1,610 research outputs found

    La formación y desarrollo de la competencia "gestionar el conocimiento matemático" en los estudiantes de ingeniería a través de un sistema de tareas docentes

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    La formación de profesionales competentes y comprometidos con el desarrollo social constituye hoy día una misión esencial de la Educación Superior (UNESCO, 1998). La sociedad cubana demanda cada día con más fuerza la formación de profesionales capaces de lograr un desempeño profesional ético y responsable. A través de la utilización de diversos métodos y técnicas de la investigación pedagógica se fundamenta la contradicción que se da entre las nuevas necesidades sociales que exigen la formación de profesionales con competencias relacionadas con la gestión del conocimiento desde el proceso docente educativo de la matemática superior. En el trabajo se muestran las características de un sistema de tareas para favorecer la formación y desarrollo de esta competencia, para los estudiantes de la carrera de Ingeniería en Informática de la Universidad de Camagüey. La ejemplificación se realiza desde la asignatura Matemática I para ingenieros, en el tema Derivadas de Funciones de una variable

    Efecto del estadode desarrollo de los cotiledones en la inducciónde embriones somáticos de soya (Original)

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    Somatic embryogenesis is a response of cell totipotency in plants that allows plants to be obtained without the intervention of gametes. This morphogenetic event has been described in different plant species, but its response has been limited in different genotypes of legume species such as soybeans. The objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of the development status of cotyledons in the embryogenic response in soybean cultivar Incasoy-27. Immature cotyledons from 2.0 to 6.0 mm in length were used, which were placed in somatic embryo formation culture medium containing 40 mg.L-1 of 2,4-D as a growth regulator for 28 days. The number of cotyledons with embryogenic response was determined and the number of somatic embryos formed by cotyledon. Histological sections were also performed on cotyledons of 3.0 and 6.0 mm in length, cultured for six days in the presence of 2,4-D. As a result, the formation of somatic embryos was obtained from immature cotyledons with significant differences between different lengths evaluated. Cotyledons with 4.0 mm length had the highest proliferation of embryogenic cells (92.0%) and the formation of about eight somatic embryos. Histological analyzes showed that the development status of the cotyledons and their cellular composition influenced the embryogenic response, fundamentally on the adaxial side of the cotyledons.La embriogénesis somática es una respuesta de la totipotencia celular en plantas que permite obtener plantas sin la intervención de los gametos. Este evento morfogenético ha sido descrito en diferentes especies vegetales, pero su respuesta ha sido limitada en diferentes genotipos de especies leguminosas como la soya. El trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto del estado de desarrollo de los cotiledones en la respuesta embriogénica en soya cultivar Incasoy-27. Se emplearon cotiledones inmaduros desde2,0 hasta 6,0 mm de longitud, que fueron colocados en medio de cultivo de formación de embriones somáticos que contenía como regulador de crecimiento 40 mg.L-1 de 2,4-D durante 28 días.Se determinó el número de cotiledones con respuesta embriogénica y el número de embriones somáticos formados por cotiledón. Igualmente se realizaron cortes histológicosen cotiledones de 3,0 y 6,0 mm de longitud, cultivados durante seis días en presencia de 2,4-D.Como resultado se logró la formación de embriones somáticos a partir de cotiledones inmaduros con diferencias significativas entre las diferentes longitudes evaluadas. Los cotiledones con 4,0 mm de longitud tuvieron la mayor proliferación de células embriogénicas (92,0 %) y la formación de alrededor de ocho embriones somáticos. Los análisis histológicos demostraron que el estado de desarrollo de los cotiledones y su composición celular, influyó en la respuesta embriogénicafundamentalmente en el lado adaxial de los cotiledones

    Estrategia didáctica para favorecer el desarrollo de la competencia organizar e interpretar el conocimiento matemático en los estudiantes de la carrera Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Camagüey

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    La estrategia didáctica es uno de los resultados de la investigación que realiza el grupo de matemática educativa de la Universidad de Camagüey. Tiene como objetivo diseñar una estrategia didáctica para favorecer la formación y el desarrollo de la competencia organizar e interpretar el conocimiento matemático en los estudiantes de la carrera Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Camagüey. La misma centra sus resultados científicos fundamentales en un modelo teórico para la formación y desarrollo de la competencia organizar e interpretar el conocimiento matemático. En esta estrategia didáctica para favorecer la formación y el desarrollo de la competencia organizar e interpretar el conocimiento matemático en los estudiantes de la carrera Ingeniería Informática presenta un set de instrumentos e indicadores para evaluar la formación y el desarrollo de la competencia organizar e interpretar el conocimiento matemático. En el desarrollo de la investigación se utilizaron diferentes métodos, y la implementación se realizó en dos grupos de esta facultad con resultados satisfactorios. Con esta investigación se contribuye al Perfeccionamiento de la Educación Superior

    Synthesis, structural study and antitumor activity of novel alditol-based imidazophenanthrolines (aldo-IPs)

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    A series of 1H-imidazo [4,5-f][1,10] phenanthroline derivatives functionalized at 2-position with chiral, and conformationally flexible polyhydroxy alkyl chains derived from carbohydrates (alditol-based imidazophenanthrolines, aldo-IPs) is presented herein. These novel glycomimetics showed relevant and differential cytotoxic activity against several cultured tumor cell lines (PC3, HeLa and HT-29), dependent on the nature and stereochemistry of the polyhydroxy alkyl chain. The mannose-based aldo-IP demonstrated the higher cytotoxicity in the series, substantially better than cisplatin metallo-drug in all cell lines tested, and better than G-quadruplex ligand 360A in HeLa and HT29 cells. Cell cycle experiments and Annexin V-PI assays revealed that aldo-IPs induce apoptosis in HeLa cells. Initial study of DNA interactions by DNA FRET melting assays proved that the aldo-IPs produce only a slight thermal stabilization of DNA secondary structures, more pronounced in the case of quadruplex DNA. Viscosity titrations with CT dsDNA suggest that the compounds behave as DNA groove binders, whereas equilibrium dialysis assays showed that the compounds bind CT with Ka values in the range 104–105 M−1. The aldo-IP derivatives were obtained with synthetically useful yields through a feasible one-pot multistep process, by aerobic oxidative cyclization of 1,10‐phenanthroline‐5,6‐diamine with a selection of unprotected aldoses using (NH4)2SO4 as promoter.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónMinisterio de Economía, Comercio y EmpresaUniversidad de AlcaláComunidad de Madri

    Do Stakeholders Modulate Philanthropic Strategy? Corporate Philanthropy as Stakeholders’ Engagement

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    Corporate philanthropy, as an expression of commitment to the common good, can contribute to the creation of social value in companies. This corporate philanthropy can be managed in various ways. The choice of how to channel corporate philanthropy could be, in accordance with stakeholder theory, the result of companies’ interactions with key stakeholders and, in accordance with the theory of signaling, a signal that companies use to respond to their demands. This approach contributes to the literature on bottom-up initiatives (stakeholder–managers) as opposed to top-down strategies (board–stakeholders) in relation to corporate social responsibility, which is becoming increasingly important in a society where networks of communication, cooperation and interaction are established. To this end, a study was conducted on 221 European companies indexed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices in the year 2018. The findings have several practical implications: The management of corporate philanthropy should take into account the stakeholders’ requirements, and stakeholders show greater affinity and trust with the company when philanthropy is channeled through foundations. By contrast, donations are not associated with stakeholder attitudes. As a theoretical implication, this paper supports the theories of stakeholders and signaling by explaining the role of philanthropy in the relationship with stakeholders.RD PROJECTSEuropean Union (EU) B1-SEJ-387-UGR1

    Does the Use of Social Media Tools in Classrooms Increase Student Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility?

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    This research was funded by R&D Projects. European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Andalusia 2014–2020 Operational Program, grant number B1-SEJ-387-UGR18.There is an increasing demand for ethical and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices by companies. This competence has to be introduced in students’ training in business degree programs, and a check must then be done to determine if the students have come to appreciate the importance of CSR commitments. Using the framework of Stakeholders Theory, this work aims to examine students’ perceptions of ethical and CSR practices and commitment to different stakeholders, as well as the factors that lead students to act in a socially responsible way. Furthermore, we hope to identify how the perception of CSR can be improved when Web 2.0 and social media tools that have proven effective in transmitting emotions and values are used in classrooms to teach these ideas. To this end, a survey was carried out in the year 2019 with 1,030 first-year students; it was administered at the beginning of the semester and also at the end of the semester after the training activities had been carried out. The main finding of the research is that students start with the belief that ethics and CSR are developed for reasons of image and legitimacy; however, after receiving training on these topics through tools that take into account emotions and values, they start to value the importance of the company as an agent of social change. The main practical and managerial implication is that methods based on Web 2.0 and social media tools are useful to teach ethics and CSR; the theoretical contribution is that students take into account the welfare of others. This finding contributes to Stakeholder Theory in a higher education context.RD ProjectsEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Andalusia 2014-2020 Operational Program B1-SEJ-387-UGR1

    Increasing the commitment of students toward corporate social responsibility through higher education instruction

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    This research was funded by R&D Projects. European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Andalusia 2014–2020 Operational Program, grant number B1-SEJ-387-UGR18.The corporate social responsibility strategies that companies will incorporate depend on the commitments and decisions that future generations will make. Under the Principles for Responsible Management Education framework, universities must foster skills that will influence the ethical behaviours and decisions of their students so that they can respond to the new needs of business. In the business world, ethical commitment is articulated through corporate social responsibility (CSR); therefore, it is of interest to know the extent to which a university’s ethical instruction is received by students and the factors that influence it, as well as the extent to which they are associated with their orientation toward CSR. This study analyses the impact of university instruction in business ethics on students’ economic and social visions and the effect they have on their orientation toward CSR. Based on the answers to a questionnaire from a sample of 151 students, the relationship between ethical instruction and CSR orientation and the factors that reinforce this relationship are analysed using structural equations. The results show that the instruction given, family education (values) and social vision are positively associated with the students’ orientation toward CSR, while economic vision, which is traditionally transmitted through the subjects of the degree, is negatively associated.European Regional Development Fund B1-SEJ-387-UGR1

    Identification of 34 novel mutations in propionic acidemia: Functional characterization of missense variants and phenotype associations

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    Propionic acidemia (PA) is caused by mutations in the PCCA and PCCB genes, encoding α and β subunits, respectively, of the mitochondrial enzyme propionyl-CoA carboxylase (PCC). Up to date, >200 pathogenic mutations have been identified, mostly missense defects. Genetic analysis in PA patients referred to the laboratory for the past 15 years identified 20 novel variants in the PCCA gene and 14 in the PCCB gene. 21 missense variants were predicted as probably disease-causing by different bioinformatics algorithms. Structural analysis in the available 3D model of the PCC enzyme indicated potential instability for most of them. Functional analysis in a eukaryotic system confirmed the pathogenic effect for the missense variants and for one amino acid deletion, as they all exhibited reduced or null PCC activity and protein levels compared to wild-type constructs. PCCB variants p.E168del, p.Q58P and p.I460T resulted in medium-high protein levels and no activity. Variants p.R230C and p.C712S in PCCA, and p.G188A, p.R272W and p.H534R in PCCB retained both partial PCC activity and medium-high protein levels. Available patients-derived fibroblasts carriers of some of these mutations were grown at 28 °C or 37 °C and a slight increase in PCC activity or protein could be detected in some cases at the folding-permissive conditions. Examination of available clinical data showed correlation of the results of the functional analysis with disease severity for most mutations, with some notable exceptions, confirming the notion that the final phenotypic outcome in PA is not easily predictedWe thank the following physicians/clinicians for sending samples for genetic analysis: Dr. Wilson (Auckland, New Zealand), Dr. Parini (Rome, Italy), Dr. Vilaseca (Barcelona, Spain), Dr. Gockay (Istanbul, Turkey), Dr. Al Sannaa (Saudi Arabia), Dr. Pedrón (Madrid, Spain), Dr. Savvapoulou (Tesalonica, Greece), Dr. Martínez-Pardo (Madrid, Spain), Dr. Lama (Madrid, Spain), Dr. Lemes (Montevideo, Uruguay), Dr. Van Calcar (Madison, USA), Dr. Pintos (Badalona, Spain), Dr. Laszlo (Szeged, Hungary), Dr. Kuijtmans (Nijmegen, The Netherlands), Dr. Schatz (München, Germany), Dr. EL Khateeb (Jordan), Dr. de las Heras (Baracaldo, Spain), Dr. Miñana (Buenos Aires, Argentina). The technical assistance of A. Sánchez is gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and European Regional Development Fund (grant number SAF2016-76004-R). Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa receives an institutional grant from Fundación Ramón Arece

    Liderazgo & clima organizacional de un hospital pediátrico cubano. Visión de enfermeras jefas y asistenciales

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    Objective: Describe experiences of nurses heads and clinical nurses on the causes that may affect the organizational climate of pediatric services in a Cuban hospital. Method: Qualitative and exploratory study done in the months of April - December, 2018 with 14 heads nurses and 11 healthcare nurses, belonging to the Pediatric University Hospital "Paquito Gonzales Cueto", Province of Cienfuegos, Cuba. The data were collected with the focus group technique; the narratives were processed through content analysis based on the theoretical framework of organizational climate with the central category of leadership. The research was evaluated by the Ethical-Scientific Committee of the reference hospital. Results: Four subcategories of content analysis emerged based on the theoretical framework. The most important was “ideology of a manager “followed by "continuous improvement" "listening for relational harmony" and "sense of belonging". Conclusions: the main causes as affecting organizational climate are related to the characteristics of the leader and the possibilities of overcoming them and the rest of the staff.describir experiencias vividas de enfermeras jefas y enfermeras asistenciales sobre las causas que pueden afectar el clima organizacional de los servicios pediátricos en un hospital cubano. Método: estudio cualitativo de tipo exploratorio realizado en los meses de abril-diciembre, año 2018 con 14 enfermeras jefas y 11 enfermeras asistenciales, pertenecientes al Hospital Pediátrico Universitario “Paquito González Cueto”, Provincia de Cienfuegos, Cuba. Los datos se recogieron con la técnica de grupo focal, las narrativas fueron procesadas mediante análisis de contenido en base al referencial teórico de clima organizacional con la categoría central de liderazgo. La investigación fue evaluada por Comité Ético-Científico de hospital de referencia. Resultados: emergieron cuatro subcategorías del análisis de contenido con base en el referencial teórico. La de mayor peso fue “ideario de un directivo” seguida de “mejoramiento continuo” “escucha para la armonía relacional” y “sentido de pertenecía”. Conclusiones: las principales causas que afectan el clima organizacional se relacionan con las características del líder y las posibilidades de superación de ellos y del resto del personal