975 research outputs found

    The impact of intensive high performance training on adult height of female artistic gymnasts: a retrospective study

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    Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o potencial impacto do treinamento de alta intensidade sobre as características antropométricas e maturacionais de ex-atletas da ginástica artística feminina e comparar a estatura adulta com padrões internacionais de crescimento. Uma amostra composta de 23 ex-atletas de elite da ginástica artística feminina brasileira foi avaliada. A partir de uma retrospectiva histórica média de 29,56 anos, foi determinado o tempo médio de formação [9,3 (2,6) anos], horas semanais de treinamento [24,26 (4,2)] e tempo após encerramento da carreira competitiva (13,61 ± 5,12 anos). A partir dos dados antropométricos das ginastas (quando ativas), o alvo parental da estatura das ex-atletas, de suas irmãs mais velhas (1) e mais jovens (2) foi calculado pelo método de Tanner {[(Altura do pai - 13 cm) + Altura da mãe] ÷ 2}. Além disso, o histórico de treino, idade de ocorrência da menarca e classificação do crescimento segundo os padrões internacionais, foram registrados para comparações. A estatura média das ex-atletas apresentou normalidade esperada para estatura adulta (NCHS), e em alguns casos ultrapassaram os valores dos percentis 75%, 90% e 95%. As ex-atletas foram maiores do que suas mães (p = 0,039), mas não diferiram da irmã 1 (0,952) ou irmã 2 (p = 0,998). A idade da menarca daquelas foi significantemente mais tardia do que de suas irmãs 1 (p = 0,008) e 2 ( p = 0,017). Em relação às referências brasileiras (IBGE), a altura final das ex-ginastas foi sempre maior do que o padrão nacional, ligeiramente menor do que suas irmãs 2 em alguns momentos (centis 5 e 10), mas eram mais altas do que suas mães e irmãs 1. Em conclusão, não há evidências de que o treinamento de alto impacto da ginástica artística resulte em efeitos adversos sobre a estatura adulta final das atletas.Abstract The purpose of this study was to identify the potential impact of the high performance training on the anthropometric and maturational characteristics of female artistic gymnasts and to compare the adult target height with international standards of growth. A sample consisted of 23 elite Brazilian female former gymnasts was evaluated. From a historic retrospective, about 29.56 yrs. ago (average of all) they devoted themselves to the training for 9.3 (2.6) years, with a weekly 24.26 (4.2) training hours, and had been retired from competition around at 13.61 (5.12) years old. From the anthropometric data of the gymnasts (while still competing), their parents and their older sister (1) and younger sister (2), the target height was calculated by Tanner method {[(father’s height -13 cm) + mother’s height] ÷ 2}. Additionally, training history, age of menarche occurrence, and growth classifying in accordance with the international standards was recorded, aimed at comparisons. The average stature shown normal adult stature (NCHS), and some cases surpassed the standard 75th, 90th and 95th percentile. They are higher than their mother (p = 0.039), but not their sister 1 (0.952) or sister 2 (p = 0.998), but the age of menarche was significantly later only than their sisters 1 (p = 0.008) and 2 (p = 0.017). According to the Brazilian percentiles reference (IBGE), the final height of the former gymnasts was always higher of the standard, slightly smaller than their sisters 2 (5th and 10th), but was taller than their mothers and sisters 1. In conclusion, there is no evidence of artistic gymnastics high performance training having adverse effects on the final adult height

    Blood donation: local news coverage and its role in the formation of public opinion

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    The objective of this article is to analyze how blood donation was reported over time by a printed newspaper published in Juiz de Fora, a city of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The characterization of the news allows us to evaluate the contribution of local press to the formation of the public opinion on the subject. In order to examine these newspapers publishedduring three historical periods, we have used Ground Theory as a research strategy. The reflections are supplemented by interviews with press professionals from the city. The findings reveal that the texts have a structure with recurrent information without diversification of arguments and data that might improve the public debate and reflection by citizens. In addition to other conclusions, the conversation with the journalists shows that the press has an agenda of unconditional support for blood donation, although they have the spontaneous notion that there is a need for diversification of approaches

    Motivations and Future Perspectives of Startups Entrepreneurs

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    Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar as motivações e as perspectivas futuras dos empreendedores de Startups. O modelo do estudo considera: história anterior e expectativas iniciais para motivações na idealização de um projeto de Startup; aspectos que podem facilitar e/ou dificultar os negócios, bem como a transformação pessoal no desenvolvimento desses negócios; e os aspectos que podem levar os empreendedores à persistência ou desistência da prática empreendedora, junto às perspectivas futuras. Esta pesquisa guia-se por sua natureza descritiva, de abordagem qualitativa, realizada mediante entrevistas com 12 empreendedores de Startups, com o uso da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados apontaram que a motivação dos empreendedores de Startups partiu da observação de oportunidades, influência de grupos sociais e iniciativas da faculdade. Verificou-se influência da inovação e da independência como facilitadores desses empreendimentos; e a aceitação do produto, a escassez de recursos, a formação de uma equipe de trabalho, a alta carga tributária e a imaturidade como aspectos que dificultam o desenvolvimento das Startups. O insucesso financeiro também influenciou as mudanças nos objetivos desses empreendedores. Espera-se, portanto, que esta pesquisa contribua para a ampliação do conhecimento científico sobre as motivações e as perspectivas futuras dos empreendedores de Startups, grupo ainda pouco estudado nas Ciências Sociais Aplicadas.This research aims to investigate the motivations and future perspectives of Startups entrepreneurs. The study model considers: previous history and initial expectations for motivations in the idealization of a Startup project; aspects that may facilitate and/or hinder business, as well as personal transformation in the development of these businesses; and the aspects that can lead the entrepreneurs to the persistence or withdrawal of the entrepreneurial practice, next to the future perspectives. This research is guided by its descriptive, qualitative approach, conducted through interviews with 12 Startups entrepreneurs, using content analysis. The results pointed out that the motivation of Startups entrepreneurs started from the observation of opportunities, influence of social groups and initiatives of the college. There was an influence of innovation and independence as facilitators of these enterprises; and the acceptance of the product, the scarcity of resources, the formation of a work team, the high tax burden and immaturity as aspects that hinder the development of Startups. Financial failure also influenced changes in the goals of these entrepreneurs. It is hoped, therefore, that this research contributes to the expansion of scientific knowledge about the motivations and future perspectives of the entrepreneurs of Startups, a group still little studied in the Applied Social Sciences

    Motivations and Future Perspectives of Startups Entrepreneurs

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    Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar as motivações e as perspectivas futuras dos empreendedores de Startups. O modelo do estudo considera: história anterior e expectativas iniciais para motivações na idealização de um projeto de Startup; aspectos que podem facilitar e/ou dificultar os negócios, bem como a transformação pessoal no desenvolvimento desses negócios; e os aspectos que podem levar os empreendedores à persistência ou desistência da prática empreendedora, junto às perspectivas futuras. Esta pesquisa guia-se por sua natureza descritiva, de abordagem qualitativa, realizada mediante entrevistas com 12 empreendedores de Startups, com o uso da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados apontaram que a motivação dos empreendedores de Startups partiu da observação de oportunidades, influência de grupos sociais e iniciativas da faculdade. Verificou-se influência da inovação e da independência como facilitadores desses empreendimentos; e a aceitação do produto, a escassez de recursos, a formação de uma equipe de trabalho, a alta carga tributária e a imaturidade como aspectos que dificultam o desenvolvimento das Startups. O insucesso financeiro também influenciou as mudanças nos objetivos desses empreendedores. Espera-se, portanto, que esta pesquisa contribua para a ampliação do conhecimento científico sobre as motivações e as perspectivas futuras dos empreendedores de Startups, grupo ainda pouco estudado nas Ciências Sociais Aplicadas.This research aims to investigate the motivations and future perspectives of Startups entrepreneurs. The study model considers: previous history and initial expectations for motivations in the idealization of a Startup project; aspects that may facilitate and/or hinder business, as well as personal transformation in the development of these businesses; and the aspects that can lead the entrepreneurs to the persistence or withdrawal of the entrepreneurial practice, next to the future perspectives. This research is guided by its descriptive, qualitative approach, conducted through interviews with 12 Startups entrepreneurs, using content analysis. The results pointed out that the motivation of Startups entrepreneurs started from the observation of opportunities, influence of social groups and initiatives of the college. There was an influence of innovation and independence as facilitators of these enterprises; and the acceptance of the product, the scarcity of resources, the formation of a work team, the high tax burden and immaturity as aspects that hinder the development of Startups. Financial failure also influenced changes in the goals of these entrepreneurs. It is hoped, therefore, that this research contributes to the expansion of scientific knowledge about the motivations and future perspectives of the entrepreneurs of Startups, a group still little studied in the Applied Social Sciences

    Composition of Anastrepha species (Diptera: Tephritidae) in habitats with different levels of anthropogenic activity

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    We collected Anastrepha species in three areas (urban, research station, agricultural) and compared communities by faunal indices (dominance, abundance, frequency, and constancy). Species diversity was estimated using the Q-statistic and by calculating Shannon, Margalef Pielou and Berger-Parker indices. Similarity among areas was based on Sørensen and Bray-Curtis coefficients. The urban and research station areas presented greater diversity and similarity of Anastrepha species. Species composition differed between areas, with predominance of A. fraterculus (Wiedemann, 1830) in the three areas. Distribution patterns did not differ after adjusting the geometric series. The agricultural area was the least diverse and more closely resembled the urban area in terms of abundance. The urban area and research station were the most diverse, and were similar in composition of Anastrepha species. Despite being subject to different levels of human disturbance, these results suggest that the abundance and distribution pattern of Anastrepha species are similar in all three areas

    Application of multivariable control using artificial neural networks in a debutanizer distillation column

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    LOPES, Jose Soares Batista et al. Application of multivariable control using artificial neural networks in a debutanizer distillation column.In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - COBEM, 19, 5-9 nov. 2007, Brasilia. Anais... Brasilia, 2007Abstract. This work has as objective to develop a control strategy based on neural identification of a mutivariable input- mutivariable output (MIMO) process. The plant to control was simulated in software HYSYS as a classic debutanizer column. Debutanizer distillation column is used to remove the litht components from the gasoline stream to produce Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). The quality control of the product taking away from the top of the tower is affected by the Outflow Control (FIC-100) and the Temperature Control (TIC-100).The process variables chosen are concentration of i-pentene existing in butanes stream and concentration of i-butene existing in C5+ stream. The manipulated variables chosen are reflux flow rate (the setpoint of FIC-100 in h/m3) and thermal load (the setpoint of TIC-100 in oC). The FIC- 100 is responsible for the control of reflux and the TIC-100 for the control of the temperature in the debutanizer column, changing its thermal load to keeping the C5+ production at acceptable level. The purpose is to substitute two physical controllers, FIC-100 and TIC-100, by a neural control system. An important feature of this work is the use of a control strategy composed by two neural network structures: Neuroidentifier and Neurocontroller, responsible respectively for identifying and controlling the process.The software implementation of the artificial neural networks is made using Borland C++ Builder, and its communication with HYSYS is carried through the Microsoft Component Object Model (COM

    Warifteine therapeutic treatment reduced leukocyte recruitment and anxiety-like response in ovalbumin-induced allergic pulmonary inflammation / Tratamento terapêutico com warifteína reduz recrutamento de leucócitos e resposta semelhante á ansiedade na inflamação pulmonar alérgica induzida por ovalbumina

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    Pulmonary inflammation plays a fundamental role in the pathophysiology of allergic asthma, which is characterized by lower airway obstruction, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, tissue remodeling, recruitment of inflammatory cells, with a predominance of eosinophils, in addition to behavioral disorders such as anxiety. The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of the alkaloid warifteine, from the medicinal plant Cissampelos sympodialis, on anxiety-like behavior, respiratory frequency and leukocyte recruitment in an experimental model of allergic pulmonary inflammation. Swiss female mice were sensitized and challenged with ovalbumin (OVA) throughout the experimental protocol. The animals were treated orally with warifteine (2 mg / kg), subcutaneously with dexamethasone (2 mg / kg) or intraperitoneally with diazepam (1 mg / kg), 1 h after the OVA-challenges. On the last day of the antigenic challenge, the mice were tested for behavior using the Elevated Plus Maze (EPM) and for respiratory rate using full body plethysmography. The following day, the mice were euthanized to collect the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and leukocyte count. The data obtained showed that OVA-sensitization induced a behavior similar to anxiety in mice since the EPM test showed that the OVA group increased the number of entries and the time spent in the closed arms (CA) of the apparatus and reduced these parameters in the open arms (OA) compared to the Salina group. Warifteine treatment reversed both parameters analyzed, increasing the time spent (p <0.0001) and number of entries (p <0.01) in OA, decreasing the time spent (p <0.01) and number of entries (p <0.0001) in the CA, similarly to dexamethasone and diazepam standard drugs. Warifteine also reduced the respiratory rate (p <0.01) compared to the OVA group. The behavioral and breathing changes of the tested animals showed a relationship with the increase in the total and differential inflammatory leukocyte number in the OVA group compared to the Saline group. Therapeutic treatment with warifteine decreased the inflammatory process, reducing the number of total cells (p <0.0001) dependent of eosinophils and neutrophils numbers (p <0.001), as well as the percentage of eosinophils (p <0.0001). These data show that therapeutic treatment with warifteine is able to inhibit anxiety-like behavior and respiratory rate, due to a mechanism related to the inhibition of eosinophilic migration in an experimental model of allergic pulmonary inflammation.Pulmonary inflammation plays a fundamental role in the pathophysiology of allergic asthma, which is characterized by lower airway obstruction, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, tissue remodeling, recruitment of inflammatory cells, with a predominance of eosinophils, in addition to behavioral disorders such as anxiety. The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of the alkaloid warifteine, from the medicinal plant Cissampelos sympodialis, on anxiety-like behavior, respiratory frequency and leukocyte recruitment in an experimental model of allergic pulmonary inflammation. Swiss female mice were sensitized and challenged with ovalbumin (OVA) throughout the experimental protocol. The animals were treated orally with warifteine (2 mg / kg), subcutaneously with dexamethasone (2 mg / kg) or intraperitoneally with diazepam (1 mg / kg), 1 h after the OVA-challenges. On the last day of the antigenic challenge, the mice were tested for behavior using the Elevated Plus Maze (EPM) and for respiratory rate using full body plethysmography. The following day, the mice were euthanized to collect the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and leukocyte count. The data obtained showed that OVA-sensitization induced a behavior similar to anxiety in mice since the EPM test showed that the OVA group increased the number of entries and the time spent in the closed arms (CA) of the apparatus and reduced these parameters in the open arms (OA) compared to the Salina group. Warifteine treatment reversed both parameters analyzed, increasing the time spent (p <0.0001) and number of entries (p <0.01) in OA, decreasing the time spent (p <0.01) and number of entries (p <0.0001) in the CA, similarly to dexamethasone and diazepam standard drugs. Warifteine also reduced the respiratory rate (p <0.01) compared to the OVA group. The behavioral and breathing changes of the tested animals showed a relationship with the increase in the total and differential inflammatory leukocyte number in the OVA group compared to the Saline group. Therapeutic treatment with warifteine decreased the inflammatory process, reducing the number of total cells (p <0.0001) dependent of eosinophils and neutrophils numbers (p <0.001), as well as the percentage of eosinophils (p <0.0001). These data show that therapeutic treatment with warifteine is able to inhibit anxiety-like behavior and respiratory rate, due to a mechanism related to the inhibition of eosinophilic migration in an experimental model of allergic pulmonary inflammation

    Conceitos clínicos da crise hipertensiva: a classificação e o manejo hospitalar

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    The objective of this study is to expose the main concepts about hypertensive crises and indicate the best management. The present study is a narrative review of a critical and analytical nature, in research on the main concepts regarding hypertensive crises, in addition to management. A review of articles was carried out in the databases Medical Literature Analysis and Retrievel System Online (MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Directory of Open Access Journals ( DOAJ) and PubMed, with the following Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS): Cardiology; Hypertensive crisis; Management. Clinically, an abrupt increase in blood pressure may suggest a scenario of hypertensive crisis, which, if uncontrolled, may characterize a hypertensive emergency or urgency. Arbitrarily, a diastolic blood pressure greater than 120 millimeters of mercury (mmHG) associated with acute target organ damage is called a hypertensive emergency. Therefore, hypertensive urgency would be diastolic blood pressure greater than 120 mmHg, but without target organ damage. Therefore, early diagnosis and correct therapy affect the prognosis of patients, in addition, they limit sequelae that affect the outcomes of those affected. Therefore, it is necessary to further research on hypertensive crises, especially their classifications and management, so that protocols can be developed and used in hospital practice.El objetivo de este estudio es exponer los principales conceptos sobre las crisis hipertensivas e indicar el mejor manejo. El presente estudio es una revisión narrativa, de carácter crítico y analítico, en la investigación sobre los principales conceptos referentes a las crisis hipertensivas, además de su manejo. Se realizó una revisión de artículos en las bases de datos Medical Literature Analysis and Retrievel System Online (MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Directory of Open Access Journals ( DOAJ) y PubMed, con los siguientes Descriptores de Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS): Cardiología; Crisis hipertensiva; Gestión. Clínicamente, un aumento abrupto de la presión arterial puede sugerir un escenario de crisis hipertensiva que, si no se controla, puede caracterizar una emergencia o urgencia hipertensiva. Arbitrariamente, una presión arterial diastólica superior a 120 milímetros de mercurio (mmHG) asociada con daño agudo a órganos diana se denomina emergencia hipertensiva. Por tanto, la urgencia hipertensiva sería una presión arterial diastólica superior a 120 mmHg, pero sin daño a órganos diana. Por tanto, el diagnóstico precoz y la terapia correcta inciden en el pronóstico de los pacientes, además, limitan las secuelas que afectan los desenlaces de los afectados. Por tanto, es necesario seguir investigando sobre las crisis hipertensivas, especialmente sobre su clasificación y manejo, de modo que se puedan desarrollar y utilizar protocolos en la práctica hospitalaria.O objetivo deste estudo é expor os principais conceitos acerca das crises hipertensivas e indicar o melhor manejo. O presente estudo trata-se de uma revisão narrativa de caráter crítico e analítico, na  pesquisa  sobre  os principais  conceitos  no  que tange às crises hipertensivas, além do manejo. Foi  realizada  uma  revisão  de  artigos  nas  bases  de  dados  Medical  Literature Analysis  and  Retrievel  System  Online  (MEDLINE),  Scientific  Electronic  Library  Online (SciELO), Literatura  Latino-Americana  e  do  Caribe  em  Ciências  da  Saúde  (LILACS), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) e PubMed, com os seguintes Descritores em Ciências  da  Saúde  (DeCS): Cardiologia; Crise hipertensiva; Manejo. Clinicamente, o aumento abrupto da pressão arterial, pode sugerir um cenário de crise hipertensiva, que, descontrolada, pode caracterizar emergência ou urgência hipertensiva. Arbitrariamente, uma pressão arterial diastólica  maior que 120 milímetros de mercúrio (mmHG) associada a lesão de órgão-alvo agudo, chama-se emergência hipertensiva. Logo, urgência hipertensiva seria pressão arterial diastólica maior que 120 mmHg, porém sem lesão de órgão-alvo. Logo, o diagnóstico precoce e a terapia correta afetam o prognóstico dos pacientes, ademais, limitam sequelas que afetam os desfechos dos afetados. Dessa forma, é necessário o aprofundamento de pesquisas acerca das crises hipertensivas, sobretudo, suas classificações e condutas, para que protocolos sejam desenvolvidos e utilizados na prática hospitalar.&nbsp

    Cisto dentígero associado a quarto molar supranumerário em ramo mandibular: relato de caso / A dentigerous cyst associated with a supernumerary fourth molar in the mandibular ramus: a case report

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    Objetivo:Relatar um caso clínico apresentando achados clínicos, radiográficos e histológicos de um cisto dentígero associado a um quarto molar inferior e os relevantes procedimentos pré e pós tratamento. Detalhamentos de Caso: Paciente G.E.S.F, 30  anos,  sexo masculino, encaminhado para atendimento na Clinica Escola de Odontologia do Centro Universitário do Norte (UNINORTE) em Manaus, queixando-se de dor intense. Ao exame clínico intrabucal observou-se lesão cariosa no elemento 38. Ao exame ortopantográfico foi observada presença de supranumerário 39, quarto molar, com espeçamento do folículo pericoronário. Em tomografia computadorizada foi observada imagem hipodensa sugestiva de cisto dentígero medindo 11,3x10,4x15,2mm (AxLxP), em comunicação com o meio bucal. Os cistos dentígeros são os segundos cistos odontogênicos mais comuns da mandíbula e geralmente estão associados às coroas de elementos impactados ou não erupcionados. Tendem a ocorrer em torno de terceiros molares inferiores não irrompidos e mesiodens superiores, e quando relacionados ao quarto molar, são incomuns, ocorrendo em 0,04–0,175% das populações investigadas. O tratamento proposto foi a enucleação do cisto e exodontia de terceiro e quarto molares. Considerações Finais: O cisto dentígero,  está associado a elementos impactados ou irrompidos, na maioria dos casos não apresenta sintomas de desconforto ou dor,  dai a importância de uma avaliação criteriosa e investigativa tendo em vista as condições e riscos que a permanência destes podem ocasionar