168 research outputs found
The purpose of this study was to analyze the muscle force production during eccentric/concentric shoulder internal and external rotation with 90° of abduction. Six male subjects performed five repetitions of maximal concentric and eccentric contractions rotation without interval, with a mean angular speed of 60°/sec. A biomechanical model was implemented to estimate muscle force and moment. Infraspinatus, supraspinatus and teres minor presented the larger peak moment values during external rotation
(concentric and eccentric). Subscapularis, pectoralis major and teres minor presented the larger peak moment values during internal rotation (concentric and eccentric). The
eccentric contraction allowed larger peak muscle forces and moments and the correspondent angles were altered, if compared to concentric conditions. The results presented are useful as guidelines for shoulder rehabilitation programs
Risk factors for back pain among southern brazilian school children: a 6-year prospective cohort study
Risk factors associated with back pain vary in different countries. Given the lack of studies in Latin America, our study aimed to assess back pain and its associated factors for six years in Southern Brazilian school children. All children attending the fifth grade of Teutônia, Brazil, were invited to participate in the study. Only schoolchildren who did not report back pain were included in the first assessment. The schoolchildren completed the Back Pain and Body Posture Evaluation Instrument (BackPEI) during three assessments (2011, 2014, and 2017). BackPEI assesses the presence of back pain and possible associated risk factors (postural, behavioral, and sociodemographic). Generalized estimated equations (GEE) were used to perform a Poisson regression model with robust variance for longitudinal analysis. After six years of follow-up, 75 schoolchildren completed all the assessments. The risk factors associated with back pain were spending more than six hours daily watching television, lifting objects from the ground adopting an inadequate posture, using another backpack type different from those with two straps, and carrying a backpack in an asymmetric way. These results are important in guiding the planning of public policies to minimize this public health problem
to investigate the prevalence of back pain during a prior three-month period; to identify postural and behavioral habits; to assess whether a relationship exists between back pain and the postural and behavioral habits of elementary school students in the municipal school network in the city of Teutônia, Rio Grande do Sul (RS). METHODS: this was an epidemiological population study in which 833 5th to 8th grade students from schools in the municipal school network in Teutônia participated. The students completed a Back Pain and Body Posture Evaluation Instrument (BackPEI) questionnaire that assessed back pain and postural and behavioral habits. The analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, calculating prevalence ratios (PR) and confidence intervals at the 95% level. The dependent variable was back pain, and the independent variables were postural and behavioral habits. The PR was calculated using a multivariate analysis with robust variance (α = 0.05). RESULTS: the prevalence of back pain in the previous three months was 54.1%. The majority of students reported feeling pain once per month, and 17.4% of the students reported that pain impaired their performance of daily activities. The multivariate analysis showed a correlation between back pain and time spent per day watching television (p = 0.046), sleeping posture (p = 0.048) and sitting Down to write (p = 0.032). CONCLUSIONS: these results demonstrate a high prevalence of back pain in schoolchildren, suggesting an urgent need to develop educational and preventative programs in schools
Influência da mudança na constante elástica da mola na atividade eletromiográfica de músculos do powerhouse e do ombro durante o exercício de long stretch
This study aimed to verify the effect ofthe spring constant change on the electromyographicactivity of the powerhouse and shoulder muscles duringthe long stretch exercise. In total, 15 Pilates practitionersperformed the Long Stretch exercise on the reformerwith three different spring constants: (1) k=0.19kg/cmwith 1 red spring; (2) k=0.27kg/cm with 1 red springand 1 yellow; and (3) k=0.38kg/cm with 2 red springs.The Electromyographic activity of Rectus Abdominis(RA), External Oblique (EO), Internal Oblique/Transversusabdominis (OI/TS), Multifidus (MU), Iliocostalis (IC),Longissimus (LG), Lower Trapezius (LT), and AnteriorDeltoid (AD) were evaluated. We observed that as thespring constant increases, the RA, OE, OI/TS musclesdecrease their EMG activity, while the AD, LT, and LGincrease their EMG activity. The MU and IC muscles werenot influenced in their EMG activities. Therefore, weobserved an influence of the change of the spring constanton the electromyographic activity of the RA, OE, OI/LG,AD, and LT muscles. However, we found no influence ofthe spring constant on the EMG activities of the MU andIC muscles during the long stretchEl objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto delcambio de la constante de la muelle en la actividad electromiográfica(EMG) de los músculos del powerhouse y del hombro duranteel ejercicio de long stretch. En el estudio participaron quincepracticantes de pilates que realizaron el ejercicio long stretch en elreformer con tres constantes elásticas: (1) k=0,19kg/cm, representadopor 1 muelle roja; (2) k=0,27kg/cm, representado por 1 muelle rojay 1 muelle amarilla; y (3) k=0,38kg/cm, representado por 2 muellesrojas. Se evaluaron las actividades EMG de los músculos rectoabdominal (RA), oblicuo externo (OE), oblicuo interno/transverso(OI/TS), multífidos (MU), iliocostal (IC), longuissimus (LG), deltoidesanterior (DA) y trapecio inferior (TI). Se pudo observar que a medidaque aumenta la constante elástica de la muelle, los músculos RA,OE, OI/TS disminuyen su actividad EMG, mientras que los músculosDA, TI y LG aumentan su actividad EMG. Los músculos MU e IC nofueron influenciados en sus actividades EMG. Se puede concluirque hubo influencia del cambio en la constante elástica de la muellesobre la actividad EMG de los músculos RA, OE, OI/TS, LG, DA y TIdurante el long stretch, pero no hubo influencia en las actividadesEMG de los músculos MU e ICO objetivo deste estudo é verificar oefeito da mudança da constante elástica na atividadeeletromiográfica (EMG) dos músculos do powerhouse edo ombro durante o exercício de long stretch. Participaramda pesquisa 15 praticantes de Pilates que executaram oexercício de long stretch no reformer com três constanteselásticas: (1) k=0,19kg/cm, representado por uma molavermelha; (2) k=0,27kg/cm, representado por umamola vermelha e uma mola amarela; e (3) k=0,38kg/cm,representado por duas molas vermelhas. Foram avaliadasas atividades EMGs dos músculos reto abdominal (RA),oblíquo externo (OE), oblíquo interno/transverso (OI/TS),multífidos (MU), iliocostal (IC), longuíssimo (LG), deltoideanterior (DA) e trapézio inferior (TI). Pode-se observarque, conforme a constante elástica aumenta, os músculosRA, OE, OI/TS diminuem suas atividades EMG, enquantoos músculos DA, TI e LG as aumentam. Os músculos MU eIC não foram tiveram suas atividades EMG influenciadas.Portanto, conclui-se que houve influência da mudança daconstante elástica sobre as atividades EMG dos músculosRA, OE, OI/TS, LG, DA e TI durante o long stretch, mas nãonas atividades EMG dos músculos MU e IC
Back pain and its risk factors in Brazilian adolescents : a longitudinal study
Owing to the lack of longitudinal studies in Latin American countries, we aimed to evaluate back pain and its risk factors in a 3-year longitudinal study of Brazilian adolescents. We analysed data of 525 adolescents (aged 11–16 years) attending primary school (fifth to eighth grade) in Brazil. The students were administered the self-reported Back Pain and Body Posture Evaluation Instrument (BackPEI) questionnaire in 2011 and at a follow-up evaluation that was conducted 3 years later (2014). Back pain was the outcome variable; the exposure variables included exercise, behavioural, hereditary and postural factors. Generalized estimating equations were used to perform a Poisson regression model with robust variance to evaluate the risk factors for back pain. The prevalence of back pain at baseline was 56% (n = 294); this increased significantly at the 3-year follow-up evaluation to 65.9% (n = 346). The frequency of experiencing back pain also significantly increased after 3 years in both boys (p = 0.002) and girls (p = 0.001). The prevalence of back pain increased significantly in adolescents up to the age of 13 years, stabilized in those aged 14 years and older and was higher among girls. A family history of back pain (in the parents), watching television for lengthy periods and carrying a backpack asymmetrically were predictors for back pain
Análise por dinâmica inversa, um complemento da avaliação fisioterapêutica do ombro
O objetivo do estudo é caracterizar as forças em atuação na articulação do ombro durante o movimento de elevação do membro superior no plano escapular por meio do método de dinâmica inversa, aqui sugerido como um meio complementar da avaliação fisioterapêutica. Esse método permite determinar os picos de momento proximal resultante (MPR) e da força proximal resultante (FPR) do ombro durante o movimento, possibilitando assim a avaliação objetiva das cargas impostas à articulação. Participaram do estudo 21 indivíduos do sexo masculino, cuja movimentação do ombro foi analisada por videogrametria em três diferentes situações de carga: sem carga, com peso livre e com resistência elástica. Um modelo matemático tridimensional foi utilizado para o cálculo do MPR e da FPR, permitindo caracterizar a evolução dessas variáveis ao longo da elevação do membro superior nas três situações de carga nos eixos póstero-anterior, caudal-cranial e médio-lateral, determinando seus respectivos picos. O método da dinâmica inversa revelou-se capaz de fornecer informações objetivas sobre as cargas impostas à articulação do ombro nas diversas amplitudes e situações de carga do movimento estudado, podendo tais informações servir como uma base concreta no planejamento de um programa de reabilitação do ombro.The purpose of this study was to describe forces acting on the shoulder joint during upper limb elevation at the scapular plane by means of the inverse dynamics method, here suggested as a complementary means of physiotherapeutic assessment of the shoulder. The method allows for determining proximal net moment (PNM) and proximal net force (PNF) peaks during movements, hence providing an objective assessment of loads on the joint. Twenty-one male subjects were studied, their shoulder movements being analysed by videogrammetry in three load situations: with and without load, and with elastic resistance. A three-dimensional mathematic model was used to calculate PNM and PNF peak values, as well as to describe their evolution during movement along the anterior-posterior, superior-inferior, and lateral-medial axes. The inverse dynamics method was thus shown to provide objective information on the loads which shoulder joint is submitted to at the diverse ranges of motion and load situations during arm elevation; such information may be taken as a factual basis for planning shoulder rehabilitation programs
Individuals with chronic neck pain have lower neck strength than healthy controls : a systematic review with meta-analysis
The aim is to verify whether there is difference in neck strength between healthy individuals and individuals with chronic neck pain. Methods The PubMed, Embase, and Scopus databases were searched. Two independent reviewers selected relevant full articles comparing neck strength between healthy individuals and individuals with chronic neck pain. Two independent reviewers extracted the data from the full articles selected. A meta-analysis was used to assess standardized mean differences in neck strength based on a random-effects model (Prospero number CRD42017081502). Results The search returned 3554 results; 15 articles were included. The chronic neck pain group showed lower neck strength compared with healthy individuals. The standardized mean difference was -0.90 (95% confidence interval [CI] = -1.13 to -0.67) for flexion, -0.79 (95% CI = -0.99 to -0.60) for extension, -0.74 (95% CI = -1.03 to -0.45) for right lateral flexion, and -0.75 (95% CI = -1.04 to -0.46) for left lateral flexion. Conclusion Based on this meta-analysis with a 3a level of evidence, individuals with chronic neck pain have lower neck strength for flexion, extension, and the lateral flexion of the neck than healthy controls
Proposta de uma metodologia para análise cinemática da corrida na prova de 50 metros em ambiente escolar
Objetivo: propor uma metodologia para a análise cinemática da corrida de 50m de escolares. Método: para a avaliação cinemática, 28 escolares correram sobre um papel colado no solo, sendo demarcados os contatos dos pés com o solo, e realizadas filmagens do plano sagital. Foram mensurados o tempo total do percurso e a cada 5 metros, a frequência de passos e a velocidade. Resultados: os meninos foram mais rápidos que as meninas (9,08±0,88 e 9,52±0,74s, respectivamente) e apresentaram maior frequência de passos (226,52±19,83 e 211,40±12,86 passos/minuto, respectivamente). Considerações finais: a metodologia proposta permite que o professor possa avaliar os escolares, assim como prescrever o treinamento com base científica, dentro das especificidades de cada gênero e faixa etária
Ângulo da cifose torácica em diferentes posições simulando o velejo no kitesurfing
No kitesurfing, o indivíduo utiliza a energia do vento para deslizar com uma prancha na água com um kite, que é preso ao praticante com o auxílio de um dispositivo denominado trapézio. Para realizar diversos movimentos, o velejador alterara a posição do seu corpo, modificando a posição da sua coluna vertebral. Contudo, pouco se sabe sobre a postura adotada no kitesurfing, a qual pode contribuir para a ocorrência de dor nas costas. Assim, o objetivo principal foi comparar os ângulos da cifose torácica na posição ortostática com as diferentes inclinações para trás do tronco (30, 50 e 70% do peso corporal) usando o trapézio cadeirinha, simulando a condição de velejo. O objetivo secundário foi verificar as lesões sofridas e a presença de dor nas costas em decorrência da prática esportiva. A amostra foi composta por 11 praticantes de kitesurfing. Os ângulos da cifose torácica foram verificados na posição ortostática e com inclinações do tronco para trás de 30, 50 e 70% do peso corporal com auxílio de duas câmeras de vídeo, simulando condições de velejo; lesões e dor nas costas foram verificadas por meio de uma anamnese. O ângulo da cifose torácica foi maior nas posições com inclinações do que na posição ortostática, predominando uma postura com hipercifose nas inclinações. A entorse foi a lesão mais frequente, sendo que o membro inferior foi o local mais acometido. Ainda, alguns participantes relataram dor nas costas durante e/ou logo após a prática esportiva. Assim, o aumento da cifose torácica nas simulações de velejo e a ocorrência de dor nas costas durante e/ou logo após a prática esportiva indicam a necessidade de um trabalho físico e/ou postural complementar
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