25 research outputs found

    Los cartoons editoriales tras el 11-S

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    The dreadful 11-S terrorist attack was deeply endured by people of United States. Tragedy was experienced trough the sharp and powerful images live TV was issuing. People who saw that awful portrayal of reality, numbed in front of their TV sets, became terrified guess of the largest terrorist attack their country had ever suffered. As usual in this kind of situations, links with reality were cut and the whole nation needed to overcome the mourning phase to achieve the total restoration of normal life. Unfortunately, even if media coverage of the drama allowed people to accomplish the healing phase of taking conscience and responsibility about the facts, fear established its realm over United States population, so blocking the final triumph over drama through the restoration of safety feeling. Since humour appears only in an environment of safety, editorial cartoons could not show humour but melancholy. This work tries to explain how melancholy, which is intimately related with nationalism, came to be the way through which healing was pursued and how editorial cartoons manifested it

    Traumatic renewal of values and value criteria in crisis management

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    This work tries to be an empirical sample in the study of learning in public policies, that is, how learning is linked to policy change. Particularly, we have studied political-administrative elites’ learning process on crisis provoked by oil spill off the coast of Spain. After expounded our premises about policy learning and the working hypothesis that have guided our work, we explain the methodology we have employed: the Nominal Group Technique, its advantages in this kind of research and how we used it. Finally, we display the reflection generated from the empirical work to better understand policy learning process. In this sense, political factors have been revealed as absolutely essential in order to explain what political-administrative elites learn and whatever they decide to implement. Aspects that make crises different from each other (these being technical aspects) show up as less important than political ones. Political aspects make crisis similar, because of political reasons behind the decision, communication, and attention strategies. Two concepts have appeared as the connection of crisis and elites’ learning: sensitization and political profitability. The former means the process of becoming fully aware of the problem, being concerned about it, and predisposed towards a faster and more coherent action. At the same time, it is difficult to imagine a government undertaking polices that involve political costs, or anything proved to be unprofitable. This is especially true of learning and implementation of whatever has been learnt from crisis that happened in distant points of time


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    Desde el último tercio del siglo pasado, el riesgo ocupa el proscenio de las sociedades modernas. Hay quien ha querido ver, incluso, en el control de este fenómeno la justificación misma de la existencia del Estado. Parece que nuestras sociedades se enfrentan hoy a riesgos cuyas consecuencias no son menos que catastróficas, por lo que el análisis de riesgos y el diseño e implantación de políticas destinadas a evitarlo, reducirlo y mitigar sus efectos se han convertido en tareas centrales de la actividad de gobierno. Lamentablemente, y a pesar del tiempo transcurrido y de la evidente amenaza de los riesgos modernos, no hay un acuerdo ni claridad en cuanto a lo que con el término se quiere designar. Muy variadas han sido las definiciones que del riesgo se han dado; como fenómeno objetivo de la realidad, como aprehensión subjetiva o como construcción social. Sobre lo que sí parece existir un acuerdo es sobre la necesidad de que el riesgo sea convenientemente gestionado y regulado. Ahora bien, tanto si se parte de entender el riesgo como fenómeno objetivo o como fenómeno subjetivo, aceptar que puede ser analizado y gestionado exige superar esa dicotomía y admitir su naturaleza paradójica. Este artículo pone de relieve lo paradójico del riesgo, buscando una definición tentativa del mismo que tenga presente esa conspicua característica para, a partir de ahí, señalar que la regulación de los riegos no puede basarse en otro principio que no sea el del consentimiento.   Palabras clave: Riesgo, gestión del riesgo, políticas públicas, buen gobierno. Abstract: Since the last third of the past century, risk has become a prominent feature of modern societies. Some authors even point to its control as the last foundation of the State. It seems that our societies must cope with dreadful risk's consequences. Therefore, risk assessment and the design and implementation of public policies that aim to eliminate or reduce risks are one of the main tasks of any government. Unfortunately, after all this time and in spite of the notorious threat of modern risks, there is no much consensus about what we want to mean when using the word risk. There are many different definitions of the term: some say it is an objective property of the world, some say it is a subjective feeling, some say it is a social construction. Notwithstanding, almost everyone agrees with the necessity of public risk management and regulation. Even if we see risk as an objective phenomenon or as a subjective one, we have to overcome that dichotomy and endorse its paradoxical nature in order to accept its public regulation. This article seeks to underline the paradoxical side of risk and attempts to provide a new definition rooted in that conspicuous characteristic. The logical conclusion from that new definition is that public risk regulation can only be based on consent. Keywords : Risk, risk management, public policy, good government

    Buscando el riesgo aceptable: sobre los métodos de análisis de riesgos empleados en la elaboración de políticas públicas

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    Risk management becomes a difficult and inevitable task for the political decision makers today. In contemporary society new risks emerge, and they are essentially different from the risks men confronted in the past. New threats are generated by progress itself, and people demand security in an era where zero risk is unattainable. Disasters provoked by a mistaken calculus of risk have a new scale: they loose their human dimension, acquiring a new global scale. How to produce a feeling of confidence in this new society? Where can the decision maker find any help for retrieve the lost trust? The idea of acceptable risk seems a plausible solution. But there are different methods to find acceptable risks. What are the best? With a new scheme of analysis, this article shows how the different methods manage the problem of acceptable risk. We will see that none can satisfy all the equations presents in the search for an answer. Even if we accept, for the sake of the argument, that they are valid ways to attain acceptable risks, we have to recognize that any of them deals with a new and fundamental equation: communication. Only through communication can political decision makers restore trust in the «risk society». Communication will enhance confidence, but only if combine certain properties: communication has to interrupt, to repeat, and to be automatic. Political decision maker needs to deal with new risks through communication, through a public marketing: the marketing of confidence.En la abundante literatura especializada sobre análisis de riesgos se encuentran cientos de obras, de carácter teórico, sobre el cálculo de probabilidades, el manejo de la incertidumbre con respecto a los datos de que se dispone, la incorporación de ésta a los procedimientos de toma de decisiones… Pero muy pocos autores se ocupan de las razones fundamentales que determinan, dan origen, o confieren valor, a los distintos métodos para el análisis de riesgos las bases que han de fundamentar la opción adoptada a favor de uno u otro de esos métodos, las ideasrectoras que han de guiar el proceso de análisis, de medición y clasificación de los distintos riesgos, siguiendo principios que se han expuesto con profusión en la literatura sobre el asunto, pero en los que sólo en contadas ocasiones se detiene el analista de riesgos a pensar.

    Proyecto de innovación docente: Respuestas emocionales y aprendizaje en los estudiantes de grado

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    Ponencia presentada en la Jornada de Innovación Docente 2019: metodologías activas en el aula, celebrada el 17 de junio de 2019 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    El impacto del aprendizaje universitario colaborativo el rendimiento académico del estudiante: Una wiki para la ciencia política y de la administración

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    El objetivo del proyecto es llevar a la práctica una acción formativa basada en la web 2.0 con la participación de profesores y alumnos pertenecientes a distintos grados, facultades y universidades. En concreto, esta iniciativa pretende continuar con la wiki, www.dcpa.wikidot.com, que comenzó a realizarse en 2015 en virtud de la convocatoria de PIMCD. La wiki contribuye a que los estudiantes, de manera colaborativa, diseñen un proyecto educativo de integración curricular a partir de unos supuestos establecidos previamente por el profesor. Por lo tanto, este tipo de experiencia permite crear una base documental de gran utilidad para otros alumnos que estudian este tipo de asignaturas o para cualquier persona que muestren una inquietud o necesidad de buscar, encontrar o ampliar el conocimiento sobre determinadas cuestiones relacionadas con la ciencia política y la ciencia de la administració

    Metodología de evaluación colaborativa de conocimientos

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    Memorias en formato póster de los proyectos que han obtenido reconocimiento en la 19ª Convocatoria de Apoyo a Experiencias de Innovación Docente. Curso 2021-2022. Presentadas en la Jornada de Innovación docente 2022 celebrada en Getafe el 23 de junio de 2022