1,771 research outputs found

    The impact of supply chain applications annoucements on the market value of firms

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    We show that the announcement of SCM applications have a positive impact on the market value of firms using event study methodology. When SCM applications are disaggregated according to whether they are stand-alone SCM applications, or part of an enterprise system (SCM-ES) implementation, we find that the latter carry a significant value enhancement, while the former do not present a significant market reaction.SCM applications, Event study

    Una fundamentación jusnaturalista de los derechos humanos

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    Este artículo demuestra que, a menos que se reconozcan unas normas de Derecho natural, no existe ningún fundamento para los derechos humanos, lo cual significa que el jurista no podrá demostrar una razón válida para incorporarlos a la legislación positiva donde no lo estén. Una norma de Derecho natural es aquella que se deduce, por una correcta regla de inferencia lógico-deóntica, de cualquier norma positiva y, por lo tanto, existe en todos los ordenamientos jurídicos, aunque no esté formulada. Este estudio se lleva a cabo por dos vías: la historia conceptual de la noción de derechos humanos y el análisis lógico-conceptual de los mismos.This paper proves that, unless certain natural law norms are recognized, human rights lack any foundation, which means that no lawyer will be able to show any compelling reason for them to be incorporated into positive law where they have not been legally sanctioned yet. A natural law norm is one which, in virtue of some valid deontic-logic inference rules, can be deduced from any positive norm and hence exists in every legal system, even if not formally enacted. Our study contains to parts: a conceptual-historical account of the notion of human righs and a logical and conceptual analysis thereof

    Cinema as a Transmitter of Content: Perceptions of Future Spanish Teachers for Motivating Learning

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    In recent decades, the diverse changes produced have accelerated the relationships regulated by media. Cinema was able to bring together moving image and sound for the first time, and as a result of its audiovisual nature, it is a particularly suitable resource for motivation in education. In this light, the teacher’s perception for its application in its initial formal stage is highly relevant. The main objective of our research, therefore, has been to analyze the perceptions of cinema as a didactic resource for the transmission of content in preschool and primary education by students who are studying to become teachers themselves. The sample was composed of 4659 students from Spanish universities, both public and private. In addition to this, the PECID questionnaire was elaborated ad hoc and a comparative ex post facto design was adopted. The result showed that over 87% of students recognized the diverse educational potentialities of cinema, with motivation being an important factor. Furthermore, significant differences were found in perceptions according to different factors such as the type of teacher training degree, the Autonomous Community in which the student studied, as well as film consumption habits. On the basis of these results, future application of cinema needs to be applied using the different potentialities detected in our study

    El análisis de las actitudes de tolerancia entre el alumnado de primaria: el punto de partida hacia una educación intercultural

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    Comunicación presentada en el IV Congreso Internacional de Educación Intercultural "Retos internacionales ante la interculturalidad", Almería, 5-7 noviembre 2009.Con esta experiencia de investigación se pretende implicar a los futuros docentes en el conocimiento de la escuela del siglo XXI en un aspecto básico como es la tolerancia, sabiendo que en su formación deben abordar nuevos retos y estrategias diferentes, de esa manera, nuestros alumnos, como futuros maestros, sean capaces de asumir las nuevas funciones que marcan los acontecimientos culturales a favor del respeto a la diversidad como elemento necesario y creador

    Transition to College for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Needs and Facilitation Strategies. Is Virtual Reality a Useful Tool in the Transition Process?

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    The number of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) postsecondary students going to University is increasing. Nonetheless, these students face more difficulties than their neuro-typical peers, due to their communication and behaviour impairments. This fact is widely recognized worldwide, and there is an increasing concern in providing them with adequate support both in their transition and beyond. The purpose of this paper is twofold. Firstly, to provide an overall summary of the general requirements of ASD students in the postsecondary education transition with strategies for facilitation, and, secondly, to analyse the possibilities of Virtual Reality (VR) as a support instrument in the transition process. We rely on a brief review of the literature to summarize the main needs and current strategies. In spite of the increasing concern, there is room for establishing general protocols to help the transition process. The use VR in fulfilling this task appears limited, but it seems to be promising

    New Educational Challenges and Innovations: Students with Disability in Immersive Learning Environments

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    In today society, one of the most demanded challenges faced by the current educational system is the educational response to diversity in the various educational contexts. University lecturers are opening new lines of research focused on issues as social demand and current reality of produced new learning environments. The general aim of this study was to design learning environments using immersive virtual reality and evaluate improvements produced by this tool in relation to the difficulties show by the participants. From that point, an action plan was created to recreate school situations with a high degree of realism and interaction using IVRSystem. In this way, we want to obtain answers according to the dysfunctions of educational system to work with these students. This was done by a mixed design. On the one hand, a quasi-experimental methodology was used with a control group and an experimental group. On the other hand, direct and observation and applicative methodology made possible the development of educational intervention in immersive learning environments. The results obtained throughout these years have given a response to the initial problem-question raised: Can immersive virtual learning environments serve as a support tool for working disabilities of students, which have a visual learning style, such as students with autism spectrum disorders

    Scientific social networks. The social Web at the service of research

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    Las redes sociales pueden considerarse como comunidades científicas que utilizan tecnologías participativas y comunicativas para el intercambio de información. Internet es el medio que, en esta ocasión, potencia las relaciones entre especialistas con la finalidad de desarrollar sus actividades de investigación. A lo largo de esta investigación se realiza una conceptualización de las redes sociales científicas. Se profundiza en las ventajas e inconvenientes que presentan y cuáles son sus ámbitos de aplicación. Finalmente se consigue obtener cuáles han sido las redes sociales más importantes dentro del ámbito educativo y las grandes ventajas que podrían proporcionar.Social networks can be regarded as scientific communities that use participatory and communicative technologies for information exchange purposes. On this occasion, it is the Internet that promotes relationships between specialists with the aim of developing their research activities. A conceptualization of scientific social networks was carried out throughout the present research work. An in-depth study shows the advantages and drawbacks of these networks as well as their specific scopes of application. Finally, detailed information could be obtained about which social networks have been most important with the educational context and in relation to the great advantages that they are likely to bring

    The Pedagogical Model of Hybrid Teaching: Difficulties of University Students in the Context of COVID-19

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    The global pandemic caused by COVID-19 has led to changes in many areas, with educational scenarios being affected. In this sense, university education has undergone significant changes owing to the impossibility of following the fully face-to-face mode of teaching. Given this situation, the general objective of this study is to analyze the university educational scenario in the context of COVID-19 and, more specifically, to identify the difficulties perceived by students. Using a mixed quantitative–qualitative methodological approach, an ad hoc questionnaire was designed, and data were collected from a sample of 238 students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching during the 2020/2021 academic year. The results obtained have shown that students have experienced numerous difficulties in adapting to the hybrid teaching model. In this sense, it is worth highlighting the decrease in motivation, the feeling of loneliness, technical connection problems, and less interaction with the teaching staff and other students. The degree of satisfaction with the teaching received is also moderate. As a conclusion, it can be stated that the difficulties identified recommend the introduction of actions to improve the application of the teaching model implemented in favor of university excellence.This research was funded by the Vice-Rectorate for Quality and Educational Innovation of the University of Alicante, Networks-I3CE Program for Research in University Teaching (BOUA: 02/11/2020), and the APC was funded by Education Sciences Institute (ESI)

    Academic training in Spanish universities for the didactic use of cinema in pre-school and primary education

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    One of the characteristic features of current society is the relevance of technology and audiovisual media. This fact has generated demands in the educational field to adapt objectives and methodologies to non-textual languages. Among the predominant audiovisual media is the cinema, which has many potentialities as a didactic resource. Therefore, the aim of this study was to find out the training that students of the Teacher's Degree in Spanish universities receive for the didactic use of cinema through a nationwide research with survey design in which 4659 students, belonging to all the Autonomous Communities and 58 universities, participated. The questionnaire called Perceptions about the potentialities of cinema as a didactic resource in pre-school and primary classrooms (PECID) was designed ad hoc. This questionnaire, which consists of 45 items, has a section that deals with the training received for the educational use of cinema. The Spanish universities offering the Teacher Degree were identified and contacted for the dissemination of the questionnaire. The results obtained showed that 88.4% had not received training. Furthermore, 250 subjects were identified in which film content is taught, mostly in the second and third year and in the area of Didactics and School Organization. It was also found that the most frequent activities carried out are the viewing of films with individual answers to questions and the film forum. This pioneering study in Spain aims to provide information as a basis for further academic training in cinema as a resource of high educational value