3,648 research outputs found

    KamLAND Bounds on Solar Antineutrinos and neutrino transition magnetic moments

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    We investigate the possibility of detecting solar electron antineutrinos with the KamLAND experiment. These electron antineutrinos are predicted by spin-flavor oscillations at a significant rate even if this mechanism is not the leading solution to the SNP. KamLAND is sensitive to antineutrinos originated from solar 8{}^8B neutrinos. From KamLAND negative results after 145 days of data taking, we obtain model independent limits on the total flux of solar electron antineutrinos $\Phi({}^8 B)< 1.1-3.5\times 10^4 cm^{-2}\ s^{-1},morethanoneorderofmagnitudesmallerthanexistinglimits,andontheirappearanceprobability, more than one order of magnitude smaller than existing limits, and on their appearance probability P<0.15%(95antineutrinoproductionbyspinflavorprecession,thisupperboundimpliesanupperlimitontheproductoftheintrinsicneutrinomagneticmomentandthevalueofthesolarmagneticfield (95% CL). Assuming a concrete model for antineutrino production by spin-flavor precession, this upper bound implies an upper limit on the product of the intrinsic neutrino magnetic moment and the value of the solar magnetic field \mu B< 2.3\times 10^{-21}MeV95LMA MeV 95% CL (for LMA (\Delta m^2, \tan^2\theta)values).Limitsonneutrinotransitionmomentsarealsoobtained.Forrealisticvaluesofotherastrophysicalsolarparameterstheseupperlimitswouldimplythattheneutrinomagneticmomentisconstrainedtobe,inthemostconservativecase, values). Limits on neutrino transition moments are also obtained. For realistic values of other astrophysical solar parameters these upper limits would imply that the neutrino magnetic moment is constrained to be, in the most conservative case, \mu\lsim 3.9\times 10^{-12} \mu_B(95CL)forarelativelysmallfield (95% CL) for a relatively small field B= 50kG.Forhighervaluesofthemagneticfieldweobtain: kG. For higher values of the magnetic field we obtain: \mu\lsim 9.0\times 10^{-13} \mu_Bforfield for field B= 200kGand kG and \mu\lsim 2.0\times 10^{-13} \mu_Bforfield for field B= 1000$ kG at the same statistical significance.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Relic Neutralino Density in Scenarios with Intermediate Unification Scale

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    We analyse the relic neutralino density in supersymmetric models with an intermediate unification scale. In particular, we present concrete cosmological scenarios where the reheating temperature is as small as O\cal{O} 110001 - 1000 MeV). When this temperature is associated to the decay of moduli fields producing neutralinos, we show that the relic abundance increases considerably with respect to the standard thermal production. Thus the neutralino becomes a good dark matter candidate with 0.1\lsim \Omega h^2 \lsim 0.3, even for regions of the parameter space where large neutralino-nucleon cross sections, compatible with current dark matter experiments, are present. This is obtained for intermediate scales MI10111014M_I\sim 10^{11}-10^{14} GeV, and moduli masses mϕ1001000m_\phi\sim 100-1000 GeV. On the other hand, when the above temperature is associated to the decay of an inflaton field, the relic abundance is too small.Comment: Latex, 11 pages, 2 figure

    Development of learning objectives for neurology in a veterinary curriculum: Part II: Postgraduates

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    Background: Specialization in veterinary medicine in Europe is organized through the Colleges of the European Board of Veterinary Specialization. To inform updating of the curriculum for residents of the European College of Veterinary Neurology (ECVN) job analysis was used. Defining job competencies of diploma holders in veterinary neurology can be used as references for curriculum design of resident training. With the support of the diplomates of the ECVN and the members of the European Society of Veterinary Neurology (ESVN) a mixed-method research, including a qualitative search of objectives and quantitative ranking with 149 Likert scale questions and 48 free text questions in 9 categories in a survey was conducted. In addition, opinions of different groups were subjected to statistical analysis and the result compared. Results: A return rate of 62% (n = 213/341) was achieved. Of the competencies identified by the Delphi process, 75% objectives were expected to attain expert level; 24% attain advanced level; 1% entry level. In addition, the exercise described the 11 highly ranked competencies, the 3 most frequently seen diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems and the most frequently used immunosuppressive, antiepileptic and chemotherapeutic drugs. Conclusion: The outcomes of this “Delphi job analysis” provide a powerful tool to align the curriculum for ECVN resident training and can be adapted to the required job competencies, based on expectations. The expectation is that for majority of these competencies diplomates should attain an expert level. Besides knowledge and clinical skills, residents and diplomates are expected to demonstrate high standards in teaching and communication. The results of this study will help to create a European curriculum for postgraduate education in veterinary neurology

    Enhanced solar anti-neutrino flux in random magnetic fields

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    We discuss the impact of the recent KamLAND constraint on the solar anti-neutrino flux on the analysis of solar neutrino data in the presence of Majorana neutrino transition magnetic moments and solar magnetic fields. We consider different stationary solar magnetic field models, both regular and random, highlighting the strong enhancement in the anti-neutrino production rates that characterize turbulent solar magnetic field models. Moreover, we show that for such magnetic fields inside the Sun, one can constrain the intrinsic neutrino magnetic moment down to the level of mu_nu lessthan few times 10^-12 x mu_B irrespective of details of the underlying turbulence model. This limit is more stringent than all current experimental sensitivities, and similar to the most stringent bounds obtained from stellar cooling. We also comment on the robustness of this limit and show that at most it might be weakened by one order of magnitude, under very unlikely circumstances.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures; final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    MSW mediated neutrino decay and the solar neutrino problem

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    We investigate the solar neutrino problem assuming simultaneous presence of MSW transitions in the sun and neutrino decay on the way from sun to earth. We do a global χ2\chi^2-analysis of the data on total rates in Cl, Ga and Superkamiokande (SK) experiments and the SK day-night spectrum data and determine the changes in the allowed region in the \dm - \tan^2\theta plane in presence of decay. We also discuss the implications for unstable neutrinos in the SNO experiment.Comment: Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    A neutrino mass matrix with seesaw mechanism and two-loop mass splitting

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    We propose a model which uses the seesaw mechanism and the lepton number Lˉ=LeLμLτ\bar L = L_e - L_\mu - L_\tau to achieve the neutrino mass spectrum m1=m2m_1 = m_2 and m3=0m_3 = 0, together with a lepton mixing matrix UU with Ue3=0U_{e3} = 0. In this way, we accommodate atmospheric neutrino oscillations. A small mass splitting m1>m2m_1 > m_2 is generated by breaking Lˉ\bar L spontaneously and using Babu's two-loop mechanism. This allows us to incorporate ``just so'' solar-neutrino oscillations with maximal mixing into the model. The resulting mass matrix has three parameters only, since Lˉ\bar L breaking leads exclusively to a non-zero eeee matrix element.Comment: 8 pages, Late

    The Omega Effect as a Discriminant for Space-Time Foam

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    If there is CPT violation, the nature of entanglement for neutral meson pairs produced in meson factories may, on general grounds, be affected. The new form of entanglement is the omega effect. Gravitational decoherence, due to space-time foam, may be one route for deviations from CPT invariance. Two models of space-time foam are considered. One, based on non-critical string theory, is able to produce the new correlations in a natural way. The other, based on the paradigm of thermal-like baths, is shown to be surprisingly resistant to producing the effect even on exercising a total freedom of choice for the state of the bathComment: 10 pages, 1 figure, Invited talk at 5th International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries, Valladolid, Spain, July 200

    An exact analytic description of neutrino oscillations in matter with exponentially varying density for arbitrary number of neutrino species

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    Exact analytical expressions in terms of generalized confluent hypergeometric functions for the transition amplitudes of neutrino oscillations in presence of matter are computed for an arbitrary number of species. The density of matter is assumed to be exponentially decaying. The results can be used for the description of matter-induced neutrino oscillations in the Sun which can take place when the solar neutrinos propagate radially from the interior to the surface. Expressions are particularly simple in the limit of infinite propagation time as is suitable for the case of detection at Earth. PACS: 14.60.Pq, 02.30.Gp, 02.30.HqComment: 20 latex pages, 7 embedded ps uuencoded figures. final published versio

    A Simplest A4 Model for Tri-Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing

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    We present a see-saw A4A_4 model for Tri-Bimaximal mixing which is based on a very economical flavour symmetry and field content and still possesses all the good features of A4A_4 models. In particular the charged lepton mass hierarchies are determined by the A4×Z4A_4\times Z_4 flavour symmetry itself without invoking a Froggatt-Nielsen U(1) symmetry. Tri-Bimaximal mixing is exact in leading order while all the mixing angles receive corrections of the same order in next-to-the-leading approximation. As a consequence the predicted value of θ13\theta_{13} is within the sensitivity of the experiments which will take data in the near future. The light neutrino spectrum, typical of A4A_4 see-saw models, with its phenomenological implications, also including leptoproduction, is studied in detail.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure