4 research outputs found

    Specific diversity, structure and carbon stock of urban plant formations in southern Benin

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    The sustainable management of urban green spaces requires the monitoring of the structural parameters of theirs trees. This study, which was carried out in the cities of Abomey-Calavi, Allada and Cotonou in southern Benin, aimed to describe the dendrometric parameters and the rate of carbon stored by urban trees. The inventory of trees planted in two types of urban forests (greened public spaces and shade rows) was performed using the roving survey method at the level of each city. Then, presence and absence data of all trees, as well as diameter at breast height (DBH) >= 10 cm and height >= 2 m were measured. These data were analyzed using R 4.0.5 software. The calculated dendrometric parameters were subjected to variance tests to assess their significance. The different counts allowed us to identify 5128 individual trees. The density per hectare varied from 36.7 to 83.1 between cities and from 40.5 to 80.4 between types of green spaces. Basal area varied from 2.25 to 11.4 m²/ha within cities. In all three cities in the study, trees had an aggregative spatial distribution, but with low numbers of individuals per site. All of the trees studied have a carbon sequestration rate of 689 t/ha. It is therefore necessary to take precautions for the strengthening and preservation of urban trees and their diversity for a more sustainable urban ecological balance. Keywords: Benin, Biomass, Carbon storage, Tree structure, Urban forest

    Approvisionnement Et Commercialisation De Deux Espèces De Francolin Utilisées Comme Oiseaux Gibiers Au Bénin

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    The two species of francolin used as game birds in Benin are Francolinus albogularis Hartlaub and Francolinus bicalcaratus Linnaeus belong to the family Phasianidae. This study aims to evaluate the importance of the commercialization of these game birds at the level of the different actors involved in the value chain. Data collection is based on structured and semistructured surveys conducted at the outlets of species along inter-state roads, in restaurants and hotels, public dining places and bushmeat markets as well than consumers. In total, 495 people were surveyed. The data collected is essentially the actors of the marketing chain, the evolution of the price variation of an individual of francolin, the different transaction circuits, the places of supply. The Minitab 16 software, with the descriptive statistical function, was used to assess the evolution of the price of a francolin individual over the last thirty years among the actors of the marketing circuit. Calculated meat supply frequencies and Kruskal-Wallis tests were performed. The results from the analysis of the data show that three main actors intervene in the distribution of the product, a varaiation of frequency of supply of the meat, the price of sale of an individual of francolin rose from 50 FCFA there is thirty years to 1600 FCFA this day at the level of hunters. For women processors, this price went from 200 FCFA twenty years ago to 1500 FCFA that day; while he spent for the same period from 300 FCFA to 3500 FCFA among the tenants of restaurants and hotels. This shows a consequent increase in prices. The Kruskal-Wallis test revealed a significant difference between the average selling prices of an individual francolin by hunters from thirty years ago, twenty years, ten years, five years ago and then today. It follows from all the above that urgent measures are being taken to adopt a domestication model for the multiplication of individuals and the valorization of francolins' meat

    Caractérisations phytoécologique et structurale des groupements végétaux abritant Chrysophyllum albidum (G. Don) sur le plateau d’Allada au Sud-Benin

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    Le présent travail a été réalisé pour fournir des données de base pour une meilleure conservation de l’espèce Chrysophyllum albidum G. Don sur le plateau d’Allada au Sud-Bénin. Il vise à identifier les différents groupements végétaux au sein desquels évoluent l’espèce, à connaître leur diversité floristique et la structure diamétrique de leurs peuplements ligneux. Les inventaires forestiers ont été réalisés à l’intérieur de 104 placeaux de 50m X 50m installé dans des formations végétales homogènes. Ces inventaires ont permis de discriminer cinq groupements végétaux avec 67 espèces réparties en 7 familles. Les Rubiaceae (50 %), Sterculiaceae (49,2 %) Bignoniaceae (45 %) étaient les familles dominantes. L’indice de Shannon des groupements végétaux varie de 1,31 et 2,99 bits. Les coefficients de Skewness des classes de diamètres pour les différents groupements végétaux ont donné des valeurs supérieures à 1. Le vieillissement, l’urbanisation et le caractère sacré de l’espèce sont les principaux facteurs qui accentuent sa disparition sur le plateau d’Allada.Mots-clés : relevé floristique, structure diamétrique, Pomme Etoile Blanche, plateau d’Allada, Benin.Phytoecological and structural characterization of plant communities sheltering Chrysophyllum albidum (G. Don) in plateau of Allada in south-BeninThe present work was carried out in order to provide basic data to support a better conservation of the plant species Chrysophyllum albidum G Don on the plateau of Allada in the south Benin. It aims at identifying the different plant communities which shelter the species, to assess their floristic diversity and the diametric structure of these communities. Tree inventories were carried out inside 104 plots of 50m X 50m installed inside homogeneous vegetation. These inventories enabled to discriminate five plant communities with 67 plant species belonging to 7 plant families. Rubiaceae (50 %), Sterculiaceae (49.2 %) Bignoniaceae (45 %) were the dominant plant families. Shannon index of the plant communities varies from 1.31 to 2.99 bits. The coefficient of Skewness of the size class distribution for the different plant communities were higher than 1. Ageing, urbanization and the sacred character of the species are the main factors which accentuate its regression on the plateau of Allada.Keywords : floristic account, diametric structure, White star apple, plateau of Allada, Benin

    Ethnozoological uses of common hippopotamus (<em>Hippopotamus amphibius</em>) in Benin Republic (Western Africa)

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    85-90Hippopotamus amphibius is the 3rd largest and heaviest terrestrial mammal after elephants (Loxodonta africana) and white rhinos (Ceratotherium simum) in Africa. This investigation conducted in the Benin Republic aims to assess the local inhabitants' traditional knowledge associated with hippo in different use categories (medicinal, cultural and spiritual). Data were gathered using ethnozoological questionnaires. One hundred and fifty informants from 13 ethnic groups in Benin were randomly selected and interviewed. Chi square test was used to analyze the answers given regarding the uses categories of hippo. Principal Correspondence Analysis was used to describe traditional beliefs associated with hippo according to the ethnic groups. Results revealed seven use categories for hippo. A significant difference was observed between age groups (² = 27.537; p = 0.027; dF = 2) regarding use categories. But no significant differences were found between ethnic groups (² = 16.437; p = 0.057; dF = 12) for the use categories. The Principal Component Analysis revealed differences in traditional beliefs associated with hippo. For example, the male adult Yoruba and Adja regard hippo as cruel and diabolic animal. The Fon and old men from Idatcha, Aïzo, Mahi, Goun, Holly and Cotafon ethnic groups have considered hippo as saviour, protector and fetish