive land

    Isothermal calorimetry protocols to monitor the shelf life and aftermarket follow-up of fresh cut vegetables

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    Protocols and guidelines were assessed in order to apply isothermal calorimetry as a complementary/alternative method to monitoring, during the shelf life and the microbial growth/metabolism in commercial fresh cut vegetables with random initial microbial population. Moreover, the endogenous microbial population was used as a biosensor to check the modifications occurred during long storage for aftermarket characterization in the frame of vegetable waste treatments. Validation was obtained following ready-to-use carrots highlighting the effects of the different exposed surfaces (cylinders, sticks and a`-la-julienne cut) on the overall spoiling process during shelf life and green salad stored up to 14 days with regard to the aftermarket characterization

    Assessment of the anthelmintic effect of natural plant cysteine proteinases against the gastrointestinal nematode, Heligmosomoides polygyrus, in vitro

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    We examined the mechanism of action and compared the anthelmintic efficacy of cysteine proteinases from papaya, pineapple, fig, kiwi fruit and Egyptian milkweed in vitro using the rodent gastrointestinal nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus. Within a 2 h incubation period, all the cysteine proteinases, with the exception of the kiwi fruit extract, caused marked damage to the cuticle of H. polygyrus adult male and female worms, reflected in the loss of surface cuticular layers. Efficacy was comparable for both sexes of worms, was dependent on the presence of cysteine and was completely inhibited by the cysteine proteinase inhibitor, E-64. LD50 values indicated that the purified proteinases were more efficacious than the proteinases in the crude latex, with purified ficin, papain, chymopapain, Egyptian milkweed latex extract and pineapple fruit extract, containing fruit bromelain, having the most potent effect. The mechanism of action of these plant enzymes (i.e. an attack on the protective cuticle of the worm) suggests that resistance would be slow to develop in the field. The efficacy and mode of action make plant cysteine proteinases potential candidates for a novel class of anthelmintics urgently required for the treatment of humans and domestic livestock

    Comparisons of trace constituents from ground stations and the DC-8 aircraft during PEM-West B

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    Chemical data from ground stations in Asia and the North Pacific are compared with data from the DC-8 aircraft collected during the Pacific Exploratory Measurements in the Western Pacific Ocean (PEM-West B) mission. Ground station sampling took place on Hong Kong, Taiwan, Okinawa, and Cheju; and at three Pacific islands, Shemya, Midway, and Oahu. Aircraft samples were collected during 19 flights, most over the western North Pacific. Aluminum was used as an indicator of mineral aerosol, and even though the aircraft did sample Asian dust, strong dust storms were not encountered. The frequency distribution for non-sea-salt sulfate (nss SO4=) in the aircraft samples was bimodal: the higher concentration mode (∼1 μg m−3) evidently originated from pollution or, less likely, from volcanic sources, while the lower mode, with a peak at 0.040 μg m−3, probably was a product of biogenic emissions. In addition, the concentrations of aerosol sulfate varied strongly in the vertical: arithmetic mean SO4=concentrations above 5000 m ( = 0.21±0.69 μg m−3) were substantially lower than those below ( = 1.07±0.87 μg m−3), suggesting the predominance of the surface sources. Several samples collected in the stratosphere exhibited elevated SO4=, however, probably as a result of emissions from Mount Pinatubo. During some boundary layer legs on the DC-8, the concentrations of CO and O3 were comparable to those of clean marine air, but during other legs, several chemically distinct air masses were sampled, including polluted air in which O3was photochemically produced. In general, the continental outflow sampled from the aircraft was substantially diluted with respect to what was observed at the ground stations. Higher concentrations of aerosol species, O3, and CO at the Hong Kong ground station relative to the aircraft suggest that much of the continental outflow from southeastern Asia occurs in the lower troposphere, and extensive long-range transport out of this part of Asia is not expected. In comparison, materials emitted farther to the north apparently are more susceptible to long-range transport

    In vitro anthelmintic effects of cysteine proteinases from plants against intestinal helminths of rodents

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    Infections with gastrointestinal (GI) nematodes are amongst the most prevalent worldwide, especially in tropical climates. Control of these infections is primarily through treatment with anthelmintic drugs, but the rapid development of resistance to all the currently available classes of anthelmintic means that alternative treatments are urgently required. Cysteine proteinases from plants such as papaya, pineapple and fig are known to be substantially effective against three rodent GI nematodes, Heligmosomoides polygyrus, Trichuris muris and Protospirura muricola, both in vitro and in vivo. Here, based on in vitro motility assays and scanning electron microscopy, we extend these earlier reports, demonstrating the potency of this anthelmintic effect of plant cysteine proteinases against two GI helminths from different taxonomic groups – the canine hookworm, Ancylostoma ceylanicum, and the rodent cestode, Rodentolepis microstoma. In the case of hookworms, a mechanism of action targeting the surface layers of the cuticle indistinguishable from that reported earlier appears to be involved, and in the case of cestodes, the surface of the tegumental layers was also the principal location of damage. Hence, plant cysteine proteinases have a broad spectrum of activity against intestinal helminths (both nematodes and cestodes), a quality that reinforces their suitability for development as a muchneeded novel treatment against GI helminths of humans and livestock

    Oxidation and Cross-Linking in the Curing of Air-Drying Artists' Oil Paints

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    In this study, the chemistry of air-drying artist's oil paint curing and aging up to 24 months was studied. The objective is to improve our molecular understating of the processes that lead to the conversion of the fluid binder into a dry film and how this evolves with time, which is at the base of a better comprehension of degradation phenomena of oil paintings and relevant to the artists' paint manufacturing industry. To this aim, a methodological approach based on thermogravimetric (TG) analysis, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and analytical pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) was implemented. Model paintings based on linseed oil and safflower oil (a drying and a semidrying oil, respectively) mixed with two historically relevant pigments - lead white (a through drier) and synthetic ultramarine blue (a pigment often encountered in degraded painting layers) - were investigated. The oil curing under accelerated conditions (80 °C under air flow) was followed by isothermal TG analysis. The oxygen uptake profiles were fit by a semiempiric equation that allowed to study the kinetics of the oil oxidation and estimate oxidative degradation. The DSC signal due to hydroperoxide decomposition and radical recombination was used to monitor the radical activity over time and to evaluate the stability of peroxides formed in the paint layers. GC-MS was performed at 7 and 24 months of natural aging to investigate the noncovalently cross-linked fractions and Py-GC-MS to characterize the whole organic fraction of the model paintings, including the cross-linked network. We show that the oil-pigment combination may have a strong influence on the relative degree of oxidation of the films formed with respect to its degree of cross-linking, which may be correlated with the literature on the stability of painting layers. Undocumented pathways of oxidation are also highlighted

    The DSC monitoring of oil melting to follow the oil curing

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    The drying of an oil paint is due to the polyunsaturations of the oil in the binder. Polyunsaturated oils dry trough an autoxidation process in which the double bonds of linolenic and linoleic acids naturally react with the oxygen present in the atmosphere. The gradual conversion of the liquid oil through a soft gel to a rubbery solid occurs as a result of a multistep free radical chain reaction. During the propagation step, hydroperoxides are formed. A method frequently used to follow the oil curing is the DSC monitoring of the peroxide decomposition peak during time. Since the oil polymerization affects its crystallinity, we propose here an altemative method to asses the oil curing. The melting peak of linseed oil samples is measured at different times of curing and compared with the pro\ufb01le of the peroxide decomposition peak over time. The comparison shows that the two phenomena are strongly correlated and that, when the maximum of the peroxide content is reached, the melting peak disappears. The study of the DSC melting peak is therefore proposed as a valid alternative tool to monitor the curing of an oil paint

    Cortical AAV-CNTF gene therapy combined with intraspinal mesenchymal precursor cell transplantation promotes functional and morphological outcomes after spinal cord injury in adult rats

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    Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) promotes survival and enhances long-distance regeneration of injured axons in parts of the adult CNS. Here we tested whether CNTF gene therapy targeting corticospinal neurons (CSN) in motor-related regions of the cerebral cortex promotes plasticity and regrowth of axons projecting into the female adult F344 rat spinal cord after moderate thoracic (T10) contusion injury (SCI). Cortical neurons were transduced with a bicistronic adeno-associated viral vector (AAV1) expressing a secretory form of CNTF coupled to mCHERRY (AAV-CNTFmCherry) or with control AAV only (AAV-GFP) two weeks prior to SCI. In some animals, viable or nonviable F344 rat mesenchymal precursor cells (rMPCs) were injected into the lesion site two weeks after SCI to modulate the inhibitory environment. Treatment with AAV-CNTFmCherry, as well as with AAV-CNTFmCherry combined with rMPCs, yielded functional improvements over AAV-GFP alone, as assessed by open-field and Ladderwalk analyses. Cyst size was significantly reduced in the AAV-CNTFmCherry plus viable rMPC treatment group. Cortical injections of biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) revealed more BDA-stained axons rostral and alongside cysts in the AAV-CNTFmCherry versus AAV-GFP groups. After AAV-CNTFmCherry treatments, many sprouting mCherry-immunopositive axons were seen rostral to the SCI, and axons were also occasionally found caudal to the injury site. These data suggest that CNTF has the potential to enhance corticospinal repair by transducing parent CNS populations
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