76 research outputs found

    Influence of Corn Hybrid Traits and Processing Method on Nutrient Digestibility

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    Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of corn hybrid and processing method on the site and extent of nutrient digestibility and ruminal fermentation. Treatments consisted of 2 processing methods, dry-rolled corn (DRC) and high-moisture corn (HMC), and 3 hybrids, H-8562 (1), 33P67 (2), and H-9230 (3), in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement. In Exp. 1, six ruminally cannulated crossbred steers (436 ± 8 kg) were used in a 6 × 6 Latin square design. Total tract DM, OM, and starch digestibility (STD) were greater (P \u3c 0.10) for HMC compared with DRC. A hybrid × processing method interaction (P \u3c 0.10) was observed for propionate concentration and the acetate-to-propionate ratio. In Exp. 2, two ruminally and duodenally fistulated steers were used to determine the site and extent of nutrient digestion using the mobile bag technique at 2 ruminal incubation times. Ruminal STD was not different (P = 0.14) among hybrids but was greater (P \u3c 0.01) for HMC compared with DRC. Postruminal and total tract STD were greater (P \u3c 0.01) for hybrids 1 and 3 than for hybrid 2, and were greater (P \u3c 0.01) for HMC than DRC. In both experiments the geometric mean diameter and geometric SD were influenced (P \u3c 0.05) by both hybrid and processing method. More intense processing methods or selection of hybrids with softer kernels will result in greater digestibility and ruminal propionate concentrations. Digestibility of corn samples can be characterized using the mobile bag technique but particle size can influence results

    Evaluation of Revalor-XH for beef heifers fed different days on feed

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    Heifers were treated with either no implant, an initial implant of Revalor-200 and re-implanted with Revalor-200, or Revalor-XH and assigned to one of four serial slaughter harvests at 151, 165, 179, and 193 days on feed to determine the effects on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics. Implanting heifers increased final BW, ADG and HCW while decreasing marbling score and improving feed efficiency compared to non-implanted heifers. Increasing days on feed decreased ADG while increasing feed efficiency, HCW, fat thickness, marbling score, and calculated yield grade. By increasing HCW sold, implanting revenue can be maximized, assuming added risk for YG discounts

    Effects of Wintering System on Cow and Calf Performance in a Summer- Calving Intensive Production System

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    A study evaluated the effects of two wintering systems (cornstalk grazing and drylot feeding) on cow- calf performance in a summer- calving intensively managed cowherd at two locations. Grazing cow- calf pairs on cornstalks resulted in lower ending BW of cows and reduced ADG of calves when compared to drylot cow- calf pairs at weaning. A partial budget of incorporating winter cornstalk grazing into an intensive production system suggests that cows wintered on cornstalks were $136.85 more profitable when compared to cows wintered in the drylot

    Inhibition of sodium–glucose cotransporter-2 preserves cardiac function during regional myocardial ischemia independent of alterations in myocardial substrate utilization

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    The goal of the present study was to evaluate the effects of SGLT2i on cardiac contractile function, substrate utilization, and efficiency before and during regional myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury in normal, metabolically healthy swine. Lean swine received placebo or canagliflozin (300 mg PO) 24 h prior to and the morning of an invasive physiologic study protocol. Hemodynamic and cardiac function measurements were obtained at baseline, during a 30-min complete occlusion of the circumflex coronary artery, and during a 2-h reperfusion period. Blood pressure, heart rate, coronary flow, and myocardial oxygen consumption were unaffected by canagliflozin treatment. Ventricular volumes remained unchanged in controls throughout the protocol. At the onset of ischemia, canagliflozin produced acute large increases in left ventricular end-diastolic and systolic volumes which returned to baseline with reperfusion. Canagliflozin-mediated increases in end-diastolic volume were directly associated with increases in stroke volume and stroke work relative to controls during ischemia. Canagliflozin also increased cardiac work efficiency during ischemia relative to control swine. No differences in myocardial uptake of glucose, lactate, free fatty acids or ketones, were noted between treatment groups at any time. In separate experiments using a longer 60 min coronary occlusion followed by 2 h of reperfusion, canagliflozin increased end-diastolic volume and stroke volume and significantly diminished myocardial infarct size relative to control swine. These data demonstrate that SGLT2i with canagliflozin preserves cardiac contractile function and efficiency during regional myocardial ischemia and provides ischemia protection independent of alterations in myocardial substrate utilization

    Potential link between caffeine consumption and pediatric depression: A case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Early-onset depressive disorders can have severe consequences both from developmental and functional aspects. The etiology of depressive disorders is complex and multi-factorial, with an intricate interaction among environmental factors and genetic predisposition. While data from studies on adults suggest that caffeine is fairly safe, effects of caffeine in children, who are in period of rapid brain development, are currently unknown. Furthermore, systematic research addressing the relationship between depressive symptoms in children and caffeine consumption is lacking.</p> <p>The present study examined the effects of caffeine consumption on depressed mood in children with depression and non-depressed participants.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Children and adolescents (n = 51) already enrolled in an ongoing longitudinal study, aged 9-12 years, were assessed for depressive symptoms with the Children Depressive Inventory (CDI). Psychopathological symptoms were assessed with the Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL) and eating habits were assessed with the Nutrition-Behavior Inventory (NBI) <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp>. The children were compared to control children without psychopathology attending public schools in a Southern Brazilian city.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Participants with CDI scores ≥ 15 (mean = 19; S.D. = 4) also had high NBI scores (mean = 52; S.D. = 19, p < 0.001) suggestive of a relationship between depressive symptoms and environmental factors, in this case nutrition/behavior. Additional linear regression adjusted statistical analysis, considering the factors of consumption of sweets and caffeine individually, showed that caffeine, but not sweets, was associated with depressive symptoms.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These findings indicate that depressed children consume more caffeinated drinks than non-depressed children. Nonetheless while a strong association between depressive symptoms and caffeine consumption among children was found, further research should investigate whether or not this association is due to a cause and effect relationship.</p

    Eight years after an international workshop on myotonic dystrophy patient registries: case study of a global collaboration for a rare disease.

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    Background Myotonic Dystrophy is the most common form of muscular dystrophy in adults, affecting an estimated 10 per 100,000 people. It is a multisystemic disorder affecting multiple generations with increasing severity. There are currently no licenced therapies to reverse, slow down or cure its symptoms. In 2009 TREAT-NMD (a global alliance with the mission of improving trial readiness for neuromuscular diseases) and the Marigold Foundation held a workshop of key opinion leaders to agree a minimal dataset for patient registries in myotonic dystrophy. Eight years after this workshop, we surveyed 22 registries collecting information on myotonic dystrophy patients to assess the proliferation and utility the dataset agreed in 2009. These registries represent over 10,000 myotonic dystrophy patients worldwide (Europe, North America, Asia and Oceania). Results The registries use a variety of data collection methods (e.g. online patient surveys or clinician led) and have a variety of budgets (from being run by volunteers to annual budgets over €200,000). All registries collect at least some of the originally agreed data items, and a number of additional items have been suggested in particular items on cognitive impact. Conclusions The community should consider how to maximise this collective resource in future therapeutic programmes

    Editorial Statement About JCCAP’s 2023 Special Issue on Informant Discrepancies in Youth Mental Health Assessments: Observations, Guidelines, and Future Directions Grounded in 60 Years of Research

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    Issue 1 of the 2011 Volume of the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (JCCAP) included a Special Section about the use of multi-informant approaches to measure child and adolescent (i.e., hereafter referred to collectively as “youth”) mental health (De Los Reyes, 2011). Researchers collect reports from multiple informants or sources (e.g., parent and peer, youth and teacher) to estimate a given youth’s mental health. The 2011 JCCAP Special Section focused on the most common outcome of these approaches, namely the significant discrepancies that arise when comparing estimates from any two informant’s reports (i.e., informant discrepancies). These discrepancies appear in assessments conducted across the lifespan (Achenbach, 2020). That said, JCCAP dedicated space to understanding informant discrepancies, because they have been a focus of scholarship in youth mental health for over 60 years (e.g., Achenbach et al., 1987; De Los Reyes & Kazdin, 2005; Glennon & Weisz, 1978; Kazdin et al., 1983; Kraemer et al., 2003; Lapouse & Monk, 1958; Quay et al., 1966; Richters, 1992; Rutter et al., 1970; van der Ende et al., 2012). Thus, we have a thorough understanding of the areas of research for which they reliably appear when clinically assessing youth. For instance, intervention researchers observe informant discrepancies in estimates of intervention effects within randomized controlled trials (e.g., Casey & Berman, 1985; Weisz et al., 2017). Service providers observe informant discrepancies when working with individual clients, most notably when making decisions about treatment planning (e.g., Hawley & Weisz, 2003; Hoffman & Chu, 2015). Scholars in developmental psychopathology observe these discrepancies when seeking to understand risk and protective factors linked to youth mental health concerns (e.g., Hawker & Boulton, 2000; Hou et al., 2020; Ivanova et al., 2022). Thus, the 2011 JCCAP Special Section posed a question: Might these informant discrepancies contain data relevant to understanding youth mental health? Suppose none of the work in youth mental health is immune from these discrepancies. In that case, the answer to this question strikes at the core of what we produce―from the interventions we develop and implement, to the developmental psychopathology research that informs intervention development

    Composting or stockpiling of feedlot manure in Nebraska: Nutrient concentration and mass balance

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    When feedlot pens are scraped in the spring and summer, manure is often stored before land application can occur in the fall. Manure stockpiled or composted was evaluated for nutrient losses in 2 experiments for 104 (Exp. 1) and 111 d (Exp. 2). Stockpiles (n = 2 in Exp. 1 and n = 3 in Exp. 2) and compost windrows (n = 6 in Exp. 1 and n = 4 in Exp. 2) were constructed with feedlot manure scraped from pens and sampled upon construction and throughout the storage period. In Exp. 1, N loss was 3 times greater (P \u3c 0.01) for compost compared with stockpile on d 104 (43.6 and 14.3%, respectively). Loss of C was 34.7% greater (P \u3c 0.01) for compost compared with stockpile on d 104 (54.4 and 40.4%, respectively). Total mass loss (water + DM) was not different (P = 0.30) among storage methods on d 104 (20.0 and 15.8% for compost and stockpile, respectively). In Exp. 2, N loss from compost was 42.1% greater (P \u3c 0.01) compared with stockpiling on d 111. Carbon losses in Exp. 2 were not different (P = 0.77) among storage methods on d 111 (38.4 and 37.5% for compost and stockpile, respectively). Total mass loss in Exp. 2 was less compared with Exp. 1 and was not different (P = 0.23) among storage methods (5.7 and 3.6% for compost and stockpile, respectively). When evaluated on a nutrient basis, stockpiled manure had greater N and C concentrations compared with composted manure

    Performance and Digestibility Characteristics of Finishing Diets Containing Distillers Grains, Composites of Corn Processing Coproducts, or Supplemental Corn Oil

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    Three experiments evaluated the lipids in distillers grains plus solubles compared with corn or other sources of lipid in finishing diets. Experiment 1 utilized 60 individually fed yearling heifers (349 ± 34 kg) fed treatments consisting of 0, 20, or 40% (DM basis) wet distillers grains plus solubles (WDGS), or 0, 2.5, or 5.0% (DM basis) corn oil in a finishing diet based on high-moisture corn (HMC) and dry-rolled corn (DRC). Cattle fed 20 and 40% WDGS had greater (P \u3c 0.10) G:F than cattle fed 0% WDGS. Cattle fed the 5.0% corn oil had lower overall performance than cattle fed the other diets. Results from Exp. 1 indicated that adding fat from WDGS improves performance, whereas supplementing 5.0% corn oil depressed G:F, suggesting that the fat within WDGS is different than corn oil. Experiment 2 used 234 yearling steers (352 ± 16 kg) fed 1 of 5 treatments consisting of 20 or 40% (DM basis) dry distillers grains plus solubles (DDGS), 1.3% or 2.6% (DM basis) tallow, or HMC. All diets contained 20% (DM basis) wet corn gluten feed (WCGF) as a method of controlling acidosis. No differences between treatments for any performance parameters were observed in Exp. 2. The DDGS may be similar to tallow and HMC in finishing diets containing 20% WCGF. Experiment 3 used 5 Holstein steers equipped with ruminal and duodenal cannulas in a 5x5 Latin square design. Treatments were a 40% WDGS diet, 2 composites, one consisting of corn bran and corn gluten meal (COMP), and one consisting of corn bran, corn gluten meal, and corn oil (COMP + OIL), and 2 DRC-based diets supplemented with corn oil (CON + OIL) or not (CON). Cattle fed the WDGS diet had numerically lower rumen pH compared with cattle fed other treatments. Cattle fed WDGS had greater (P \u3c 0.10) molar proportions of propionate, lower (P \u3c 0.10) acetate:propionate ratios, greater (P \u3c 0.10) total tract fat digestion, and a greater (P \u3c 0.10) proportion of unsaturated fatty acids reaching the duodenum than cattle fed other treatments. Therefore, the higher energy value of WDGS compared with corn may be due to more propionate production, higher fat digestibility, and more unsaturated fatty acids reaching the duodenum

    The Economic Effects of Sorting Cattle by Weight and Time of Year into Different Production Systems1

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    A 2-yr study using 288 steers each year was conducted to determine the economic effects of sorting and feeding genetically similar cattle in different production systems. Steers were purchased at weaning in November and assigned randomly into sorted or unsorted groups. Unsorted steers were assigned randomly to 1 of 3 production systems: calf-fed steers (enter feedlot after weaning), summer yearling, or fall yearling; n = 48 steers per system yearly. For sorted steers, the heaviest third were calf fed and the remaining steers grazed cornstalks during winter. After winter grazing, the heaviest half of those steers were fed as summer yearlings, and the lightest half were fed as fall yearlings. Initial steer price was calculated using breakeven analysis for sorted calf-fed steers, and all other profits and losses are relative to sorted calf-fed steers, with a defined profit of $0/steer. Steer values were determined using 2007 average prices. Initial steer costs were greatest for sorted calf-fed steers and lowest for sorted fall yearlings. There were 2-way and a 3-way interaction for profit/loss. In yr 1, fall yearling gains on grass were normal, and the sorted fall yearlings were more profitable than were the sorted calf-fed steers. The reverse was true in the second year, when pasture gains of the fall yearlings were below normal. Marketing cattle on a grid decreased profit of summer yearlings because of low QG and decreased profitability of unsorted fall yearlings because of overweight carcasses. For the overall system, sorting did not increase profit on either a live or a grid-based marketing system
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