58 research outputs found

    Infection néonatale bactérienne précoce : Quand mettre sous antibiotique et quelle antibiothérapie ? Early bacterial neonatal infection: When to indicate antibiotic treatment and what antibiotic therapy ?

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    Objective. Propose a relevant management strategy that can identify newborns with a bacterial infectious risk and those under clinical monitoring alone or in combination with parenteral antibiotic therapy.Methods. Retrospective study carried out between SA < 42, suspected of early bacterial infection and monitored in Maternity and in the Neonatology Unit of the Hospital Group Carnelle Portes of Oise [Val France]. The clinical-biological and bacteriological data, the therapeutic strategy and the evolution are analyzed. Results. Two hundred and forty newborns were eligible and divided into three groups: 120 asymptomatic newborns with antenatal criteria for bacterial infectious risk [G1NAS], 70 symptomatic newborns with antenatal criteria for bacterial infectious risk [G2NSCARIB] and 50 symptomatic newborns without antenatal criteria of bacterial infectious risk [G3NSSCARIB]. Inflammatory biology is limited tocolonized G1NAS newborns and symptomatic groups. The identified bacteria [Peripheral samples, gastric fluid, blood and cerebrospinal fluid] were mainly the Streptococcus of the group and the E Coli. Antibiotic therapy has been shown to be useful in asymptomatic newborns with inflammatory syndrome and bacteria identified on peripheral samples and gastric fluid, but  also in all symptomatic newborns. Conclusion. In a early bacterial infection, an interventionist attitude is required, but early antibiotic therapy is only useful in the situation of symptomatic newborns. On the otherhand, in the asymptomatic newborns, antibiotic therapy will be reserved for those carrying both an identified bacteria and an inflammatory syndrome. Contexte et objectif. L‟infection néonatale bactérienne précoce est greffée d‟une forte mortalité et morbidité conduisant à une antibiothérapie probabiliste sans délai souvent à posteriori inutile. L‟objectif du présent travail était de proposer une stratégie de prise en charge pertinente susceptible de bien identifier les nouveau-nés à risque infectieux bactérien et ceux relevant d‟une surveillance clinique seule ou associée à une antibiothérapie parentérale.    Méthodes. Etude documentaire menée entre janvier 2014 et janvier 2016 sur des nouveau-nés de 36≥SA<42, suspects d‟infection bactérienne précoce et suivis en Maternité et dans l‟unité de Néonatologie du Groupe Hospitalier Carnelle Portes de l‟Oise [Val D‟Oise, France]. Les données clinico-biologiques et bactériologiques, la stratégie thérapeutique et l‟évolution sont analysées.  Résultats. Deux cent quarante nouveau-nés [NNES] ont été éligibles et repartis en trois groupes : 120 NNES asymptomatiques avec critères anténatals de risque infectieux bactérien [G1NAS], 70 NNES symptomatiques avec critères anténatals de risque infectieux bactérien [G2NSCARIB] et 50 NNES symptomatiques sans critères anténatals de risque infectieux bactérien [G3NSSCARIB]. La biologie inflammatoire est limitée aux NNES du groupe G1NAS colonisés et aux groupes symptomatiques. Les germes identifiés [Prélèvements périphériques, liquide gastrique, sang et liquide céphalorachidien] ont été principalement le Streptocoque du groupe β et l‟E Coli. L‟antibiothérapie s‟est avérée utile chez les NNES asymptomatiques avec syndrome inflam-matoire et germes identifiés sur les prélèvements périphériques et liquide gastrique, mais aussi chez tous les NNES symptomatiques.                                                                    Conclusion. Chez un NNE âgé de ≥ 36SA et suspect d‟infection bactérienne précoce, une attitude interventionniste est de rigueur, mais l‟antibiothérapie sans délai n‟est utile que dans les situations des NNES symptomatiques. En revanche, chez les NNES asymptomatiques, l‟antibiothérapie sera réservée à ceux porteurs à la fois d‟un germe et d‟un syndrome inflammatoire

    Magnetoelectric MnPS3 thiophosphate as a new candidate for ferrotoroidicity

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    We have revisited the magnetic structure of manganese phosphorus trisulfide MnPS3 using neutron diffrac- tion and polarimetry. MnPS3 undergoes a transition toward a collinear antiferromagnetic order at 78 K. The resulting magnetic point-group breaks both the time reversal and the space inversion thus allowing a linear magnetoelectric coupling. Neutron polarimetry was subsequently used to prove that this coupling provides a way to manipulate the antiferromagnetic domains simply by cooling the sample under crossed magnetic and electrical fields, in agreement with the nondiagonal form of the magnetoelectric tensor. In addition, this tensor has, in principle, an antisymmetric part that results in a toroidic moment and provides with a pure ferrotoroidic compound

    Detour and break optimising distance, a new perspective on transport and urbanism

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    International audienceFrom a discussion about the mathematical properties of metrics, we identify three fundamental characteristics of distance, which are optimality, detour and break. We then explore the implications of these properties for transport planning, urbanism and spatial planning. We state that distances contain the idea of optimum and that any distance is associated to a search for optimisation. Pedestrian movements obey this principle and sometimes depart from designed routes. Local sub-optimality conveyed by public transport maps has to be corrected by interventions on public space to relieve the load on central parts of networks. The second principle we state is that detour in distances is most often a means to optimise movement. Fast transport systems generates most of the detour observed in geographical spaces at regional scale. This is why detour has to be taken into account in regional transport policies. The third statement is that breaks in movement contribute to optimising distances. Benches, cafés, pieces of art, railway stations are examples of the urban break. These facilities of break represent an urban paradox: they organise the possibility of a break, of a waste of time in a trip, and they also contribute to optimising distances in a wider network. In that sense break should be considered as a relevant principle for the design of urban space in order to support a pedestrian oriented urban form

    Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay Impacts MSI-Driven Carcinogenesis and Anti-Tumor Immunity in Colorectal Cancers

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    Nonsense-mediated mRNA Decay (NMD) degrades mutant mRNAs containing premature termination codon (PTC-mRNAs). Here we evaluate the consequence of NMD activity in colorectal cancers (CRCs) showing microsatellite instability (MSI) whose progression is associated with the accumulation of PTC-mRNAs encoding immunogenic proteins due to frameshift mutations in coding repeat sequences. Inhibition of UPF1, one of the major NMD factors, was achieved by siRNA in the HCT116 MSI CRC cell line and the resulting changes in gene expression were studied using expression microarrays. The impact of NMD activity was also investigated in primary MSI CRCs by quantifying the expression of several mRNAs relative to their mutational status and to endogenous UPF1 and UPF2 expression. Host immunity developed against MSI cancer cells was appreciated by quantifying the number of CD3ε-positive tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs). UPF1 silencing led to the up-regulation of 1251 genes in HCT116, among which a proportion of them (i.e. 38%) significantly higher than expected by chance contained a coding microsatellite (P<2×10−16). In MSI primary CRCs, UPF1 was significantly over-expressed compared to normal adjacent mucosa (P<0.002). Our data provided evidence for differential decay of PTC-mRNAs compared to wild-type that was positively correlated to UPF1 endogenous expression level (P = 0.02). A negative effect of UPF1 and UPF2 expression on the host's anti-tumor response was observed (P<0.01). Overall, our results show that NMD deeply influences MSI-driven tumorigenesis at the molecular level and indicate a functional negative impact of this system on anti-tumor immunity whose intensity has been recurrently shown to be an independent factor of favorable outcome in CRCs

    Association Between Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Blood Markers of Liver Injury

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) may contribute to the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. We performed a multisite cross-sectional study to evaluate the association between the severity of OSA and blood markers of liver steatosis (using the hepatic steatosis index), cytolysis (based on alanine aminotransferase activity), and significant liver fibrosis (based on the FibroMeter [Echosens] nonalcoholic fatty liver disease score) in 1285 patients with suspected OSA in France. After adjusting for confounders including central obesity, the risk of liver steatosis increased with the severity of OSA (P for trend &lt; .0001) and sleep-related hypoxemia (P for trend &lt; .0003 for mean oxygen saturation). Decreasing mean oxygen saturation during sleep also was associated independently with a higher risk of liver cytolysis (P for trend &lt; .0048). Severe OSA conferred an approximate 2.5-fold increase in risk for significant liver fibrosis compared with patients without OSA, but the association between OSA severity and liver fibrosis was not maintained after adjusting for confounders

    Proper Orthogonal Decomposition based 3D microPIV: Application to electrothermal flow study

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    Since late 1990\u92s, micron-resolution particle image velocimetry (?PIV) has been widely developed to measure fluid flow velocities field in microchannels [1]. While 2D ?PIV method has been extensively investigated, accurate 3D ?PIV still remains challenging to implement since it usually requires specialized and expensive equipments (e.g. confocal, stereo imaging or holography microscopes) [2]. In the present work, the out-of-plane velocity component w is reconstructed from in-plane components (u,v), using fluid incompressibility. We use Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) to decompose u and v into its dominant n eigenfunctions ånk =1 ak(z)fk(x;y) thereby filtering noise and simplifying the signal. In addition, those eigenfunctions are well suited to solve incompressibility equation since they enable independent differentiation and integration. Our method is applied to an AC electrothermal fluid flow, which was previously studied experimentally and numerically[3]

    Constrictive bronchiolitis obliterans. Characterisation of fibrogenesis and lysyl oxidase expression patterns.

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    International audienceThe process leading to irreversible fibrotic constriction of the bronchioles was studied in two cases of bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) after bone marrow transplantation. Because lysyl oxidase (LOX) is the main collagen cross-linking enzyme that might account for irreversible fibrosis, its expression was studied together with expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Characteristic types of lesions could be distinguished on the basis of histological and immunohistological criteria. An inflammatory stage was characterised by infiltration restricted to the bronchioles by lymphocytes and dendritic cells. A fibro-inflammatory stage was characterised by the coexistence of a persistent immune cellular lesion pattern with further focal modelling of a sub-epithelial neo-synthesised connective matrix. LOX expression was observed at the tips of intra-luminal fibrotic protrusions, together with tenascin and cellular fibronectin. A fibrotic stage was characterised by dense ECM deposits spreading throughout the peri-bronchiolar connective tissue, resulting in bronchiole obliteration and final disappearance. In contrast to reversible cases of fibrosis, persistence of long-term LOX expression reflecting continuing fibrosing activity might account for the irreversible status of BO. Our two cases illustrated that, at inflammatory and fibro-inflammatory stages, BO may be stabilised by immunosuppressive treatment, while the persistence of LOX expression in the fibrotic stage might correspond to a disease that becomes irreversible and fatal.The process leading to irreversible fibrotic constriction of the bronchioles was studied in two cases of bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) after bone marrow transplantation. Because lysyl oxidase (LOX) is the main collagen cross-linking enzyme that might account for irreversible fibrosis, its expression was studied together with expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Characteristic types of lesions could be distinguished on the basis of histological and immunohistological criteria. An inflammatory stage was characterised by infiltration restricted to the bronchioles by lymphocytes and dendritic cells. A fibro-inflammatory stage was characterised by the coexistence of a persistent immune cellular lesion pattern with further focal modelling of a sub-epithelial neo-synthesised connective matrix. LOX expression was observed at the tips of intra-luminal fibrotic protrusions, together with tenascin and cellular fibronectin. A fibrotic stage was characterised by dense ECM deposits spreading throughout the peri-bronchiolar connective tissue, resulting in bronchiole obliteration and final disappearance. In contrast to reversible cases of fibrosis, persistence of long-term LOX expression reflecting continuing fibrosing activity might account for the irreversible status of BO. Our two cases illustrated that, at inflammatory and fibro-inflammatory stages, BO may be stabilised by immunosuppressive treatment, while the persistence of LOX expression in the fibrotic stage might correspond to a disease that becomes irreversible and fatal

    Nature et idéal. Le paysage à Rome 1600-1650

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    La mostra raccoglie esempi di dipinti e disegni del genere di paesaggio detto poi "ideale", diffusosi a Roma nella prima metà del SeicentoThe exhibition shows paintings and drawings included in the landscape genre called 'ideal', which had been practiced in Rome in the first half of the seventeenth-centur

    Fibrosing vasculitis in Wegener's granulomatosis: ultrastructural and immunohistochemical analysis of the vascular lesions.

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    International audienceThis study of two cases of pulmonary Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) focuses on the ultrastructural aspects of the vascular wall injury and on the immunohistochemical characterization of the perivascular connective matrix. The iterative waves of endothelial cell necrosis and regeneration are demonstrated by the multilamellar appearance of the basal lamina. Neutrophils infiltrate the vessel wall and myofibroblasts are recruited to injured vessels. The perivascular connective matrix associates basement-membrane like and fibrillar material with fibrin deposits. The initiation of the fibrosing process was assessed by the visualization of matrix molecules involved in targeting (p-fibronectin), organizing (cellular fibronectin and tenascin) and stabilizing (lysyl-oxidase) the fibrogenic activity. These elementary lesions affect different levels of the vascular tree, and capillaritis is involved in the extension of the pathological process. Lysyl-oxidase labelling reveals the fibrosing front which is located on the border of dense fibrosis. The markers of fibrosing activity disappear in the areas of fibrosis following vasculitis and/or ischaemic necrosis and/or granulomatosis. Vasculitis plays a major role in both the genesis and progression of the fibrosis observed in the late stage of WG.This study of two cases of pulmonary Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) focuses on the ultrastructural aspects of the vascular wall injury and on the immunohistochemical characterization of the perivascular connective matrix. The iterative waves of endothelial cell necrosis and regeneration are demonstrated by the multilamellar appearance of the basal lamina. Neutrophils infiltrate the vessel wall and myofibroblasts are recruited to injured vessels. The perivascular connective matrix associates basement-membrane like and fibrillar material with fibrin deposits. The initiation of the fibrosing process was assessed by the visualization of matrix molecules involved in targeting (p-fibronectin), organizing (cellular fibronectin and tenascin) and stabilizing (lysyl-oxidase) the fibrogenic activity. These elementary lesions affect different levels of the vascular tree, and capillaritis is involved in the extension of the pathological process. Lysyl-oxidase labelling reveals the fibrosing front which is located on the border of dense fibrosis. The markers of fibrosing activity disappear in the areas of fibrosis following vasculitis and/or ischaemic necrosis and/or granulomatosis. Vasculitis plays a major role in both the genesis and progression of the fibrosis observed in the late stage of WG
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