292 research outputs found

    Semiconductor detectors for neutron flux measurements

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    Abstract Silicon detectors with 235U converter for neutron flux measurements over a wide energy range (from thermal up to epithemal neutrons) have been developed. The surface-barrier detectors with plastic converters were developed for fast neutron detection

    Peculiarities of neutron irradiation influence on GaP light-emitting structures

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    GaP LEDs irradiated by reactor neutrons were studied by optical and electrical methods. The observed emission intensity degradation is related with two factors: 1) radiation fields that destroy bond excitons and 2) decrease in the free charge carrier concentration, which is caused by their capture by radiation defects. Study of currentvoltage characteristics at 77 K by highly precession methods has revealed the appearance of N-shaped negative differential region caused by carrier tunneling onto deep levels in quantum wells, which might exist in initial and irradiated p-n structures. In some cases, improvement of current-voltage characteristics after neutron irradiation is observed. An assumption is made about the radiation-stimulated origin of this effect

    Effect of thermomechanical treatment modes on structural-phase states and mechanical properties of metastable austenitic steel

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    The features of the structural-phase states and mechanical properties of metastable austenitic steel after thermomechanical treatments have been investigated. It is shown that low-temperature and subsequent deformation in the temperature range 300–773 K contributes to the direct (γ → α′)-martensitic transformation. The combination of low-temperature, subsequent warm deformation at 873 K and annealing at 1073 K leads to the direct (γ → α′)- and reverse (α′ → γ)-martensitic transformations. As a result of thermomechanical treatments submicrocrystalline two-phase structural states with high strength properties (σ0.1 ≈ 1160–1350 MPa) are formed

    Regularities of the deformed microstructure of ferritic-martensitic steel EP-823 after high-temperature thermomechanical treatment

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    The features of the microstructure of 12% chromium ferritic-martensitic steel EP-823 near the neck region of samples deformed by tension at T=-70, -40 °C, 20 °C and in the temperature range close to the reactor core operating temperatures of T = 650, 720 °C after high-temperature thermomechanical treatment (HTMT) are investigated. It is shown that at negative and room temperatures plastic deformation leads to curvature and fragmentation of martensitic lamellae, formation of new low-angle boundaries and a significant increase in the dislocations density. Deformation at high temperature contributes to the dynamic recovery, dynamic polygonization and increased sizes of carbide and carbonitride particles (M23C6 and MX type)

    Features of deformation localization in stable austenitic steel under thermomechanical treatment

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    Features of structural states of Fe-18Cr-14Ni-Mo austenitic steel after thermomechanical treatment, including low-temperature and warm rolling deformation, were investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy. It is shown that mechanical twinning in multiple systems and strain localization bands contribute to grain fragmentation with the formation of the submicrocrystalline austenitic structure. These bands lie in the miсrotwin structure, have high-angle (≈60°–90°, 〈110〉) misorientations of the crystal lattice relative to the matrix and localize significant (up to ≈1) shear strain. In areas of the bands, structural states with high (tens of deg/μm) curvature of the crystal lattice and high local internal stresses are observed. The internal structure of the bands is presented by nanoscale fragments of austenite and α′-martensite. The presence of specific misorientations and fragments of martensite means that the formation mechanism of localized deformation bands are direct plus reverse (γ → α′ → γ) martensitic transformations with the reverse transformation follows by an alternative path. These structural states provide high strength properties of steel: the yield strength is up to 1150 MPa

    Thermal stability of Ti-C-Ni-Cr and Ti-C-Ni-Cr-Al-Si nanocomposite coatings

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    The results of the microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties investigations of Ti-C-Ni-Cr and Ti-C-Ni-Cr-Al-Si nanocomposite coatings based on amorphous carbon in the initial state and after the annealing to 900 °C are presented. The effect of annealing temperature on the microstructure, tribological and mechanical properties of Ti-C- Ni-Cr and Ti-C-Ni-Cr-Al-Si nanostructured coatings is discussed


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    Concept of financial stability of bank and economic essence of bank’s credit activity are considered in the article. The indexes of financial stability and indexes of efficiency, profitability, liquidity of bank establishment, and also economic indicators and norms of the banking system are analysed.Crediting activation assists the further increase of economy, development and origin of new entities, creation of workplaces, development infrastructure of country, those are basis of financial stability. In parallel, crediting is one direction of banks’ activity, that provides their profitability.The article is dedicated to the analysis of tendencies and features of credit activity of domestic banks. Efficiency of management of credit activity JSC CB "Privatbank" and JSC "Oschadbank" on the modern stage of economic development are analized. Authors analyse the structure of a loan portfolio JSC CB "Privatbank" and JSC "Oschadbank", efficiency of management of a loan portfolio by correlation of basic management parameters - profitability and risk. The analytical estimation of the credit activity state of JSC CB "Privatbank" and JSC "Oschadbank" and its influence on financial stability of the banking system, and also on return on assets of the indicated bank institutions and optimal strategy of banks’ credit activity.The modern state is analysed and practical recommendations are sunstantiated in relation to the improvement of bank institutions’ credit activity with the aim of providing their financial stability.Conclusions about the necessity of efficiency management crediting of domestic banks’ increase by optimal forming and management of a loan portfolio at a minimum level of risk are drawn.В статье рассмотрено понятие финансовой устойчивости банка и экономическая сущность кредитной деятельности банков. Осуществлено аналитическую оценку состояния кредитной деятельности банковских учреждений и ее влияние на финансовую устойчивость банковской системы. Проанализировано современное состояние и обоснованы практические рекомендации по совершенствованию кредитной деятельности банковских учреждений.У статті розглядаються поняття фінансова стабільність банку та економічна сутність кредитної діяльності банку. Аналізуються показники фінансової стабільності та показники рентабельності, прибутковості, ліквідності банківської установи, а також економічні показники та норми банківської системи.Активізація кредитування сприяє подальшому зростанню економіки, розвитку та виникненню нових суб'єктів господарювання, створенню робочих місць, розвитку інфраструктури країни, що є основою фінансової стабільності. Паралельно кредитування є одним з напрямків діяльності банків, що забезпечує їх прибутковість.Стаття присвячена аналізу тенденцій та особливостей кредитної активності вітчизняних банків. Проаналізовано ефективність управління кредитною діяльністю АТ КБ «Приватбанк» та АТ «Ощадбанк» на сучасному етапі економічного розвитку.  Авторами проаналізовано структуру кредитного портфеля АТ КБ «Приватбанк» та АТ «Ощадбанк», ефективність управління кредитним портфелем за співвідношенням основних параметрів управління - прибутковості та ризику. Визначено аналітичну оцінку стану кредитної активності АТ КБ «Приватбанк» та АТ «Ощадбанк» та її вплив на фінансову стабільність банківської системи, а також на рентабельність активів вказаних банківських установ та оптимальну стратегію кредитної діяльності банків.Проаналізовано сучасний стан та обґрунтовано практичні рекомендації щодо поліпшення кредитної діяльності банківських установ з метою забезпечення їх фінансової стабільності.Зроблено висновки про необхідність підвищення ефективності управління кредитуванням вітчизняних банків шляхом оптимального формування та управління кредитним портфелем при мінімальному рівні ризику