22 research outputs found

    Production and Export Marketing Model: A Case Study for Malaysian Palm Oil

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    Studi ini bertujuan mengembangkan suatu model pentasaran yang sesuai dengan pemasaran rn inyak sawit danmengambil kasus pada produksi dan pemasaran minyak sawit Malaysia. Data yang digunakan dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber dalarn kurun waktu 1960 sampai dengan 1993. Model estimasi terdiri dari 11 persamaan struktur dan 6 identilas serta diestimasikan menggunakan 2 SLS (stage least square) dengan ntetode principle component. Hasil empiris menunjukkan kinerja pemasaran ntinyak sawit Malaysia dipengaruhi oleh variabel-variabel pemasaran terutanta variabel pasar internasionalseperti harga sawit dunia dan harga beberapa minyak substitusi, serta instrumen kebijakan pada sisi produksi. Harga minyak sawit Malaysia di pasar internasional secara berarti ditentukan oleh harga dan konsunisi minyak sawit dunia. Dengan demikian meskipun Malaysia sebagai penghasil dan pengekspor utama minyak sawit dunia, namun Malaysia hanya berperan sebagai penerima harga (price-taker) bukan sebagai penentu harga (price-maker). Keywords: export marketing modelpalm oi

    Dimensions of Services Quality Affect the Satisfaction and Their Implication on Loyalty (A Survey of Private College Students in Banda Aceh City)

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    The objective of the present research was to determine the effect of the dimensions of services quality on the satisfaction and in turn the effectof satisfaction on the loyalty of private college students in Banda Aceh City. Data collection was conducted by questionnaire, interview, and observation. The sampling technique applied was an accidental sampling by a sample of 100 respondents. The hypothesis test useda path analysis by a multiple regression method. The result of regression analysis showed that the five dimensions of services quality affected positively student satisfaction. Of the five variables researched, tangible variable has a most predominant effect on satisfaction and in turn the satisfaction affects positively loyalty. There was some indirect effect of the five dimensions of services quality on loyalty via student satisfaction. Keywords: services quality, satisfaction, loyalty


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    Kursus merupakan salah satu jenis program pendidikan nonformal yang diselenggarakan secara terstruktur yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan serta keterampilan kepada masyarakat agar masyarakat mampu meningkatkan keterampilan sehingga dapat memperbaiki taraf hidupnya. Kursus menjahit adalah suatu bentuk pemberian keterampilan menjahit kepada masyarakat melalui sebuah proses pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan secara terstruktur. Tujuan kursus menjahit adalah agar masyarakat mampu memiliki pengetahuan serta keterampilan menjahit sehingga dapat meningkatkan taraf hidupnya dan dapat mengembangkan bakat serta potensi yang dimiliki. Lembaga kursus jahit LKP Zere Amin merupakan lembaga kursus menjahit yang sebelumnya masih menggunakan metode manual dalam mempromosikan hasil desain karyanya. Akan tetapi, sekarang sudah waktunya lembaga ini harus lebih dikembangkan lagi dengan metode teknologi yang lebih canggih untuk mempromosikan lembaga kursus dan hasil karyanya agar dapat dinikmati oleh banyak orang. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang dijelaskan, dipilihlah website sebagai media yang dapat mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Website dapat diakses oleh siapa saja karena website bersifat worldwide. Website juga dapat dikostumisasi sesuai keinginan agar terlihat unik, berbeda, serta menarik dan mudah untuk dibaca. Adanya website membantu kegiatan LKP Zere - Amin dalam melakukan kegiatan promosi lembaga kursusnya. Selain itu, website tersebut dapat dioperasionalkan dengan mudah oleh LKP Zere – Ami

    Pricing and Causality Among Selected Fats and Oils

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    This paper studies the nature of price relationships among selected prices of five fats and oils (palm oil, soybean, coconut, fish oils and tallow) to provide empirical evidence as to the competitive structure of the fats and oils market. The fats and oils market is highly competitive and price is shown to be simultaneously discovered by the market with minimum lags and distortions. Statistical causality models developed by Granger, Sims and Haugh-Pierce were used to examine this hypothesis. Inferences are made as to the applicability of the models in understanding the nature of the market

    Analysis Of The Influence Of Continuous Training Development And Education On Professional Competence Of Teachers In Public Schools

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    The purpose of this study is to determine if teacher professional competence may be increased via education and training. A random lottery was employed to choose a sample of 100 instructors for this study. Data analysis and data visualization are provided through summaries and formulations in numerical form since descriptive statistical methods were used to process the data collected through surveys and document studies. Validity and reliability testing may be used to assess the requirements for the study, and basic linear regression analysis techniques can be used to evaluate the data and generate hypothesis judgments. A correlation value of 0.6 was found based on data processing with the SPSS, and the contribution of variable H0 is rejected as the sig value is less than 0.03, as determined using probability procedures. Thus, it can be inferred from these two approaches that training and education have an impact on raising the professional competence of teacher

    Knowledge management initiative and solution: a case study in International Islamic University of Malaysia(IIUM)

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    Universities are the important place for learning and sharing information internally or externally where the knowledge management (KM) implementation will give sustainable competitive advantage, achieving substantial savings, improve significant performance and establish the long-term existence among the others. The International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) is a private publicly funded university in Malaysia while eight different governments from the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) as its financial sponsor. So far, IIUM does not really have a system in managing the knowledge to inculcate a knowledge culture in development of education in Malaysia. This paper represents KM initiative and solution through investigating resource content and organization culture in IIUM in developing the appropriate KM framework that include set of plan and strategy based on ontology approach

    Stable oxygen and deuterium isotope techniques to identify plant water sources

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    There is still very little information on the sources of water absorbed by oil palm plant. This information is very important for water management system in oil palm plantation. Thus, this study was carried out to determine current water sources absorbed by the oil palm roots using oxygen (δ18O) and deuterium isotopes (δD) techniques. Sketches of oxygen and deuterium isotope were total rainfall, throughfall, runoff, measurement at 5 soil depths (namely: 20 cm, 50 cm, 100 cm, 150 cm, and 200 cm), and oil palm stem. Results of this study showed huge variance in the values of oxygen and deuterium isotope. Based on Least Significant Difference (LSD) test, there was no significant value in the oxygen and deuterium isotope of stem water and others; however, a similar value was obtained at the depths of 0 - 20 cm and 20 - 50 cm with the stem water. This indicated that oil palm absorbed water from 0 - 50 cm depth. This result agreed with the oil palm rooting system, which has verified that the root quarter is the most active root of oil palm