2,851 research outputs found

    Towards computable analysis on the generalised real line

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    In this paper we use infinitary Turing machines with tapes of length κ\kappa and which run for time κ\kappa as presented, e.g., by Koepke \& Seyfferth, to generalise the notion of type two computability to 2κ2^{\kappa}, where κ\kappa is an uncountable cardinal with κ<κ=κ\kappa^{<\kappa}=\kappa. Then we start the study of the computational properties of Rκ\mathbb{R}_\kappa, a real closed field extension of R\mathbb{R} of cardinality 2κ2^{\kappa}, defined by the first author using surreal numbers and proposed as the candidate for generalising real analysis. In particular we introduce representations of Rκ\mathbb{R}_\kappa under which the field operations are computable. Finally we show that this framework is suitable for generalising the classical Weihrauch hierarchy. In particular we start the study of the computational strength of the generalised version of the Intermediate Value Theorem

    Ergonomía en la enfermería

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    No cabe duda que los enfermeros son profesionales que están sometidos a una serie de riesgos ergonómicos derivados de su actividad laboral, problema que no sólo les afecta individualmente en el desempeño de sus tareas, sino que tiene una incidencia social notable, ya que su trabajo de asistencia sanitaria repercute directamente en las personas que atiende. Los Enfermeros al aplicar las técnicas para la manipulación, movilización y traslado de pacientes, según la dinámica corporal; ¿las realizan bajo normas ergonómicas? A la hora de hacer una de estas actividades con los pacientes se prioriza la necesidad de la ejecución de la tarea. El presente trabajo de investigación, de tipo descriptivo refleja en la mayoría de los casos, que el personal de enfermería no cuenta con los dispositivos necesarios para adecuar el trabajo a las normas ergonómicas existentes. Es por esto se cree la necesidad de diseñar herramienta, necesarios para disminuir el riesgo de lesiones musculo esqueléticas en el personal de enfermería, como consecuencia de la aplicación de técnicas ya existentes.Fil: Leiva, Rubén. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Lorenzo, Hugo. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Taborda, Fabián G.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.

    The finite sample performance of inference methods for propensity score matching and weighting estimators

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    This paper investigates the finite sample properties of a range of inference methods for propensity score-based matching and weighting estimators frequently applied to evaluate the average treatment effect on the treated. We analyse both asymptotic approximations and bootstrap methods for computing variances and confidence intervals in our simulation design, which is based on large scale labor market data from Germany and varies w.r.t. treatment selectivity, effect heterogeneity, the share of treated, and the sample size. The results suggest that in general, the bootstrap procedures dominate the asymptotic ones in terms of size and power for both matching and weighting estimators. Furthermore, the results are qualitatively quite robust across the various simulation features

    A wild bootstrap algorithm for propensity score matching estimators

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    We introduce a wild bootstrap algorithm for the approximation of the sampling distribution of pair or one-to-many propensity score matching estimators. Unlike the conventional iid bootstrap, the proposed wild bootstrap approach does not construct bootstrap samples by randomly resampling from the observations with uniform weights. Instead, it fixes the covariates and constructs the bootstrap approximation by perturbing the martingale representation for matching estimators. We also conduct a simulation study in which the suggested wild bootstrap performs well even when the sample size is relatively small. Finally, we provide an empirical illustration by analyzing an information intervention in rural development programs

    Conocimiento didáctico de profesores universitarios sobre los trabajos prácticos de química inorgánica

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    El modelo del conocimiento didáctico del contenido (CDC) resulta de utilidad para conocer las ideas y conocimientos que sobre un determinado tópico poseen los profesores. Dada la importancia que se le asigna a la práctica experimental en la enseñanza universitaria, en este trabajo comenzamos a documentar CDC de un grupo de profesores de química inorgánica sobre las clases prácticas de laboratorio. Se implementó una tarea individual de lápiz y papel inspirada en el cuestionario original “Representación del Contenido” a quince docentes con diferentes perfiles. Los textos producidos fueron analizados empleando la teoría fundamentada. Los resultados muestran que los docentes consideraban al trabajo experimental de utilidad para la incorporación de habilidades y destrezas prácticas pero priorizaban contenidos vinculados a la justificación de los fenómenos observados a través de cálculos termodinámicos. Mientras otros aspectos (contextualización, informes de laboratorio) no fueron considerados por ellos.The pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is useful model to know the ideas and knowledge that teachers have about an specific topic. Taking into account the importance given to experimental practice in university education, in this work we began to document PCK of a group of inorganic chemistry teachers about practical laboratory classes. An individual task of pencil and paper was implemented based on the original questionnaire “Content Representation” to fifteen teachers with different profiles. The texts produced were analyzed using grounded theory. The results show that teachers considered useful the experimental work for the incorporation of practical skills but prioritized content linked to the justification of observed phenomena through thermodynamic calculations. Other particular aspects (contextualization, laboratory reports) were not considered by them.Fil: Sánchez, Germán Hugo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Odetti, Hector Santiago. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Lorenzo, Maria Gabriela. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Centro de Investigación y Apoyo a la Educación Científica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Lights and shadows in Physics teaching. Contributions of an action research experience

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    The aim of this paper is to find a teacher's concerns, difficulties and knowledge construction when he begins to be part of the field of science education research. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) model and the Content Representation instrument (CoRe) offer a significant theoretical and methodological framework to carry out this kind of study using action-research perspective. Metacognitive knowledge, critical thinking and reflection were used to describe the process and changes of the teacher. Based on a particular experience carried out for the teaching of spectroscopy in secondary school level Physics lessons, a reflection is raised on the practice itself aimed at transforming the teaching task into an object of action - research for the teacher. The processes involved in the selection of the topic, the basis for the design and implementation of the practical activity and the observations of the teacher are described. The results have shown the influence of the teacher intentions and knowledge on his PCK development by means of searching for the best way to design the class for particular students in a particular context. These are a first step to lighten the shadows on the journey to become a Physics education researcher.Fil: Lescano, Alberto J.. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez, Germán Hugo. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas. Departamento de Química. Cátedra de Química General E Inorganica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; ArgentinaFil: Lorenzo, Maria Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Huella ecológica de la producción frutícola convencional y orgánica en Río Negro y Neuquén

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    Dentro de la fruticultura desarrollada en el Alto Valle de Río Negro y Neuquén existe la tendencia al incremento de la eficiencia de las prácticas convencionales para reducir el uso de insumos costosos, escasos o ambientalmente nocivos. Además, a sustituir prácticas y suministros que intervienen, consumiéndose en los sistemas productivos convencionales, por prácticas alternativas sustentables y bioinsumos que aportan al mantenimiento de la trama trófica de los agroecosistemas. Por otro lado, dichas tendencias son también influenciadas por la mercadotecnia, en donde la rentabilidad basada en la diferenciación del producto se pone por encima del manejo sustentable de los recursos naturales, sin conocer a ciencia cierta indicadores de consumo energético.EEA Alto ValleFil: Lorenzo, Hugo Ariel. Asesor Privado; Argentin

    Mobility business models toward a digital tomorrow: Challenges for automotive manufacturers

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    The development of digital business models is impacting the traditional value chain for mobility, implying changes as well as future challenges for automotive manufacturers. Taking a Global Value Chain approach, this work analyses the recent evolution, short-term direction, and medium- to long-term future vision of the adoption of digital mobility business models by automotive manufacturers. Results suggest that, while the firms analysed are currently incorporating relevant business models through autonomous vehicles, digital platforms, connectivity, and carsharing, they are mostly focused on marketplace exploitation through digital platforms and services related to connectivity. Key elements for the development of future mobility business models include data collection and management as well as interconnection. At the same time, digitalization is expected to reconfigure not only associated business models but also the relationships among actors within the value chain. These relationships will become more complex for automotive manufacturers, who may lose control of value-added activities and acquire dependence on certain actors such as technology and service partners, which are expected to play a pivotal role in meeting new opportunities. As a result, the decision-making power of value chain participants will likely be more widely distributed.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2020-116040RB-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GPC-ED431B 2022/10Universidade de Vigo/CISU