173 research outputs found


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    Current estimates predict a world population growth of 9.6 billion by the year 2050, many of whom will live in countries already facing food insecurity. To feed this population, agricultural production will have to increase by approximately 50%, a difficult situation due to the effects of climate change. In order to achieve food production goals without putting the environment at risk, FAO, since 2009, has supported member countries in their initiatives to implement Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) that takes into account local and national specificities and priorities, to sustainably increase productivity and resilience, strengthen food security and mitigate damage from greenhouse gases (GHG). This literature review seeks to contribute to discussions on the recognition of the CSA concept, its applicability in agricultural systems and review advantages or disadvantages to face global climate change. In Brazil, there is growing concern, due to the country's high vulnerability and low development capacity to face environmental impacts. However, despite the attractiveness of the concept, specific criteria to guide the approaches and technologies to be used have not yet been defined


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    Foram realizadas visitas periódicas ao município de Salinópolis (PA) para o levantamento de dados referentes às embarcações atuantes na captura da serra, espécie comercialmente importante nos desembarques pesqueiros, e demais dados de produção. As embarcações catalogadas (49) são de madeira com baixa autonomia e poucos equipamentos de comunicação e localização de cardumes. As capturas são feitas por meio de redes 'serreiras' que é o principal petrecho utilizado, esta por sua vez possui panagem confeccionada em poliamida monofilamento e cabos de boia e pesos em polietileno multifilamento, grande parte das redes atuam na superfície da água. Adicionalmente, foram adquiridos mensalmente 30 indivíduos da presente espécie oriundos das capturas supracitadas. Dentre os exemplares mensurados as fêmeas apresentaram comprimento e peso total superiores aos dos machos. As alometrias morfométricas foram negativas em grande parte. O L50 encontrado através do comprimento padrão foi de 40,07 cm. Os estágios gonadais apresentaram indivíduos em sua maioria maturos e desovados. Foi predominante o numero de fêmeas em relação aos machos. Observa-se uma redução no tamanho de primeira maturação ao longo da costa Norte-Nordeste. De forma positiva, as capturas comerciais que desembarcam no município de Salinópolis atuam em grande parte sobre os indivíduos adultos de serra, entretanto, esta assertiva deve ser tratada com cautela, uma vez que em médio e longo prazos pode levar à sobrepesca de recrutamento.Palavras-chave: Scombridae, Salinópolis, rede serreira, pesca artesanal. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18561/2179-5746/biotaamazonia.v5n2p99-10

    Use of microstructural characteristics of pollen and pistil to identify olive cultivars in Southern Brazil

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    The olive crop has a large diversity in cultivars around the world, whose identification have been based on leaf, stem or fruit traits. However, these traits may be influenced by the environment, which has led to the misidentification of cultivars. The variability of the pistil and pollen structure under electron scanning and light microscopy were studied using the cultivars 'Arbequina', 'Arbosana', 'Frantoio', 'Koroneiki', 'Manzanilla de Sevilla' and 'Picual', cultivated in Southern Brazil. The aim was to find unique patterns for their identification. This type of study has not been carried out in the conditions of Southern Brazil, where the identification of commercial cultivars sometimes is complex and confusing. There were significant differences in the variables, showing uniformity within each cultivar in different locations. The principal component analysis indicated a separation of cultivars according to similarities or micromorphological differences in the pollen wall, area of the lumen and the structural elements of the tectum. For the analysis of the pistil, the separation was even clearer, each cultivar individually forming a cluster, using as characters the length of the style in contrast to the length, width and area of the stigma. This evidenced little variation among individuals within the same cultivar. The information provided can contribute to the individual identification of very close olive tree cultivars in the conditions of Southern Brazil

    Caracterização de genótipos de arroz utilizados no Brasil quanto à tolerância à salinidade no estádio de plântula

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    Rice production (Oryza sativa L.) is among the most economically important activities in the world. However, soil and salinity coming from irrigation water reduce rice yield. Therefore, the identification and/or development of salt-tolerant rice genotypes is a strategy to minimize this problem. The development of new genotypes depends on the presence of genetic diversity, and understanding the heritability of a desired trait can help in the selection process. Thus, this study aimed to identify superior genotypes, analyze the genetic diversity and estimate the heritability for salinity tolerance at the seedling stage in rice genotypes used in Brazil. For this, seedlings of 69 genotypes were kept in hydroponic solution with 40 mM NaCl (4 dSm-1) for seven days. Shoot length, root length, shoot dry weight, and root dry weight) were evaluated and the results were converted into relative performance. Tolerant and moderately salt-tolerant genotypes were identified at the seedling stage, which can be used in breeding programs and can be cultivated in high salinity areas. Principal component analysis showed the presence of genetic diversity for salinity response. Finally, it was shown that most of the observed variation is of genetic origin, which can make the breeding process less difficult.O arroz (Oryza sativa L.) é uma espécie com grande importância econômica no mundo. A salinidade do solo ou da água reduz a produtividade da cultura. Por isso, a identificação e/ou desenvolvimento de genótipos de arroz com tolerância à salinidade é uma estratégia para minimizar esse problema. O desenvolvimento de novos genótipos depende da presença de variabilidade genética, e o conhecimento da herdabilidade da característica de interesse pode auxiliar no processo de seleção. Dessa forma, esse estudo teve como objetivo identificar genótipos superiores, analisar a variabilidade genética e estimar a herdabilidade para tolerância a salinidade no estádio de plântula em genótipos de arroz utilizados no Brasil. Para isso, plântulas de 69 genótipos foram mantidas em solução hidropônica acrescida de 40mM de NaCl (4 dSm-1) durante sete dias. Foram avaliados comprimento de parte aérea, comprimento de raiz, peso seco de parte aérea, e peso seco de raiz e os resultados foram convertidos em desempenho relativo.  Foram identificados genótipos tolerantes e moderadamente tolerantes à salinidade no estádio de plântula, os quais podem ser utilizados em programas de melhoramento e cultivados em áreas com ocorrência desse estresse. A análise de componentes principais mostrou a presença de variabilidade genética para resposta à salinidade. Finalmente, foi demonstrado que a maior parte da variação observada nos caracteres é de origem genética, o que pode tornar o processo de melhoramento menos difícil

    Perfil de expressão do gene fla 14 em tegumento de sementes de soja

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    O tegumento apresenta uma função importante quanto à resistência das sementes e a sua deterioração. Sendo assim, torna-se necessário entender os mecanismos de genes responsáveis por caracteres que possam auxiliar no desenvolvimento de variedades com melhor qualidade. Nesse sentido, a análise da expressão do gene fla 14 que codifica para a proteína Arabinogalactana que esta relacionada diretamente com a síntese da parede celular no tegumento da semente de soja pode contribuir para o avanço dos estudos. Sendo assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi validar primers e analisar o perfil da expressão do gene fla 14 em quatro genótipos de soja, dois desses com tegumento preto (TP e IAC 222) e maior conteúdo de lignina, e outros dois com tegumento amarelo (CD 202 e Potência) e menor conteúdo de lignina. O tecido vegetal (tegumento) foi coletado aos 50 dias após a antese. Para a análise da expressão gênica dos genótipos, utilizou-se a técnica de qRT-PCR, onde foram testadas quatro combinações de primers construídos a partir de modelos de sequência de ESTs da soja. Os resultados da validação demostraram a eficiência dos primers FLA 14 p1 e FLA 14 p2 para serem utilizados em estudos de expressão gênica. Em relação ao gene fla 14, pode-se observar que o perfil de expressão deste gene é quantitativamente superior nos genótipos de soja com tegumento preto e conteúdo superior de lignina quando relacionado com os genótipos com tegumento amarelo e menor teor de lignina

    Olive trees in the world. Past and present with future perspectives

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    The cultivation of the olive tree is of great economic importance worldwide. For the 2022-2023 harvest, were produced around 3,010,000 Mg of olive oil and 2,955,500 Mg of table olives of selected varieties, managing to establish itself in approximately 56 countries with different environments. In most of the cultivated areas only monovarietals were used, but mixtures of varieties have been recommended, which act as pollinators, avoiding reproduction problems. Furthermore, global warming also affects production efficiency and the quality of derived products. The olive grove underwent important changes due to genetic improvement. However, despite modern molecular tools, most of the work continues to be based on agronomic classical methods such as crossing and selection in progeny, delaying the development of new varieties. Models with high resolution climate projections are being used, allowing predicting the future evolution of the olive tree. Unfortunately, Brazil produces only 0.2% of its internal consumption and therefore has become the world's second largest importer after the United States to cover the growing demand. Based on this information, this review aims to discuss the adjustments in olive growing, which has been gaining more and more areas dedicated to its cultivation in Brazil

    Wheat blast: The last enemy of hunger fighters

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    Abstract Effective strategies for disease control are crucial for sustaining world food production and ensuring food security for the population. Wheat blast, a disease caused by the pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype Triticum, has been a concern for cereal producers and researchers due to its aggressiveness and rapid expansion. To solve this problem, the development of resistant varieties with durable resistance is an effective, economical and sustainable way to control the disease. Conventional breeding can be aided by several molecular tools to facilitate the mining of many sources of resistance, such as R genes and QTLs. The identification of new sources of resistance, whether in the wheat crop or in other cereals are an opportunity for efficient wheat breeding through the application of different techniques. Since this disease is still poorly studied in wheat, knowledge of the rice Magnaporthe pathotype may be adapted to control wheat blast. Thus, genetic mapping, molecular markers, transgenic approaches, and genomic editing are valuable technologies to fight wheat blast. This review aimed to compile the biotechnological alternatives available to accelerate the development of improved cultivars for resistance to wheat blast

    Heterosis and genetic parameters for grain quality in oat segregating populations

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    Improvement of quality-related traits of grains is a constant concern in white oat breeding programs, which challenges breeders to understand their dynamics. The performance of different genetic combinations must be thoroughly evaluated to make high nutritional quality cultivars available. This study aimed to estimate the heterosis on F1 and F2 generations, vigor loss, due to inbreeding, and correlation between the grain chemical components to understand the dynamics of these traits, considering two segregating oat progenies. The populations Albasul × UPF 15 (population 1) and IAC 7 × UFRGS 19 (population 2) were developed. Both populations showed transgressive segregant individuals. The combination Albasul × UPF 15 provided significant heterosis for traits β-glucan total and soluble fiber contents, while the population obtained by crossing IAC 7 × UFRGS 19 generated significant gain by heterosis for total fiber, insoluble fibers and non-structural carbohydrate contents. Considering the F2 average for each population, one can observe that population 1 presents higher β-glucan and lipid contents than population 2. On the other hand, population 2 has higher protein content than population 1. In both populations, the non-structural carbohydrate content is strongly and negatively correlated whith protein, total and insoluble fibers. Correlations between total fibers and lipids and between total fibers and insoluble fibers were both positive and high in both populations

    Avaliação do efeito de pigmentos fenólicos na germinação de arroz sob condições de baixa temperatura

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    In Rio Grande do Sul, the main rice producer State in Brazil, low temperatures can occur during germination and seedling establishment, and in some cases, during the reproductive stage. When low temperatures occur in the early developmental stages cause delay in germination, resulting in a non-homogeneous growing. In reproductive stage, low temperatures cause spikelet sterility, directly interfering with plant yield. Researchers have shown that some phenolic compounds such as proanthocyanidins and anthocyanin are associated with low temperature tolerance in plants due to their antioxidant capacity. The red and black color in the seeds of some rice genotypes is conferred by the phenolic compounds proanthocyanidins and anthocyanin, respectively. Therefore, tis study aimed to verify whether rice genotypes with red or black seeds are more tolerant to low temperatures during germination. In this study, five rice genotypes were tested, two present seeds without pigmentation and with contrasting response to low temperature tolerance (BRS Bojuru - tolerant and BRS Pampeira - sensitive), two genotypes with red seeds (BRS 902, SCS 119 Rubi) and one black seed genotype (SCS 120 Ônix). As expected, the genotypes with pigmented seeds had a greater total phenolic compounds content. However, under low temperature conditions, the genotypes with pigmented seed showed a similar response to the sensitive genotype. Therefore, the presence of proanthocyanidins and anthocyanin in the seed of the studied genotypes does not provide tolerance to low temperatures during germination.No Rio Grande do Sul, principal estado produtor de arroz do Brasil, baixas temperaturas podem ocorrer durante a germinação e estabelecimento de plântulas, e em alguns casos, durante o estádio reprodutivo. Quando baixas temperaturas ocorrem no estádio inicial de desenvolvimento causam atraso da germinação, resultando em um crescimento não homogêneo. No estádio reprodutivo, baixas temperaturas podem ocasionar esterilidade das espiguetas, interferindo diretamente na produtividade da planta. Pesquisas têm mostrado que alguns compostos fenólicos como as proantocianidinas e antocianinas estão associadas com tolerância a baixa temperatura em plantas devido sua capacidade antioxidante. A coloração vermelha e preta nas sementes de alguns genótipos de arroz é conferida pelos compostos fenólicos proantocianidinas e antocianinas, respectivamente. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo foi verificar se os genótipos de arroz com sementes vermelhas ou pretas são mais tolerantes a baixas temperaturas durante a germinação. Neste trabalho, cinco genótipos foram testados, dois com sementes sem pigmentação e com resposta contrastante para tolerância a baixa temperatura (BRS Bojuru - tolerante e BRS Pampeira - sensível), dois genótipos com sementes vermelhas (BRS 902, SCS 119 Rubi) e um genótipo com sementes pretas (SCS 120 Ônix). Como esperado, os genótipos com sementes pigmentadas têm maior conteúdo de compostos fenólicos totais. Entretanto, sob condições de baixa temperatura, os genótipos com semente pigmentada mostraram resposta similar ao genótipo sensível. Dessa forma, a presença de proantocianidinas e antocianinas nas sementes dos genótipos estudados não confere tolerância a baixas temperaturas durante a germinação.  