5,448 research outputs found

    Managing Machu Picchu: institutional settings, business model and master plans

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    Purpose \u2013 The purpose of this paper is to analyze elements of continuity and change in the administrative history of the Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu (HSM) over the last decade. Design/methodology/approach \u2013 Based on a field study and of both qualitative and quantitative data, the paper reconstructs changes in accounting and planning processes and discourses. Findings \u2013 At the macro level, in the recent past Peru has gone through a process of modernization of the State, moving to more transparent and accountable forms of public management that deeply restructured the public sector. In parallel, the international community (particularly, UNESCO) has urged the adoption of a comprehensive strategic management plan for the HSM. Common to these pressures for change is a logic of efficiency, of rationalization and control of public expenditures and of more effective public services. At the micro level, these two pressures for change are shaping both the transformation of the accounting representation system and the managerial and planning practices in Machu Picchu. Originality/value \u2013 The paper focuses on a description of the institutional settings in order to make sense of the multiple rationalities involved; second, a reconstruction of the underlying \u201cbusiness model\u201d of the main entity involved in the administration of Machu Picchu (in terms of internal structure and scope, visitor performance, financial performances, human resources); and third, a focus on the progressive introduction of master planning as a practice

    The impact of SuperB on flavour physics

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    This report provides a succinct summary of the physics programme of SuperB, and describes that potential in the context of experiments making measurements in flavour physics over the next 10 to 20 years. Detailed comparisons are made with Belle II and LHCb, the other B physics experiments that will run in this decade. SuperB will play a crucial role in defining the landscape of flavour physics over the next 20 years.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Electric dipole moments from flavoured CP violation in SUSY

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    The so-called supersymmetric flavour and CP problems are deeply related to the origin of flavour and hence to the origin of the SM Yukawa couplings themselves. We show that realistic SU(3) flavour symmetries with spontaneous CP violation reproducing correctly the SM Yukawa matrices can simultaneously solve both problems without ad hoc modifications of the SUSY model. We analyze the leptonic electric dipole moments and lepton flavour violation processes in these models. We show that the electron EDM and the decay mu -> e gamma are naturally within reach of the proposed experiments if the sfermion masses are measurable at the LHC.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures; added references, corrected typos; added referres suggestions, version accepted in PR

    Saper desistere per curare fino in fondo: come intraprendere il migliore percorso di assistenza nel Paziente con grave insufficienza d’organo in Medicina Interna?

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    La futilità in medicina e le difficoltà a desistere L. Lusiani, L. Magnani Le prospettive Slow Medicine sulla desistenza terapeutica S. Spinsanti, S. Vernero La desistenza terapeutica: il punto di vista del magistrato V. Castiglione, V. Pedone La desistenza terapeutica è giustificabile sul piano etico? E. Furlan Il punto di vista di un credente G. Pinna Il buon samaritano, la misericordia del medico e desistenza terapeutica: concetti fra loro compatibili? A. Greco, M. Greco, L. Cascavilla, G. Fasanella Le grandi insufficienze d’organo end stage: il documento SIAARTI G.R. Gristina, L. Riccioni I determinanti della mortalità a breve termine dei pazienti non oncologici ricoverati in medicina interna: un’esperienza sul campo M. Tiraboschi, S. Ghidoni, A. Zucchi, A. Carobbio, A. Ghirardi, M. Casati, F. Dentali, A. Squizzato, D. Torzillo, F. De Stefano, V. Gessi, E. Tamborini Permunian, S. Moretti, A. Assolari, A. Brucato Le parole per dirlo: la comunicazione al paziente, ai familiari e al caregiver M. Felici, S. Lenti, L. Occhini, A. Pulerà Le alternative possibili che il medico internista può proporre alla dimissione, rispetto all’aumento di intensità di cura e l’assistenza ospedaliera ordinaria: la rete di cure palliative D. Valenti, F. Moggia Scompenso cardiaco avanzato: dalla terapia attiva alle cure palliative G. Mathieu Ictus ischemico ed emorragia cerebrale: problematiche di fine vita C. Trocino Demenza avanzata M. Coveri La dispnea al termine della vita M. Giorgi-Pierfranceschi, S. Orlando Dialisi M. Meschi, S. Pioli, A. Magnano, F. Spagnoli, M. Saccò Ventilazione meccanica invasiva e non M. La Regina, F. Orlandini Il diabete mellito L. Morbidoni Comunicare la scelta di desistere in medicina: una esperienza sul campo C. Bullo, G. Bordin, L. Lusiani Le prospettive future in Italia e all’interno del nostro SSN A. Fontanella APPENDICE Metodi di riconoscimento e di valutazione del paziente in fase terminale o a rischio di elevata mortalità in ospedale: le malattie più frequentemente riscontrabili in Medicina Interna R. Nardi, G. Belmonte, P. Gnerre, G. Pinna, D. Borioni, M. Campanini, R. Gerloni, A. Fontanell

    T violation and the unidirectionality of time

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    An increasing number of experiments at the Belle, BNL, CERN, DA{\Phi}NE and SLAC accelerators are confirming the violation of time reversal invariance (T). The violation signifies a fundamental asymmetry between the past and future and calls for a major shift in the way we think about time. Here we show that processes which violate T symmetry induce destructive interference between different paths that the universe can take through time. The interference eliminates all paths except for two that represent continuously forwards and continuously backwards time evolution. Evidence from the accelerator experiments indicates which path the universe is effectively following. This work may provide fresh insight into the long-standing problem of modeling the dynamics of T violation processes. It suggests that T violation has previously unknown, large-scale physical effects and that these effects underlie the origin of the unidirectionality of time. It may have implications for the Wheeler-DeWitt equation of canonical quantum gravity. Finally it provides a view of the quantum nature of time itself.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures. Final version accepted for publishing in Foundations of Physics. The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/y3h4174jw2w78322

    The newtonian approach in the meteorological tide waves forecasting: preliminary observations in the East Ligurian harbours

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    Sea level oscillations are the superposition of many contributions, among which the main are astronomic and meteorological low-frequency tides. In Ligurian Sea meteo-tide components, being most ample than astronomic fluctuations, drive water exchange in harbours. The present note shows first results about port of Genoa concerning a coherency study between atmospheric variation and corresponding sea level adjustment (meteorological tide). The newtonian forecasting method of meteorological tides is based on measurements of time elapsing between barometric sea level unbalance (Δg) and its meteorological tide compensation (inverse barometer component). Meteorological tide component is independent on the Earth-Moon-Sun gravitational relationships, moreover parameters related to the shifted water mass are too many to describe the phenomenon analytically (basin topography, barometric strength position and time, chemical water quality, off-shore sea circulation, etc.); then, meteorological tide can’t be accurately foreseen by atmospheric pressure measurements only. A gravimeter can detect the geodetic unbalance starting time and a tide-gauge can detect the newtonian compensation (tide wave) coming time. The difference between these two times is the meteorological tide delay. An opportune statistic of this delay provides an experimental law typical for each harbour to forecast the meteo-tide compensation wave delay. This paper describes the methodological procedure adopted and first evidences of the phenomenon in Genoa harbour

    SuperB: a linear high-luminosity B Factory

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    This paper is based on the outcome of the activity that has taken place during the recent workshop on "SuperB in Italy" held in Frascati on November 11-12, 2005. The workshop was opened by a theoretical introduction of Marco Ciuchini and was structured in two working groups. One focused on the machine and the other on the detector and experimental issues. The present status on CP is mainly based on the results achieved by BaBar and Belle. Estabilishment of the indirect CP violation in B sector in 2001 and of the direct CP violation in 2004 thanks to the success of PEP-II and KEKB e+e- asymmetric B Factories operating at the center of mass energy corresponding to the mass of the Y(4s). With the two B Factories taking data, the Unitarity Triangle is now beginning to be overconstrained by improving the measurements of the sides and now also of the angles alpha, and gamma. We are also in presence of the very intriguing results about the measurements of sin(2 beta) in the time dependent analysis of decay channels via penguin loops, where b --> s sbar s and b --> s dbar d. Tau physics, in particular LFV search, as well as charm and ISR physics are important parts of the scientific program of a SuperB Factory. The physics case together with possible scenarios for the high luminosity SuperB Factory based on the concepts of the Linear Collider and the related experimental issues are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 22 figures, INFN Roadmap Repor

    Averages of bb-hadron, cc-hadron, and Ď„\tau-lepton properties as of summer 2014

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    This article reports world averages of measurements of bb-hadron, cc-hadron, and Ď„\tau-lepton properties obtained by the Heavy Flavor Averaging Group (HFAG) using results available through summer 2014. For the averaging, common input parameters used in the various analyses are adjusted (rescaled) to common values, and known correlations are taken into account. The averages include branching fractions, lifetimes, neutral meson mixing parameters, CPCP violation parameters, parameters of semileptonic decays and CKM matrix elements.Comment: 436 pages, many figures and tables. Online updates available at http://www.slac.stanford.edu/xorg/hfag
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