14 research outputs found

    Otevírání literárních a neliterárních kontextů

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    Nursing care of patients after prostate robotic surgery

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    Department of nursingÚstav ošetřovatelství3. lékařská fakultaThird Faculty of Medicin

    Charting recreative and social activities of clients with spinal lesion and role of Occupational therapist in this process

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    Klinika rehabilitačního lékařství 1. LF UK a VFN v PrazeDepartment of Rehabilitation Medicine First Faculty of Medicine and General University HospitalFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Motivy a témata stáří a smrti v básnickém a prozaickém díle Františka Hrubína

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     Themes and topics of old age and death in the poetry and prose by František HrubínThe article goes back to the prosaic and the poetic work by František Hrubín. The essay recalls poetry and segments of prose texts. Monitors the motifs and themes of old age and death. It quotes and interprets the verse, dominated by themes of time, aging, age as of a man from birth to death. Significant contrast is a man-child, an old man and a boy. We recognize the weight of the race, it determines the importance of grandfathers, fathers and grandsons. Thedeath of grandfather determines the lives and values of grandson and of the young man. Aman becomes a father, a man becomes a grandfather, a man remains forever a boy — are also determining the transformation work by František Hrubín. Old age and death are enduring a full part of human life.Мотивы и темы старости и смерти в поэзии и прозе Франтишка ХрубинаCтатья возвращается к поэзии и к прозе Франтишка Хрубина, напоминает стихи ипрозаические тексты, для которых центральными мотивами становятся старение и смерть. Мониторирует восприятие времени Хрубина, созревания, старения, возраст постепенной продолжительности человека от рождения до смерти. Цитирует и интерпретирует стихи, вкоторых преобладают темы времени, старения, старения — постепенной продолжительности человека от рождения до смерти. Значительные контрасты: человек–ребенок, старик–мальчик. Обнаружив вес семье, она определяет важность дедов, отцов и внуков. Смерть деда определяет жизнь внука имолодого человека. Человек становится отцом, человек становится дедушкой, человек навсегда останется мальчиком. Старость и смерть переживaют полнyю часть человеческой жизни. Themes and topics of old age and death in the poetry and prose by František HrubínThe article goes back to the prosaic and the poetic work by František Hrubín. The essay recalls poetry and segments of prose texts. Monitors the motifs and themes of old age and death. It quotes and interprets the verse, dominated by themes of time, aging, age as of a man from birth to death. Significant contrast is a man-child, an old man and a boy. We recognize the weight of the race, it determines the importance of grandfathers, fathers and grandsons. Thedeath of grandfather determines the lives and values of grandson and of the young man. Aman becomes a father, a man becomes a grandfather, a man remains forever a boy — are also determining the transformation work by František Hrubín. Old age and death are enduring a full part of human life.Мотивы и темы старости и смерти в поэзии и прозе Франтишка ХрубинаCтатья возвращается к поэзии и к прозе Франтишка Хрубина, напоминает стихи ипрозаические тексты, для которых центральными мотивами становятся старение и смерть. Мониторирует восприятие времени Хрубина, созревания, старения, возраст постепенной продолжительности человека от рождения до смерти. Цитирует и интерпретирует стихи, вкоторых преобладают темы времени, старения, старения — постепенной продолжительности человека от рождения до смерти. Значительные контрасты: человек–ребенок, старик–мальчик. Обнаружив вес семье, она определяет важность дедов, отцов и внуков. Смерть деда определяет жизнь внука имолодого человека. Человек становится отцом, человек становится дедушкой, человек навсегда останется мальчиком. Старость и смерть переживaют полнyю часть человеческой жизни

    Pondering Over Hrubín's Editions (Letters And Poems)

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    The article reflects the experience of preparing the edition of poetry (F. Hrubín Básně /Poems/, Host 2010) and the edition of letters (Adresát František Hrubín. Dopisy F. Hrubína, J. Seiferta, J. Strnadla, E. Frynty /The Addressee František Hrubín. The Letters Of F. Hrubín, J. Seifert, J. Strnadl, E. Frynta/, Host 2010), which are based on the published Hrubín´s poetry as well as Hrubín´s heritage (it is deposited in Literary archive of The Musuem of Czech Literature in Prague). The article deals with applying the traditional editorial techniques (R. Havel, B. Štorek, M. Červenka) while producing both of the book editions. It ponders over the choice of the texts published again (the collections of poems), for the first time (the letters), over the collation of the published versions to date, over the analytical record of the variants, over the interpretation of the discovered, traditionally held „mistakes“. In terms of the critical approach to the main edition preparation it presents disputable viewpoints, stimuli for assessment. It thinks over the editors´ numerous attempts of „the definite version“ of the collection Hirošima and their notes in Comments (in the parts Proměny knižních vydání /Metamorphoses of the book editions/ and Časopisecké verze básní /Magazine-published poem versions/). The article considers the questions whether the preserved letters should be published completely or selectively, how one-way versus two-way correspondence can be justified, whether the drafts and copies should be included when the letter originals are not available. In conclusion the article outlines possibilities of the editorial approach when recording intermedial relations in F. Hrubín´s work (book or film presentations of Zlatá reneta /Golden Reinette/ and the process of making the work of art in its manuscript variants)

    Intestinal Microbiota Promotes Psoriasis-Like Skin Inflammation by Enhancing Th17 Response.

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    Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease in which Th17 cells play a crucial role. Since indigenous gut microbiota influences the development and reactivity of immune cells, we analyzed the link among microbiota, T cells and the formation of psoriatic lesions in the imiquimod-induced murine model of psoriasis. To explore the role of microbiota, we induced skin inflammation in germ-free (GF), broad-spectrum antibiotic (ATB)-treated or conventional (CV) BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice. We found that both mice reared in GF conditions for several generations and CV mice treated with ATB were more resistant to imiquimod-induced skin inflammation than CV mice. The ATB treatment dramatically changed the diversity of gut bacteria, which remained stable after subsequent imiquimod application; ATB treatment resulted in a substantial increase in the order Lactobacillales and a significant decrease in Coriobacteriales and Clostridiales. Moreover, as compared to CV mice, imiquimod induced a lower degree of local and systemic Th17 activation in both GF and ATB-treated mice. These findings suggest that gut microbiota control imiquimod-induced skin inflammation by altering the T cell response

    Absence of microbiota or ATB treatment decreases the percentage of γδ T cells and Th17 cells in spleen or axillary lymph nodes of IMQ-treated mice.

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    <p>Cells from spleen or axillary lymph nodes were isolated and either analyzed for surface γδTCR or intracellular RORγt or stimulated <i>in vitro</i> for 8 h by PMA and Ionomycin, the last 4h in the presence of Brefeldin A and Monensin, and analyzed for intracellular IL-17A and IFNγ production by flow cytometry. Cells were first gated for live cells and CD3<sup>+</sup> and subsequently on γδTCR<sup>+</sup>, RORγt<sup>+</sup> or IL-17<sup>+</sup> and INFγ<sup>+</sup> cells as shown on the (a) example of gating strategy. These results from one representative experiment (n = 5–8 mice per group) out of three independent experiments with (b) GF versus CV mice or with (c) ATB-treated versus control mice are quantified in the graphs. Statistical significance was determined by unpaired Student t test; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.</p

    Absence of microbiota or ATB treatment reduces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines by T cells from IMQ-treated mice.

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    <p>Cells isolated from spleen or axillary lymph nodes of (a) GF and CV mice or (b) ATB-treated and control mice were stimulated for 48hours <i>in vitro</i> by plate-bound anti-CD3 antibody and soluble anti-CD28 antibody. Cell culture supernatants were analyzed for IL-17A and INF-γ by ELISA. These data are representative of three independent experiments (n = 5–8 mice per group) with similar results. Statistical significance was determined by unpaired Student t test; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.</p

    Antibiotic treatment changes the microbiota composition in both BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice.

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    <p>(a) Comparison of diversity in microbiota between the conventional (CV) and ATB-treated mice using Shannon diversity index. (b) Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) plot using the unweighted UniFrac distance metric shows the compositional similarity before and after ATB treatment (Day 0, Day 14, Day 21). Each colored orb represents the microbiota composition in feces of one mouse. Each color represents each group of mice at the day 0, 14, 21. (c) The microbial composition in time is displayed as mountain plot before (Day 0) and after ATB treatment (Day 14), and after the induction of skin inflammation (Day 21) in comparison to CV mice. The figure shows (a) means ± SD or (c) means from pool of 5 mice. Statistical significance was determined by unpaired Student t test; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.</p