20,034 research outputs found

    Priapismo na Criança - Caso Clínico e Revisão da Literatura

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    Reporta-se um caso clínico de uma criança de 10 anos, com anemia de células falciformes que recorre ao serviço de urgência por priapismo com 12h de evolução. A propósito deste caso clínico fez-se uma revisão da literatura sobre priapismo na criança: definição, etiologia mais frequente, diagnóstico e tratamento

    Potencial de radão em setores da Zona de Ossa Morena

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    O radão é considerado a maior fonte de exposição a radiação ionizante dentro de habitações, motivo pelo qual é essencial conhecer a sua distribuição espacial. Este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo do potencial de radão de rochas aflorantes na Zona de Ossa Morena (ZOM). Para tal, foram colhidas 132 amostras nos principais setores da ZOM. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a enorme variabilidade das propriedades radiológicas e físicas nas litologias analisadas. As atividades de 226Ra e de radão são, em média, inferiores nas rochas calco-silicatadas e rochas ígneas básicas e ultrabásicas e superiores nas rochas graníticas e sienitos. Os metassedimentos, rochas de alto grau metamórfico, granodioritos, dioritos e tonalitos apresentam atividades de 226Ra e de radão intermédias e similares entre si. A porosidade, que determina a capacidade de migração de radão no meio, é superior nos metassedimentos e inferior nas rochas ígneas, independentemente do seu caráter

    Tracking e-learning through published papers: a systematic review

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    Electronic learning (e-learning) is a broader approach to learning that brings new opportunities for learning and teaching in many fields of education far from the traditional classroom environment. Over the past decades, research in the field indicates a proliferation of e-learning contents and discrepancies that affect interoperability patterns in education for students and teachers; however, little has been done to assess the usability of e-learning systems. From a different perspective, this study aims to provide information on the numerous findings relating to the cumulative results of e-learning in education. This systematic review uses a full protocol with the aim of standardizing and specifying all the procedures adopted to collect and code 99 academic articles from 2010 to 2018 with keywords: education and e-learning. The text analysis as conducted using the qualitative software Leximancer to extract meaning from the large number of articles retrieved. The results highlight four dominant themes, namely education systems and learning issues that in turn promote student behaviours and the use of online learning tools. This research contributes towards providing research propositions that can be used in a cogent theoretical framework and, based on the analysis, we also propose a new definition of e-learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Recent advances in the manipulation of circularly polarised light with cellulose nanocrystal films

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    This work is funded by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Program, National Funds through FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and POR Lisboa2020 , under the projects with references POCI- 01-0145-FEDER-007688 (Reference UID/CTM/50025), UID/BIA/00329/2013, PTDC/CTM-BIO/6178/2014, M-ERA-NET2/0007/2016 (CellColor) and PTDC/CTM-REF/30529/2017. S.N. Fernandes and L.F. Lopes acknowledge the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education for National Funds , European Social Funds and FCT for fellowships number SFRH/BDP/78430/2011 and SFRH/BPD/84478/2012 , respectively. This work was supported by the Histology and Comparative Pathology laboratory [Electron Microscopy service] of the Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes, specifically Andreia Pinto for her kind support. We would like to thank Carlos Silva for providing the C. chrysina specimen. The C. aurata specimen observed was provided by the Insect Collection of the National Museum of Natural History and Science, University of LisboSignificant advances have been made to control the iridescence and the selective reflection of left circularly polarised (LCP) light, and transmission of right circularly polarised (RCP) light of solid films prepared from cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs). However the manipulation of the photonic properties of the CNCs films, which reflect both RCP and LCP light is less investigated. Solid films prepare from natural sources as CNCs have advantageous characteristics that are absent in other synthetic structures, such as wide availability and renewability. Here we review and compare recent research activity involving the production and characterization of photonic band gap structures resulting from an anisotropic layer inserted between two cholesteric layers with different helical pitches but the same handedness. We make connections between systems existing in Nature and synthetic ones with the hope of advancing in the production and manipulation of CNCs-based photonic structures.authorsversionpublishe

    Novos dados petrográficos, geoquímicos e isotópicos sobre a área de concessão de Boa Fé (Montemor-o-Novo, Zona de Ossa-Morena)

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    A área do estudo situa-se na Zona de Cisalhamento de Montemor-o-Novo (Maciço de Évora, Zona de Ossa-Morena - ZOM). O trabalho incidiu sobre amostras de metassedimentos e metabasitos da Série Negra (Ediacarano), bem como de granitos tardi-variscos. Os metassedimentos vão de micaxistos a paragnaisses com a associação, de pico metamórfico, Qz+Pl+Bt+Ms+Opq ±Tur±Sil±Crd+Zrn. Os metabasitos são anfibolitos com paragénese Pl+Hbl+Qz+Mag+Ilm±Bt. Quer nos metassedimentos quer nos metabasitos, existem testemunhos de duas fases de deformação importantes, sendo uma xistosidade de crenulação a estrutura mais penetrativa. Aquelas duas fases de deformação dúctil deverão corresponder às fases variscas D1 e D2 do autóctone da ZOM. Ocorreu ainda deformação posterior, testemunhada por kinks e processos de subgranulação e recristalização afetando alguns grãos em zonas confinadas às proximidades imediatas de fraturas tardias, a qual deverá relacionar-se com a fase D3. Os granitos tardi-variscos são fortemente peraluminosos, tendo como minerais mais abundantes quartzo, microclina, plagioclase sódica e moscovite. Como acessórios ocorrem biotite, zircão, apatite, opacos, turmalina e silimanite. Em termos isotópicos, os valores de εSr320Ma variam entre +93 e +182, enquanto a gama de valores para εNd320Ma vai de -6.7 a -9.0, compatíveis com um forte contributo de anatexia dos metassedimentos da Série Negra na génese dos magmas que deram origem aos granitos tardi-variscos.The study area is located within the Montemor-o-Novo Shear Zone (Évora Massif, Ossa-Morena Zone - OMZ). The analysed samples are of metasediments and metabasites of the Série Negra lithostratigraphic unit (Ediacaran) and of late-Variscan granites. The metasediments are micaschists to paragneisses displaying Qz+Pl+Bt+Ms+Opq±Tur±Sil±Crd+Zrn as peak metamorphic assemblage. The metabasites are amphibolites displaying the paragenesis Pl+Hbl+Qz+Mag+Ilm±Bt. Microstructures observed in both types of metamorphic rocks document two major ductile deformation phases. The most penetrative tectonic anisotropy is a crenulation schistosity. Those major deformation phases probably correspond to the Variscan D1 and D2, previously recognized in the autochthon of the OMZ. There is also evidence for a later deformation stage, likely related to the Variscan D3: some grains, in narrow zones adjacent to late fractures, show kinks or were affected by subgranulation and recrystallization. The studied late-Variscan granites are strongly peraluminous, and have quartz, microcline, Na-plagioclase and muscovite as the most abundant minerals. Biotite, zircon, apatite, opaques, tourmaline and sillimanite occur as accessory minerals. Considering isotope geochemistry, εSr320Ma varies between +93 and +182, whilst the εNd320Ma values go from -6.7 to -9.0. These data can be explained by a strong involvement of anatexis of the Série Negra metasediments in the genesis of the granitic magmas

    Determinação da glicemia e índice glicêmico do cogumelo Agaricus brasiliensis em modelo de ratos Wistar normais e efeitos diabéticos por aplicação de estreptozotocina.

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    Trabalho apresentado no XV Congresso Latinoamericano de Nutricion e XVI Jornadas de la Sociedad Chilena de Nutrición, 2009, Santiago do Chile